FASIKA CHILD CARE CENTER @fasikadaycare Channel on Telegram



👶👶A place that loves children
The place that children love👶👶


Welcome to FASIKA CHILD CARE CENTER, your go-to place for quality childcare services. Our Telegram channel, @fasikadaycare, is dedicated to providing a loving and nurturing environment for children. With the help of our dedicated team of caregivers, we ensure that every child receives the individual attention and care they deserve. At FASIKA CHILD CARE CENTER, we believe in creating a safe and stimulating space where children can learn, play, and grow. Our goal is to foster a love for learning and instill important values in each child. Join us on Telegram to stay updated on our latest activities, events, and educational resources. Whether you're a parent, caregiver, or simply passionate about childcare, FASIKA CHILD CARE CENTER is the perfect community for you. Together, let's create a world where every child is happy, healthy, and thriving. Come be a part of our loving and supportive community today!


02 Nov, 03:39

Dear Esteemed Parents
Subject: Precaution
The Ministry of Health has announced that there is an outbreak of an infectious disease that has similar symptoms with common cold, but much more serious, in our City.  It is said that the disease becomes more severe, even fatal, when it comes to children. We are thus taking every humanly possible precautions to prevent our children from the plague. As is the case with most contagious diseases, one of the preventive measure is to isolate a child who shows the symptom(s). We would therefore like to kindly inform you, not only to keep your child at home if he/she shows signs such as cough and/or fever, but also to take him to hospital immediately. Please also try to understand us and not be offended with us if we refuse to let a child with such signs enter into, or stay at, the Center.  
With kind regards
Fasika Childcare Center
የተወደዳችሁና የተከበራችሁ ወላጆች
ሰሞኑን የጤና ሚኒሰቴር በከተማችን ዉስጥ የጉነፋን የሚመስሉ ምልክቶች ያሉት፣ ነገር ግን በጣም አደገኛ የሆነ ተላላፊ በሽታ፣ የገባ መሆኑን አስታዉቆ አስፈላጊዉ ጥንቃቄ እነዲደረግ አሳስቧል፡፡ በሽታዉ በሕጻናት ላይ የበለጠ የከፋ ጉዳት ሊያስከትል እነደሚችልም ገልጽዋል፡፡ እኛም ልጆቻችንን ከመለከፍ ለመከላከል በሰዉ አቅም ሊደረግ የሚቻለዉን ሁሉ እያደረግን ነዉ፡፡ እነደማንኛዉም ተላላፊ በሽታ አንዱ የመከላከያ ዘዴ የበሽታዉ ምልክቶች (ሳልና ትኩሳት) የታየባቸዉን ልጆች እስኪሻላቸዉ ድረስ እቤታቸዉ እንዲቆዩ ማድረግ ነዉ፡፡ ስለዚህ ልጅችዎ እነዚህን ምልክቶች ካሳዩ እቤት እንዲቆዩ ማድረግ ብቻ ሳይሆን ወደ ሐኪም ቤትም እንዲሄዱ ማድረግ እንዳይዘነጉ እናሳስባለን፡፤ እኛም ምልክቶቹን ያየንባቸዉን ልጆች ወደቤት እንዲመለሱ ብናደርግ ቅር እንዳትሰኙብን በአክብሮት እንጠይቃለን፡፡
ከማክበር ሰላምታ ጋር
ፋሲካ የሕጻናት እንክብካቤ ማዕከል!


21 Oct, 01:20



02 Oct, 15:29

ለተወደዳችሁና ለተከበራችሁ ወላጆች
እንኳን ለኢሬቻ በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ
የፊታችን ዓርብ የኢሬቻን  በዓል ለማከበር በሚሚጣዉ ሕዝብ ምክንያት የመንገዶች መዘጋጋት ስለሚኖርና ቅዳሜም በዓሉ የሚከበርበት እለት በመሆኑ የፋሲካ ሕጻናት እንክብካቤ ማዕከል ሁሉም ቅርንጫፎች ዝግ እንደሚሆኑ በአክብሮት ልንገልጽላችሁ እንወዳለለን፡፡ መልካም በዓል ይሁንላችሁ
ከማክበር ሰላምታ ጋር


28 Sep, 01:54

Dear the Fasika Family
It is with great pleasure and pride that we inform you Fasika Daycare’s participation in the three days’ workshop organized by the Mayor’s Office, Addis Ababa City Administration, as the only private Daycare Center, representing the Daycare Centers from the Private Sector in the City. It is to be recalled that the Mayor’s Office had launched a Childcare Program named “Children: The Future Hope of Addis Ababa Early Childhood Development Program,” in 2021, also referred to as the: “Mayor’s Initiative”, which aims to begin by targeting 330,000 low-income households“. In order to ensure the proper implementation of the initiative, the Mayor’s Office had drafted an “Early Childhood Development Policy”, a “Daycare Centers Operational and Standard Guide”, and a “Training Manual”. The just mentioned workshop was thus meant to refine and finalize these documents with the involvement of all stakeholders. Greatly appreciating the recognition and trust the Office endowed on us, we did our level best to live up to the expectation, and fortunately, our contribution gained the approbation of the workshop coordinators and all participants. The project is intended to support and encourage the private sector to engage in childcare service delivery, as public sector alone could not satisfy the demand.


25 Sep, 20:32

Fasika Childcare Center
Dear Respected Parents,
Kindly be informed that due to Meskel holiday traffic, we will have half day of school on Thursday , September 26, 2024. Please come and pick up your children at 12:00 pm, and our center will closed on Friday September 27,2024
Happy holiday!
Fasika child care center

ውድ ወላጆች ፣
ሀሙሰ መስከረም 16 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም በመስቀል በዓል ምክንያት የሚኖረውን የትራፊክ መጨናነቅ ታሳቢ በማድረግ ማቆያችን ግማሽ ቀን ብቻ አገልግሎት የሚሰጥ መሆኑን በማክበር እንገልፃለን፡፡ እባክዎ ልጅዎን ከቀኑ 6:00 ሰዓት ላይ መጥተው ይውሰዱ፡፡ እአርብ ፣ መስከረም 17 ቀን 2017ዓ.ም ዝግ ሆኖ ይውላል፡፡
መልካም የመስቀል በዓል ይሁንልዎ!! 🌻🌻🌻🌼🌼🌼
ፋሲካ የህጻናት ማቆያ ማዕከል


16 Sep, 15:34

የተከበራችሁ ወላጆች
እንኳን ለአዲሱ ዓመት በሰላም አደረሳችሁ፡፡ አዲሱ ዓመት የሰላም የእድገትና የስኬት ጊዜ እንዲሆንላችሁ ከልብ እንመኛለን፡፡
ሁሉም የፋሲካ የሕጻናት እንክብካቤ ማዕከል ቅርንጫፎች ከነገ ማክሰኞ መስከረም 7 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ ሥራ የሚጀምሩ መሆኑን አዉቃችሁ ልጆቻችሁን ማምጣት እንደምትችሉ እያሳወቅን፣ የሰሚት ቅርንጫፍ ብቻ እድሳቱ ያላለቀ በመሆኑ ለጊዜዉ በአያት ወይም በመሪ ቅርንጫፋችን ማቆየት የምትችሉ መሆኑን በአክበሮት እንገልጻለን፡፡ ለተጨማሪ መረጃ በ +251 926 842425 ደዉሉልን፡፡
ከማክበር ሰላምታ ጋር
ፋሲከ የሕጻናት እንክብካቤ ማዕከል
Dear and Esteemed Parents
Wishing you a happy and prosperous Ethiopian New Year, we would like to inform you that all branches of Fasika Daycare will resume services as of tomorrow, December sep 17,2024, with the exception of Sumit branch the repair of which is yet to be completed. Parents whose children were attending in Sumit branch are kindly advised to let their children temporarily stay either in Ayat or Meri branch.  For more information please call +251 926 842425      
With kind regards
Fasika Childcare Center  !


29 Aug, 07:33

Dear Esteemed parents
Our Fasika Summer Camp children had a wonderful and educational visit to Unity Park. They were thrilled to see wild animals like lions, cheetahs, zebras, and giraffes up close, as well as various birds. The visit also introduced them to the rich traditions of Ethiopia’s diverse cultures, showcasing traditional houses, tools, and artifacts. The children and staff enjoyed the experience, and we are grateful to you, dear parents, for making this memorable day possible. Please find attached some photos from the visit.
Fasika Daycare