Abdurazzoq’s notes @abdurazzoq_notes Channel on Telegram

Abdurazzoq’s notes


Run by @Abdurazzoq_Khanov

Abdurazzoq’s notes (English)

Are you looking for insightful notes on a wide range of topics? Look no further than Abdurazzoq’s notes! This Telegram channel, run by @Abdurazzoq_Khanov, is a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom. Abdurazzoq, a knowledgeable individual passionate about sharing valuable information, curates notes that cover various subjects such as technology, science, self-improvement, and more. Whether you are a student seeking additional resources for your studies or simply someone who enjoys expanding their knowledge, this channel is perfect for you. Join Abdurazzoq’s notes today and let each note take you on a journey of learning and discovery!

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Jan, 15:40

Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Jan, 10:44

You and me together, nothing is better.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Jan, 07:46

"The safest way of not being very miserable is not to expect to be very happy."

— Schopenhauer

Abdurazzoq’s notes

19 Jan, 19:35

"Yaxshiyam sen borsan."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

19 Jan, 15:49

"Chunki sen meni oldimda har doim baxtli bo'lgansan"

Abdurazzoq’s notes

18 Jan, 08:08

Tushlarda ko'rishmoq ham bir g'anitmatdir.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

16 Jan, 18:56

"While one still breathes, one still has hope. At least, in some form."

— Cicero

Abdurazzoq’s notes

16 Jan, 11:27

"We should not, like sheep, follow the herd of creatures in front of us, making our way where others go, not where we ought to go."

— Seneca

Abdurazzoq’s notes

16 Jan, 05:17

"The eyes, chico. They never lie."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

15 Jan, 17:42

Hech kimdan hech nima kutmasdan yashayapman. Shunisi yaxshi ekan.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

15 Jan, 07:24

"Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough."

— Richard Feynman

Abdurazzoq’s notes

14 Jan, 20:46

Someday we will read books together. I hope that day comes.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

14 Jan, 20:20

"U haqida gapirganingizda ko'zingizda olovni ko'ryapman."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

13 Jan, 13:51

"Take the measure of your life: it does not have room for so many things."

— Seneca

Abdurazzoq’s notes

13 Jan, 10:16

— Uyim bu yerda emas edi, adashib qoldikmi?

— Yo'q, shunchaki uzoqroq yo'ldan yuryapman.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

12 Jan, 08:16

"Maybe it was nothing to you, but it was my heart."

— Mahmoud Darwish

Abdurazzoq’s notes

12 Jan, 06:32

"Every time I hear your name in a story or a song, I stop, as if the universe is trying to tell me something about you.”

Abdurazzoq’s notes

11 Jan, 20:55

Let's meet again, for the first time.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

11 Jan, 11:58

“Take the high road; it’s far less crowded”

Abdurazzoq’s notes

11 Jan, 11:55

Istalgan narsaga erishishni eng oson yo'li o'sha narsaga arzish.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

11 Jan, 10:42


— Qalb kasalligiga nima doringiz bor?

Abdurazzoq’s notes

10 Jan, 22:36

"It's 4 AM
I can't turn my head off
Wishing these memories would fade
They never do
Turns out people lied
They said, "Just snap your fingers"
As if it was really that easy for me to get over you"

Abdurazzoq’s notes

10 Jan, 12:44

I wanna see you when I open my eyes just like I see you when I close my eyes.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

10 Jan, 07:29

Where is the happy ending?

Abdurazzoq’s notes

08 Jan, 20:27

Thoughts... They keep me awake.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

08 Jan, 19:08

Marry me, I have great books.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

08 Jan, 07:26

How lucky I am to be alive at the same time as you.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

07 Jan, 20:49

"I saw something today that would’ve made you laugh, and it hurt that I couldn’t share it with you.”

Abdurazzoq’s notes

07 Jan, 18:58

"Good things are happening, I wish I could call you and tell you about them"

Abdurazzoq’s notes

06 Jan, 20:09

"From the moment I saw her, I knew it was worth the broken heart."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

06 Jan, 14:26

O'zgartira olmagan narsalarimizga ko'nikamiz.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

05 Jan, 17:00

Seni bir daqiqaga mumkinmi?

Bir umrgachi?

Abdurazzoq’s notes

05 Jan, 07:53

So, this is life?

Abdurazzoq’s notes

04 Jan, 20:35

Some things are meant to happen but not to last.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

04 Jan, 17:45

The world is against me. Otherwhise it would not be fair.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

04 Jan, 13:29

Anything I love, I lose.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

03 Jan, 07:17

"Nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you are thinking about it."

— Daniel Kahneman

Abdurazzoq’s notes

01 Jan, 20:36

In my mind, I am always the best.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

01 Jan, 10:26

"For our spirit is never greater than when it lays aside everything not its own. By fearing nothing, it finds peace; by desiring nothing, it finds wealth."

-- Seneca

Abdurazzoq’s notes

31 Dec, 13:09

Mukammal qilinmagandan qilingani yaxshiroq.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

30 Dec, 16:06

"O'ylasam rozi bo'lib qo'yaman."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

30 Dec, 08:14

"I'm a person—a man—and I can't live with just books and tapes and electronic mazes. You say, 'see other women.' How can I when I don't know any other women?
Something inside is burning me up, and all I know is it makes me think of you. I'm in the middle of a page and I see your face on it— not blurred like those in my past, but clear and alive. I touch the page and your face is gone and I want to tear the book apart and throw it away."

— From "Flowers for Algrenon"

Abdurazzoq’s notes

28 Dec, 13:05

With some people it feels like you've known them forever.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

27 Dec, 07:51

Jumadan jumagacha yashab yuribmizda.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

26 Dec, 14:03

Just because I carry it well doesn't mean it's not heavy.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

26 Dec, 13:08

It takes one minute to fall in love and a century to forget.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

25 Dec, 12:42

Dear future kids, I may not yet find ur mother but..

I found your cool uncles.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

24 Dec, 17:51

The hardest thing in life is finding somebody you can’t live without, and then living without them.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

24 Dec, 06:40

In 2025:

Ask the girl.
Shoot the shot.
Start the business.
Quit the job.
Take the risk.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

23 Dec, 19:39

"And when you told me what your favorite book was, I bought it and read it over and over... trying to find pieces of you in it."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

23 Dec, 07:26

You can't be normal and expect abnormal returns.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

22 Dec, 13:28

"The price of loving someone very much is never loving anyone again."

— Dostoevsky

Abdurazzoq’s notes

22 Dec, 10:59

"There were tears running down my face, but I did not cry."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

21 Dec, 08:43

“That’s the thing about pain, it demands to be felt.”

— The fault in our stars

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Dec, 18:35

Kuta oladi degani, kuttirish kerak degani emasku.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Dec, 13:21

I pretend it doesn't bother me, but it's tearing me apart.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

19 Dec, 17:23

Suddenly all the love songs were about you.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

19 Dec, 07:46

— Boshida qiyin bo'ladi.

— Keyin yaxshi bo'lib ketadimi?

— Yo'q, shunchaki ko'nikasan.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

18 Dec, 10:07

"One loves the sunset, when one is so sad."

— The little prince

Abdurazzoq’s notes

17 Dec, 15:48

E'tiborsiz qoldirsa choy ham soviydi.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

16 Dec, 19:22

"May Allah facilitate the right marriage."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

16 Dec, 17:01

Some people are worth waiting for. For example, you.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

15 Dec, 16:03

Unsaid words are the heaviest.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

15 Dec, 05:46

You, me and a little bit of forever.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

14 Dec, 07:43

"We are what we repetadely do."

— Aristotle

Abdurazzoq’s notes

12 Dec, 13:26

"I see a sweetness in her smile,
Bright light shines from her eyes
But life is complete-contentment is mine, Just knowing that she's alive."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

02 Dec, 00:01

I miss the times when reality used to feel better than sleep.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

01 Dec, 10:14

When something is for you, it will not run or hide or avoid being yours.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

01 Dec, 08:31

I saw it in your eyes. It's always in the eyes...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

01 Dec, 03:10

This year I met the most broken version of me.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

29 Nov, 11:06

But I see her, in the back of my mind...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

28 Nov, 08:20

Learn to ask of all actions, "Why are they doing that?" Starting with your own.

— Marcus Aurelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

28 Nov, 08:17

How many traits do you have that would make a lot of people glad to be rid of you?

— Marcus Aurelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

27 Nov, 19:06

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

— Rumi

Abdurazzoq’s notes

27 Nov, 11:55

Stop talking about what the good man is like, and just be one.

— Marcus Aurelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

27 Nov, 11:53

When you wake up, ask yourself:
Does it make any difference to you if other people blame you for doing what's right?

— Marcus Aurelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

27 Nov, 09:37

There is no sadness in sunsets.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

25 Nov, 18:18

Azroildan qo‘rqqan odam 

Bir kuni Hazrati Sulaymon, alayhissalom, do‘stlari bilan birga o‘tirar edilar. Hazrati Azroil, alayhissalom, kirib o‘tirganlardan biriga diqqat bilan boqdilar. U odam Azroilning, alayhissalom, bunday boqishlaridan juda qo‘rqib ketdi. So‘ngra Hazrati Sulaymonga: 
— Ey Payg‘ambarim, menga yordam qiling, haligina Azroil menga qattiq tikilib qaradi. Mening jonimni oladi chog'i, — dedi. 
Sulaymon, alayhissalom, undan: 
— Xo‘sh, nima qilayin? Mendan nima istaysan? — deb so‘radilar. 
— Shamolga amr bering, meni Hindistonga eltib tashlasin. Shoyad Azroilning panjasidan qutulib qolsam... — dedi. 
Sulaymon, alayhissalom, uning istagini bajo keltirdilar. Shamolga buyurib, uni Hindistonga jo‘natdilar.
Ertasi kuni Azroil yana ko‘rishmoq uchun Sulaymon, alayhissalom, huzurlariga keldi.
Suhbat davomida Hazrati Sulaymon: 
— Kechagi odamga tikilib qaramoqning boisi nima edi? — deya so‘radi. 
Azroil esa: 
— Chunki Alloh taolo menga bu odamning jonini Hindistonda olishni amr etgan edi. Uni bu yerda ko‘rib, juda hayron qoldim. Allohning amrini yanglish anglamadimmikan, deya hayratlandim. Shu bois unga diqqat bilan boqqan edim. Buyruqni to‘g‘ri anglagan ekanman. Oradan biroz o‘tib, Hindistonga bordim. Uni o‘sha yurtdan topib, jonini oldim. 

Abdurazzoq’s notes

25 Nov, 09:59

You can also commit injustice by doing nothing.

— Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

25 Nov, 09:45

Ba'zida "hammasi tugadi" deganingda, hammasi endi boshlangan bo'ladi.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

24 Nov, 14:16

if the story's over, why am i still writing pages?

Abdurazzoq’s notes

24 Nov, 13:53

"Kitob yozsam, sen uchun alohida bo'lim ajrataman."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

24 Nov, 13:49

Ko'ngil shunaqa, unga buyruq berib bo'larmidi.
Bera olsang ham, u tinglarmidi...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

24 Nov, 09:58

What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.

— Sun Tzu

Abdurazzoq’s notes

23 Nov, 07:21

We have only one day and that is today.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

22 Nov, 20:51

What use is there in keeping a secret from human beings? Nothing is hidden from God. God is in our minds; God enters into the midst of our thoughts. I say enters — as if he had ever left!

— Seneca

Abdurazzoq’s notes

21 Nov, 13:20

"Nasib emas ekan" — Naqadar go'zal jumla...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

21 Nov, 04:12

Three relationships:

i with the body you inhabit;
ii. with the divine, the cause of everything in all things;
iii. with the people around you.

— Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

21 Nov, 01:52

"Atrofiya" bo'lib ketishidan ehtiyot bo'ling

Biologiyada tanadagi to‘qimalar, a'zolar yoki hujayralarning kamayishi yoki zaiflashishi "atrofiya" deb nomlanadi.

Masalan mushaklar uzoq vaqt ishlatilmasa, ular kichrayib, kuchsizlanadi.

Atrofiya faqat tanamizda sodir bo'lmaydi.

Oxirgi 20 yilda o'rtacha fokus berish qobiliyatimiz 2 yarim daqiqadan 45 soniyaga tushibdi.

Dunyoda bor 7000 tildan naqd yarimi yo'qolib ketish arafasida turibdi.

O'zimizda nima gap?

Uzoq vaqt davomida kitob o'qimasak yoki o'rganmasak bilim va fikrlash qobiliyatimiz pasayadi.

— Sport bilan shug'ullanmasak, mushak kuchi va chidamliligi pasayadi; Tezroq qariymiz.

— O'rganayotgan tilimizni ishlatishni ko'p muddatga to'xtatsak, uni unutishni boshlaymiz.

Xulosa qilib aytganda, bilganlaringizga amal qilib turing. Atrofiya bo'lib ketmasin.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Nov, 17:13

Shu kanaldagi sizga eng yoqqan post/quote qaysi?

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Nov, 10:24

"And why should we feel anger at the world?

As if the world would notice!"

— Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Nov, 10:21

Treat what you don't have as nonexistent. Look at what you have, the things you value most, and think of how much you'd crave them if you didn't have them. But be careful.
Don't feel such satisfaction that you start to overvalue them — that it would upset you to lose them.

— Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Nov, 09:11

Better-than-average-effect ( BTAE )

1981-yilda Amerikalik haydovchilar orasida o'tkazilgan tadqiqotda 93% haydovchilar o'zlarini o'rtachadan xavfsizroqman deyishadi.

Boshqa bir tadqiqotda esa 87% Amerikalik haydovchilarning oxirgi oyda xavfli yo'l transport xodisasi sodir qilgani isbotlanadi.

Xo'sh, kim aldayapti?

Fanda buni "O'zini o'rtachadan yaxshiroq deb bilish effekti" nomlashadi.

"BTAE"ni o'zimizda juda ko'p holatlarda ko'rishimiz mumkin:

— Biz boshqalardan aqlliroq

— Biz kuchliroq sevamiz

— Biz sog'lomroqmiz

List tugamaydi...

Bunaqa fikrlash o’zimizga nisbatan bo’lgan ishonchimizni oshiradi, lekin ba’zan bu ishonch haqiqatdan yiroq bo’lishi mumkin.

Hayotda haqiqiy ustunlik - bu o’zingizni realistik ko’ra olish va kamchiliklaringiz ustida ishlashda.

O'ylaganingizga har doim ham ishonavermang!

Abdurazzoq’s notes

19 Nov, 21:02

A little wisp of soul carrying a corpse...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

17 Nov, 09:35

If you want to give yourself a thorough evaluation, set aside your money, your house, your rank, and look within yourself. Until you do that, you know what you are like only from what other people tell you.

— Seneca

Abdurazzoq’s notes

17 Nov, 08:15

Disgraceful: for the soul to give up when the body is still going strong.

-- Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

17 Nov, 07:53

If it's humanly possible, you can do it too.

-- Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

14 Nov, 19:55

Odamlar tushimga kirishini pullik qilib qo'ya olganimda, hozir boy bo'lib ketarmidim...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

14 Nov, 14:28

Hamma narsadan ma'no qidirsangiz, uni yo'qotib qo'yasiz.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

14 Nov, 11:56

Beautiful things of any kind are beautiful in themselves and sufficient to themselves. Praise is extraneous. The object of praise remains what it was—no better and no worse. This applies, I think, even to "beautiful" things in ordinary life physical objects, artworks.

Does anything genuinely beautiful need supplementing? No more than justice does or truth, or kindness, or humility. Are any of those improved by being praised? Or damaged by contempt? Is an emerald suddenly flawed if no one admires it? Or gold, or ivory, or purple? Lyres? Knives?
Flowers? Bushes?

— Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

14 Nov, 11:24

"Disturbance comes only from within — from our own perceptions."

— Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

13 Nov, 08:08

If you do the job in a principled way, with diligence, energy and patience, if you keep yourself free of distractions, and keep the spirit inside you undamaged, as if you might have to give it back at any moment— If you can embrace this without fear or expectation-can find fulfillment in what you're doing now, as Nature intended, and in superhuman truthfulness (every word, every utterance)-then your life will be happy.
No one can prevent that.

— Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

13 Nov, 07:59

Never regard something as doing you good if it makes you betray a trust, or lose your sense of shame, or makes you show hatred, suspicion, ill will, or hypocrisy, or a desire for things best done behind closed doors.

— Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

13 Nov, 07:38

The human soul degrades itself:

i. Above all, when it does its best to become an abscess, a kind of
detached growth on the world. To be
disgruntled at anything that happens is a kind of secession from Nature, which comprises the nature of all things.

ii. When it turns its back on another person or sets out to do it harm, as the souls of the angry do.

iii. When it is overpowered by pleasure or pain.

iv. When it puts on a mask and does or says something artificial or false.

v. When it allows its action and impulse to be without a purpose, to be random and disconnected: even the smallest things ought to be directed toward a goal. But the goal of rational beings is to follow the rule and law of the most ancient of communities and states.

— Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

12 Nov, 18:57

Live boldly, take risks, and create a beautiful life for yourself.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

11 Nov, 16:45

"The best revenge is not to be like that."

— Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

10 Nov, 16:18

It is so cold outside. Can I stay in your heart?

Abdurazzoq’s notes

09 Nov, 02:15

"There are times when just continuing to live is a courageous action."

— Seneca

Abdurazzoq’s notes

08 Nov, 20:15

Dunyo shunchalar torki, unda ko'rging kelmagan insonlarni qayta-qayta uchratishga majbursan. Dunyo shunchalar kengki, sen yonida bo'lmoqchi bo'lgan insonlaring har doim uzoqda.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

08 Nov, 07:22

Don't cry because it is ending. Smile because it has happened.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

07 Nov, 11:42

Haqiqiy ish bu siz hech kim ko'rmaganda qilganingiz. Hamma ko'ryaptimi, demak ishlamayapsiz.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

07 Nov, 09:27

"You fear to die; are you alive now?"

— Seneca

Abdurazzoq’s notes

07 Nov, 08:41

You think you are unique?

Right now, someone is on their way back home after a long day...

Someone just lost a loved one..

Someone is struggling to keep it all together..

Someone just found out their days are numbered..

Someone just got fired from their job..

Someone just had their heart broken..

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

06 Nov, 18:40

"Atirgulni sevgan inson tikoniga ham chidashi kerak."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

05 Nov, 22:35

"A tragedy, when a mature mind and A romantic heart are in the same body."

- Nizar Qabbani

Abdurazzoq’s notes

05 Nov, 10:02

"Both the past and the future are absent; we have no sensation of either. And where you have no sensation, there is no source of pain."

— Seneca

Abdurazzoq’s notes

05 Nov, 03:09

"Yolg'on gapirishni o'rgatamiz. Faqat to'lov oldindan."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

05 Nov, 02:36

"One whose mind is on receiving forgets what he has already received. Of all the evils of acquisitiveness, the worst is ingratitude."

— Seneca

Abdurazzoq’s notes

03 Nov, 13:07

Lemon tea. Me and you. Talk about life.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

02 Nov, 13:13

Olov o'chganiga ancha bo'ldi. Kullari bilan yashab yuribmiz.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

31 Oct, 15:52

Ahmoqlarga mazza, xohlagancha yashaydi. Aqllilar esa hamma narsani savolga tutadi.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

30 Oct, 15:48

It is not the external events that disturb us, but our perceptions and judgments about them.

-- Marcus Arelius

Abdurazzoq’s notes

30 Oct, 08:06

It's not only what you see that matters; it's how you see. Our minds are too clouded to see things as they really are.

— Seneca

Abdurazzoq’s notes

29 Oct, 20:07

Last 18 days. A lot of things are about to change. Goodbyes... Hellos...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

29 Oct, 18:44

Hech kim bilmaydigan yaxshiliging bormi o'zi?

Abdurazzoq’s notes

28 Oct, 15:56

Knowing the truth is always better.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

28 Oct, 15:24

Hayotimam korzinkani eshigidek bo'lib qoldi. Odamlar bemalol kirib-chiqib ketishyapti...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

28 Oct, 04:42

Sometimes all you need is a break from people.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

27 Oct, 18:13

Ba'zi odamlar oyoq kiyimga kirib qoladigan toshga o'xshaydi. Chiqarib yubormaguningcha yurishga qiynlasan.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

27 Oct, 17:38

Sometimes you just wanna escape. Go far away and never come back...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

25 Oct, 07:40

Uxlasang-u, uyg'onmasang. Shirin tushlar bilan bir umr yashasang...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

25 Oct, 07:12

Unutishing uchun ketqazgan vaqting faqat ko'nikish uchun yordam beradi.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

24 Oct, 11:25

“Let us say what we feel, and feel what we say; let speech harmonize with life.”

— Letters to Lucilius, Epistle 75

Abdurazzoq’s notes

23 Oct, 17:33

Odamlar bor – odamlarning naqshidur, odamlar bor – hayvon undan yaxshidur.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

23 Oct, 16:07

We’re all trying to get away from something. But no matter how fast you run, you can’t escape what’s inside you.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

22 Oct, 08:03

Baxtli oilalarning hammasi bir-biriga o'xshaydi, baxtsiz oilalarning esa har biri o'zicha baxtsizdir.

©L. N.Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"

Abdurazzoq’s notes

22 Oct, 07:12

It's not over until I win.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

21 Oct, 18:56

"When you stop growing, you start dying."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

21 Oct, 10:10

Ma'nosiz kunlar,
Mazmunsiz tunlar,
Bu mahzun ko'zlar
Nimadirni so'zlar...

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Oct, 19:28

"In the end, we'll all become stories."

— Margaret Atwood

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Oct, 18:48

"Hech kimning ko'nglidan topmadik makon. Yuzlari gul ediyu, qalblari tikon."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Oct, 17:54

— ...Ammo siz meni kutmasligingiz kerak. Hech qachon... Biror narsani kutib yashash juda qo'rqinchli...
— Siz buni tushunmaysiz, Robbi. Eng qoʻrqinchlisi — kutish uchun hech kim, hech nima boʻlmasligi...


Abdurazzoq’s notes

20 Oct, 08:52

"Sukunat bo'lgan joyda qalblar suhbatlashadi."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

19 Oct, 10:10

"The love of comfort is often the enemy of greatness."

— Todd Henry

Abdurazzoq’s notes

18 Oct, 10:07

"Men inson g'azablanganda va havoyi nafsga berilganida uning yoqasidan tutaman."

— Shayton

Abdurazzoq’s notes

18 Oct, 07:58

Vaqtni bergan zotga vaqt ajratmaymizmi?

Abdurazzoq’s notes

18 Oct, 07:44

Hammani o'z haqiqati bor. Boshqalarniki bilan o'zingnikini adashtirib qo'yma.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

16 Oct, 12:18

Nurture your mind by reading.
Nurture your body by exercising.
Nurture your soul by praying.

Abdurazzoq’s notes

16 Oct, 09:48

"Without friends, no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods."

— Aristotle

Abdurazzoq’s notes

16 Oct, 07:46

"Sevaman!" deysanu, etasan isyon,
Bu holing ajoyib, bo'laman hayron.
Itoat qilgin-da, sevsang gar albat,
Sevgan suyganiga etar itoat.

- Robiatul Adaviyya

Abdurazzoq’s notes

15 Oct, 17:50

"You are getting soft brother. Soft and weak..."

Abdurazzoq’s notes

15 Oct, 15:52

Some people don't like anybody who is famous. And some people don't like anybody who isn't.