Geda Republic @facethetruth101 Channel on Telegram

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Welcome to Geda Republic, a dynamic and engaging Telegram channel where truth seekers come together to explore the world of conspiracy theories, paranormal phenomena, and unexplained mysteries. Led by the enigmatic username @facethetruth101, this channel is dedicated to diving deep into the unknown and uncovering the hidden truths that lie beneath the surface. Geda Republic is a place for like-minded individuals to share their thoughts, theories, and experiences, creating a community of truth-seekers who are passionate about exploring the mysteries of the universe. From UFO sightings to government cover-ups, from ancient civilizations to modern-day conspiracies, Geda Republic covers a wide range of topics that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Join us on this thrilling journey as we uncover the secrets of the world and beyond. Subscribe to Geda Republic today and join the conversation!

Geda Republic

20 Jul, 13:27

የጆኖሳይድ ማሽን የሆነው የአማራው ሲኖዶስ ዛሬም በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ቁስል ላይ እንጨት በመስደድ ላይ ነው አብን ናትናኤል የሚባል የአረመኔው ሚኒሊክ አምላኪ ሻሸመኔ ላይ ተሹሟል የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ከያለበት በመቃወም ከኦሮምያ ለቆ እንዲወጣ ያድርግ እምቢ ሚሉ ከሆነ በጉልበት መጠቀም ነው

Geda Republic

20 Jul, 13:26

ተሳሳትክ የሚለኝም አይጠፋም

Geda Republic

23 Apr, 13:02

For Immediate Release
Subject: Open Letter - Call to the Ethiopian Government and International Community
Date: April 20, 2023

We, members of the Oromia Global Forum (OGF) - a global alliance of Oromo civic, professional, faith-based organizations, prominent human rights defenders and activists, residing in North America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa are deeply concerned about the plight of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) leaders who are currently unlawfully imprisoned by the Ethiopian government. We urgently request their immediate release and unhindered access to appropriate medical care for their deteriorating health conditions.

The conditions of the political prisoners, Mr. Kennasa Ayana, Mr. Mikael Boran, Mr. Gadaa Gabbisa, Mr. Dawit Abdata, Dr. Gadaa Oljirra, Mr. Abdi Ragasa, and Mr. Lammi Benya, are dire and alarming.

Mr. Kennasa is unable to walk due to serious back pain and yet, he is denied free medical treatment for his condition.

Mr. Mikael Boran, who suffers from diabetes, has experienced a severe deterioration of his sight and overall health.

Mr. Gadaa Gabbisa has contracted hepatitis and is unable to obtain the necessary medication and diet to improve his condition.

Mr. Dawit Abdata, who has undergone spinal surgery, continues to suffer from pain and requires close medical observation.

Dr. Gadaa Oljirra is reported to have foreign object in his foot that needs to be removed, causing him severe pain and suffering.

Abdi has lost weight and his appearance has drastically changed, causing concern among his visitors.

Lammi Benya has reportedly developed high blood pressure following the killing of his brother.

These political prisoners have had the charges against them dismissed by the court several times, and their imprisonment is purely political and unjustified. It is unacceptable to deny medical treatment to individuals who are already in a vulnerable state due to their unlawful imprisonment. We urge the Ethiopian government to immediately release these OLF leaders and provide them with proper medical care.

We also call upon the international community, including human rights organizations, governments, and the United Nations, to take urgent action to put pressure on the Ethiopian government to release the OLF leaders immediately without any preconditions and provide them with the necessary medical care.

The wrongful imprisonment of these leaders is a clear violation of their basic human rights and an attempt to silence their legitimate political activities.

The OGF will be launching a campaign to raise awareness to support the release of the OLF leaders and provide them with proper medical care. We call on all individuals and organizations to join us in this effort and stand in solidarity with the Oromo people. Together, we must demand an end to the unjust treatment of Oromo political prisoners, respect their basic human rights and provide them with immediate medical care!

Oromia Global Forum (OGF)

Geda Republic

19 Apr, 13:05

Opposition OLF says seven of its officials in police custody in #Burayu missing
Seven senior officials of the opposition Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) who have been imprisoned for nearly three years and are currently in police custody in Burayu have been missing since the evening of 18 April, the party has said.
OLF Public Relations head Lemmi Gemechu told that the missing party officials are Executive Committee members Abdi Regassa and Michael Boran, Central Committee member Kenasa Ayana, OLF Gulele main office head Gada Oljira (PhD) and senior officials Dawit Abdeta, Lemmi Begna and Gada Gebissa.
On 11 April, the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) said in a statement that its imprisoned officials were suffering from different diseases and their health condition was deteriorating from day to day.

Geda Republic

11 Apr, 18:44

News: Heavy fighting near #DebreBirhan as violence continues to rock Amhara region, more cities impose restrictions

Several cities in the #Amhara region, including the capital Bahir Dar, have continued to witness violence on Tuesday following protests against the government’s move to disband the regional special forces and “reorganize” them into regular police and the national army.

#AddisStandard spoke to eyewitnesses from #Debre_Birhan #BahirDar, and Kombolcha cities where clashes between civilians and members of the national defense forces (ENDF) as well as between the Amhara regional special forces and the army were reported.

According to an eyewitness who talked to #AddisStandard on conditions of anonymity, there was heavy fighting between the #ENDF and members of the Amhara regional forces from early morning to late afternoon on Tuesday in Debre Birhan city, about 120 kilometers North East of Addis Abeba.

“The situation has gotten worse; the people are currently in a serious state of tension,” the eyewitness, who is a resident of the city, said. He fears that several people may have been killed and wounded during the fighting.

Geda Republic

11 Apr, 18:41

Geda Republic

11 Apr, 15:52

ይሄንን የተናገረው የሌላ ብሄር ሙሁር ሳይሆን የራሳቸው የአማራ ሙሁር ነው

Geda Republic

11 Apr, 15:36

መስከረም አበራ እና ዶ/ር ወንድወሰን አሰፋ ለሽብር ሲዶልቱ

Geda Republic

06 Apr, 09:40

እነዚህ አገልጋይ አባቶች በቅርብ በብፁዕ አባታችን አቡነ ሳዊሮስ ተሹመው በሀገረ ስብከታቸው ብዙ ምእመናንን ያጠመቁ አባቶች ናቸው!! አሁን በመንግሥት ቡራዩ ተወስደው ታስረዋል!!

Geda Republic

01 Apr, 07:28


Geda Republic

30 Mar, 20:13

100% True.☑️

Geda Republic

30 Mar, 19:50

OLA is the most disciplined & Organized World class Fighter.

Geda Republic

28 Mar, 20:10

በአማራ ክልል ሃይሎች በወለጋ፣ በከረዩና በወሎ ኦሮሞዎች ላይ የሚደረገው መጠነሰፊ ጥቃት የተቀናጀ ጥቃት እንደሆነ ተገለፀ።

ሾልከው የወጡ መረጃዎች እንደሚያመለክቱት፣ ሃይሎቹን በትጥቅ፣ በስልጠናና በገንዘብ ደግፈው ተልዕኮ ሰጥተው የሚያሰማሩ የፖሊትካ ቡድኖች የጥቃቱን መዳረሻ ፊንፊኔ ያደረጉ ናቸው።

በተለያዩ አቅጣጫዎች በኦሮሚያ ላይ ጥቃት በመሰንዘር እንዲሁም የታጠቁ ሃይሎችን ሰላማዊ ሰዎች በማስመሰል በፊንፊኔ በማከማቸት ሁሉን አቀፍ ብጥብጥ ለመፍጠርና የተቀናጀ ጥቃት ለማድረስ ያለመ መሆኑን መረጃዎች አመላክተዋል።

ከዚህ በተጨማሪ ኢኮኖሚያዊ ሻጥር በመፍጠር ህዝቡን ለብጥብጥ ማነሳሳትም የቡድኑ ሌላኛው የተልእኮ ማስፈፀሚያ እንደሆነ ሾልኮ የወጣ መረጃ አመላክቷል።

የቡድኑ ሰንሰለት ከሀገር ውስጥ እስከውጭ ሀገር የተዘረገ መሆኑን መረጃዎች አመላክተዋል።

Geda Republic

28 Mar, 14:58

የተጠየቀ ይቅርታ የለም። ጠቅላይ ሚኒስቴሩ እኛን ያስማሙበትን ሰነድ እንቀበላለን ነው ያሉት። ይህን ደግሞ ከመጀመሪያውም ጀምሮ በመግለጫችን ስናሳውቅ ነበር። ብፁዕ አቡነ ባስልዮስም ቢሆኑ ሹመቱ ጥፋት ነው በማለት የጠየቁት ይቅርታ የለም። ስምምነቱም ቢሆን ይቅርታ ይጠይቁ የሚል ድንጋጌ የለውም። አከራካሪው አንቀጽ አንቀጽ 6 ነው። እሱም ቢሆን በጊዜ ሂደት በአፈጻጸም የሚታይ ነው። ስለዚህ ይቅርታ ጠየቁ የሚለውን የበሬ ወለደ ተረቱን ተዉና እውነታውን ተረዱ አስረዱ።

ሃይለሚካኤል ታደሰ

Geda Republic

28 Mar, 13:44

ለማስታወስ ያክል ! 🤣