Amity University Tashkent @amityuniversitytashkent Channel on Telegram

Amity University Tashkent


🔹 International University
🔹 Bachelor's & Master's Degree
🔹 US Regional Accreditation & UK Quality Review

Admission contacts:
+99871 207 9006

Mail: [email protected]
Career Centre:@autcareer

Amity University Tashkent (English)

Are you looking for an international university that offers Bachelor's and Master's Degree programs with US Regional Accreditation and UK Quality Review? Look no further than Amity University Tashkent! With a commitment to providing high-quality education and a diverse learning environment, Amity University Tashkent is the perfect choice for students seeking a globally recognized degree.

Located in the vibrant city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Amity University Tashkent is dedicated to preparing students for success in their chosen fields. From dedicated faculty members to state-of-the-art facilities, this university offers a supportive and enriching academic experience.

Whether you are looking to pursue a Bachelor's degree or advance your career with a Master's degree, Amity University Tashkent has a program for you. With a focus on practical skills and real-world applications, the university equips students with the knowledge and tools they need to excel in their chosen profession.

For more information on admission requirements and program offerings, contact Amity University Tashkent at +99871 207 9006 or visit their website at Take the first step towards a bright future with Amity University Tashkent today!

Amity University Tashkent

07 Feb, 13:38


On February 4-6, Amity university Tashkent held meetings with youth of Andijan

👉🏼 Throughout the visit, Amity representatives met with students from various schools and lyceums in Andijan, introducing them to the university’s diverse programs, career opportunities, and innovative learning environment.

The meetings also included engaging discussions, Q&A sessions, and interactive presentations, allowing students to explore scholarship opportunities, admission processes, and campus life at Amity University Tashkent.


4-6 fevral kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti Andijon yoshlari bilan uchrashuvlar o‘tkazdi

👉🏼 Tashrif davomida Amity vakillari Andijondagi turli maktab va litsey o‘quvchilari bilan uchrashib, ularga universitetning turli yo‘nalishlari, kasbiy imkoniyatlari va innovatsion ta’lim muhiti haqida ma’lumot berdilar.

Uchrashuvlar qiziqarli suhbatlar, savol-javob sessiyalari va interaktiv taqdimotlar bilan boyitildi, bu esa o‘quvchilar uchun grant imkoniyatlari, qabul jarayoni va Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetidagi talabalar hayoti bilan yaqindan tanishish imkonini taqdim etdi.

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Amity University Tashkent

07 Feb, 07:19

👍We are excited to announce that Huawei opens application for the Annual Internship Program 2025! This internship presents a unique opportunity for aspiring students to join Huawei family and gain valuable experience in various domains.

📌 Program Duration: 3 months
📌 Employment type: Part-time
📌 Schedule: 5/2
📌 Working hours: 4 hours per day
📌 Location: Office-based as required by the program.

🔍Who Can Apply?

✔️Final-year bachelor’s (4th year) or master’s (2nd year) students
✔️ Are fluent in English, Uzbek, and Russian (working language is English)
✔️ Students with basic ICT skills and knowledge in Project Management, Network Technology, or other related subjects within the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry will be more suitable for the program
✔️ Have strong communication and teamwork abilities
✔️ Are eager to learn, grow, and innovate in a dynamic tech environment

📩How to Apply?

Send your CV in English along with your contact details to:
📧 [email protected]

🕒Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

For more details about operation and activities of Huawei in Uzbekistan please visit official website:

🌟What You Will Gain from the Program:
👨‍💻The best-performing interns may have an opportunity for future employment at Huawei.
🌐Hands-on experience with the latest and most relevant ICT knowledge and skills.
📖A chance to connect with outstanding peers from various universities.
📎The opportunity to work alongside experienced industry experts.
📑Daily internship allowance.

Join Huawei Uzbekistan and be part of the future of technology! 🚀

Amity University Tashkent

31 Jan, 11:43

On January 31, Amity University Tashkent proudly congratulates Raximova Zarnigor on her remarkable achievement in the "Best Programmer" contest. She was honored with the "The Luckiest Developer" nomination, recognizing her outstanding skills and innovative approach to programming.

👉🏼 This achievement highlights the dedication and excellence of our students in the field of IT and programming. At Amity University Tashkent, we are committed to fostering talent and providing opportunities for students to showcase their abilities on prestigious platforms.

We are incredibly proud of Raximova Zarnigor and look forward to seeing her continue to excel in the world of technology. Congratulations! 🎉


31-yanvar kuni Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti Raximova Zarnigorni “Eng yaxshi dasturchi” tanlovida erishgan ajoyib muvaffaqiyati uchun faxr bilan tabriklaydi. Uni dasturlashdagi ajoyib mahorati va innovatsion yondashuvini e’tirof etib, “Eng omadli dasturchi” nominatsiyasi bilan taqdirlandi.

👉🏼 Ushbu yutuq talabalarimizning IT va dasturlash sohasiga qiziqishi qanchalik yuqori ekanligini isbotladi. Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetida biz iste'dodlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash va talabalarga o'z qobiliyatlarini nufuzli platformalarda namoyish etish imkoniyatini taqdim etishdan xursandmiz.

Raximova Zarnigorning
ushbu muvaffaqiyati bilan faxrlanamiz va kelajakda texnologiya sohasida yanada ulkan yutuqlarga erishishini intiqlik bilan kutamiz. Tabriklaymiz! 🎉

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Amity University Tashkent

31 Jan, 06:59

Amity University Tashkent invites you to presentations in Andijan city from February 4 till February 6 😍

During the presentation you will know about:
• Academic programs and opportunities at the University
• Scholarship options and admission procedures
• How Amity prepares students for global success
Interactive Q&A session and others

Find out schedule of schools/lyceums and time in the list
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and connect with us. See you there!


Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti sizni 4-6-fevral kunlari Andijon shahrida bo‘lib o‘tadigan taqdimotlarga taklif qiladi 😍

Taqdimot davomida siz quyidagi ma’lumotlar bilan tanishib olasiz:

• Universitetdagi akademik dasturlar va imkoniyatlar
• Grant imkoniyatlari va qabul jarayoni tartiblari
• Amity talabalarni global muvaffaqiyatga qanday tayyorlashi
• Interaktiv savol-javob sessiyasi va boshqalar

Ro‘yxatdagi maktab/litseylar jadvali va vaqti bilan tanishishingiz mumkin
O‘rganish va biz bilan bog‘lanish imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang. Ko‘rishguncha!

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Amity University Tashkent

30 Jan, 11:42

Amity University Tashkent welcomes school pupils to the "New Skill Development Workshops"
Excel your skills with our experts in English, Math, Robotics and Data Analytic 🤩

👉🏼 Skill development programs emphasize interactive learning with experienced professionals through workshops designed to foster active engagement and real-world application of concepts under the guidance of academic experts.

Participants will be awarded with certificates that grant them special benefits during the Amity admission period.


Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti maktab o‘quvchilarini "Muvaffaqiyatga yo‘naltirilgan ko‘nikmalarni rivojlantirish bo‘yicha yangi vorkshop"ga taklif etadi

Ingliz tili, matematika, robototexnika va maʼlumotlarni tahlil qilish boʻyicha mutaxassislarimiz bilan oʻz mahoratingizni oshiring 🤩

👉🏼 Ko‘nikmalarni rivojlantirish dasturlari professional o‘qituvchilar bilan birgalikda mahorat darslarini tashkil etish va malakali professor-o‘qituvchilarimiz bilan faol ishtirok etishni rag‘batlantiruvchi mahorat darslarini tashkil etishga qaratilgan

Ishtirokchilar Amity qabul jarayonida maxsus imtiyozlar beruvchi sertifikatlar bilan taqdirlanadilar.

🙍🏻‍♂️Dr. Supriya Banerjee - Power up Your English: From Basics to Excellence
🙍🏻‍♂️Dr. Danish Ather - Robotics & ICT Skills
🙍🏻‍♂️Dr. Mohit Bhandwal - Strengthen Numeracy Skills
🙍🏻‍♂️Dr. Rajneesh Kler - Data Analytic Skills

📆 Date: February 19, 26; March 5, 12 2025
📍 Location: Amity University Tashkent

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Amity University Tashkent

28 Jan, 12:20

After the huge success of 1st International English Olympiad organized by Amity University Tashkent in 2024, with over 1200 registrations we are thrilled to announce the 2nd International English Olympiad at Amity University Tashkent! 😍

Amity University in Tashkent is organising 2nd International English Olympiad for young people (age 15+) enrolled in lyceums, colleges and schools.

The contest will consist of three rounds:
Round 1
. 50 multiple-choice questions (covering all broad topics of English Vocabulary, Jumbled up word, Complete the sentences, Grammar and Spell Bee, duration 1 hour);
Round 2. The top 20 students chosen from the first round will take part in the Writing Session
Round 3. Selected students chosen from the 2nd round will take part in the Speaking Part

🏆The winners will be awarded with prizes: 1st place laptop; 2nd place smartphone; 3rd place smartwatch


1200 dan ortiq roʻyxatdan oʻtgan 1-Olimpiada muvaffaqiyatli yakunlanganidan soʻng biz Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti 2-Xalqaro ingliz tili olimpiadasini eʼlon qilishdan mamnunmiz! 😍

Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti litsey, kollej va maktablarda tahsil olayotgan yoshlar (15 yosh +) uchun II Xalqaro ingliz tili olimpiadasini tashkil etmoqda.

Tanlov uch turdan iborat bo'ladi:
1-tur. 50 ta tanlovli savol (ingliz tili lug'ati, chalkash so'z, jumlalarni to'ldirish, Grammatika va Spell Bee, davomiyligi 1 soat) barcha keng mavzularni qamrab oladi;
2-tur. Birinchi bosqichdan tanlangan eng yaxshi 20 nafar talaba "Writing" sessiyasida ishtirok etadi.
3-tur. 2-turdan saralangan talabalar “Speaking” qismida ishtirok etadilar

🏆G'oliblar sovg'alar bilan taqdirlanadi: 1-o'rin noutbuk; 2-o'rin smartfon; 3-o'rin soat

For additional information:
📞 +998 71 207 90 08
📞 +998 97 159 11 10
📞 +998 90 869 87 37
👉🏼 Registration 👈🏼

Deadline: February 20, 2025
🗓 Date: March 2
🕖 Time: 09:00
📍 Location: Amity University in Tashkent (Labzak)

Amity University Tashkent

14 Jan, 03:17

Happy Motherland Defenders’ Day🇺🇿

Amity University Tashkent sincerely congratulates you on January 14 – Day of Defenders of the Motherland

This day honors the courage, dedication, and selflessness of those who protect the sovereignty and peace of our Uzbekistan. May this special day inspire us all to uphold the values of unity, loyalty, and commitment to the progress of our nation.


Vatan himoyachilari kuni 🇺🇿

Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti sizlarni 14-yanvar – Vatan himoyachilari kuni bilan chin dildan tabriklaydi

👉🏼 Ushbu kun O‘zbekistonimiz suvereniteti va tinchligini himoya qilayotganlarning jasorati va fidoyiligini sharaflaydi. Ushbu qutlug' kun barchamizni birdamlik va xalqimiz taraqqiyotiga sadoqat qadriyatlarini saqlashga ilhomlantirsin.

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Amity University Tashkent

10 Jan, 13:16


Amity University Tashkent pleased to announce that our alumnus of B.Sc. (IT) program, Isroil Komilov, continues his academic journey at the prestigious University of the West of Scotland in London for Masters Degree

👉🏼 This significant step reflects his dedication to academic excellence and commitment to furthering his education. We congratulate him on this achievement and wish him the best of luck in his future studies.


Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti “Axborot texnologiyalari” bakalavriat yo‘nalishi bitiruvchisi Isroil Komilovning Londondagi nufuzli G‘arbiy Shotlandiya universitetida magistratura bosqichida o‘z akademik sayohatini davom ettirayotganini mamnuniyat bilan e’lon qiladi

👉🏼 Ushbu muhim qadam uning akademik muvaffaqiyatga sodiqligini va ta’limning keyingi bosqichiga intilishini aks ettiradi. Talabamizni ushbu yutug‘i bilan tabriklab, kelgusi o‘qishlarida omad tilaymiz.

👉🏼Watch the video

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Amity University Tashkent

31 Dec, 05:00

On behalf of Amity University in Tashkent, we sincerely congratulate you on the coming New Year 2025!🥳

May the new year bring many new achievements, good health and love, may your plans come true. Let inspiration and love make life lighter and brighter. The coming year be bright, bringing a lot of positive emotions, health, prosperity, smiles on the faces of relatives and friends ☺️


Toshkent shahridagi Amity Universiteti nomidan Sizni kirib kelayotgan Yangi 2025-yil bilan samimiy muborakbod etamiz!🥳

Yangi yil koʻplab yangi yutuqlar, sihat-salomatlik va baxt olib kelsin, rejalaringiz amalga oshishi tilakdoshimiz. Kelgusi yil yorqin onlarga toʻla boʻlsin, koʻplab ijobiy his-tuygʻular, sogʻlik, farovonlik, yaqinlaringiz yuziga tabassum olib kelsin ☺️

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Amity University Tashkent

29 Dec, 08:38

Watch the #videoreport from WINTER CARNIVAL 2024 😍


WINTER CARNIVAL 2024”tadbiridan video lavhani tomosha qiling

👉🏼Watch the video👈🏼

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Amity University Tashkent

28 Dec, 16:58

#photoreport Part 2

On December 28, “Winter Carnival 2024” event was held at Amity University Tashkent

👉🏼 The highlight of the carnival was the Talent Extravaganza, which served as the culmination of the event. Students took the stage to display their diverse talents, captivating the audience and adding a memorable finale to an already spectacular celebration.

The “Winter Carnival 2024” was a wonderful blend of creativity, talent, and camaraderie, leaving everyone with cherished memories of the festive season.


28-dekabr kuni, Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetida “Winter Carnival 2024” tadbiri bo‘lib o‘tdi

👉🏼 Tadbirning diqqatga sazovor joyi uning kulminatsion nuqtasi hisoblangan Talent Extravaganza bo‘ldi. O‘z iste’dodini namoyish etish uchun ishtirokchilar sahnaga chiqib, tomoshabinlarni o‘ziga rom etish orqali bayramga unutilmas lahzalar ulashdilar.

“Winter Carnival 2024” ijodkorlik, iste’dod va do‘stlikning ajoyib uyg‘unligi bo‘lib, barchada bayram faslidan esda qolarli xotiralar qoldirdi.

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Amity University Tashkent

28 Dec, 14:10

#photoreport Part 1

On December 28, “Winter Carnival 2024” event was held at Amity University Tashkent

The university campus was filled with a wonderful atmosphere of joy and celebration. The event featured Baking Competition, where students showcased their culinary creativity, and a Videography Competition that highlighted talent behind the camera. Cyber Sports also brought energy and excitement, attracting gaming enthusiasts from across campus and Classroom Decoration Competition added a creative touch to the festivities


28-dekabr kuni, Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetida “Winter Carnival 2024” tadbiri bo‘lib o‘tdi

Universitet kampusi quvonch va bayram muhitiga toʻldi. Tadbirda talabalar oʻz pazandalik ijodini namoyish etgan “Pazandachilik” tanlovi va kamera ortidagi iqtidorlarni ta’kidlagan “Videografiya” tanlovi bo‘lib o‘tdi. Shuningdek, “Cyber Sports” tadbiri kampus boʻylab oʻyinlarga ixlosmand yoshlarni jalb qilib, energiya va hayajonga toʻla onlarni taqdim etdi, hamda “Sinf xonalarini bezatish” tanlovi bayram tadbirlariga ijodiy ko‘rinish bag‘ishladi

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Amity University Tashkent

14 Dec, 11:45


On December 14, Amity University Tashkent participated in the “TOP 100 Higher Education Institutions” exhibition held at the “Alpomish” Ice Palace

👉🏼 University representatives actively engaged with visitors, answering questions about admission requirements, scholarships, and student life. Personalized consultations helped prospective students gain a clear understanding of how Amity supports academic and personal growth.

A special highlight of the event was the visit from Dr. Sharipov Kongratbay Avezimbetovich, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He visited the Amity University Tashkent stand and learned about the opportunities provided by the University.


14-dekabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti “Alpomish” muz saroyida bo‘lib o‘tgan “TOP 100 oliy o‘quv yurti” ko‘rgazmasida ishtirok etdi

👉🏼 Universitet vakillari tashrif buyuruvchilar bilan faol muloqot qilib, qabul talablari, stipendiya va grantlar hamda talabalar hayoti haqidagi savollarga javob berishdi. Shaxsiy maslahatlar istiqboldagi talabalarga Amity'ning akademik va shaxsiy o‘sishni qanday qo‘llab-quvvatlashi haqida aniq tushunchaga ega bo‘lish imkoniyatini taqdim etdi.

O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vaziri Sharipov Kongratbay Avezimbetovichning tashrifi tadbirning alohida e’tiborli jihati bo‘ldi. Ular Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti stendiga tashrif buyurib, universitet tomonidan yaratilgan imkoniyatlar bilan yaqindan tanishdilar.

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Amity University Tashkent

08 Dec, 03:03

Amity University in Tashkent congratulates all of you on «December 8 - Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan»🇺🇿

We wish you and your loved ones health, prosperity, family well-being, success in your professional activities, and good luck in all good endeavors 😊


Toshkent shahridagi Amity Universiteti barchangizni mamlakatimizning asosiy bayramlaridan biri – «8 dekabr – O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi kuni» bilan tabriklaydi🇺🇿

Sizga va yaqinlaringizga sihat-salomatlik, oilaviy farovonlik, kasbiy faoliyatingizda muvaffaqiyatlar va barcha ezgu ishlaringizda omad tilaymiz 😊

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Amity University Tashkent

07 Dec, 10:13


On December 7, Amity University Tashkent proudly participated in DevFest Uzbekistan 2024

👉🏼 As an institution committed to fostering innovation and technological excellence, Amity University Tashkent showcased its dedication to supporting the IT community through its participation and sponsorship of this prestigious event.

The University's active involvement in events like DevFest highlights its continuous efforts to bridge the gap between academia and the tech industry, inspiring students and professionals alike to innovate 🙌🏼


7-dekabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti DevFest Uzbekistan 2024 ko‘rgazmasida ishtirok etdi

👉🏼 Innovatsiyalar va texnologik mukammallikni qoʻllab-quvvatlashga intiluvchi dargoh sifatida Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti ushbu nufuzli tadbirda ishtirok etish va homiylik qilish orqali IT hamjamiyatini qoʻllab-quvvatlashga sodiqligini namoyish etdi.

Universitetning DevFest kabi tadbirlarda faol ishtirok etishi uning akademiya va texnologiya sanoati oʻrtasidagi tafovutni bartaraf etish, talabalar va mutaxassislarni innovatsiyalarga ilhomlantirish boʻyicha doimiy saʼy-harakatlarini taʼkidlaydi 🙌🏼

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Amity University Tashkent

30 Nov, 12:16


On November 30, Amity University Tashkent participated at “JOB & EDU FEST 2024” held at the Ministry of Digital Technologies

👉🏼Amity University Tashkent representatives presented programs and new program opportunities. Models of Computer Engineering students' developments were also presented at the fair.


30-noyabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligida bo‘lib o‘tgan “JOB & EDU FEST 2024” IT-mehnat va ta’lim yarmarkasida ishtirok etdi

👉🏼Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti vakillari o‘quv dasturlari va bu bo‘yicha taqdim etilayotgan yangi imkoniyatlarni namoyish etdilar. Yarmarkada shuningdek kompyuter injiniringi yo‘nalishi talabalari ishlanmalarining maketlari ham namoyish etildi.

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Amity University Tashkent

18 Nov, 13:51


Here are some interviews with our graduates, who shared about their path at Amity University Tashkent, achievements and plans for the future. Parents expressed gratitude to professors and pride for their children.

Find out how studying at Amity helps build a successful future!


Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetida o‘quv tajribasi, erishgan yutuqlari va kelajakdagi rejalari haqida so‘zlab bergan bitiruvchilarimiz bilan bo‘lib o‘tgan bir nechta suhbatlarni tomosha qiling. Ota-onalar professor-o‘qituvchilarga minnatdorchilik bildirib, farzandlari bilan faxrlanishlarini ta’kidladilar.

Amity'da ta’lim olish muvaffaqiyatli kelajakni qurishga qanday ko‘maklashishiga o‘zingiz ham guvoh bo‘ling!

👉🏼 Watch the video

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Amity University Tashkent

18 Nov, 11:01


On November 17, Amity University in Tashkent participated in the “Uni Fair 2024” organized by the Inter Nation School

👉🏼 Representatives from Amity engaged with students and parents, answering questions about admissions, scholarships, and career prospects. Detailed presentation provided valuable insights for prospective students seeking a world-class education.


17-noyabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti Inter Nation o‘quv markazi tomonidan tashkillashtirilgan “Uni Fair 2024” ko‘rgazmasida ishtirok etdi

👉🏼 Amity vakillari talabalar va ota-onalar bilan muloqot qilib, qabul jarayonlari, stipendiya va grantlar hamda karyeraviy imkoniyatlar borasida ulashilgan savollarga javob berishdi. Universitet vakillarining taqdimoti jahon standartlari darajasida ta’lim olmoqchi bo‘lgan talabalar uchun qimmatli tushunchalar berdi.

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Amity University Tashkent

18 Nov, 05:51


On November 18, Uzbekistan marks the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of the Day of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan🇺🇿

👉🏼 Having celebrated this day with dignity, students of Amity University in Tashkent happily pinned flags with our national symbol to each other.

Congratulations to our compatriots on the Day of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan!


18-noyabr, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat bayrog‘i qabul qilinganiga 33-yil to‘ldi 🇺🇿

👉🏼 Ushbu kunni munosib nishonlab, Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti talabalari xursandchilik bilan bir-birining ko‘ksiga milliy ramzimiz tushirilgan bayroqchalarni taqib qo‘yishdi.

Yurtdoshlarimizni O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat bayrog‘i kuni bilan tabriklaymiz!

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Amity University Tashkent

15 Nov, 06:53


Watch the video from 4th International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS 2024) 🎓🎉

Hisoblash fanlaridagi texnologik yutuqlar bo‘yicha IV xalqaro konferensiya (ICTACS 2024) tadbiridan video lavhani tomosha qiling 🎓🎉

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Amity University Tashkent

13 Nov, 09:43

#photoreport Part 2

On November 13, Amity University Tashkent hosted the 4th International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS 2024) on "Bridging the Industry-Academia Gap through Emerging Disruptive Technologies”

👉🏼 The main goal of ICTACS 2024 was to bring together scientists, researchers and industry representatives to discuss current issues in the field of computer science, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, the Internet of Things and cybersecurity.

Among the guests, representatives of well-known international companies and higher education institutions actively participated in panel discussions, which allowed participants to broaden their horizons and discuss innovations that have been tested on a global scale.


13-noyabr kuni, Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetida “Sanoat va ilm-fan o‘rtasidagi tafovutni ilg‘or texnologiyalar yordamida bartaraf etish” mavzusida Hisoblash fanlaridagi texnologik yutuqlar bo‘yicha IV xalqaro konferensiya (ICTACS 2024) tashkil etildi

👉🏼ICTACS 2024'ning asosiy maqsadi olimlar, tadqiqotchilar va sanoat vakillarini kompyuter fanlari sohasidagi dolzarb muammolarni, jumladan, sunʼiy intellekt, mashinaviy ta’lim, katta maʼlumotlar, buyumlar interneti va kiberxavfsizlikni muhokama qilish uchun birlashtirish edi.

Mehmonlar orasida taniqli xalqaro kompaniya va oliy ta’lim muassasalari vakillari ishtirok etib panel muhokamalarda faol qatnashishdi, bu esa ishtirokchilarning dunyoqarashini kengaytirish va jahon miqyosida sinovdan o‘tgan innovatsiyalarni muhokama qilish imkonini berdi.

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Amity University Tashkent

13 Nov, 09:26

#photoreport Part 1

On November 13, Amity University Tashkent hosted the 4th International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS 2024) on "Bridging the Industry-Academia Gap through Emerging Disruptive Technologies”

👉🏼 First day of the conference started with Lighting the Lamp, National Anthem and Welcome Address by Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh, Amity University Tashkent Director Bobur Abdullaev and First Deputy Director Dr. Naina Chaudhary.

The conference featured variety of keynote speeches in the latest trends of IT, panel discussions, and paper presentations
. Moreover, It was a great opportunity for participants to learn about the latest trends in technology and innovation in Computer Science 🙌🏼


13-noyabr kuni, Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetida “Sanoat va ilm-fan o‘rtasidagi tafovutni ilg‘or texnologiyalar yordamida bartaraf etish” mavzusida Hisoblash fanlaridagi texnologik yutuqlar bo‘yicha IV xalqaro konferensiya (ICTACS 2024) tashkil etildi

👉🏼 Konferensiyaning birinchi kuni Chiroq yoqilishi, Davlat madhiyasi hamda Professor (Dr.) Gurinder Singh, Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti direktori Bobur Abdullayev va direktorning birinchi o‘rinbosari Dr. Naina Chaudharining kirish so‘zlari bilan boshlandi.

Konferensiyada IT sohasidagi so‘nggi tendensiyalar bo'yicha turli xil asosiy ma'ruzalar, panel muhokamalari va taqdimotlar bo‘lib o‘tdi. Bundan tashqari, bu ishtirokchilar uchun kompyuter fanlaridagi texnologiya va innovatsiyalarning so‘nggi tendensiyalari bilan tanishish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat bo‘ldi 🙌🏼

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Amity University Tashkent

12 Nov, 10:56

Reminder: Official Amity University Tashkent Telegram Channels 📢

👉🏼Stay connected and up-to-date by following our official Telegram channels:

1. Amity University Tashkent – Main news.
2. AUT Career Center Career support, guest lectures, and industry visits.
3. AUT Events – Club activities, social events, and students life.
4. AUT Student Affairs – Announcements on studies

Don’t miss out on important announcements and opportunities – follow us today!

Amity University Tashkent

11 Nov, 08:56


Watch the video from The Graduation Ceremony: Class of 2024 🎓🎉


"Graduation Ceremony: Class of 2024" tadbiridan video lavhani tomosha qiling 🎓🎉

👉🏼 Watch the video 👈🏼

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Amity University Tashkent

08 Nov, 05:24

Is gazidan zaharlanish qurboniga aylanmaslik uchun nimalarni bilish kerak?

✅️Toshkent shahar Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar boshqarmasi axborot xizmati

Boshqarmaning rasmiy sahifalari: 
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Amity University Tashkent

04 Nov, 07:42

❗️Winter admission for Foundation Year is open

Don't waste a year and start your study in February 2025

Start your studies at the Foundation level in February 2025 and successful students can progress to the Bachelor’s programme in September 2025

📆 Exam date: November 26

👉🏼  Register now 👈🏼

☎️ +998712079006
📩 @amityuzb


❗️Foundation kursi uchun qishki qabul boshlandi

Bir yilni yoʻqotmang va oʻqishni 2025 yilning fevral oyida boshlang

2025-yilning fevral oyida Foundation darajasida oʻqishni boshlang, muvaffaqiyatli talabalar 2025-yil sentabr oyida bakalavriat dasturiga oʻtish imkoniyati mavjud.

📆 Imtihon sanasi: Noyabr 26

👉🏼 Roʻyxatdan oʻting 👈🏼

☎️ +998712079006
📩 @amityuzb

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Amity University Tashkent

01 Nov, 09:15

On November 1, representatives of the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in particular Jahangir Meliqo'ziev, held a very interesting and meaningful roundtable discussion on the topic "Against ignorance - enlightenment" for the employees and students of our University.

👉🏼 We remind you that we can fight against all destructive ideas and the threat of ignorance only with knowledge and constructive ideas!


1-noyabr kuni, Universitetimiz xodimlari va talabalari uchun O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Din ishlari bo‘yicha qo‘mita vakillari, xususan Jahongir Meliqo‘ziev "Jaholatga qarshi - ma’rifat" mavzusida juda qiziqarli va mazmunli davra suhbati o‘tkazdi.

👉🏼 Eslatib o‘tamiz, barcha vayronkor g‘oyalar va jaholat tahdidiga qarshi faqat ilm-ma’rifat va bunyodkor g‘oyalar bilangina qarshi tura olamiz!

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Amity University Tashkent

25 Oct, 06:39


Meeting with the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

October 25 is the Day of Internal Affairs System Employees of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

👉🏼In this regard, the postgraduate student of the Academy of Internal Affairs, lieutenant colonel Ismailov Shakhriyor Bakhtiyorovich, as a special employee attached to Amity University, visited our university to conduct a preventive roundtable discussion on the topic "Early prevention of offenses among students of higher educational institutions".

At the roundtable discussion, the students were informed in detail about today's global threats, prevention of youth crime, and some statistics for 2024 in this regard, and useful videos on these topics were shown.


Ichki ishlar vazirligi vakili bilan uchrashuv

Bugun 25-oktabr – O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Ichki Ishlar tizimi xodimlari kuni.

👉🏼Shu munosabat bilan universitetimizga Ichki Ishlar Akademiyasi magistranti, podpolkovnik Ismoilov Shaxriyor Baxtiyorovich — Amitiy universitetiga biriktirilgan maxsus xodim sifatida “Oliy ta’lim muassasalari talabalari o‘rtasida huquqbuzarliklarni barvaqt oldini olish” mavzusida profilaktik davra suhbati o‘tkazish uchun tashrif buyurdi.

Davra suhbatida talabalarga bugungi global tahdidlar, yoshlar jinoyatchiligini oldini olish hamda bu borada 2024 yilga oid ayrim statistikalar batafsil yoritildi va shu mavzularda foydali videoroliklar namoyish qilindi.

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Amity University Tashkent

24 Oct, 06:56

Happy Birthday to Our Respected Founder President Sir Dr Ashok Chauhan

Founder President sir has not only created a world-class universities across the globe but has also fostered a culture of innovation, compassion, and academic rigor.

On this special occasion, let us express our heartfelt gratitude for his invaluable contributions to taking Amity to greater heights. Wishing respected Founder President sir a very happy birthday filled with joy, health, and continued success.


Hurmatli asoschi prezidentimiz Dr Ashok Chauhanni tavallud ayyomi bilan tabriklaymiz

Asoschi Prezident nafaqat butun dunyo bo‘ylab jahon darajasidagi universitetlarni yaratdi, balki innovatsiyalar, mehr-oqibat va akademik qat’iylik madaniyatini ham rivojlantirdi.

Ushbu maxsus bayramda Amity'ga qo‘shgan bebaho hissasi uchun samimiy minnatdorchiligimizni bildirgan holda, muhtaram asoschi Prezident janoblarini tavallud ayyomi bilan chin qalbdan tabriklaymiz, quvonch, sihat-salomatlik va muvaffaqiyatlar tilaymiz.

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Amity University Tashkent

21 Oct, 08:55


In honor of the Uzbek Language Day, we conducted an interview with our foreign professors, who shared their impressions of the culture of Uzbekistan in Uzbek language 😍


O‘zbek tili kuni munosabati bilan xorijlik professor-o‘qituvchilarimiz bilan suhbat qildik, ular O‘zbekiston madaniyati haqida o‘zbek tilida o‘z taassurotlari bilan o‘rtoqlashishdi.

👉🏼 Watch the video

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Amity University Tashkent

21 Oct, 04:19


A worthy gift from foreign students of Amity University in Tashkent! October 21 - the 35th anniversary of "the Day when the Uzbek language was granted the status of the state language" may we all be blessed!


Toshkent shahridagi Amity universiteti xorijiy talabalaridan munosib tuhfa! 21-oktyabr - "O‘zbek tiliga davlat tili maqomi berilgan kun"ning 35-yilligi barchamizga muborak bo‘lsin!

👉🏼 Watch the video

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Amity University Tashkent

17 Oct, 11:38


📣Dear Amity Graduates,

We are pleased to announce the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2024🎓

Join us in celebrating the achievements of this remarkable class as they embark on the next chapter of their lives

We invite all passed out graduates of class of 2024, their family members, professors, staff, and friends to join us to celebrate the success of our graduates.

🗓 Date: 6th November
🕥 Time: Registration at 9:30 am;
Event starts at 11:30 am
📍 Location: Amity University Tashkent


📣Hurmatli Amity bitiruvchilari,

Sizga universitetimizda yilda bir marta o‘tadigan eng yirik va shov-shuvli an’anaviy bitiruv-2024 marosimini e'lon qilishdan xursandmiz!🎓

Bitiruvchilarimizning hayotidagi keyingi bosqichga o‘tishdek muhim jarayonni jonli kuzatish uchun keling va bizga qo'shiling.

Biz sizning finishga yetishdek katta bayramingizni birga nishonlash uchun barcha yaqinlarinizni: oila a'zolaringiz, ustozlar va hatto do'stlaringizni ham lutfan taklif etamiz

🗓 Sana: 6-noyabr
🕥 Vaqti: Ro'yxatdan o'tish soat 9:30;
Tadbir 11:30 da boshlanadi
📍 Manzil: Amity University Tashkent

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Amity University Tashkent

16 Oct, 13:02

On October 16, Amity University Tashkent proudly participated in the cultural event "Milliy Qadriyatlar Sayli" (Festival of National Values)

👉🏼 Cultural event is dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the granting of the state language status to the Uzbek language, which showcased the rich cultural diversity of Uzbekistan, featuring traditional music, dance, clothing, and cuisine.

Amity students actively engaged in various performances and presentations, highlighting the significance of preserving and promoting national values.


16-oktabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Amity universitetida “Milliy qadriyatlar sayli” madaniy tadbirida faxr bilan ishtirok etdi.

👉🏼 Madaniy tadbir Oʻzbek tiliga davlat tili maqomi berilganligining 35 yilligiga bagʻishlangan boʻlib, unda Oʻzbekistonning boy madaniy rang-barangligi, anʼanaviy musiqasi, raqslari, kiyim-kechaklari va oshxonasi namoyish etildi.

Amity o‘quvchilari milliy qadriyatlarni asrab-avaylash va targ‘ib qilish muhimligini ta’kidlab, turli chiqish va taqdimotlarda faol ishtirok etishdi.

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