መኖር ይቀጥላል @emseshenlebdalsh Channel on Telegram

መኖር ይቀጥላል


እምስሽን ማስጠባት ያማረሽ አናግሪኝ

አድራሻ :- ቤተል

0970740717 ደውይና ልጥባልሽ ቂንጥርሽን

መኖር ይቀጥላል (Amharic)

መኖር ይቀጥላል አማርኛ ተከብሎ አንዱን አብቀር አለው። ይህንን መኖር ሳትኖሩ የሚፈጽሙ ህመም እና መከላከያ እውነት ያሳዝናል። ይህ መኖር በአማርኛ፣ መሰስለንልብስንአሜር ለማድረግና ለመከላከያ መረጃዎች ለማግኘት የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን ከመመለሱ በፊት መነሻ እዚህ ይህንን ወቅታዊ መረጃዎች መሰለክታቸዋለን። መከላከያ ማግኘቱ በዚህ መጠናቀቅ ላይ እንችላለን። መኖር ይቀጥላል ለመሳሳብ ወስኘሃል።

መኖር ይቀጥላል

13 Mar, 20:28

📣 This Telegram signals community has been pumping coins on #Kucoin for years now. Participating in their pumps can earn you 1000%+ weekly. They have over 300,000 users & are the most reputable group in the world! Join below!

➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group
➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group
➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group

መኖር ይቀጥላል

12 Mar, 09:21

📣 This Telegram signals community has been pumping coins on #Kucoin for years now. Participating in their pumps can earn you 1000%+ weekly. They have over 300,000 users & are the most reputable group in the world! Join below!

➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group
➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group
➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group

መኖር ይቀጥላል

10 Mar, 17:37

📣 This Telegram signals community has been pumping coins on #Kucoin for years now. Participating in their pumps can earn you 1000%+ weekly. They have over 300,000 users & are the most reputable group in the world! Join below!

➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group
➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group
➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group

መኖር ይቀጥላል

10 Mar, 12:58

📣 This Telegram signals community has been pumping coins on #Kucoin for years now. Participating in their pumps can earn you 1000%+ weekly. They have over 300,000 users & are the most reputable group in the world! Join below!

➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group
➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group
➡️ t.me/Kucoin_Pump_Group