Хьан са иштта а ду Аллаxlан кeрахь, ткъа хьайн дог цаоьшучу кхерамах паргlатдаккха даггара тешарца Аллахlан lуналлех.
Доьгlнаг хир долуш ду.
Тlеэца ийманца муьлха а сингаттам, дог тешна а долуш хьайн диканца бекхам хиларна!
Hiiyyrasa is a Telegram channel dedicated to promoting Chechen culture and language. The username, @hiiyyrasa, reflects the essence of the channel, which aims to connect Chechen people from all around the world. With a focus on preserving traditional values and sharing knowledge about the Chechen heritage, hiiyyrasa provides a platform for discussions, music, art, and literature related to the Chechen culture. Whether you are a Chechen diaspora longing for a connection to your roots or simply interested in learning more about this fascinating culture, hiiyyrasa is the perfect channel for you. Join us in celebrating the beauty and richness of Chechen traditions, customs, and language. Stay connected and engaged with the vibrant Chechen community through hiiyyrasa on Telegram!
23 May, 15:08
23 May, 15:03
16 May, 21:45
16 May, 00:34
15 May, 12:43
10 May, 13:36
10 May, 13:23
10 May, 02:50
09 May, 02:05
09 May, 02:04
09 May, 02:03
09 May, 02:02
09 May, 02:02
09 May, 02:02
09 May, 02:01