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G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog


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G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog (Uzbek)

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog Telegram kanalining nomi bo'yicha tadbir etilayotgan muhokama. Kanal foydalanuvchilarning ingliz tili bilan bog'liq malakalarini oshirish uchun bo'lgan havolalardan iborat. Kanalda IELTS kurslari, individual kurslar va bepul IELTS darslari mavjud. Otaboyevning o'zining mahsulotlaridan foydalanish uchun @otaboyevblog_results bilan bog'lanishingiz mumkin. Agar siz ham ingliz tilini o'rganmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bu kanal siz uchun mo'ljallangan!

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

22 Feb, 10:32

❄️Let it snow…

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Feb, 07:59

IT sohasini o’qing. Qancha erta boshlasangiz, shuncha yaxshi. Kelajakda eng kerakli kasblar, eshitishimcha quyidagilar bo’larkan:

- IT (Ai)
- Qora ishchilar


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Feb, 05:14

Endi esa maska taqadigan darajaga ko'tarildi pollution. Boyagi rasmda 133 ko'rsatayotgandi.

Hamma o'zini asrasin, guys.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Feb, 05:13


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Feb, 05:11

Bu Chilonzor havosi. Ishxonamni yaqinini nafas olishga xavfli deyapti.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Feb, 05:05

Bizda havoni bugungi iflosligi juda darajada yuqori. Tavsiya qilingan normadan 9.7 baravar baland.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Feb, 04:56

Vaziyat biz o’ylagandan ancha og’ir. Atrof-muhitni yaxshilash zarur. Bu ketishda, o’zimiz ancha aziyat chekishimiz mumkin.

Bu podcastni ko’rib, juda qattiq “depressing” holatga tushib qoldim. Bilmadim, balkim holat yaxshilanar, balkim yo’q.

Hamma vaziyatlarda optimist bo’ladigan inson bo’lsam ham, Pessimistic Mood bilan bu postni yozyapman.

🔗 https://youtu.be/wu2xyVNpJJg?si=XQJchpw6JirxCoJN


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

19 Feb, 05:13

Mobodo, Ramadan challenge qilsak, qaysi skill ga bo'lsin?

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

18 Feb, 02:10

O’qishiniyam, ishiniyam joyiga qo’yib qo’ygan o’quvchilarimning dars qilishi.

8-11 soatgacha bemalol dars qilishyapti.

Keyingi safar, o’qish va ish deb bahona topishdan avval, imkon topib dars qilayotgan, o’zini ustida ishlayotgan shunaqa insonlar haqida o’ylang.

Vaqt o’tib ketaveradi. 2025ni ham 2-oyi tugayapti. Ha demay, 2025-ni o’zi ham tugaydi.

O’zingizga aniq bir maqsad qo’ying, va shunga erishmaguncha harakatda to’xtamang.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

17 Feb, 05:49

My teacher’s view on this.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

17 Feb, 05:49

I remember working 18 hours a day while studying what I was going to teach before I taught. Everythingis feasible as long as you are disciplined enough

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

17 Feb, 05:24


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

15 Feb, 13:38

Palestine Land Loss over time.

Hard to imagine…


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

14 Feb, 12:10

Men ham balkim qachonlardir YouTube ga ko'plab contentlar joylarman. For now, all I'm thinking about is my health:(


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

14 Feb, 12:08

⚡️Tepadagi commentga mutlaqo teskari comment.

- Shunaqa yoshda ham izlanishda davom etyapti ekanlar. Shunaqa insonlar borligi odamni xursand qiladi.

- Ko'pchilik 40dan oshgandan keyin, depressiyaga tushib, bo'ldi endi, hammasi tugadi deb, orzu qilmay qo'yadi.

It's never too late to make changes.

🔗 https://youtu.be/FSfLyrayXEM?si=f4qkkpdO_l5L65SZ


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

14 Feb, 06:33

I’ve started prioritizing my health. I know a lot of my work is out of order right now, but if I don’t take care of myself first, I won’t be able to return to the process effectively.

To my dear students, I’m truly sorry. I may not be able to teach as well as I’d like for a while due to my illness, but I’ll do my best to come back stronger.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Feb, 14:17

I just had a blood test to find out why I keep catching colds so often.

It’s not a good sign—I’ve been getting sick once or twice every month.

It’s clear that I need to start prioritizing my health.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Feb, 06:21


As you get older, you begin to realize just how much your parents care for you.

You might start studying, working, or even building your own family, but no matter what, your parents will always stay loyal and connected to you.

Nobody can care for you as deeply as your parents.
Nobody can love you as much as your parents.

Everyone else in the world loves you for a reason.
But only your parents love you unconditionally.

You may hurt them.
You may disappoint them.
You may talk back or disrespect them without thinking.

So, what do they do?
They forgive you and continue to treat you with the same love.
They keep loving you no matter what.

Take care of your parents. They won’t be here forever. Make them happy while you still have the chance.

If you feel like they are growing old much faster than you —

Make them your priority. Give them everything you can. Let’s make it happen.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Feb, 16:24

I’m sick again. This winter has been nothing but flu for me. 😞


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Feb, 04:32

🔗 Read my post about running:

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Feb, 04:26

O’zi bitta “Running community” ochsak bo’larkan. Kimla qo’shilardi?

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Feb, 04:21

My students have become interested in running🏃‍♂️🚀


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

10 Feb, 16:54

🚀1 kunda 15k bo’ldi video.

• Haliyam ko’rmaganlar bo’lsa, albatta ko’rib, o’z fikrilarni qoldirila. Hammani commentlarini bittalab o’qib chiqyapman:

🔗 https://youtu.be/FSfLyrayXEM?si=f4qkkpdO_l5L65SZ

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

10 Feb, 16:36

My students are going to join my running journey🚀🏃‍♂️


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

10 Feb, 13:23

Any comments?


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

10 Feb, 05:11

Keep working hard, guys. Such videos are meant to keep people stupid and unsuccessful!

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

10 Feb, 05:10

I was scrolling on YouTube and this video was recommended to me😂

Kecha ham kechgacha ishda edim. “Siz terminatormisiz” - deb hazillashdi ishdagilar.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 17:42

Ko‘pchiligimiz "reading qilyapmanku" deb o‘zimizni ovutamiz, lekin aslida vaqtni samarasiz o‘tkazib yuboramiz. Natija esa yo‘q!

Mirjalol Soatov bu muammoni tahlil qilib, "reading"da samaradorligini oshirish bo'yicha video dars tayyorlabdilar

O'zbek You Tube 🎞videolari ichidagi hamma reading darslarini jamlanmasi bo’libdi video!
P.s:Foydali bo'lishiga ishonamiz!



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 12:10

Саволларимга эринмай вақтини аямасдан жавоб берганларга катта рахмат.

Бугун жамият учун кичкина яхшилик қилдингиз, тез орада билиб оласиз.

Ўзингизга қиладиган яхшиликларингиз бунданда кўп бўлсин.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 12:03

7. Изох?

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 12:00

6. Ном берамиз.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 11:51

5. Сизни касб танлашингизда еки универ, тил танлашанигизда ўз фикрингиз билан танлаганмисиз, еки жамият(ота она истаклари) билан?

Ва бу қанчалик тўгри?

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 11:44

4. Хозирги кунда ўқувчиларни хулқи бузилиб кетишига нима таьсир қилган деб ўйлайсиз. Мактабдаги дўстлар еки ота она ?

Мактабдаги дўстлар инсонни ўзгаришига сабаб бўладими? (Негатив тарафдан)

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 11:39

3. Тарбия уйдан еки мактабдан олинади???

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 11:34

2. Мактабда ўқитувчиларингизнинг қайсидир характерини ўзгартириш имкони бўлганида у қайси бўларди ва нега?

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 11:25

Энди бўлса қуйидаги саволларимга жавоб берсангиз, роса катта савоб иш қилган бўлардингиз:)

Жавобларни хар бир савол ташалган пост коммент қисмига ёзиб қолдиринг.
Жавоблар мухим.

1. Мактаб пайтини эсга олинг. Айнан ўша пайтда сизда ўртокларингиз билан келишмовчилик бўлганми, қандайдир “травма” қолганми? Агар бор бўлса уни йўк қилиш учун нималар қилгансиз?
Еки шундай болаларга кандай тавсия берган бўлардингиз?

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 11:03

Хей тичерни қадрли обуначилари!

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 09:05

My Duolingo streak is dying—I haven’t been consistent with learning that new language.

Well, it happens. At the end of the day, none of us are perfect.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 05:04

I keep coming back to this song with a pain in my chest.

The life of Konsta feels so similar to mine.

I had a difficult and traumatic childhood. I always dreamed of being able to afford a pair of blue jeans like my classmates.

We could only afford Kiwi once before I turned 18.

In the summers, I worked in the fields to earn money for my school uniform. Otherwise, I would have had to wear my old clothes.

When I moved to Tashkent, I had no job, no skills, and no money.

I dropped out of university twice.

According to some, I shouldn’t even be considered “normal” because I don’t have a diploma.

But I’m striving to become someone. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day, InshaAllah, I’ll get there.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Jan, 04:52

My friend, success is not accidental.

You may dream of a good life, but if you’re not putting in enough effort, that dream will remain just a dream.

Achieving your goals may take years or even decades.

However, don’t wait for the “right moment.” Success doesn’t come from magic or wishful thinking—it requires consistent effort and hard work.

You might feel low on energy, sad, or even depressed, but that doesn’t matter.

You have goals to achieve. No matter how hard it gets, you must lift your head and keep moving forward.

No friend will do it for you. Nobody else is going to make it happen.

But remember this: you are unique. You may not be good at everything, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a successful person.

Find your passion and pursue it relentlessly.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

19 Jan, 04:02

We are being trained, not educated!!!


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Jan, 12:38

Meanwhile, my wife🥲

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Jan, 04:02



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Jan, 03:58

My today’s vibes❤️‍🔥


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Jan, 03:45

Running reflections


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

12 Jan, 15:58

Here’s a video created by my wife, who has been my biggest supporter throughout this journey.

She was the one who encouraged me to organize this event, and I couldn’t be more grateful for her inspiration and support.

Many thanks to her!


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

12 Jan, 13:06

🎉 10-Day Writing Challenge - Graduation Party

Today, I had the pleasure of inviting my students to a special event to celebrate their incredible achievements during the challenge.

It was a moment to honor those who persevered and completed all 10 days with dedication and hard work.

To make the event unique, I included some fun and engaging activities that we don’t usually do in the classroom. Judging by the smiles and enthusiasm, I believe the students truly enjoyed the experience.

This was my first time organizing an event like this, and while there were a few minor mistakes, everything went smoothly overall.

I feel grateful to have such hardworking and committed students—it’s their effort and enthusiasm that make moments like these so rewarding.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Jan, 15:57

Shunchaki oʻqishni boshlash va maqsad til oʻrganish boʻlishi, IELTS olish emas.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Jan, 15:54

Kurslarimga yozilish boʻyicha bemalol @uzieltszone ga murojaat qilaverasizlar.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Jan, 15:41

Vaalaykum assalom.
Ha bu boʻyicha avvalam rejalar boʻlgan. Bunday marafonlar qiziqtiradimi?

Qatnashgan boʻlarmidingiz?

Agar ha boʻlsa bitta “🔥

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Jan, 15:37

Vaalaykum assalam, toʻgʻri manda biroz ismlar va sonlarni eslab qolishda muammo bor. Demak, yaxshi oʻqigan yoki uni aksi boʻlsa eslagandirman.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Jan, 15:34

IELTS ZONE oʻquv markazi, Chilonzor integro filialida.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Jan, 15:32

Hammani potensiali har xil. Shu sababli siznikini anigʻini bilmayman. Sizga nechi kerakligini oʻzingiz bilishingiz kerak, ya’ni maqsadiz nechchi? Shunga qarab ustozlar yoʻl yoʻriq koʻrsata oladi.

Potensial deganda shu 5-5.5 uchun qancha ishlagansiz, koʻtarish uchun qancha ishlay olasiz, shu kabilar.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Jan, 15:28

Qiziqib koʻrmaganman ochigʻi. Shu sababli CEFR imtihoni topshirmaganman.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

04 Dec, 18:59

I’ve divided the entire 1-hour podcast into manageable 10-minute segments, which helps keep me motivated.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

04 Dec, 18:52

My December teacher will be Andrew Huberman, a professor at Stanford University.

I’ve been thinking about listening to his podcast for a long time. Initially, I wasn’t sure if I’d be interested in science at all.

In fact, I used to fall asleep while listening to him, which made me doubt whether I could keep up with his content.

However, when I started listening with full concentration, I found his episodes incredibly intriguing.

Now, I’m planning to continue listening to Huberman throughout December and even into January. After all, you guys know how much valuable information he shares.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

04 Dec, 06:22

📌Hozirda faqatgina bitta offline guruhimda joy bor.

Bu guruh Yanvar oxiri yoki Fevralda IELTS topshiradigan guruh.

Guruhga qo’shilish uchun levelingiz kamida 5.5 bo’lishi kerak.

🕕Toq kunlari, soat 16:00
📍Location: Integro, Floor 4

Kursga yozilish uchun: @uzieltszone


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

04 Dec, 05:42

Manager accountga 1 oydan beri qaray olmadim. Kelgan 200+ habarlarga ham javob yoza olmadim.

👇Menga qanaqa savollaringiz bo'lsa, shu post ostida qoldiring.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

04 Dec, 03:22

This style of writing is called “minimalist writing” or “concise writing”.

1. Short sentences and paragraphs
2. Direct language
3. Emphasis on impact
4. Use of Repetition for effect
5. Inspirational and reflective tone

• I’ve been applying this style for the last 2-3 posts, and they have gained more engagement/shares than any other posts shared before.

• Post about planning
• More or Less


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

04 Dec, 03:15


Write to reflect.
Write to solve your problems.
Write to spark new ideas.
Write to express your feelings.
Write to achieve your goals.

Writing is powerful.
It’s a unique skill that many overlook or fail to master.

You don’t need to write perfectly.
Start small.

Begin by writing about your goals.
Then, write about your days.
Then, explore your reflections on life’s events.

Step by step, you’ll grow as a writer.
And as you do, you’ll start to see life through a whole new lens.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

03 Dec, 07:59

Yana bir qiziq fakt:

Eng yaqin do’stlarimni topishimga ham,

yaxshi tanishlar orttirishimga ham,

boshqa IELTS instructors bilan yaqin bo’lib olishga ham,

hatto ayolim bilan birinchi marta uchrashib qolishimizga ham kanalim sababchi bo’lgan.

Manimcha, birinchi marta ishga qabul qilinishimda ham shu blogim ro’l o’ynagan.

Bu kanal man uchun judayam qadrli. Yanayam ko’proq insonlarga manfaatli qilish niyatim bor.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

03 Dec, 04:16

Small minds talk about people.
Average minds talk about events.
Great minds talk about ideas.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

02 Dec, 03:04

You are fighting a war with your own self-sense.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

02 Dec, 00:55


Plan your year.
Plan your month.
Plan your week.
Plan your day.

Plan to stay on track.
Plan to stay focused.
Plan to get things done.

Your plans don’t have to be perfect or 100% accurate.

Plans simply give you a vision—a guiding light towards your goals. They help you see where you stand and where you’re heading.

It’s okay to be spontaneous sometimes, but too much spontaneity can lead to chaos.

You might think you only have a few tasks and don’t need to write them down because they’re all in your head.

But what about those moments when new ideas pop up?
What about planning your prayers?
What about organizing your study time and location?

Writing things down, even as simple reminders, makes a difference.

Once you start planning, you’ll find yourself living a more organized and intentional life, no matter where you are in your journey.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

01 Dec, 11:10

Next target is telegram

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

01 Dec, 10:28

I’ve spent nearly 4 hours binge-watching Shorts on YouTube, fully aware of it.

Now, I’m working on breaking yet another addiction. I’m not sure when I’ll reinstall the platform.

No Instagram, no YouTube, no distractions.

This winter, I want to embrace a focused, distraction-free mindset.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

30 Nov, 16:45

Suggest me a good movie to watch. Plus, leave a reason to watch it:)

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

30 Nov, 05:54

Dekabr oyida kimni eshitamiz? (YouTube)

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

30 Nov, 05:12

Yusuf Truth (November)

1 oy davomida bitta insonni kuzatish va u insondan o’rganish haqida yozgandim.

Oktabr oyida Dan Koe ni eshitib yurgandim. Contentlari orqali ancha dunyoqarashimni kengaytirgandim.

Bu oy, Yusuf Truthni 1 oy davomida eshitdim. Taxminan 100ta videosini ko’rgan bo’lsam kerak.

Yusuf Truth - religious oilada katta bo’ladi. Qur’on maktabida ta’lim oladi. Hozir Hafiz, Vlogger, Fashion Model, and entrepreneur.

Ba’zilar “Diniy va Dunyoviy” bilimni 2ga ajratib qo’yishadi. Bu insondan ikkalasini ham birlashtira olishni o’rgandim. (Bu fikrimga kimlardir qarshi chiqishi mumkin, lekin hozir manga ahamiyatsiz. Hammani qarashi bor)

Yusufdan asosiy o’rganganlarim:

• Knowing Allah and our prophet. Visualizing Allah while praying.

Social Media:
• Low-quality contentdan high-quality ga olib chiqqanini guvohi bo’ldim. Tez orada o’zim ham sinab ko’rmoqchiman.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

29 Nov, 10:31

Ko’pchilik IELTS kursga 5.0-5.5 bilan yozilib, 3 oy ichida 7.0-8.0 ovoraman deb o’ylaydi.

Siz reklamalarda ko’radigan “cho’pchaklar”ga ishonmang.

Agar darajangiz 5.5 bo’lsa, sizga 7.0 olish uchun yana 5-6 oy kerak bo’ladi (agar exceptional student bo’lmasangiz).

Man uchun, 5.5 lik o’quvchi qanaqa bo’ladi?

1. Gapiroladi, lekin pala-partishroq. Grammatikasi yaxshimas. Lug’at boyligi kamroq.

2. Yoza oladi, lekin juda ko’p grammatika xatolar bilan. “Environment” yoki “Crime” ga o’xshagan sal qiyinroq mavzular bo’lsa, “stuck” bo’lib qoladi.

3. Reading bajarsa, sal-pal tushunadi, lekin Passage 3 ga umuman ulgura olmaydi. Taxmin bosadi.

4. Listening o’rtacharoq. Part 2 va Part 3 da ko’p javoblarini taxmin uradi.

Tepadagi qaysi muammolar bor sizda?


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

29 Nov, 10:22

🚀Aziza, congratulations on your 7.0.

Aziza mani Individual o’quvchim. 2 oy davomida tinimsiz mehnat qildik. Kuniga 8-10 soatlab o’z ustida ishladilar.

Listening: 7.5 (1 ball o’sish)
Reading: 7.0 (1 ball o’sish)
Writing: 6.0 (0.5 ball o’sish)
Speaking: 6.5

Keyingi rasmda kursga yozilgan paytdagi ballni ko’rishingiz mumkin. 2 oyda 6.0 dan 7.0 ga ko’tarish hammaga ham emas:)



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Nov, 14:39

Assalamu alaykum hurmatli mijozlar😍

Uzoq muddatli tanaffusdan sòng
"By lovely " òz faoliyatini qayta boshladi.

• Buyurtmalar qayta qabul qilish boshlandi .

@workprf ga yuborishingiz mumkin
Yaqin muddatlarda hammaga javob beriladi.

^Hurmat bilan @bookshoplovely jamoasi💕

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Nov, 04:20


• Pray more
• Write more
• Walk more
• Listen more
• Dream more
• Work more
• Talk to your loved ones more


• Argue less
• Eat less
• Sleep less
• Buy less
• Worry less
• Use your phone less
• Listen to music less



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

26 Nov, 09:32

Time to rest from Social Media for a while.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

26 Nov, 08:51

Progress isn’t linear.

The fact that you’ve been developing a lot in the past few months shows that you’re capable of incredible growth.

Feeling like it’s meaningless might just be your mind asking for a break or a chance to reflect.

Sometimes, we need to pause and remind ourselves of our “why”—the reasons behind our efforts.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

25 Nov, 17:12

Writing Score Breakdown:

Task 1: 6.0

TA: 5.0
CC: 6.0
LR: 7.0
GRA: 6.0

Task 2: 7.5

TR: 8.0
CC: 7.0
LR: 7.0
GRA: 8.0

Overall: 7.0

Writingda Task 2dan boshladim. Yozib bo’lganimda, yana 20 minut bor edi. Task 1da 3 qator narsa yozgandan keyin, o’zimga unchalik yoqmadi, o’chirib tashab, qayta yozishimga ancha vaqt ketib qoldi.

Xullas, 10 minut qolgandi. Introduction va Overview yozdim (100-120 so’z atrofida bo’ldi), lekin Main Bodies ga umuman ulgurmadim.

Writingni qog’ozga yozmaganimga ham 3 yil bo’lardi yaqinda😅


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

25 Nov, 16:48

Shoutout to the IELTS ZONE MOCK Team. Faster than the speed of light, haha.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

25 Nov, 03:50



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

24 Nov, 03:51

Bugun shaxsan o’zim ham IELTS ZONE ga Instructor sifatidamas, candidate sifatida kelyapman.

Maqsad, IELTS ZONE mock lari hozirda qanchalik real exam ga yaqin ekanini bilish.

Mockdan keyin batafsil yozaman:)


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

23 Nov, 04:14

Odamlar ideal emas

Ba’zida ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi odamlarni kuzatib, o’zingizni solishtirasiz, va shunday deysiz:

Bu bola/qiz shu daraja zo’r narsalarga erishgan, har kuni 30-40 betlab kitob o’qiydi, hamma rejalarini bajaradi, hatto sayr qilishga yoki yana nimadirla qilishga vaqt topadi

Balkim u inson sizga shunaqa ko’rinishga harakat qilar? Hech o’ylab ko’rganmisiz?

Ba’zida yaqindan taniydigan insonlarim o’zini ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda, kuniga millionta ish tugatgandek ko’rsatadi. Bilamanki, u aslida hayotda dangasa inson ekanini. Aynan o’sha kunini ko’rsatish uchun shuncha narsa qilgan bo’lishi ham mumkin.

Yana, ko’pchilik “consistency” deb preach qilishadi. Ha, bu gapni man o’quvchilarimga ham aytaman.

Lekin, siz 100% consistent bo’la olmaysiz. Biz odammiz, robotmas.

Ba’zi kunlarda nimanidir yaxshi bajaramiz. Ba’zida o’xshamaydi.

Masalan, 2 kun oldin uyg’onib, reja qilgan ishlarimni qilgim kelmay qoldi. Miyamdagi charchoqlar hali chiqmagan edi.

Keyin, yana hamma narsadan voz kechib 2-3 soat uxlavordim. Ha, it’s okay. Mayli, 1 kun shu bajarishim kerak bo’lgan narsalarni bajarmabman, bugun bo’lmasa ertaga bor.

Kecha, shuni teskarisi bo’ldi. Kunim juda productive bo’ldi. Jumagacha ancha ishlarimni bitirdim. Kechqurun ishdan kelib ham, 3-4 soat o’zimni ustimda ishlab keyin uxladim.

Yana bitta example:

Yil bo’yi taxminan 3-4 ta kitobni to’liq o’qigan bo’lsam kerak. Lekin, bugun qo’limga kitob olib, allaqachon 40 bet o’qibman.

Agar man Social Mediaga post joylasam, kechqurunlari bilan dars qilganimni va bir o’tirishda 40-50 betlab kitob o’qiganimni qo’yaman (dangasalik qilib uxlavorganimni, yoki kam kitob o’qishimnimas)

Aslida, siz juda “ideal” deb o’ylagan odam bilan hayotda yashab ko’rsangiz, ular siz o’ylaganchalik ideal emas ekanini tushunib yetasiz.

O’zingizni bilib-bilmay solishtirib qo’ymang. Sizda bo’layotgan hamma “process” natural.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

22 Nov, 10:32


- Qachon IELTS topshiray?

O'ziz hohlagan ballni Mock imtihonlaridan kamida ikki marta olmaguncha IELTS topshirmang!


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Nov, 04:30

👉 Yozish haqidagi postim.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Nov, 03:23

Take a moment to reflect

Things don’t have to be perfect—they never will be. That’s just life, and it’s important to accept this. Plans don’t always work out, and that’s okay.

It’s all about how you see things. While some may see challenges as obstacles, you have the power to see them as opportunities—to grow, to learn, to gain experience.

Remember, this world is temporary. Don’t cling to it as though you’ll live forever. We don’t even know what tomorrow holds. Yes, it’s wise to plan for the future, but don’t let it consume you. And the same goes for the past—don’t let it weigh you down. Holding onto it only causes pain.

Live in the present moment. Treasure every conversation with your loved ones. Savor that cup of tea—sip it as if it’s your first. Look around. Stare at the sky, the trees, the clouds. Feel the rain—can you smell it? Isn’t it incredible to see and feel all this?

Now imagine if you couldn’t see or smell it. How much more precious would it all seem? Stop rushing through life. Close your eyes for a moment and just feel. Let yourself notice the little things—those golden leaves falling from the trees. Winter is on its way. Did you even notice?

Being busy all the time is not a badge of honor. It’s okay to pause. In fact, you need to pause.

Worried about failing an exam? Let it go—those exams mean little compared to the one we’ll all face on the Day of Judgment.

Afraid of being fired from your job? Honestly, is it as terrifying as being “fired” on that day?

So take a breath. Spare some time for reflection. Whatever you’re going through, it will pass. Things will get better.

Take care of yourself—mind, body, and soul.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

19 Nov, 15:32

Rain smell - one of the best smells in the world. Alhamdulillah.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

18 Nov, 07:12

Be grateful for what you have

Sometimes, I overhear people complaining—on the bus, at University, or at work.

Let me remind you of something:

your problems might feel overwhelming, but they are nothing compared to what others are enduring.

• There are people living their last day without even knowing it.

• People drinking their last drop of water.

• People spending their last bit of money.

• People grieving the loss of a parent.

• People who just survived a car crash but lost their legs or arms.

And I could go on.

Now, think about the things we complain about—being stuck in traffic, not affording the latest clothes, or not getting the iPhone 16.

Do these really compare to the struggles I just mentioned?

Can you breathe?
Say, Alhamdulillah.

Can you see and read this post?
Say, Alhamdulillah.

Can you walk, talk, smile, smell, laugh, cry, touch?
Say, Alhamdulillah.

Your problems might feel big, but they’re often trivial in comparison to others’.

Take a moment to reflect. Think of solutions for your challenges, and move forward.

Allah has placed you in a situation that comes with a solution—if you seek it earnestly.

And above all, don’t forget to be grateful. May Allah bless you.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

18 Nov, 04:05

I've really missed 'Ramadan Vibes'. I believe this Ramadan will be different, InshaAllah.

How many days left until Ramadan anyway, guys?


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

16 Nov, 13:16


When you’re happy, pray.
When you’re sad, pray.
When you want to achieve something, pray.
When you’ve failed, pray.
When you’re poor, pray.
When you’re rich, pray.

Prayer is the solution to all your problems. It builds a deep connection with Allah, helping you find relief from stress and depression.

Prayer heals your heart and mind. It brings you unimaginable peace in a chaotic world.

Don’t trade your prayers for worldly distractions. Don’t find excuses to miss them.

Make time for your five daily prayers—no matter how busy life gets. Plan your day around your prayers, not the other way around.

Invest in your deen. Strive to learn more about your religion and deepen your connection with Allah. Put effort into making your prayers longer, more focused, and more beautiful. Let your voice reflect your love and sincerity when reciting.

Pray with love and devotion. :)



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Nov, 15:55

On the bus (life story)

As I wrap up my lesson at 7:57 PM, there’s a sense of satisfaction seeing my students’ positive attitude. I leave my classroom with a big smile and catch sight of four colleagues chatting nearby. “Guys, I gotta go,” I say, only to have one of them playfully mimic me, hinting at my “married man” status. We all laugh, and I head downstairs.

Outside, a sharp cold hits me, bone-deep. Winter already? How did I lose track of time? Just yesterday, it felt like the leaves were still falling. And then—I notice it’s snowing. I reach for my phone, ready to tell my wife about the first snow of the season, only to see she’s already texted, just as excited.

There’s a different kind of happiness in this moment. This year, the first snow comes as a married man. I’ve always dreamed of sharing moments like these with my wife, and I quietly say, “Alhamdulillah.”

I approach the bus station just as Bus 69 appears. I start running, praying for steady footing on the icy sidewalk. Reaching the bus, I see the doors close just before me. Raising my hand, I gesture hopefully at the driver. Just as I start debating whether to wait for the next one or take a taxi, the doors open. A police officer waves me on with a warm smile, despite the bus being packed.

As I squeeze inside, I’m struck by the officer’s kindness. In my mind, I’d always seen police as stern or unapproachable figures, something instilled from childhood, perhaps by society itself. But here he was, making room and speaking kindly.

Finally on board, I start jotting down these moments, turning them into a story for my channel. Time flies, and soon I hear the driver calling out the station, snapping me back to the cold reality of my stop. Stepping off, I finish my last lines before sending the post, thinking that one day, when I finally own a car, I’ll remember these cold nights, racing for the bus and cherishing the journey.

It was a good day.


📍Chilanzar, Tashkent


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Nov, 07:45


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Nov, 07:43

🎶Endi shu joyida Konsta ni “Bitta so’z” - degan qo’shig’ini eshitamiz.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Nov, 06:59

Yosh bolalarni “ruhiyatini” sindiradigan xalqimizda mashxur bo’lgan iboralar:

- Ana, ajina kelyapti.
- Ana, bo’bo’ kelyapti.
- Hozir sani bo’jiga bervoraman.
- Yig’lasang, oynadan otvoraman.
- Hozir dadang kelsa, uradi sani.

👇Qolganini o’zingiz davom ettiring…

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

13 Nov, 01:14

Sometimes, you need to slow down and take it easy for a while.

For the past two months, I’ve been juggling work and studies with almost no break. Now, I just want to relax for a few days and go with the flow.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

11 Nov, 03:06

The only motivation to go to University is that I can listen to Konsta’s songs and podcasts on the bus.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

10 Nov, 02:49

Those stupid people commented without actually reading the article.

I've found out that this stone has a religious meaning. It's better not to use this sticker anywhere.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

09 Nov, 17:55

I will stop using the sticker "🗿" from now on, here is why: https://medium.com/@bhadashot/mysterious-history-of-the-moai-574ffe01aae3

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

09 Nov, 08:38

It happens…


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

08 Nov, 15:16

My wife is not happy about it💔

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

08 Nov, 15:12

Yaaay, excited about it :)


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

07 Nov, 14:01

Pulini ko’kka sovuradigan o’quvchilar

• Shunaqa o’quvchilar bor, shunchaki kurs tugatadi, lekin leveli oshmaydi.

• Shunaqa o’quvchilar bor, har yili IELTS kurslariga qatnashadi, lekin test topshirishga “duxi” yetmaydi.

• Shunaqa o’quvchilar bor, ham offline kursga boradi, ham R/L/W/S online kurslar ham ovolib, hech birini eplab bajarmaydi.

• Shunaqa o’quvchilar bor, ota-onasi so’rasa “Dars qilyapman” - deydi-yu, aslida kim bilandir yozishib yoki reels ko’rib o’tirgan bo’ladi.

• Ularda ham yaxshi natija olish niyati bor edi.
• Ularda ham “muvaffaqiyatli” insonlar qatorida bo’lish imkoni bor edi.
• Ular ham hayotini yaxshilashi mumkin edi.

• Maqsadlarga xiyonat qilindi. Ularga bildirilgan ishonch “suiste’mol” qilindi.

Harakat qiling. Tepadagi o’quvchilar bo’lmang.

Siz boshqacharoq bo’ling. Siz hammadan ajralib turing. Hamma o’quvchilar erinadigan ishlarni siz qiling.

O’shanda hech bir o’quvchi erisha olmagan natijani qo’lga kiritasiz.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

07 Nov, 08:16


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

07 Nov, 05:08


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

07 Nov, 02:45

Pushing yourself to do something you have no desire for feels like the hardest, most draining thing in the world.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

07 Nov, 02:40

I actually wrote it in a very sad tone, and some stupid guy left this reaction.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

07 Nov, 02:38

Every morning, I wake up with the same heavy question weighing on my mind:

- Should I go to university today, or should I just drop out again?


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

06 Nov, 14:00

Can anyone translate this for me?

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

06 Nov, 14:00

Give up,we will be funny of you😂

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

06 Nov, 13:51

My current rule:
• 0.1% improvement every day


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

05 Nov, 12:00

Sometimes we are ungrateful for what we have, because we are used to experiencing or seeing it often.

It may be something that other have dreamt of or trying hard to achieve.

We don't realize their importance until after we've lost them.

It could simply be your eye vision. Say "Alhamdulillah" for being able to read this post with your own eyes.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

05 Nov, 04:43

Now, YouTube team is working to make the platform as comfortable as possible.

Depsite being on other apps, you can play a video or podcast on YT simultaneously.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

04 Nov, 05:48

💥Google has levelled up!

• Accessing information is becoming easier than ever, thanks to AI.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

28 Oct, 04:33

Noyabr oyiga endi boshqa insonni tanlashim kerak. Uni ham 1 oy davomida kuzataman.

Lekin, baribir Dan Koeni ham darslarini ko’rib turmoqchiman.

Darslari, ya’ni videolari chuqur tahlillarga asoslangani uchun kimdir uchun zerikarli tuyulishi mumkin.

Agar “cheap dopamine”ga o’tirib qolgan bo’lsangiz, bu insonni videolarini 5 sekund ham ko’rolmaysiz.

🔗 Link


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

28 Oct, 04:29

Dan Koe (October)

• Esingizda bo’lsa, 1 oycha oldin man 1 oy kuzatgan insonlar haqida shu postni yozgandim.

• Oktabr oyida, faqat Dan Koeni kuzatdim. Hayotimga juda katta ta’sir o’tkazdi. Quyidagi narsalarni o’randim:

1. Solve Problems. Bu inson odamlarni muammolarini yechish haqida deyarli har bitta videosida ta’kidlaydi.

- Bu mindsetni o’zimda ham shakllantirdim. Natijasi esa: o’quvchilarimni Grammar va Vocabulary muammolarini yechish uchun qo’shimcha worksheets tayyorlay boshladim.

2. Social Media. Telegramda ham, Instagramda ham ancha audiotiryam kamayib ketgandi. Content idea ham yo’q edi.

- Qisqa vaqt ichida, Instagram va Telegramga foydali contentlar joylab, umumiy hisobda 8-9ming aktiv obunachi yig’dim.

- Aslida, o’quv markazga kelayotgan o’quvchilarni 80%i mani tanib, bilib, blogimni kuzatib kelishyapti.

3. Stronger Work Ethics. Oldin ham soatga qaramay ishlaydigan odamlardan bo’lganman. Dan Koe manga buni yana qayta eslatdi. Oldingidan ham ko’proq ishlashni, ishimni sevishni boshladim.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

28 Oct, 04:19

🚀My virtual teachers:

1. Dan Koe (October)


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

28 Oct, 03:52

I had two lectures today, so I came to the university thinking I’d get some work done during class.

Then, my pedagogy teacher asked if he could use my laptop for the presentation.

Aghhh, that means I can’t get any work done for an hour and a half…

There goes my productive morning!


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Oct, 20:15

Ba’zida o’ylab qolaman:

O’quvchilarga buncha ko’p vaqtimni sarflab nima foyda!? Baribir qo’shimcha haq olmayman. 1 soat 45 minut darsimni o’tib, vazifa berib qo’yaqolsam ham bo’ladi-ku. Qolganini qilishga majbur emasman.

Lekin, keyin o’zimga-o’zim:

Teaching orqali san hayotlarni o’zgartirishing mumkin. Oddiygina ajratgan 5 minut vaqting, kimnidir hayotidagi burilish nuqtasi bo’lishi mumkin. Mayli, umr shundog’am o’tib ketyaptiku. Sarflasang ishinga sarflabsan, befoyda narsalarga emas-ku”.

• Ammo, bilasizmi, oxirgi 2 oyda man butun bir 2 yilda erishadigan “progress” qildim.

1. Kurs rejasidan tashqari, haftalik va kunlik rejalarni oldindan tuza boshladim.

2. Har darsdan keyin 5 minut “dars qanchalik yaxshi yoki yomon chiqqanini, keyingi safar qanaqa narsani boshqacharoq, effektiveroq qilishimni” yoza boshladim.

3. O’quvchilarga alohida Speaking, Writing, Article, Podcast worksheets tayyorlay boshladim. Sifatini har safar oshiryapman.

4. Har bir o’quvchiga individual yondosha boshladim.

• Ha. Albatta bunaqa sifatli darslardan keyin, o’quvchilarim soni oshib ketdi. Taxminan 60-70ta o’quvchim bor hozir.

• Lekin, shu bilan birgalikda, bosim ham ortdi. Hammasini manage qilishga qiynalyapman. O’quvchilarimni savollariga javob bera olmayapman ba’zida.

• Xullas, shu sabab “shogird” olishga qaror qildim. Bu oylikli ishmas. Agar 1-2 oy ichida oylik daromad kerak bo’lsa, siz men qidirayotgan odam emassiz.

IELTS balli baland bo’lmasa ham, “improve” qilishga, o’rganishga, o’rgatishga, hayotini o’zgartirishga kuchli ishtiyoqi bor odam kerak.

• Faqat mandan o’rganib-o’rganib survoradiganmas, manga ham hayotimni tartiblab olishimga yordam beradigan odam kerak.

• Shunchaki shogirdmas, balkim do’st, (bo’lajak) hamkasb va hamfikr kerak.

• Agar siz tepadagi talablarga javob bersangiz, shu formni to’ldiring, men esa evaziga IELTS scoreni oshirishga yordam beraman va o’zimdagi Teaching styleni ipidan-ignasigacha o’rgataman.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Oct, 18:33

DM larga ham javob berishimga vaqtim bo'lmadi. Ko'pchilik savollar kurslar bo'yicha.

1. Individual o'quvchi hali beri qabul qilmayman. Navbat kutayotgan o'quvchilarim bor.

2. Offline kurslar bor. General English emas, faqat IELTS va Pre-IELTS guruhlarim bor.

- IELTS standard (4pm, 6pm - juft kunlari)
- Pre-IELTS (2pm - juft kunlari)
- IELTS Practice (2pm - toq kunlari)

Qo'shimcha savollar uchun kelib o'zim bilan, yoki adminstration bilan gaplashing.

SMS yozib 2 kunlab javob kutgandan ish bitmaydi.

Location: Integro, 4th floor (IELTS ZONE)


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Oct, 18:05

O'quvchilarimni "Learning Process"ini osonlashtiradigan shunaqa zo'r idealar bor, lekin bir o'zimni energiyam ham, vaqtim ham yetmayapti.

Shogirdlik dasturini bugun e'lon qilsam kerak (katta ehtimol bilan)


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Oct, 13:37

O’quvchim kecha imtihon topshirdi. Qo’ldan kelgancha dars qildik. Endi hayrli natija kutib qolamiz.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Oct, 04:11

Ehsonilani qabul qilsin. Mission accomplished.

💪Endi esa ishga.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Oct, 04:07

Orada yana ehson qilishgan ekan (biz shoppingda paytimiz)

Umumiy shunaqa summa qoldi bizda.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Oct, 04:05

🧹Tozalash buyumlariga shunaqa summa sarflandi.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Oct, 03:59

Surprisingly, we are only 4🙂

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

27 Oct, 03:25

Bizda yig’ilgan summa.

🚶‍♂️Biz yo’lga chiqdik.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

26 Oct, 18:25

Why am I even watching UFC like it’s actually going to change anything?😅

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

26 Oct, 18:13

Ufcni qayerdan ko’rsa bo’ladi?🥲

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

26 Oct, 16:22

Shunaqa summa yig’ildi.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

25 Oct, 08:46

Shu Yakshanba kuni Masjidda hashar qilsak, keladiganlar nechta ekan? Pasda “+” qoldiring:)

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

24 Oct, 18:12

⚡️IELTS 7.5

• Ishdan charchab keganimda, bu natijani ko’rib rosa xursand bo’ldim. Shamsiddin aka mani Generation 1 guruhimda o’qigandilar.

• Speakinglariga bemalol 7.5 va Writingga ham 7.0 ga chiqib qolgandilar.

• Nima bo’lsa ham, Hayrlisi shu ekan. To’xtab qolmasalar, tez orada 8.0+ natija kutib qolamiz.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

24 Oct, 08:10

3)машина олиш🚗

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

24 Oct, 08:03

Obro’ni saqlash uchun Yandexni boyityapman har kuni😂

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

24 Oct, 08:02

Oxirgi 3 kunda University ga ham borolmayapman. Chopvorishmasa bo’ldi. I gotta put everything in order ASAP.

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

24 Oct, 08:01

Har kuni oldimda 2ta yo’l turadi:

1. Ishlarni tugatib, ovqatlanib, yandexda 30ming to’lab ishga vaqtida yetvolish.

2. Yoki ishlarni chalaroq tugatib, lekin ertaroq yo’lga chiqib avtobusda 1.700 so’mga yetvolish.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

23 Oct, 14:40

Tahlil qilinmagan kun, yashalmagan kundek.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

23 Oct, 12:17

Manda bitta muammo bor:

• Man studentga rostini gapiraman.

- 5.5 bilan 2 oyda katta ehtimol bilan 7.0 ola olmasligini.
- Hozirgi darajasi bilan pre-intermediate darajadan o’qib kelishini (hatto IELTS kursini tugatib kelgan bo’lsa ham)
- Yoki 1-2 soat dars qilib, 7 uxlab tushida ham qisqa vaqtda natijaga chiqa olmasligini.

Va odatda buni eshitib 20% o’quvchilar juftakni roslashadi.

80% o’quvchilar esa: “Shirin yolg’ondan, achchiq haqiqatni ma’qul ko’rib” - berilgan maslahatga ‘follow’ qilishadi.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

23 Oct, 04:04

Ko’plab o’quvchilarimga “Writing” dan 7.0+ olishda yordam bergan darslarimni bugun share qilishni boshlayman.

Tayyor turing🔥

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

23 Oct, 04:01

MashaAllah. Keep it up!
I’m glad that my video helped you.

👉 Darsni haliyam ko’rmaganlar uchun

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

23 Oct, 04:00

Thanks a lot teacher
With the help of your video lesson
I began studying 7+ hours
I could do more but it the school that wastes my time😂
Anyways,thanks a lot

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

22 Oct, 15:49

One day, we’ll be wandering hand in hand through sunlit streets in a faraway land, laughing together as we discover hidden cafes, watching the sunset paint the sky, and cherishing every stolen glance and whispered promise in a world that feels all our own.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

22 Oct, 15:42

I need a change of scenery. I’m bored with Tashkent.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

22 Oct, 14:25

Shu bola Telegramni bosib olaman deyapti🤯

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Oct, 16:15

Offline kurslarim haqida:

IELTS Standard 216
Level: 6.0+
• Juft kunlari soat 4pm da
• (3-darsiga keldik)

IELTS Standard 218
Level: 6.0+
• Juft kunlari soat 6pm da
• (to’liq darslar endi boshlanadi)

IELTS novice 214
Level: Strong Intermediate
• Juft kunlari soat 2pm da
• Ertaga 1-dars

IELTS Practice 114
• Level:
• Toq kunlari soat 2pm da
• Bugun boshlandi

IELTS Standard 116
Level: 5.5+
• Toq kunlari soat 4pm da
• Asosiy darslar Chorshanba kuni boshlanadi

To sign up: @uzieltszone

P/S: O’quv markazga borib ro’yxatdan o’tgan ma’qul.

📍Location: Chilonzor metro, Integro, 4th floor

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Oct, 14:16

Bugunga mushugim bo’yicha oxirgi content😅

Ismini “Leo” qo’ydik. Yarashibdimi?


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Oct, 14:12

Meowflix ko’ryapti😂

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Oct, 12:01

Bitta narsa xursand qildi bugun.

Demo lessonga kegan o’quvchilar orasida - “Manam o’quvchilarizga o’xshab 10+ soatlab dars qilishni hohliyman” - deganlari bo’ldi.

O’zidan bilib, “hardwork” uchun tayyor bo’p keladigan o’quvchilarni juda xurmat qilaman.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Oct, 11:52

Wow. Ko’rib xursand bo’ldim🔥🔥🔥

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Oct, 08:08

How to conduct an effective “Demo lesson”:

• Demo lesson o’zi nima?
• Demo lessondagi xatolar.
• Ideal demo lessonda nimalar bo’lishi kerak.



G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Oct, 08:06

Demo lesson bo’yicha voice podcast yozdim. Qiziqmi?

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Oct, 07:52

Oramizda o’quv markazda ishlaydigan o’qituvchilar bormi?

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Oct, 03:45

Bugun 2 para leksiya💤

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

21 Oct, 01:59

Har hafta 0.1% bo’lsa ham o’sishga, nimanidir o’zgartirishga harakat qilaman, hoh u teaching bo’lsin, hoh lifestyle.

Commentsda shunga bitta example tashiyman.


G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Oct, 16:54

In coclusion, i take the most useful advise rather than other online lesson, in this lesson i believe that consistency is key for achiving better score in ielts or other achievments in our life. Mastering time managment plays crucial role in learning english because it helps us to save our time and spend it in the true way. I think using this way inshallah i take my desire score in my exam and thankyou G'anisher Otaboyev for your golden advise🔥

I can not use beatiful words but i did my best

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Oct, 14:37

bunaqa reactions kutmagandim🗿

G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

20 Oct, 14:33

“Mastering Time-management”

Bu darsdan keyin 15 soatlab dars qilishni o’rganib olasiz.

👇Darsni ko’rib tugatgandan keyin, o’z fikringizni yozib qoldiring!

