Shaykh Ahmad Gems @shaykhahmadgemz Channel on Telegram

Shaykh Ahmad Gems


Shaykh Ahmad Gems (English)

Are you in search of spiritual enlightenment and inspiration? Look no further than Shaykh Ahmad Gems! This Telegram channel is dedicated to sharing the wisdom and teachings of Shaykh Ahmad, a renowned spiritual leader and scholar. With a wealth of knowledge on Islamic philosophy, mysticism, and spirituality, Shaykh Ahmad Gems offers a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of the faith and connect with like-minded individuals. From daily reflections to in-depth lectures, this channel provides a platform for seekers to engage with profound spiritual concepts and elevate their consciousness. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your spiritual journey, Shaykh Ahmad Gems invites you to explore the depths of Islamic wisdom and find guidance on your path to enlightenment. Join us today and discover the hidden treasures of Shaykh Ahmad's teachings!

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

26 Jan, 07:57

The level of superiority is not measured by worldly, earthly losses or gains. The level of superiority is not measured by bombings and genocides or advances or retreats. The measure of superiority is the measure of one's Īmān and Istiqāmah and Thabāt on Tawheed.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

23 Jan, 23:54

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

22 Jan, 20:25

The conclusion is that the goal of the haters is not to take Muslims into their faith, but rather to take Muslims out of their faith. Just take Muslims out of their faith and let them run like wild animals astray in the wilderness.

This is why they openly intervened in Muslim countries and Muslim curriculums, namely in the lands of the Haramayn (our holiest), to remove and delude this topic of Walaa’ and Baraa’ in their curriculum. They ordered in particular that the authorities in the lands of the Haramayn remove and change the curriculum of Walaa’ and Baraa’ in the grade school, and even in the universities. These are public facts. I am not saying anything from myself. This is not hidden and this is not made-up. Go research it and you will see. It started, it intensified or it got to the media around 2003, and then in 2006 and 2007. The stooges and subordinates in Bilaad al-Haramayn said to their masters what they should have said to Allah. They said to their masters we hear and we adhere, we will take care of it. In fact, it got to a point where even Saalih al-Fawzaan openly and publicly stood up against this matter. He objected to the change in the curriculum in public and he wrote against it.

After the curriculum changed and matters changed, over time they made out of Makkah a centre to call for interfaith. They mask it with this dialogue baloney, but it is really interfaith. I wrote an article on our old site and I do not know what happened to the article, but I gathered thirty names of thirty ‘Ulamaa in the lands of the Arabian Peninsula who called someone Kaafir or Kufr who believe, adopt or promote interfaith. There is even a Fatwa by the official ‘Ulamaa (Hay’ah al-Kibaar al-‘Ulamaa) considering it Kufr. Wallahi, one scholar who the Murji’ah attribute themselves to in the lands of Haramayn said whoever calls for interfaith is worse than Jews and Christians. Every main aspect of interfaith is aimed to attack and demolish our ‘Aqeedah, and Walaa’ and Baraa’. The purpose of interfaith is to destroy Walaa’ and Baraa’. I am going to be clear with you.

(Shaykh Ahmad Jibrīl حفظه الله circa 2013)

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

15 Jan, 06:15

‎⁦ #NEW⁩ | CAN THE SHARI'AH BE IMPLEMENTED GRADUALLY? | Shaykh ⁦ @sh_Ahmad_Jibril⁩ (حفظه الله تعالى)

‎A highly important and relevant topic, especially with the current events in ⁦ Syria⁩, and previously in Egypt - what is the reality of those who claim to desire to implement the Shari'ah gradually?



Shaykh Ahmad Gems

09 Jan, 07:52

Advice Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله تعالى received from Rasulullah ﷺ in a dream, at the age of 11

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

04 Jan, 19:14

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

28 Dec, 10:06

O All-Hearing,
O All-Responding,
O All-Knowing,
O Most Merciful,
O Most Generous,
O Most Compassionate,
O Bestower of Blessings,
O Most Loving,
Grant comfort to our sisters who have recently been imprisoned in Italy, in their solitude.
Relieve them from the loneliness and darkness of their confinement.
Fortify their iman, and send tranquility upon their hearts.
Ease their burdens, smooth their affairs, and purify their hearts.
Elevate their status, and grant them contentment and Your divine pleasure.
Protect them, O Allah, with Your protection.

O Allah, let Your servants and forces, both in the heavens and on earth, work in their favor.

O Allah, free our sisters in the camps of al-Hol and al-Rouj, and our brothers and sisters in the prisons of Idlib and beyond.

O Allah, grant them all freedom, peace, and safety, and reunite them with their families.

Ahmad Musa Jibril
Jmd. II 25, 1446 AH

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

25 Dec, 19:18

As Fitan go on and as the snow keeps melting, you will see the reality of many more. That is the great benefit of the struggles that the Ummah goes through. The snow melts, and you see what is under it.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

21 Dec, 18:05

My father had a historic collection of tapes I used to listen to when I was young by a eloquent beacon of truth, Shaykh Abdurahman Aldowsary (Rahimahu Allah) who died in 1979.

He said, "Those of the Shyookh who befriend and support the tyrant rulers.... they are like toilet paper, once those rulers wipe with them they throw them out".

~Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

17 Dec, 20:00

Ever wonder why remaining tyrants did not learn from dethroned ones?

"I shall turn away from My signs those who behave arrogantly." [7:146]

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

11 Dec, 06:04

أَضْحَكَ اللَّهُ سِنَّكَ

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

08 Dec, 08:52

Allahu Akbar! Walhamdulillahil lathee bi ni'matihi tatimmus saalihaat!

Every Muslim feels immense joy upon the overthrow of any Tāghūt, even if the change is led by another Tāghūt.

Ibn Kathīr stated that Allah deals with the oppressors by allowing some to dominate others, bringing about the destruction of some through others, and taking vengeance upon them through each other, as recompense for their injustice and transgressions.

This joy is particularly pronounced when witnessing the release of innocent Muslim prisoners, especially our sisters, and the restoration of rights to individuals, including their homes, lands, and cities. However, our deepest joy is found only when the pure Sharī’ah of Allah is fully implemented across the territories.

The retreat of the enemy from a town and the fall of its Tāghūt is not considered a Shar’ī “liberation” until the country is governed by the Laws of Allah and the secular laws that have hindered the implementation of these Divine Laws are eliminated.

Replacing a rusted Tāghūt with a polished Tāghūt who doesn't implement the pure Sharī’ah of Allah cannot be considered “liberation” or “freedom”. Rather, it's merely a repetition of oppression and a reproduction of Tughyān.

Liberating territories in the name of "freedom" may lead to some vanishing worldly benefits, whereas liberating lands to establish Sharī’ah is the goal that will grant one a Jannah more expansive than both heaven and earth.

Today, we express our gratitude to Allah for allowing us to witness the decline of one of the most prominent oppressors of our time. We pray that Allah fills our hearts with joy as we observe the demise of the remaining tyrants, enabling us to live under the shade of Tawheed in those areas, under the governance of the pure righteous Muwahideen.


Ahmad Musa Jibril
Jmd. II 6, 1446 AH

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

22 Nov, 15:58


#NEW | NOT A LEAF FALLS EXCEPT HE HAS KNOWLEDGE OF IT | Shaykh Ahmad bin Musa A̅l-Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى)

In this beautiful reminder, Shaykh Ahmad puts into perspective the benefits when one ponders over the infinite Knowledge of Allah.

May Allah reward the Shaykh, protect him, and increase him in knowledge and goodness, and unite him with his loved ones upon Khayr in this life, and in the Akhirah beneath the throne of Allah.


Rumble (4k)

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

06 Nov, 08:10


Shaykh Ahmad Gems

04 Nov, 08:23

12 | THE GHURABĀ SERIES | Insights from the Story of the Stranger from Al-Yaseen III

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

30 Oct, 12:28

Some say “Abandon Harris,” others say “Abandon Trump,” whereas a true Muslim says, “Abandon Voting!”

May Allah grant the U.S. the president that will best serve the destruction of its economy from within, due to its explicit funding of the massacre of our children in Gaza, and elsewhere.

رَبَّنَا اطْمِسْ عَلَىٰ أَمْوَالِهِمْ وَاشْدُدْ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ فَلَا يُؤْمِنُوا حَتَّىٰ يَرَوُا الْعَذَابَ الْأَلِيمَ

Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله
Rab. II 27, 1446 AH

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

21 Oct, 06:29


#NEW | THE WOUND THAT NEVER HEALS | Shaykh Ahmad bin Musa A̅l-Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى)

A heartfelt reminder by Shaykh Ahmad bin Musa A̅l-Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى), in which he puts into perspective the varying reward of dutifulness to ones mother during her life and after her death, as well as sharing the life-altering moment his Mother passed away رحمة الله عليها.

May Allah reward Shaykh Ahmad bin Musa A̅l-Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى), protect him, increase him in knowledge and goodness, and unite him with his loved ones upon Khayr in this life, and in the Akhirah beneath the throne of Allah.

Streaming Links:

Rumble (4k)
Twitter/X (1080p)

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

20 Oct, 11:26

Those who know their ‘Aqeedah, know very well the ‘Aqeedah of the Raafidhah.

The ‘Aqeedah of the Raafidhah can never be accepted but by a filthy hardhearted individual!

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

14 Oct, 12:26

Those bigheads who call for unity – what if you called one of them up and said "you know your mum or your sister, she was messing around with a couple of guys. You know after your dad died, your mum was messing around with another man and she betrayed your dad. You know your dad, he was a homosexual. Shaykh, that is your mum and your dad, but me and you – I think we can get along. Shaykh, that is your mum and your dad, but can you come over and give us a lecture in our community? Shaykh, that is what I think about your mum and your dad, but I want to unite with you. I want to be pals with you and I want to sit and have coffee with you. I want to sit on the roundtable with you, but that is what I think about your mum and your dad. I want my kids and your kids to grow up together, but that is what your mum and your dad are about." What do you think the answer from him will be?

Those pro-unity people are people who once they smell someone talking about them, they warn about them, and they tell their congregation and their students.

What I just said is what the Rāfidhah say about my mum and your mum Ā-ishah رضي الله عنها. That is what they say about my dad and your dad Umar رضي الله عنه .

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

12 Oct, 08:49

"They are the enemies so beware of them" [63:4]

During trials and fitan, hypocrites surface and become known. An opportunity to know and beware of them.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

07 Oct, 09:24


— Shared

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

06 Oct, 11:38

Back in the day, years and years would pass without any significant events that refine the ranks, and that's why the reality of many was hidden and not known.

More recently, especially in the last two decades or so, trials have been falling like beads fall from a cut string of a Misbahah. Those trials refined the ranks and exposed the deviant Shuyūkh, the Munafiqīn, and the spineless cowards of the Ummah.

When the strutting of the Murji'ah and their likes reached its peak in the lands, Allāh سبحانه وتعالى exposed their deception and the deception of their rulers for the laymen — like what we saw in the Gaza cause.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

25 Sep, 05:51

“Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril’s tawheed classes are in the process of being translated to russian:

Please share so people will take benefit, بارك الله فيك”

Allahumma Bārek. May Allah reward those who spent the time to translate and caption this. Please share Insha’Allah

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

23 Sep, 21:56

Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله تعالى said,

“Lowering the gaze is means to attaining the provision of knowledge.”

Pay attention to this advice, because it's coming from one of the all-time Imāms of this Dīn. He said lowering the gaze is a means for one to attain the Ni’mah of knowledge.

There’s an avenue between the eyes and the heart. If the heart is corrupted, the sight is corrupted, and if the sight is corrupted, the heart is corrupted, and the opposite is true as well.

When one controls his eyes from looking at Harām, Allāh سبحانه وتعالى grants him a pure heart with pure insight. Their insight, their Basīrah, will be the likeness of one who physically looks with his physical eyes through clean, clear eyeglasses. Looking at Harām to the heart is like breathing on those glasses. What happens to the glasses when you breathe on them? It fogs and clouds one’s vision. The same happens to the heart when one looks at Harām.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

22 Sep, 20:05

Believing in the pure Tawhīd, with all its aspects and conditions, makes you a stranger today even among those who claim to follow the words of Tawhīd. It applies to strangers who fulfill the Wājibāt and the Sunan that people have neglected. Whether it may be, for example, Salāh on time, Hijāb and Niqāb, refusing to do the popular Harāms that render you a stranger by not doing them. Strangers who were mocked, for example, for growing their beards, before it became a style, and they’ll continue to grow it after the style fades away, because they grew it in obedience to Allāh لىاعتو هناحبس and His Messenger (ﷺ). When a Stranger takes the golden statement of Waraqa and acclimates himself to the various forms of hostility that he or she will surely face, just as the messengers faced, it absorbs the shock, and it lessens the worry and afflictions that come in this path, and it keeps one determined and resolute, unswerving, unswayed, and unyielding.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

21 Sep, 10:37

36 _ Furū' Al-Fiqh _Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

20 Sep, 04:45

🎥 #NEW | Kashf and Karamāt — Between Two Extremes | Shaykh Ahmad Mūsā Jibrīl حفظه الله | #AskAMJ

In this newly released audio Q&A, Shaykh Ahmad Jibrīl حفظه الله responds to a question regarding an Athar that is commonly used as proof by some deviants to allege Awliyā' having knowledge of the Ghayb, and he goes further to clarify the stance of Ahl As-Sunnah on Karāmāt, Kashf, and/or Firāsah. May Allāh سبحانه وتعالى protect and honor our Imām.


Shaykh Ahmad Gems

18 Sep, 21:02

When I was a child in Madīnah with my father, memorizing the Qur’ān — may Allāh subhanahu wa ta'aala give him a long life full of deeds and heal him and cure him — my father took me many times to a very famous Shaykh. His name was Shaykh ‘Abd Al-Fattāh Ibn Sayyid ‘Ajami Al-Marsafi. He was a teacher in the University of Madīnah and he has several other big positions. He was a contemporary giant and Imām in the sciences of the Qur’ān and Qira’āt. He said reciting the Qur’ān with those musical Maqāmāt is not permissible in any way, even if it doesn’t conflict with the rules of Tajwīd! He states that reciting the Qur’ān with the Musical Maqāmāt doesn't and cannot coincide with the rules of Tajwīd. He said the Muslimīn have an Ijmā’ on following the rules of the Qur’ān and on the prohibition on the Maqāmāt, and I consider that Harām as well.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

16 Sep, 19:29

Unless you cater your Islām to their liking, and you delude your Tawhīd to their tendency, then rest assured, rest assured, they will never be pleased, because the mere existence of the pure Tawhīd is a nuisance the oppressive Kufr feel they need to extinguish, abolish, and rid themselves of it.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

15 Sep, 08:21

Tafsīr al-Qur'ān al-'Adhīm: Al-Fātihah | 14 - Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

11 Sep, 05:20

Lowering The Gaze

Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله تعالى said,

Lowering the gaze is a means to attaining the provision of knowledge.”

Pay attention to this advice, because it's coming from one of the all-time Imāms of this Dīn. He said lowering the gaze is a means for one to attain the Ni’mah of knowledge.

There’s an avenue between the eyes and the heart. If the heart is corrupted, the sight is corrupted, and if the sight is corrupted, the heart is corrupted, and the opposite is true as well. When one controls his eyes from looking at Harām, Allāh سبحانه وتعالى grants him a pure heart with pure insight. Their insight, their Basīrah, will be the likeness of one who physically looks with his physical eyes through clean, clear eyeglasses. Looking at Harām to the heart is like breathing on those glasses. What happens to the glasses when you breathe on them? It fogs and clouds one’s vision. The same happens to the heart when one looks at Harām.

When the Imams were victorious over themselves in such matters, Allāh سبحانه وتعالى granted their work inextinguishable Nūr and acceptance, even when the world may have collaborated against their work. The lesson from that is that when one lowers his gaze from that which Allāh سبحانه وتعالى has forbidden for Allāh’s sake, rest assured, Allāh سبحانه وتعالى will not let it go in vain. He will compensate him with something similar in nature but better.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

07 Sep, 19:58

Some Signs Of An Accepted Duaa

So the first matter is that Allāh سبحانه وتعالى inspiring you to make Du'ā is a sign that Allāh سبحانه وتعالى will accept the Du'ā. There are other signs, and they’re not in the Qur’ān nor in the Sunnah. They’re somewhat of an Ijtihād by some Ulamā’. Ash-Shawkāni رحمه الله تعالى said they’re Tajribīyyah, meaning they’re derived through experience, so there’s no proof needed he said.

Among the signs some Ulamā’ mentioned is that when one completes the Du'ā, he feels deep awareness of the Power, Greatness, and Majesty of Allāh سبحانه وتعالى, and one may experience crying or chills or trembling or fainting or even passing out, and it’ll be combined with the relaxation of the heart and a cool mind. Some said that one will feel refreshed and rejuvenated internally, with a feeling of outward lightness, as if, for example, a heavy load was taken off their shoulders.

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله

Shaykh Ahmad Gems

07 Sep, 09:56

11 | THE GHURABĀ SERIES | Insights from the Story of the Stranger from Al-Yaseen II