ГIаларт is a Telegram channel created for the Chechen community to showcase the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the Chechen people. The channel username, @g1alart, reflects the essence of the Chechen language, as 'g1alart' means 'heritage' in Chechen. Through this channel, users can explore various aspects of Chechen art, music, dance, history, cuisine, and more. ГIаларт aims to connect Chechens from all around the world and provide a platform for sharing stories, experiences, and knowledge. Whether you are a proud Chechen looking to reconnect with your roots or simply interested in learning about the vibrant Chechen culture, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join us on this journey of discovery and celebration of Нохчийчохь вахарал деза ду суна - Нохчийчоь сайна чохь яхар (Chechen heritage and traditions)!
28 Dec, 14:25
15 Dec, 17:13
15 Dec, 12:00
01 Dec, 09:56
24 Nov, 21:03
24 Nov, 20:37
20 Nov, 19:41
20 Nov, 19:33
30 Oct, 19:33
19 Oct, 18:14
16 Oct, 18:14
14 Oct, 17:40
30 Sep, 19:52
30 Sep, 19:49