Barno's channel @ielts9_with_barno Channel on Telegram

Barno's channel


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BARNO- ielts 8 (L8.5, R9, W7, S8)
ABU BAKR - ielts 9 (L9, R9, W8,5 S8.5) tomonidan o’rgatib boriladigan bilim topasiz

Let’s develop together ✈️✈️

Barno's channel (Uzbek)

Barno's kanali - Bu kanalda siz BARNO- ielts 8 (L8.5, R9, W7, S8) va ABU BAKR - ielts 9 (L9, R9, W8.5, S8.5) tomonidan o’rgatib boriladigan bilimni topasiz. Biz birgalikda rivojlansangiz, qanday deya tushunmadim. Ikkinchilarga ishonch hosil qilganlar, eng yaxshilari bo'lishni unutmang. Sizning ielts natijalaringizni oshirish uchun biz bilan birgalikda yuragingizni kuchaytiradigan darslarga qo'shiling. Bizning kanalda siz o'zingizni eng yaxshi his qilsangiz, shunday qilib, bilim va ko'nikmalarizni rivojlantirasiz. Uni chet elda o'qishga tayyorlang yoki bandlar vaqtingizda vaqtincha murojaat qilishning yaxshi vaqtini toping. Sizga o'zini o'zini belgilashda yordam beradigan o'ziga xos xususiyatga ega biror narsa borligini aniqroq his qila olasiz. Bizning kanalda sizga o'zingizga ishonch hosil qilishga yordam beramiz va ielts imtihonini lavozim uchun yuksak natijalarga erishishda sizni boshqarishga yordam beramiz. Biz bilan birgalikda yuragingizni kuchaytitgan darslarda qatnashganingizda, ielts natijalaringizni oshirishingiz va yangi yuksak malakaga erishingizda yordam bera olaylik. Ielts imtihonida yuksak natijalarga erishish uchun bizning kanalimizga qo'shilishingizni tavsiya qilamiz. Biz bilan birgalikda siz joyini topadi, sabr qiling va ielts natijalaringizni oshiring.

Barno's channel

22 Aug, 11:18

Difference between poisonous and venomous?

Barno's channel

20 Aug, 12:19

Immigrate - move into
Emigrate - move from


Barno's channel

19 Aug, 17:45

Wanna see the real beauty? Look at the moon now😊

Barno's channel

18 Aug, 10:31

Found both, thank you so much😇

Barno's channel

18 Aug, 09:58

I am trying to find 2 movies on Telegram. 1.1984 2. Whiplash

Can someone help me with this, pls?

Barno's channel

18 Aug, 09:52

My individual student's homework for one lesson. Work hard, achieve what you want😊

For online individual lessons, contact @Barno_077

Barno's channel

17 Aug, 18:24

A formula for success 😊

Barno's channel

17 Aug, 18:24

Prayer, workout, good sleep, hard work.

Barno's channel

17 Aug, 06:34

1️⃣Chat gpt prompt u use to evaluate ur task 2 essay and improve it.

"You are George, a certified IELTS writing examiner, whose job is to evaluate essays and provide insightful feedback based on the official marking criteria provided in the attached file."

Attach the band descriptors (if it is ChatGPT-4)

Free chatgpt use:

Barno's channel

17 Aug, 04:31

Good morning everyone

Let's start the day by watching this video

Have a beautiful day ahead 😊

Barno's channel

16 Aug, 11:46

⚡️ Endi B2 olgan yoshlarga ham pullari qaytariladi

◾️ Faqat ingliz tilidan tashqari ma'lum tillar uchun.

Yangi qarorga ko'ra:

2024-yil 1-sentyabrdan 2027-yil 1-yanvargacha yoshlarning nemis, fransuz, koreys, xitoy va yapon tillari bo‘yicha xalqaro imtihon tizimlarida imtihon topshirish xarajatlari qoplab berilishi uchun ular tomonidan to‘planishi lozim bo‘lgan ballning (sertifikat darajasining) minimal ko‘rsatkichi bir pog‘ona pasaytiriladi.


Barno's channel

16 Aug, 07:25

Who is more interested in taking risks the young or the old?

Well, I think generally, it is youngsters, as they have youthful exuberance  and more energy compared to older people. They want to try out new things and see the world  from a different angle, thereby discovering their own talents or interests, preferences. That's why we often see younger people who is doing some bungee jumping or trying scuba diving for the first time. When it comes to older people,  I think they are quite risk-averse. This is because they have more life experience and more responsibilities that hinder them from taking risks. So, yeah, generally it is the youth who are more curious about taking risks.

Barno's channel

16 Aug, 07:20


Barno's channel

16 Aug, 07:12

How could you achieve 8.5 in listening and reading? I'm stuck at 7.5 in listening and finding it difficult to improve beyond that score. Did you also have such experience? If so, how did you overcome it?


Barno's channel

16 Aug, 06:30

Band 7.5 sample

Describe your first at school

Well, my first day school was around 16 years ago back when I was living in Kashkadarya.  I vividly remember I woke up quite earlier on that day because I was really excited to go to school, to meet new people, to acquire knowledge. I had a brother who had gone to school two years earlier than me and when he started school, I was going to the kindergarten and every morning and I used to  throw tantrums, I was quite whimsy and I was saying I want to go to school with my brother but my parents didn't allow me even if they did I wouldn't be accepted to the school. Because I was quite young right but finally that they came and I was so happy that I was going to school. I had anticipation that was built up for several weeks. I was literally flying, you know, I was feeling like on the cloud nine after going I was shocked to see so many children gathered there. That was the first time, I'd seen so many people gathered in one place. We were having School gathering was all School teachers and school students and they were explaining new rules, but was really exciting and I remember every moment of it after that. We went to classrooms. My father guided me. I think I would have been lost without the help of him. And after going in the first thing that I saw was the Blackboard with a chalk on it and I was really curious to draw something with the help of that chalk on that Blackboard. Highlight of the day was when our teacher, Jabborova,  read a story for us. It was about friendship after that. We made some friends and my best friend was Nigora. We got on like a house on fire with her from very first day.  Because we had a lot of things in common and we have been friends for around 16 years since then. Looking back. I understand that that was a pivotal day and my academic Journey.

Barno's channel

15 Aug, 19:57