حيجاب و عبا و نيقاب (Kurdish)
Welcome to the Telegram channel "حيجاب و عبا و نيقاب"! This channel, with the username @haba_hijab, is dedicated to showcasing the beauty and elegance of hijab, abaya, and niqab. Whether you are a fan of traditional Islamic attire or simply appreciate the modesty and grace these garments convey, this channel is the perfect place for you. From stunning hijab styles to exquisite abaya designs, and everything in between, "حيجاب و عبا و نيقاب" celebrates the diversity and artistry of Islamic fashion. Join us to discover the latest trends, get inspiration for your own wardrobe, and connect with a community that shares your passion for modest fashion. Embrace your style, showcase your beauty, and always remember that true elegance comes from within. We look forward to sharing this journey with you!