Hadeeth Reminders @hadeeth_reminders Channel on Telegram

Hadeeth Reminders


All the Ahadeeth that are posted in this channel are either from www.salafipublications.com (Sahih Al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) / authentic websites / the books that admins of the channel possess - so that authenticity of channel is maintained...

Hadeeth Reminders (English)

Welcome to Hadeeth Reminders! This Telegram channel is dedicated to sharing authentic Ahadeeth from sources such as Sahih Al Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and other reputable websites. The admins of the channel are committed to maintaining the authenticity of the content shared, ensuring that the information provided is reliable and trustworthy. Whether you are looking for daily reminders from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or seeking to deepen your knowledge of Islamic hadiths, Hadeeth Reminders is the perfect channel for you. Stay connected with us for valuable insights, spiritual guidance, and reminders of the beautiful teachings of Islam. Join us today and embark on a journey of enlightenment and inspiration!

Hadeeth Reminders

18 Feb, 07:27


Hadeeth Reminders

09 Feb, 20:12

if you find any mistakes in our designs, kindly email us at [email protected]/ [email protected]/[email protected]

Note: We won't reply to any unnecessary emails so please if its not related to design please refrain from emailing.

Hadeeth Reminders

31 Jan, 18:26

Fasting in Sha'ban

Hadeeth Reminders

09 Jan, 06:09

How sins divide

Hadeeth Reminders

07 Jan, 20:00

If Allah sends punishment upon a nation….

Hadeeth Reminders

07 Jan, 08:28

Don't scorn the blessings of Allah!


Hadeeth Reminders

07 Jan, 06:13

Marriage in the Revelation

Hadeeth Reminders

07 Jan, 03:23

The state of the heart of one who sincerely repents to Allāh The Most High...


Hadeeth Reminders

05 Jan, 08:41

The Burning Desire And The Burning Oven

Hadeeth Reminders

01 Jan, 14:59

Our scholars - may Allāh have mercy on them - have mentioned that [Imām] Mālik believed that it was impermissible to adorn the grave because that is considered from the beatifications and decorations whilst the grave is a stopover in the afterlife and not a place for decorations; 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.

Book: The Reminder About the Condition of the Dead and the Events of the Afterlife -At - Tadhkirah-
Author: Al-Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abu Bakr bin Farah al-Qurtubi (D. 671H) | Translation: Osman Hamid | Pg 50 | Reviewed and Edited: Hikmah Publications


Hadeeth Reminders

01 Jan, 11:06

Ibn Hajar al- Asqalānī said,

The Sunnah when sitting to eat is to kneel down with the top of the feet resting upon the floor, or to sit with the right knee up, resting on the left foot.

Book: A Commentary on the Depiction of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Shama'il Muhammadiyyah), By Imam Abu Isa at Tirmidhi (d.279), Compiled and Translated by Ayman ibn Khalid, Published by Dar al- Arqam, Page 182


Hadeeth Reminders

01 Jan, 11:06


Ibn al-Uthaymin said,

The Prophet ﷺ ate like that so that he would not become too comfortable and eat too much. This is because, usually when a person sits in this manner, he does not feel too comfortable and this causes him to become unable to eat excessively. If he is not comfortable he will never eat to excess, but if he is comfortable he will.

Abdul Razzaq al-Badr said,

This hadith is fully narrated in the Musnad of Imām Ahmad and its wording is: "Dates were presented to the Prophet ﷺ so he divided it equally to be distributed amongst the [needy] people and I was the one who was sent to give it away. After he finished, I saw him eating whilst sitting in a kneeling position and this made me realise that he was hungry." Musnad Ahmad (13101)

This hadith shows he gave priority to other persons who had a similar condition (i.e. hunger) despite the fact that he was hungry himself.


Hadeeth Reminders

01 Jan, 06:16

Prepare for Ramadan with these audio online classes...

Welcome Ramadān – Khutbah by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis


Prepare Yourself for the Month of Mercy and Forgiveness: Ramadān – Khutbah by Abu Khadeejah


Sahih Muslim: Explanation of the Book of Fasting – Ramadan Seminar - Aqbul-Abbaas Moosaa Richardson, Abu Suhailah Umar Quinn & Abu Muhammad al-Maghribi


Ramadan Lessons Moosa Richardson


Utilise Ramadān To Rectify Yourselves by Abu Idrees


Ramadan Is A Remedy For Diseases Of Heart – Khutbah By Hasan Somali


Ramadan A Month Of Repentance! by Hasan Somali


Ramadān Is A Period Of Happiness For The Believer – Khutbah by Abu Khadeejah


Fasting in Ramadān According to the Sunnah – Lessons by Abu Khadeejah


The Book of Fasting in Ramadān – from the explanation of Zād Al-Mustaqni’ – Series by Abu Khadeejah 2017


Benefit From Ramadān Before it’s Over By Abu Hakeem


Remaining Focused After Ramadān – Lecture by Abdulilah Lahmami


How Muslims Should Celebrate Eid Day – Short lesson by Abu Khadeejah


Hadeeth Reminders

28 Dec, 15:49

A beautiful supplication of our Prophet ﷺ. Learn it and teach it to your family and friends. Is there anything better than being loved by Allaah, but attaing His love is by having the correct belief, and doing righteous deeds and staying away from what He has prohibited...


Hadeeth Reminders

28 Dec, 15:47

A du'aa the Prophet (may Allāh honour him and grant him peace) would say often. Memorise it, understand its meaning, say it often & teach it to your family, for trials and tribulations keep increasing, so we need to ask Allāh continuously to protect our hearts from deviating.


Hadeeth Reminders

28 Dec, 15:46

Our beloved Prophet ﷺ, the Leader of all the Prophets, did NOT have knowledge of the unseen....


Hadeeth Reminders

28 Dec, 15:39

Don't follow the Prophet (ﷺ) in his 'Aqeedah (belief), nor worship Allaah تعالى the way he (ﷺ) prescribed, nor follow him (ﷺ) in his manners and characteristics but claim to love him, a strange claim of love...


Hadeeth Reminders

28 Dec, 15:33

The envier in reality is an enemy of the blessings of Allāh, the envier is not pleased, nor happy to see others do well and succeed and many other evil traits the envier possesses. And for this reason the Prophet (may Allāh protect him and grant him peace) said:


Hadeeth Reminders

28 Dec, 15:31

The Prayer brought comfort and delight to the Prophet ('alayhis-salam). How can the Muslim not love and look forward to the Prayer, wherein, he/she will be standing in front of the One Who has blessed them with countless blessings!


Hadeeth Reminders

28 Dec, 15:26

The truthfulness of the Prophet (may Allāh honour him and grant him peace):

Hadeeth Reminders

28 Dec, 10:18


Hadeeth Reminders

28 Dec, 10:17


Hadeeth Reminders

17 Dec, 08:19

Are we from those who only remember and turn to Allaah عز وجل in times of difficulty? And forget our Generous and Merciful Lord in our times of ease and well-being, which He blessed us with...


Hadeeth Reminders

15 Dec, 20:30

‎Would you congratulate anyone who insulted & abused you, or your parents, or a loved one? Never! So, how can a Muslim celebrate a festival which insults Allāh & if not celebrating it, how can a Muslim congratulate them for insulting Allāh تعالى , ponder over the following:


Hadeeth Reminders

11 Dec, 18:57

Give in charity because there will come a time 🕰️…….

Hadeeth Reminders

11 Dec, 16:10

A tremendous hadeeth that should increase your love and gratitude to Allaah تعالى for His countless favours...


Hadeeth Reminders

10 Dec, 05:58

‎A blessing and favour of Allāh سبحانه وتعالى many of us overlook and do not pay much attention to...

Hadeeth Reminders

09 Dec, 12:14

بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

May Allāh make these accounts beneficial for us all. Kindly join & share In- Shāʾ-Allāh.

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Charity work initiatives, and reminders to motivate us to spend for the sake of Allāh, In- Shāʾ-Allāh.

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𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿: https://x.com/pearls_ftbw?s=21

Kindly note that all the materials shared on these accounts are sourced from primary Salafi references and the statements of well-known scholars. Nothing will be based on the personal opinions of any of the admins, in shāʾ Allāh. We are not students of knowledge; hence we will only share the works of the scholars & recognized students of knowledge, in shāʾ Allāh. May Allāh accept it from us.

Hadeeth Reminders

05 Dec, 07:54

If this is the punishment for praying 1 Prayer intentionally without wudhu, then what about the punishment for those who DO NOT even pray or miss Prayers intentionally?!


Hadeeth Reminders

02 Dec, 10:39

A sin from the major sins...

Hadeeth Reminders

28 Nov, 12:04

If your wealth reaches the threshold limit - it is 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘂𝗹𝘀𝗼𝗿𝘆 for you to pay Zakat once a year has passed.

𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗶𝗱 𝗽𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘁!⬇️



Hadeeth Reminders

22 Oct, 05:27

The humility of our Prophet ﷺ, reflect over this hadeeth, what would the Prophet ﷺ say to those who call upon him?......


Hadeeth Reminders

21 Oct, 16:06

Reciting Soorah Al-Baqarah is a means of protection for you home from the Shaytān, is a recorded recitation sufficient or must one recite the Soorah itself?


Hadeeth Reminders

21 Oct, 12:23

A tremendous hadeeth, may Allaah give us the tawfeeq (success and ability) to implement it, aameen.


Hadeeth Reminders

10 Oct, 14:45

Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) would often make duʿā (supplication) saying:
يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِكَ
“O You who turns the hearts, establish my heart upon your religion.” Anas (Allah be pleased with him) said: “O Prophet of Allah! But we believe in you, and in that which you have brought to us, so do you fear for us?” He replied:
نَعَمْ إِنَّ الْقُلُوبَ بَيْنَ أُصْبُعَيْنِ مِنْ أَصَابِعِ اللَّهِ يُقَلِّبُهَا كَيْفَ يَشَاءُ
“Yes, for indeed the hearts are between two fingers from the fingers of Allah, and He turns them about as He wills.”

(Tirmidhi 2140, Ibn Mājah 3834, and graded saheeh by Shaikh Al-Albāni in Mishkāt al-Masābeeh, no. 102)



Hadeeth Reminders

03 Oct, 15:55


Abdul Razzaq al-Badr said,
There are two etiquettes to learn from this hadith, they are: (i) eating with three fingers and licking them after finishing eating. However, some scholars have said that eating with three fingers is not for soupy types of food i.e. it is for finger foods that can be collected in the three fingers, and ii) licking the fingers after finishing the meal.

Book: A Commentary on the Depiction of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Shama'il Muhammadiyyah), By Imam Abu Isa at Tirmidhi (d.279), Compiled and Translated by Ayman ibn Khalid, Published by Dar al- Arqam, Page 181


Hadeeth Reminders

03 Oct, 13:54

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was accused of being a liar, a mad poet, and magician.
He never took revenge of those accusations.

Narrated 'Aisha (radiallahu anha):
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) never took revenge for his own self in any matter presented to him till Allah's limits were exceeded, in which case he would take revenge for Allah's sake. (Bukhari)

We will be tested with accusations. Turn to the one who has given them the authority and repent. Don't take revenge!


Hadeeth Reminders

02 Oct, 15:23

The man who was thrown out by the ground after being buried…

Hadeeth Reminders

27 Sep, 09:43

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

Exciting News!

We're thrilled to announce few series for exclusive lecture series on Sabeel Ul Mumineen channel!

Join us every:

Monday: The Book of Knowledge By Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn — Read by ʿUthmān Ibn Muṣṭafá

Tuesday: Imam Sa' adī's Poem: The Journey to Allāh and the Abode of the Hereafter -By Abu Ukaashah Abdul-Hakeem

Wednesday: A Glimpse at the Stories in the Quran - Shaykh Uways at-Taweel

Friday: Character of the bearers of the Quran

Saturday: Supporting the Distressed from the Plots of Shaytān -Uways at-Taweel

Notes will be provided, but we encourage subscribers to make their own notes and engage in deeper study.

Subscribe to our channel @Sabeel_ulMumineen and stay updated!

Pre-recorded lectures
Jazakumullah khairan.

Hadeeth Reminders

26 Sep, 17:21

On the authority of the Prophet ﷺ who said:

Indeed, Allāh has honor, surely the believer has honor and the honor of Allāh is violated if the servant commits what He has forbidden him from.

Collected by al-Bukhārī in The Book of Marriage [5223], and Muslim in The Book of Repentance [2761].
Book: The Disease and The Cure By Imām Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawzīyah | Translated by Osman Hamid | Hikmah Publications | P. 365



Hadeeth Reminders

16 Sep, 07:55

The Disbeliever In Hell-Fire

Hadeeth Reminders

15 Sep, 07:51

The hadīth states, ❝Whoever satisfied people through the dissatisfaction of Allāh, Allāh will turn those who praise him against him.❞

Tirmidhī, #2414 on the authority of 'Ā'ishah (radiyAllāhu 'anhā), see Sahīh al-Tirmidhī.

Book: Captured Thoughts By al-Hāfiz Abū'l-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzī | Translated and Published by Dār as-Sunnah Publishers | P. 957


Hadeeth Reminders

13 Sep, 12:13

From the Virtues of Umm al-Mu’minīn Khadījah رضي الله عنها


Ibn al-Qaiyyim said: This merit (i.e. salutations from Allah) is not known to have occurred for any woman besides her.


Hadeeth Reminders

10 Sep, 11:17

Beware of Backbiting

Hadeeth Reminders

07 Sep, 20:48

The Good Deeds from al-Jāhiliyyah


Hadeeth Reminders

07 Sep, 20:47

Taste the Sweetness of Faith

Hadeeth Reminders

07 Sep, 20:46

Do not Steal from Your Own Ṣalāḥ

Hadeeth Reminders

03 Sep, 10:48

The Importance of Fajr and Asr Prayers

Narrated Jarir (radiallahu anhu):

We were sitting with the Prophet ﷺ and he looked at the moon on the night of the full-moon and said, "You people will see your Lord as you see this full moon, and you will have no trouble in seeing Him, so if you can avoid missing (through sleep or business, etc.) a prayer before sunrise (Fajr) and a prayer before sunset (Asr) you must do so."


Careless with regards to the Fajr Prayer

By Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Al Badr


Hadeeth Reminders

02 Sep, 10:42


Hadeeth Reminders

30 Aug, 06:57

السلام عليكم ورحمة اللّٰه وبركاته

At Ravissements Naturals, we remind ourselves and others to ponder upon the blessings of Allah that we sometimes take for granted.


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Kindly Share With Your Family And Friends.

جزاكم اللّٰه خيراً كثيراً وبارك اللّٰه فيكم

Hadeeth Reminders

28 Aug, 08:03

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barkatuhu..

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