Elites LC @elites_lc Channel on Telegram

Elites LC


East or West, Elites is the BEST

Elites LC (English)

Welcome to Elites LC, the premier Telegram channel for all things elite! Whether you're looking for the latest news, tips, and trends in the world of fashion, beauty, lifestyle, or business, Elites LC has you covered. Our community is made up of savvy individuals who are always one step ahead of the curve, making us the go-to destination for those seeking luxury and excellence. From exclusive interviews with industry professionals to insider insights on upcoming events, our channel is the perfect place to stay informed and inspired. East or West, Elites is the BEST! Join us today and elevate your lifestyle to the next level. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of this elite community. Visit our website at https://elitescenter.taplink.ws/ for more information.

Elites LC

17 Nov, 15:31


🟢Ruhshona teacher tomonidan ochilyotgan BEGINNER darajadagi kursi toq kunlari(dush/chor/juma)


Kurs davomiyligi:3 oy

Birinchi dars DUSHANBA kuni bo'ladi!

✔️Kursga yozilish uchun:@eliteslearningcenter_manager

Elites LC

12 Nov, 19:06

📈 B2/52

Teacher: MrSamandar

Mission accomplished 🤝
Congratulations 🎉 Great job 👏


Elites LC

12 Nov, 19:05

📈 B2/51

Teacher: MrSamandar

Mission accomplished 🤝
Congratulations 🎉 Great job 👏


Elites LC

12 Nov, 19:04

📈 B2/57

Teacher: Ilyos

Mission accomplished 🤝
Congratulations 🎉 Great job 👏


Elites LC

12 Nov, 19:03

📈 B2/57

Teacher: Ilyos

Mission accomplished 🤝
Congratulations 🎉 Great job 👏


Elites LC

12 Nov, 19:02

📈 B2/51

Teacher: Ilyos

Mission accomplished 🤝
Congratulations 🎉 Great job 👏


Elites LC

12 Nov, 18:55

It is a cooking time 😋
CEFR October results? 🔜

Elites LC

12 Nov, 12:37


🟢Samandar Yusupov (IELTS 7.5/ CEFR 69 C1) yangi ochilyotgan BEGINNER darajadagi kursi toq kunlari(dush/chor/juma)

🕗soat:18:00-20:00 da

Kurs davomiyligi:3 oy

Birinchi dars JUMA kuni bo'ladi!

Kursga yozilish uchun:@eliteslearningcenter_manager

Elites LC

03 Nov, 13:59


Join this channel for CEFR materials!

Elites LC

02 Nov, 02:44

🥁🥁🥁#vocabulary #useful #speaking #writing

There are several ways to say "Because" and "Because of"

➡️ As
➡️ For
➡️ Since
➡️ Given
➡️ Cause
➡️ Due to
➡️ Owing to
➡️ Seeing as
➡️ Thanks to
➡️ In light of
➡️ Considering
➡️ By reason of
➡️ On account of
➡️ Resulting from
➡️ For the sake of
➡️ Taking into account
➡️ On the grounds that
➡️ As a consequence of
➡️ In light of the fact that


Elites LC

20 Jun, 16:42


Elites LC

28 May, 05:21


⭕️Unda bu yangilik aynan siz uchun ⭕️

👉Tez orada ochiladigan guruhlar ro'yxati bilan tanishing:

👉Pre intermediate

(Ingliztilini noldan boshlamoqchi bo'lgan o'quvchilar uchun maxsus guruh,davomiyligi 2 oy)


🤩Yozgi ta'til uchun 3 oylik chegirma bilan o‘qiysiz

👨‍💻👩‍💻4 va 5 yillik tajribaga ega bo'lgan IELTS darajasi 7.5 va 8.5 lik ustozlar tomonidan darslar olib boriladi

🖼 Hamma sharoitga ega bo'lgan xonalar va coworking zone

☎️ Admistratsiya xodimlarimiz siz bilan 24/7 aloqada

Siz bizning markazimizda o'qib haftalik testlardan yuqori natija olsangiz mutlaqo bepul o'qish imkoniyati

Quyidagi telefon raqam va telegram orqali kurslarimiz haqida to'liq ma'lumotlarni olsangiz bo'ladi:

📞 +998931124804

Biz bilan bo'g'laning va yozgi ta'tilni maroqli o'tkazing


Elites LC

27 Apr, 14:32

📈 B2/51

Teacher: Samandar

Mission accomplished 🤝
Congratulations 🎉 Great job 👏


Elites LC

27 Apr, 14:31

📈 B2/51

Teacher: Ilyos

Mission accomplished 🤝
Congratulations 🎉 Great job 👏


Elites LC

27 Apr, 14:30

📈 B2/51

Teacher: Ilyos

Mission accomplished 🤝
Congratulations 🎉 Great job 👏


Elites LC

27 Apr, 14:29

📈 B2/51

Teacher: Ilyos

Mission accomplished 🤝
Congratulations 🎉 Great job 👏


Elites LC

27 Apr, 14:27

📈 B2/53

Teacher: Ilyos

Mission accomplished 🤝
Congratulations 🎉 Great job 👏
