Infolink BUMA Department @buma2122 Channel on Telegram

Infolink BUMA Department


Infolink BUMA Department (English)

Welcome to the Infolink BUMA Department Telegram channel! This channel, managed by the username @buma2122, is your one-stop destination for all the latest news, updates, and information related to BUMA Department. But who exactly is BUMA Department? BUMA Department is a leading organization dedicated to providing high-quality services and solutions in the field of technology and information. From software development to IT consulting, BUMA Department is at the forefront of innovation and excellence. With this Telegram channel, you can stay informed about upcoming events, job opportunities, and industry trends. Join us today and be a part of the BUMA Department community!

Infolink BUMA Department

30 Jan, 02:06

Exit Exam Schedule

Tuesday Tir 27

(27/05/2017 E.C)

Business Management Department

Exam Center: Hawassa University

•After the schedule arrangement we will announce the name of the campus and exam session.

The Department

Infolink BUMA Department

30 Jan, 01:39

Exit Exam Schedule

Infolink BUMA Department

18 Jan, 13:07

2017 1st Semester Final Exam Schedule (Regular BuMa)

Infolink BUMA Department

18 Jan, 12:58

2017 1st Semester Final Exam Schedule (Night BuMa)

Infolink BUMA Department

18 Jan, 12:35

2017 E.C 1st Semester Final Exam Schedule (Weekend BuMa)

Infolink BUMA Department

16 Jan, 08:01


በ2017 ዓ.ም አጋማሽ የሚሰጠውን የቅድመ-ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመውጫ ፈተና (Exit Exam) ዳግም ለመውሰድ ፍላጎት ያላቸው አመልካቾች ምዝገባ ከጥር 8-14/2017 ዓ.ም እንደሚከናወን ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር አሳውቋል፡፡

ለመመዝገብ 👉

ፈተና የሚሰጥበትን ጊዜ በቀጣይ እንደሚያሳውቅ ሚኒስቴሩ ገልጿል፡፡

ከምዝገባ ጋር ተያይዞ ለሚኖራችሁ ጥያቄ ዘውትር በሥራ ሰዓት በተከታዮቹ አማራጮች ማብራሪያ መጠየቅ የምትችሉ መሆኑን ተገልጿል፡፡

Email: [email protected]
☎️ 0911824528 / 0913678404 / 0913949676 / 0910076453 / 0923106826 / 0913866717 / 0911335683

➫ የመፈተኛ User Name እና Password በመመዝገቢያ ፖርታል በኩል የሚላክ ይሆናል።
➫ የመመዝገቢያ ክፍያ ብር 500 በቴሌብር በኩል ብቻ መፈፀም ይኖርባችኋል፡፡
➫ ምዝገባ ማድረግ የሚቻለው በተጠቀሱት የምዝገባ ቀናት ብቻ ነው፡፡


Infolink BUMA Department

10 Jan, 05:58

Office Hours

Tuesday 8:00-11:00

Wednesday 3:00-5:00

Thursday 3:00-5:00

Friday 3:00-5:00

Daniel A.

Infolink BUMA Department

03 Jan, 14:18

January 3rd, 2025
We visited ZLD Waste Water Treatment plant found in Hawassa Industrial Park which is the largest treatment plant from Ethiopia. We want to thank our students in advance for their dedication to visit and Mr. Petros Yohannes who has organized the program.

Infolink BUMA Department

01 Jan, 10:51

This morning (January 1st, 2025), we visited CBE which is among one of the Financial Institutions in Ethiopia. We want to thank our students in advance for their dedication to visit and Mr. Halefom Mitku to organize the program.

Infolink BUMA Department

31 Dec, 17:39

For all 4th Year Business Management Students:

Tentative Schedule for Senior Project I

• Submission Date 06/05/17
•Defense or Presentation Date 08-09/05/2017 E.C

Accordingly try to summarize your work before deadlines.

The Department

Infolink BUMA Department

31 Dec, 15:43

First Day ICT club Training was conducted successfully. Thanks for Group leaders and Dr. Teshome in advance!!!

Infolink BUMA Department

30 Dec, 15:39


Attention all club members!

The first training session is scheduled for:
📆 Tomorrow, December 31, 2024
9:00 LOCAL TIME (Afternoon)
📍 IUC meeting room

Please be there on time!

Infolink BUMA Department

28 Oct, 08:48

This week's office hour:
(18-22/02/2017 E C)

Monday 9:00-10:00
Tuesday 3:00-5:00
Wednesday 8:00-10:00
Thursday 8:00-10:00
Friday 8:00-10:00

Those students who can't come to office, you can communicate me through department's telegram bot using the proper format.

Daniel A.

Infolink BUMA Department

20 Oct, 16:49

Business Management Department Communication Telegram Bot

Infolink BUMA Department

20 Oct, 16:49

Easy communication bot.

Infolink BUMA Department

20 Oct, 16:48

This week's office hour:
(11-15/02/2017 E C)

Monday 10:00-11:00
Tuesday 3:00-5:00
Wednesday 8:00-10:00
Friday 8:00-10:00

Those students who can't come to office, you can communicate me through department's telegram bot using the proper format.

Daniel A.

Infolink BUMA Department

15 Oct, 13:34

2017 Entry (1st Year) Business Management Regular Students Class Schedule. (Class Started)

Infolink BUMA Department

13 Oct, 15:21

Easy communication bot.