Welcome to 'To Millions - Gambles🐋赌博' Telegram channel, also known as '@millionsgems'. This channel is dedicated to TOP TIER ASIAN DEGENS who are ready to take the gamble and try to make millions. The motto here is simple - alpha or dust. The community behind this channel embraces a high-risk, high-reward approach, but with a strategic mindset. They do not blindly follow trends but instead carefully assess every move. The channel owners, @MrBooMKT and @tomillionaires, lead the way with valuable insights and investment strategies.
In this channel, you will find a community that apes (mimics) everything they post, ensuring that the collective decision-making process is transparent and well-informed. The 'To Millions - Gambles🐋赌博' channel is not just about gambling; it's about calculated risks and informed decisions.
For those looking to delve deeper into the world of investments and potential opportunities, the channel provides essential resources and links, such as marketing firms recommendations. The scout members, @Herbert_eth and @AngelIMV08, are also there to assist in navigating through the vast landscape of investment options.
Whether you are a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the world of high-stakes trading, 'To Millions - Gambles🐋赌博' offers a community of like-minded individuals ready to explore the exciting yet risky journey of chasing financial success. Join the channel today to embark on this thrilling ride towards potentially making millions!
10 Jan, 07:32
10 Jan, 05:09
10 Jan, 05:01
10 Jan, 04:59
10 Jan, 00:30
09 Jan, 16:42
09 Jan, 08:26
Txn09 Jan, 07:37
09 Jan, 03:23
09 Jan, 02:01
09 Jan, 01:23
Txn09 Jan, 01:16
09 Jan, 01:05
09 Jan, 01:01
08 Jan, 16:47
08 Jan, 16:02
Txn01 Jan, 21:21
01 Jan, 20:58
01 Jan, 15:59
01 Jan, 13:34
01 Jan, 11:49
01 Jan, 10:23
Txn01 Jan, 09:51
01 Jan, 09:29
01 Jan, 07:46
Txn01 Jan, 07:40
01 Jan, 07:40
01 Jan, 07:36
01 Jan, 07:10
Txn01 Jan, 05:33
01 Jan, 05:26
01 Jan, 05:17
01 Jan, 02:04
01 Jan, 01:33
31 Dec, 16:13
31 Dec, 15:09
31 Dec, 14:11
31 Dec, 09:21
Txn31 Dec, 07:04
Txn31 Dec, 06:54
31 Dec, 06:53
31 Dec, 06:14
31 Dec, 04:07
Txn31 Dec, 00:50
Txn31 Dec, 00:48
30 Dec, 13:25
30 Dec, 13:19