ووته زيرينەكان - كلام ذهبي - Golden words is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing inspiring and motivational quotes in Kurdish. The channel, with the username @golden_words99, aims to spread positivity and wisdom through the power of words. The title, which translates to 'Golden words' in English, reflects the valuable and enlightening content that the channel provides. Whether you are seeking daily doses of encouragement or looking for uplifting messages to share with others, this channel is the perfect place for you. The quotes shared on ووته زيرينەكان - كلام ذهبي - Golden words cover a wide range of topics, including love, success, perseverance, and spirituality. Each quote is carefully selected to inspire and motivate you to live your best life. Joining this channel will not only uplift your spirits but also connect you with like-minded individuals who appreciate the beauty of profound words. Remember, as the channel reminds us, 'Patience is key, as the hereafter is better for you than the first.' Embrace the wisdom shared on ووته زيرينەكان - كلام ذهبي - Golden words and let it guide you towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.
15 Jan, 08:26
14 Jan, 09:41
13 Jan, 16:46
12 Jan, 20:17
09 Jan, 13:30
06 Jan, 20:33
06 Jan, 15:57
06 Jan, 12:16
05 Jan, 16:06
04 Jan, 19:12
03 Jan, 18:09
03 Jan, 11:38
03 Jan, 10:55
03 Jan, 08:28
03 Jan, 03:10
02 Jan, 14:54
02 Jan, 03:28
30 Dec, 21:12
30 Dec, 08:41
26 Dec, 10:18
25 Dec, 16:09
22 Dec, 12:58
22 Dec, 10:31
21 Dec, 20:04
20 Dec, 19:45
19 Dec, 07:52
30 Nov, 03:19
27 Nov, 15:31
27 Nov, 12:46
23 Nov, 06:00
22 Nov, 17:06
22 Nov, 08:52
•21 Nov, 18:33
21 Nov, 07:30
20 Nov, 13:53
19 Nov, 10:48
18 Nov, 09:57
17 Nov, 17:26
17 Nov, 10:15
16 Nov, 18:37
14 Nov, 14:05
13 Nov, 13:53
13 Nov, 08:52
11 Nov, 14:39
10 Nov, 21:34
10 Nov, 20:28
08 Nov, 16:26
06 Nov, 07:04
05 Nov, 10:31
04 Nov, 02:28
02 Nov, 02:40
31 Oct, 20:08
31 Oct, 08:19
30 Oct, 11:18
28 Oct, 11:35
26 Oct, 15:38
26 Oct, 10:19
24 Oct, 15:28
23 Oct, 12:25
22 Oct, 20:46
22 Oct, 07:32
19 Oct, 16:39
17 Oct, 20:22
17 Oct, 09:30
15 Oct, 08:00
14 Oct, 13:17
13 Oct, 21:10
13 Oct, 17:11
13 Oct, 07:03
12 Oct, 02:46
11 Oct, 13:20
11 Oct, 07:31
10 Oct, 17:19
08 Oct, 16:19
08 Oct, 02:51
05 Oct, 13:07
05 Oct, 07:26
04 Oct, 06:47