Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане @embassyofindiatashkent Channel on Telegram

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане


Welcome to the Teleg. Channel of the Embassy of India in Uzbekistan. Stay connected for latest updates about our activities.
Добро пожаловать на телеграм-канал посольства Индии в Узбекистане.Оставайтесьна связи для получения последних новостей.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане (English)

Welcome to the official Telegram channel of the Embassy of India in Uzbekistan! This channel, with the username @embassyofindiatashkent, is your go-to source for the latest updates and information about the activities of the Indian Embassy in Uzbekistan. Whether you are an Indian living in Uzbekistan, a local interested in Indian culture and events, or simply someone looking to stay informed about diplomatic relations between the two countries, this channel is for you. From cultural events and official announcements to visa information and important news, we aim to keep you informed and connected. Join us today and stay tuned for all the latest updates from the Embassy of India in Uzbekistan. Добро пожаловать на официальный телеграм-канал Посольства Индии в Узбекистане! Этот канал с именем пользователя @embassyofindiatashkent - ваш источник последних обновлений и информации о деятельности Индийского Посольства в Узбекистане. Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы индийцем, проживающим в Узбекистане, местным жителем, интересующимся индийской культурой и событиями, или просто ищете информацию о дипломатических отношениях между двумя странами, этот канал для вас. От культурных мероприятий и официальных объявлений до информации о визах и важных новостей, мы стремимся информировать вас и поддерживать связь. Присоединяйтесь к нам сегодня и следите за всеми последними обновлениями от Посольства Индии в Узбекистане.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

07 Feb, 05:05

🇮🇳 Elchixonasi 3-Hindiston-Markaziy Osiyo yoshlar forumi uchun faol javoblar uchun minnatdorchilik bildiradi. Tanlangan nomzodlar bilan suhbatlar 10.02.2025 (yuzma-yuz) va 12.02.2025 (onlayn) boʻlib oʻtadi. Tanlangan nomzodlarga to’g’ridan-to’g’ri aloqaga chiqiladi.

🇮🇳 Embassy appreciates encouraging response for 3rd India-Central Asia Youth Forum. Interviews of shortlisted candidates will be held on 10.02.2025 (in-person) & 12.02.2025 (online). Shortlisted candidates will be intimated directly.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

05 Feb, 05:03

“Hindistonda tayyorlangan” chellendji 22 ta yo’nalishda ochiq va g’oliblar 🇮🇳 safarini va 2025-yilining 1-4 May kunlari Mumbayda bo’lib o’tadigan WAVES samitida qatnashish imkoniyatiga ega bo’ladilar. https://wavesindia.org/challenges-2025 da ro’yxatdan o’ting yoki quyidahi QR kodni skanerlang

Create in India Challenge is open with 22 competitions and winners to get exclusive opportunity to visit 🇮🇳 and participate in WAVES Summit, Mumbai from May 1-4, 2025. Register at https://wavesindia.org/challenges-2025 or scan QR code below.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

29 Jan, 07:48

Embassy of India in Tashkent is pleased to invite applications from citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for participation in the 3rd India-Central Asia Youth Forum scheduled to be organized in India from 22–28 March 2025. The expenditure of the visit will be borne by the Government of India including air-tickets and local hospitality. The forum is an ideal opportunity for the Youth of Central Asia and India for enhancing mutual understanding, social and cultural ties and to showcase innovative ideas and raise up young voices to bring a new youth perspective in various walks of life, while getting to experience India's diverse historical and cultural places of interest and financial, educational scientific and technological centers.
Application Criteria:
• She/he should be young achiever and a youth icon in Uzbekistan within the age group of 18-29 years.
• She/he should have interest in exploring new places, different cultures and meeting new people and also have general knowledge about current global affairs, civilization, cultural and other people-to-people linkages between India and Uzbekistan.
• She/he should have command over English language.
• Candidates are invited to share article on "Women Empowerment and Leadership: Youth as Agents of Social Change" for final selection.
• Candidates must be in a position to meet any other incidental expenses other than those mentioned above.
Important: Applications (in attached proforma) along with supporting documents should reach Embassy (email id: [email protected]) latest by 05.02.2025 (last date) [Docs required: 1. Educational qualification 2. Passport copy and 3. One passport size photograph]. Interview for the shortlisted candidates will be held on 07.02.2025 and 10.02.2025 at the Embassy of India, Tashkent [candidates from outside Tashkent may appear for an online interview for which a link will be provided separately]. Enquires can be made at the above email address.

Application Form can be download from:

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

11 Jan, 07:57

Embassy officers and staff members paid floral tributes to former Prime Minister of India Lal Bahadur Shastriji on his 59th death anniversary at Shastri Bust & Shastri Monument in #Tashkent.

Elchixona ofitserlari va xodimlari Hindistonning sobiq Bosh vaziri Lal Bahadur Shastri vafotining 59 yilligi munosabati bilan #Toshkentdagi Shastri byusti hamda Shastri haykalida gullar bilan xotirlashdi.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

31 Dec, 09:50

Bharat Tex 2025 is being held on February 14-17, 2025 at New Delhi, India. For registration and details of the event, foreign participants may visit at www.bharat-tex.com.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

18 Dec, 08:03

Elchixona Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik universitetida Raj Kapurning yuz yilligiga bag'ishlangan konferensiya tashkil etdi. Elchi Smita Pant, rejissyor Umesh Mehra, indologlar, hind kinosi mutaxassislari va universitet talabalari ishtirok etishdi. Raj Kapur hayoti haqidagi kitob taqdimoti bo’lib o’tdi.

Embassy organized a conference dedicated to centenary year of Raj Kapoor at Tashkent State Univ. of Oriental Studies. Amb Smita Pant, Director Umesh Mehra, Indologists, researchers of Indian cinema & University students participated. A book on the life of Raj Kapoor was released.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

18 Dec, 07:19

3rd SOURCEX INDIA Yashobhoomi, New Delhi, India 26 – 28 March 2025

FIEO has announce the 3rd Edition of SOURCEX INDIA, scheduled to take place from March 26–28, 2025. The Sector of the Exhibition are:

GOODS SERVICES • Food & Beverages • Health & Beauty • FMCG & FMCD • Apparels & Garments • Textiles • Toys & Children Products • Sports & Fitness • Stationary & Office Supplies • E-Commerce Services • Education & Skill Training • Entertainment • Food Services & QSR • Leisure & travel • Professional Services • Logistics


• Reimbursement of Economy Class Air Ticket (as per prescribed upper limit)
• Access to the Expo, Business Networking.

Note: The foreign buyers are requested to provide their requisite details by registering online at www.surveyhero.com/s/3rdSourcex. The last date to register for the hosted buyer program is 30th January 2025. For any further information, please feel free to connect with our team Mr. Rahul Singh, Management Executive, FIEO on WhatsApp: +91 9792605041, or email [email protected], [email protected]

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

17 Dec, 13:35

😄2024-yil 17-dekabr kuni Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik universitetida mashhur hind aktyori va rejissyori Raj Kapur tavalludining 100 yilligiga bag‘ishlangan konferensiya bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Konferensiyada Hindistonning O'zbekistondagi Favqulodda va Muxtor elchisi Smita Pant, taniqli rejissyor Umesh Mehra va sharqshunos olimlar, hind kino san’ati tadqiqotchilari, talaba-yoshlar  ishtirok etdi.

Batafsil ma'lumot

TDSHU Matbuot xizmati/Пресс-служба ТГУВ/Press secretary of TSUOS

🌐Telegram |🌐Facebook |🌐 Youtube |📹 Instagram| 🌐Twitter | 🗄 tsuos.uz

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

14 Dec, 05:24

Bugun Hind kinosining jahon yulduzi, ajoyib aktyor va kino ijodi arbobi Raj Kapurning 100 yillik yubiley kuni. Uning filmlari badiiy jihatdan betakror bo’lib, avlodlar davomida juda mashhur bo’lib qolmoqda. 2024-yilning 17-21-dekabr kunlari Alisher Navoiy nomidagi kinochilar uyida bo’lib o’tadigan Raj Kapuring abadiy merosi haqidagi 2024-yilgi Hindiston kinofestivaliga sizni taklif qilib qolamiz!

Today is the 100th Birth Anniversary of Raj Kapoor, a global icon of Indian Cinema, a phenomenal actor and a maestro of filmmaking. His films were artistically profound and remain immensely popular across generations. Join the celebrations of his enduring legacy at #IndianFilmFestival2024 # RajKapoor100 from Dec 17-21, 2024 at Cinema Palace, Alisher Navoi, Tashkent

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

06 Dec, 09:49

Hindiston 🇮🇳 va Oʻzbekiston 🇺🇿 oʻrtasida qoʻshma ilmiy tadqiqotlar va innovatsiya olib borish borasidagi hamkorlik imkoniyatlarini oʻrganish maqsadida Oliy taʼlim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligining Ilmiy-texnik axborot markazi direktorining birinchi oʻrinbosari Faxriddin Davrukov va uning jamoasi bilan uchrashuv boʻlib oʻtdi.

A meeting was held with First Deputy Director Fakhriddin Davrukov and his team from Centre for Scientific and Technical Information of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation to explore opportunities for further collaboration between India 🇮🇳 and Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 in the field of joint research and innovation.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

21 Nov, 16:33

Dear #BharatiyaPravasis, STOP!! WAIT!! Avail of 25% DISCOUNT on GROUP REGISTRATIONS for Group Members from (5-50) at #PravasiBharatiyaDivas Convention 2025!! See you ALL in BHUBANESWAR on JAN 8, 2025. To avail the discount REGISTER at pbdindia.gov.in

#PBD2025 #18PBD

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

21 Nov, 08:52

A two-day workshop on "Basics of Ayurveda" was conducted by Dr. Krishan Kumar, Founder of Dr. Kumar's Lifestyle Centre at Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Indian Culture. More than 75 Ayurveda lovers enthusiastically participated in the session.👇

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

20 Nov, 14:37

Congratulations to the top scorers of the week from 🇺🇿 in the #BKJQuiz!

Dreaming of visiting India? Participate in #BharatKoJaniyeQuiz and win a trip to India.

#BKJQuiz tanlovida eng yaxshi to'purarlarni tabriklaymiz! Hindistonga tashrif buyurishni orzu qilyapsizmi? #BharatKoJaniyeQuiz-da ishtirok eting va Hindistonga sayohat yutib oling.

#KnowIndiaQuiz #BKJQuiz #IndianCulture
#IndiaIQ #BharatKoJaniye2024

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

17 Nov, 17:37

Glimpses of Indian classical and folk dances presented by the artists of Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Indian Culture during the International Food Festival held at Academic Lyceum of the Uzbek State World Language University, Tashkent.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

14 Nov, 15:53

O'zbekistonning eng yaxshi ijtimoiy media faol influensirlari Hindiston elchixonasiga tashrif buyurishdi. Ularga #BharatKoJaniyeQuiz haqida ma'lumot berildi. Tashrif buyurgan barcha influenserlarning ishtiyoqi va qo'llab-quvvatlagani uchun minnatdormiz!

Unutilmas kun, Elchi Smita Pant tomonidan uyushtirilgan ajoyib tushlik, Hindiston-O'zbekiston aloqalari haqidagi ajoyib suhbatlar va milliy taomlar bilan nishonlamoqda. Ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi influenserlar Hindiston haqidagi #BharatKoJaniyeQuiz viktorinasida ishtirok etishdi.

Lal Bahadir Shastri Hind madaniyati markazida influenserlar Hind madaniy merosining unutilmas muhitini his qilganliklari sababli boy madaniy almashinuvdan ilhomlandik. Jonli raqs, taom tayyorlash va #Yoga mashg'ulotlaridan tortib iste'dodli ijodkorlarning jonli ijrolarigacha.

#Uzbekistan's top social media influencers visited Indian Embassy. They were briefed on #BharatKoJaniyeQuiz. Grateful for the enthusiasm and support of the influencers who joined us!

A memorable day followed by a delightful lunch hosted by Amb Smita Pant, celebrating India-Uzbekistan ties over great conversations and traditional flavors. The social influencers participated in a quiz on India  #BharatKoJaniyeQuiz.

Inspired by the rich cultural exchange as influencers experienced a taste of Indian cultural heritage at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Indian Culture. From vibrant dance, cooking and #Yoga sessions to live performances by talented artists.

#IndiaUzbekistan #PublicDiplomacy
#BKJQuiz #KnowIndiaQuiz #BharatKoJaniye2024

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

14 Nov, 14:45

Here’s your chance to witness India’s beauty!
Take the #BharatKoJaniyeQuiz and win a free
trip! Interested participants can register online at bkjquiz.com to take part in the #BharatKoJaniyeQuiz

#BharatKoJaniye2024 #KnowIndiaQuiz #BKJQuiz
#IndianCulture #IndiaIQ

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

11 Nov, 17:50

Wait is over!
#BKJQuiz goes LIVE!

EAM Dr. S. Jaishankar launched the 5th #BharatKoJaniye Quiz today.

The Quiz invites participants aged 14-50 years in 2 categories:
1) #NRIs
2) #PIOs & Foreign Nationals

Top 30 scorers will win a 2-week journey to explore #incredibleIndia!

All eligible participants are invited to take the #BKJ quiz online at bkjquiz.com.


Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

11 Nov, 17:17

Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Indian Culture organises basics of Ayurveda workshop by Indian Ayurveda expert  on 18 & 19 November 2024 at LBSCIC,  Interested people may avail the opportunity.

For more details may contact: 712080419/ [email protected]

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

01 Nov, 17:25

A painting competition on India- Uzbekistan friendship was held at Shastri School Tashkent on the occasion of Diwali.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

30 Oct, 18:53

A dance workshop was conducted by Ms. Nikita Singh, Kathak Teacher at Sehriyo private School, Tashkent.

Highlights :☝️

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

24 Oct, 18:18

Shri Rajiv Kumar, Chief Election Commissioner held meeting with Mr. Zayniddin Nizamkhodjayev, Chairman, Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan. Both sides signed an MoU for cooperation in the field of election management and administration between 🇮🇳 and 🇺🇿.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

24 Oct, 17:17

🇺🇿🇮🇳Joriy yilning 23-oktabr kuni Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universitetida "Janubiy va Markaziy Osiyo o'rtasidagi o'zaro bog'liqlikni rivojlantirishda O'zbekiston-Hindiston istiqbollari" nomli kitob taqdimoti bo'lib o'tdi.

Unda JIDU Diplomatik akademiyasi va Hindiston-Markaziy Osiyo jamg‘armasi o‘rtasida o‘zaro anglashuv Memorandumi imzolandi.

UWED.UZ |Facebook | Telegram |YouTube | Instagram

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

23 Oct, 16:44

БРИКС саммити доирасида Ўзбекистон Президенти ва Ҳиндистон Бош вазирининг учрашуви бўлиб ўтди


Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

23 Oct, 16:41

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Шавкат Мирзиёев Қозон шаҳрига ташрифи доирасида Ҳиндистон Республикаси Бош вазири Нарендра Моди билан учрашув ўтказди.

В рамках программы пребывания в городе Казани Президент Республики Узбекистан Шавкат Мирзиёев провел встречу с Премьер-министром Республики Индия Нарендрой Моди.

#Mirziyoyev #uchrashuv #Hindiston #hamkorlik


Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

21 Oct, 11:06

Ambassador Smita Pant congratulates the people of Uzbekistan on this day of Uzbek language from the historic city of Bukhara.

Elchi Smita Pant O’zbekiston xalqini tarixiy Buxoro shahridan turib bugungi O’zbek tili bayrami kuni bilan muborakbod etadi.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

17 Oct, 02:46

Navratri festival was celebrated at Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Indian Culture. The event featured Dandya performances and symbolic burning of Ravana.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

16 Oct, 19:31

Indian Embassy along with Indian diaspora actively participated in the UN day celebrations at Tashkent International School.

Cultural performances by the artists of Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Indian Culture, Indian Street food stall and Henna paintings were great attractions among international community.

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

10 Oct, 07:44

A dance workshop was conducted by Ms. Nikita Singh, Kathak Teacher at Choreography Institute(School of Dance), Tashkent.

Highlights :👇

Embassy of India in Uzbekistan 🇮🇳 Посольство Индии в Узбекистане

02 Oct, 14:55

A six-month certificate course for Kathak dance was successfully conducted by Ms. Nikita Singh, Kathak Teacher in Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Indian Culture.

Sitesh Kumar, Director felicitated the participants in the certification ceremony.