Germanic Chivalry @whitechivalry Channel on Telegram

Germanic Chivalry


Germanic ideals for a Germanic people


Germanic Chivalry (German)

Willkommen beim Telegram-Kanal 'Germanic Chivalry'! Hier dreht sich alles um die germanischen Ideal für ein germanisches Volk. Der Kanal ist eine Plattform, die die Werte und Tugenden der germanischen Kultur feiert und fördert.

'Germanic Chivalry' ist ein Ort, an dem Menschen zusammenkommen, um die Traditionen und Bräuche der germanischen Völker zu ehren. Von Island über Norwegen bis nach Deutschland und der Schweiz - wir begrüßen alle, die die Stolz der germanischen Kultur teilen.

Der Kanal 'Germanic Chivalry' bietet inspirierende Inhalte, Diskussionen über Geschichte und Kultur, sowie eine Gemeinschaft von Gleichgesinnten, die die Werte der germanischen Chivalry hochhalten. Treten Sie bei und entdecken Sie die Schönheit und Bedeutung der germanischen Traditionen!
Seien Sie Teil dieser einzigartigen Gemeinschaft und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die germanische Chivalry leben und feiern! 🇮🇸🇳🇴🇫🇴🇸🇪🇦🇽🇩🇰🏴🇳🇱🇱🇺🇧🇪🇩🇪🇨🇭🇱🇮🇦🇹

Germanic Chivalry

01 Feb, 16:51

There is a reason why women is said to be the heart of the family. There is no stronger motivational power than the love from a woman, a mother, a wife.

Just as the heart continues to make the blood pump and flow through the body, the woman motivates and inspires the family with her love and dedication. She makes the family whole.

It has been scientifically proven that just hearing your mother’s voice can reduce stress and releases oxytocin in the body, a strong healing hormone. Some experiments even show that a mother’s voice can even reach through the fog of a coma to bring a brain-injured patient back to consciousness.

This is why the last thoughts and last name spoken from many soldiers that have bled out after being shot or having their bodies torn apart on the battlefield have been the thoughts and name of their mother or darling back home. Screaming for them as they eventually go quiet and never comes home, buried in an unmarked grave.

Mothers, wives, are the most powerful inspiration in the world.

Germanic Chivalry

24 Jan, 01:55

If someone often says that they are ”too busy”, ”don’t have time”, ”too many obstacles”. It’s all lies. You can never be too busy to make time for the people you claim you love and cherish. It’s only a matter of priorities. They then prioritise that before you. That’s not love.

It only takes a few minutes to give your loved one a call or reply, to simply talk to them. It takes only a few minutes of your life. A few minutes of your life that can impact the rest of your life entirety depending on what you choose to do.

Remember to always show your loved one’s you love them otherwise one day it might be too late.

Germanic Chivalry

19 Jan, 22:40

Sign this petition please 🇸🇪🙏🏻!

One of Sweden's oldest and most valuable ancient monuments, a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age burial cairn in Junkboda outside Skellefteå, is now set to be brutally destroyed to make way for the new Norrbotnia railway line.

During a preliminary investigation, the burial chamber was discovered—a space large enough for a human, enclosed by massive stone slabs and covered with rounded stones, the classic hallmark of a burial cairn.

Now, this invaluable monument is about to be erased...
And this is just the beginning. The burial cairn is far from the only victim of this ruthless infrastructure project.

Hundreds of ancient remains have already been identified as "obstacles to construction", and more will meet the same fate.
Our history is being erased and our cultural heritage is obliterated, all in the name of efficiency and exploitation.

Deliberately destroying our history and cultural heritage is not just a disgrace—it is a scandal! We have a duty to protect what remains of our ancestors’ legacy, not level it to the ground. Sacrificing our ancient monuments for modern expansion is an insult to both our history and future generations.

Text by Nordic Asa community
Picture by Peter Jonsson

Germanic Chivalry

13 Jan, 08:10

With a good woman, if you wish to enjoy her words and her good will, Pledge her fairly and be faithful to it: Enjoy the good you are given”

Nordic Hávamál

Germanic Chivalry

13 Jan, 07:59

Ancient Egyptians were more closely Related to Europeans than modern Egyptians of today

If you Look at the Pyramids and Europe as a Whole, it's amazing how both were built from Nothing to something extraordinary and still to this day, how both were built years and years ago and still haven't collapsed 🤍🤍

White people are born different to every other Race and it's time we just tell the truth, White people are Magical

Germanic Chivalry

09 Jan, 12:07

We’re all links in a tens of thousands of year old chain, we must maintain it, or we will fall apart.

Germanic Chivalry

08 Jan, 16:54

Hail Seaxnēat

Germanic Chivalry

24 Dec, 14:41

The Flexibility of European Plate Armour.

Germanic Chivalry

22 Dec, 12:13

ᚨ We preserve the Fire,
we protect the Flame.
Our Gods Eternal,
goes by different names.

Germanic Chivalry

21 Dec, 18:01

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Nis naðer ne gold ne seolfor wið godes mannes freondscipe wiðmeten.

Neither gold or silver can compare to a good man's friendship.

- Anglo-Saxon Proverb -

Germanic Chivalry

21 Dec, 04:22

“Why do you look for foreign teachings? They are poisons, they did not come from your blood. Only feeble men eat the food of a stranger. But your people need a strong man, one who gets his truth in his own roots and out of his own blood.”
– C.G. Jung
From X: @RaceisRoyalty

Germanic Chivalry

21 Dec, 01:42

🇳🇴🇸🇪🇩🇰 ”Now we three brothers stand united, and shall stand like that!”

— Norwegian National Anthem - Ja, vi elsker dette landet

Germanic Chivalry

20 Dec, 16:03

The most precious possession you have in this world is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith.

- Adolf Hitler

Germanic Chivalry

19 Dec, 12:38

"I'm a Pan-Germanist, I'm a Teuton, and the greatest dream of my life is for the South Germanic peoples and the North Germanic peoples and their brothers in diaspora to unite in a fellow confederation."

- Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Nobel Prize winner and author of the Norwegian National Anthem, 1901.

Germanic Chivalry

18 Dec, 14:37

Better to die in battle with honour, than to live in shame because you did not defend your people.

- Bjarnar Saga Hítdælakappa

Germanic Chivalry

18 Dec, 07:24

🇩🇪 Colourised Vintage Photo of a German Man

Germanic Chivalry

17 Dec, 14:31

The recent images I made are heavily inspired by the great art of this guy. Give him a follow.

Germanic Chivalry

17 Dec, 07:38

”During the thousand years before you, your Blood was purely preserved, so that you would be who you are. Now you must preserve your Blood, so that all of the generations of the next thousand years will honour you and thank you.”

- The Voice of the Ancestors by Frithjof Fischer

Germanic Chivalry

16 Dec, 13:13

“Your life is not of this day, and not of tomorrow. It is of the thousand years which came before you, and the thousand years to come after you.”

- The Voice of the Ancestors
by Frithjof Fischer

You boast of your ancestors, call on them, and join with pride in their noble crowd. Make sure that the chain does not break with you: make it so that we too can boast of you and through you can join us to the same glorious crowd.

- Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Germanic Chivalry

15 Dec, 13:26

“The covetous person is full of fear; and he or she who lives in fear will ever be a slave.”
- Horace

”The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be."
- Fafnismál

Germanic Chivalry

06 Nov, 13:33

...- The epitaph inscription at Riddarholmskyrkan in Sweden:

"In adversity, he began his journey.
Piety he cherished,
Enemies he vanquished,
The realm he expanded,
The Swedes he elevated,
The oppressed he liberated,
In death, triumphant he."

Germanic Chivalry

06 Nov, 13:33

↟ In Memorial of Gustav II Adolf - Det Nordiska Lejonet ↟

Föll tappert i främsta linjen, för folk och fädernäsland i slaget vid Lützen 6 november år 1632. Denna dag är känd som Gustav Adolfs-dagen och att äta just Gustav Adolfsbakelser. Men framför allt för att minnas och ära Sveriges hjältekonung.

Gravinskriptionen i Riddarholmskyrkan:

"I trångmål begynte han sin bana.
Fromheten älskade han,
Fienderna nedslog han,
Riket utvidgade han,
Svenskarna upphöjde han,
De förtryckta befriade han,
I döden triumferande han."


The Swedish king Gustaf Adolph the Great, fell bravely in the front line, for folk and fatherland in the battle of Lützen the 6th of November year 1632. This day is known as Gustaf Adolph's day in Sweden, and to eat Gustaf Adolph's pastries. But most important - to remember a heroic King of Sweden...- continues in comment below ⬇️



Germanic Chivalry

25 Oct, 14:21

🇩🇪 Beautiful Germany
Germany alone stands for an enormous amount of the world’s innovations, with innovations such as the car, x-ray, printing press, programmable computer and jet engine just to name a few. Famous cuisines such as hamburgers, hotdogs, pretzels, bratwursts, potato salad and many more. As well as the first in the world to create a modern welfare state that protected and provided for it’s citizens, as well as many modern worker rights and strict animal rights that the rest of the world adopted years after.

Next time you hop into your car, get on the computer or read any book that has been printed and not written by hand, thank the Germans. Germany and the beautiful Germans makes this world a better place.

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Für das Deutsche Vaterland! 🇩🇪

Germanic Chivalry

19 Oct, 02:48

”Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”

- Gustav Mahler

Germanic Chivalry

19 Oct, 01:03

I came across a quite funny discovery, notice this guy’s name’s and bio.

Some backstory; back on Twitter when I still had it, there was some non-white from South America who larped as some sort of wannabe mediterranean nationalist. Trying to get me banned, and had several accounts where he blocked me and spent a laughingly amount of time to comment and quote my posts in horror of my Germanic values and ideals. Now, recently I came across this image of this same guy, who now apparently is trying to copy my name, bio and what looks like, my account’s theme and instead making it mediterranean and anti-White. This account is obviously not me. I do not have Twitter anymore.

Coming across this and seeing the impact I have on some, is both hilarious and complimentary. But also a prime example of how completely wicked, unoriginal, incompetent and how utterly pathetic our enemies are and how they harbour such a diabolical hatred and jealousy towards our White Race and especially us Germanics.

Germanic Chivalry

11 Oct, 14:55

This is an interview with the Swiss DNA expert ”Roman Scholz” who were one of the people who performed a genetic study of Tutankhamun and found that 70% of British share his lineage as well as over 50% of Europe as a whole and people such as Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. He also explains how this was tried to be hushed down and that the scientists was not allowed to publish it, but a few years later the scientists published it anyway.

This also shows how the truth is constantly being suppressed and hushed down, scientists are not even allowed to publish anything that goes against the mainstream anti-white narrative. So imagine how much more we are not allowed to see and know.

Worth to mention is that Tutankhamun was also a product of generations of inbreeding, which means that it is far more Egyptian Pharaoh’s than just him who would also have been White.

Germanic Chivalry

11 Oct, 14:33

Blond hair on these mummies is NOT a result from mummification as some believe and claim. DNA studies has shown that Ramses II for example has the genes for blond/red hair and that as a child he very likely would have had such fair hair. DNA studies has also shown that the majority of British, who undoubtedly is Aryan, carry the same genetic lineage as the Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Germanic Chivalry

11 Oct, 14:24

”And these Nordic peoples, who had long since lost all memory of their past, carried within themselves only one remnant: their idea of the gods, their longing, and their ethical philosophy and way of life. [...] The idea that the sun is depicted as a deity, circling the earth on a chariot with fiery horses, can only have originated in the north. Only there does the sun circle the rim of the horizon, only there can such a concept be born. And the same holds true for the swastika. It is the wheel of the sun that rolls from east to west-that is, from left to right-around the surface of the earth, which is inhabited by humans. That is why it seems wrong to you at once when the swastika's hooks point to the right rather than the left. Wherever the SUN GOD is represented in a chariot, and wherever we find this swastika used as a symbol—there we can assume Nordic peoples to have lived after the ice age drove them southward from their homes.”

- 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫
O. Wagener, Memoirs of a Confidant.

Germanic Chivalry

09 Oct, 18:59

New genetic study on Pompeii confirms previous findings from Rome and Etruria:

During the imperial era, native Latins were ethnically replaced by mass migration from the Eastern Mediterranean, primarily Greece, Anatolia, and the Levant.

1. Pompeii, time capsule of the Roman Empire: paleogenomic analysis of human remains found in the ancient city (2024)
2. The origin and legacy of the Etruscans through a 2000-year archeogenomic time transect (2021)
3. Ancient Rome: A genetic crossroads of Europe and the Mediterranean (2020)

Germanic Chivalry

09 Oct, 18:49

It is widely acknowledged and believed that a Indo-European/Aryan invasion of Europe did occur. These are the exact same people who have been found to be the ruling elites of several ancient Kingdoms and Empire’s. The same people who became known for their blond hair and blue eyes, and who were associated with it.

The people TODAY that have the closest DNA to these ancient peoples. Are just as expected, the Scandinavians, Germanics and other Northern Europeans, the same people whose hair, eyes and complexion is fair. The people who is of the Nordic race and it’s subraces.

With this in mind, it really should come to no surprise that parts of the noble ruling class in several ancient Empire’s where Indo-Europeans spread out, had fair hair, fair complexions and fair eyes. But for some people, this truth threatens their delusion and uneducated dreams of themselves being the descendants of some great and powerful emperor who shaped the world. They get angry because they know that they are wrong, they cannot handle this shattering of their delusions. So they mask their cope and jealousy in hatred. Saying that we are too ”pale, too fair”, that up is down, that darkness is light and beauty while light is darkness and ugly. Well everyone with eyes can see that light is light, dark is dark.

Germanic Chivalry

09 Oct, 18:49

It’s funny how modern mediterranean fascist and nationalist wannabes get so angry and hateful when Germanics appreciates Germanic racial features and history. But also when known historical figures in the mediterranean is accurately depicted and proved to having fairer hair and eyes than the modern mediterranean does.

Meanwhile Julius Evola, one of the most influential Italians in the 20th century and the leading racial philisopher and scientist of Fascist Italy. Declared, just like Adolf, Rome’s racial origin is Nordic/Aryan and that the further back we go, the more fair and Aryan Southern Europe was.

These wannabes use the same faulty logic as africans and middle-easterners, that just because a population in a region today, is inhabited by a specific race and culture, they automatically assume that everyone living there 2000+ years ago was the exact same race and culture. As if migrations and racial replacements is something that has only happened in modern time. In truth, history is filled with examples.