Legal Info @leginf Channel on Telegram

Legal Info


The channel that provides quick information on legal news, legal reforms.

▪️|In the Cyrillic alphabet — @huquqiyaxborot
▪️|In the Latin alphabet — @huquqiyaxborot_lotin
▪️|In Russian — @pravoinf
▪️|In Karakalpak — @huqiqiymalimleme

Legal Info (English)

Are you interested in staying up-to-date with legal news and reforms? Look no further than the 'Legal Info' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing quick and reliable information on all things related to the legal world. Whether you're a law student, a legal professional, or simply someone with an interest in current legal events, this channel is for you

You can find the channel under different usernames depending on the language you prefer: in Cyrillic alphabet as @huquqiyaxborot, in Latin alphabet as @huquqiyaxborot_lotin, in Russian as @pravoinf, and in Karakalpak as @huqiqiymalimleme. No matter which language you choose, you can count on receiving accurate and timely updates on legal matters. Don't miss out on this valuable resource – join the 'Legal Info' Telegram channel today!