Haramaya University CHMS Students's Union @chms_su Channel on Telegram

Haramaya University CHMS Students's Union


Students strong voice!

Haramaya University CHMS Students's Union (English)

Are you a student at Haramaya University College of Health and Medical Sciences (CHMS)? If so, we have the perfect platform for you to voice your opinions, concerns, and ideas - the CHMS Students' Union Telegram channel! With the username @chms_su, this channel serves as the strong voice of CHMS students, bringing together like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a difference in their academic community. The Students' Union is dedicated to representing the interests of students, organizing events, and advocating for student rights. By joining this channel, you can stay updated on important news, announcements, and initiatives happening within the CHMS community. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of a supportive and empowering network of students who are committed to creating a positive impact at Haramaya University. Join the CHMS Students' Union Telegram channel today and let your voice be heard!

Haramaya University CHMS Students's Union

13 Nov, 18:56

የምስራቅ አጎራባች ወጣቶች ምክር ቤት የሰላም መድረክ " የወጣቶች ትብብር ለዘላቂ ሰላምና ለጠንካራ ሀገር ግንባታ " በሚል መሪቃል በሐረር ተካሔደ ።
ህዳር 04/2017 ዓ.ም ሐረር

ወጣቱ ትውልድ ለልማት እና እድገት ካላው ቁልፍ ሚና አንፃር በጋራ እና በትብብር መስራት ለሀገር ግንባታ ሚናው ከፍተኛ ነው ።
የጋራ ትብብር እና ትስስር በሚሹ በተለይ እንደ ሰላም ባሉ ጉዳዮች ላይ የወጣቶች ተሳትፎ የጎላ መሆን እውን ነው ።
ይህንንም መሰረት በማድረግ በሐረሪ ክልል ወጣቶች ምክር ቤት አዘጋጅነት የሐረሪ ክልል ፣ የሱማሌ ክልል እና ድሬዳዋ አስተዳደር ወጣቶች ምክር ቤት አባላት የተሳተፉበት የምስራቅ አጎራባች የወጣቶች ምክር ቤት የሰላም መድረክ ተካሔደ ።
የእለቱ ክብር እንግዳ የሐረሪ ክልል የሰላም እና ፀጥታ ቢሮ ኃላፊ እና የምክር ቤቶቹ ፕሬዝዳንቶች ተገኝተው መልእክት ያስተላለፉ ሲሆን በመድረኩም ዘላቂነት ያለው ሰላም ለማስቀጠል የወጣቱ ሚና ምን መሆን አለበት በሚል ሰነድ ቀርቦ ውይይት የተደረደገ ሲሆን የቀጣዩን የምስራቅ ኢትዮጵያ ወጣቶች ምክር ቤት የሰላም መድረክ የድሬዳዋ ወጣቶች ምክር ቤት እዲያዘጋጅ በመወሰን ተጠናቋል ።

Haramaya University CHMS Students's Union

02 Nov, 10:25

This is an official Tiktok account of our former girls' union president . You can follow and support her on Tiktok. Let us support a new business initiative
Support startup young business females.

Thank you

Haramaya University CHMS Students's Union

01 Nov, 13:20

Dear all Clinical year Medicine students and medical interns, here is the link for UpTodate free subscription and you can use it effectively to sustain the contract.


Use SGS WiFi for initial registration and by using your username and Password you can download it by any network.

If we don't use it efficiently the free subscription contract will be cancled.

Please share this information to reach all the students.


Haramaya University CHMS Students's Union

31 Oct, 19:50

Clubs & Associations Board: A Successful Start to Term 2017

Date: 20/02/2017

We kicked off Term 2017 with a productive meeting of the Clubs and Associations Board, bringing together higher managements from every Club and Association on campus.

The atmosphere was buzzing with collaboration and a shared drive to make this year a success. We focused on:

Identifying Challenges & Opportunities: We openly discussed the unique needs and obstacles faced by each Club and Association . This open dialogue allowed us to understand each other's perspectives and brainstorm solutions together.
Implementing Our Action Plan: We dove into the details of our annual action plan, crafting strategies to ensure its impact across all clubs. This involved setting clear goals, identifying roles and responsibilities, and establishing timelines.

The meeting was a resounding success, fostering a vibrant and supportive community where ideas flowed freely and we felt a collective sense of purpose.

We're excited to see what we can achieve together this term!

Best regards,

Adnan Abduselam
Head of Clubs & Associations Board
CHMS Students Union, Haramaya University