United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan @unitedeslteachersofuzbekistan Channel on Telegram

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan


Materials for ESL teachers:
-Lesson Plans
-Descriptions of Activities
-Articles about ESL
-Info about Webinars
Link to connected group:
Trainer of Trainers
TESOL/Teacher Trainer,

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan (English)

Are you an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher in Uzbekistan looking for resources and support? Look no further than the United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan Telegram channel! This channel is a hub for ESL teachers in Uzbekistan to access a wide range of materials to enhance their teaching skills and improve classroom experiences for their students.

From ready-made lesson plans and descriptions of activities to articles about ESL trends and information about upcoming webinars, this channel has everything you need to stay informed and inspired in your teaching journey. Whether you are a new ESL teacher looking for guidance or an experienced educator seeking fresh ideas, the United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan channel is the perfect place to connect with like-minded professionals and enrich your teaching practice.

Join the connected group via the link provided in the channel to engage in discussions with other ESL teachers, share resources, and participate in online events. The channel is managed by Ms. Saodat, a Trainer of Trainers with expertise in TESOL and teacher training, as well as coaching for IELTS, ESP, and EAP. With her guidance and the support of the community, you can take your ESL teaching skills to the next level and make a positive impact on your students' language learning journey. Don't miss out on this valuable resource for ESL teachers in Uzbekistan - join the United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan Telegram channel today!

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

13 Oct, 16:11

♦️Sizning oʻsmir farzandingiz bormi?
♦️U bilan iliq munosabatlarga kirisha olmayapsizmi?
Unda bu offline trening aynan siz uchun.
👩🏻Men Muattar Kasimova
Pedagog-Psixolog sizlarni ozimning
mavzusidagi treningimga taklif etaman.
Treningda siz quyidagilarni bilib olasiz.
Yosh inqirozlari
Oʻsmirlik psixologik xususiyatlari
Oʻsmirlik inqirozlari va ularga tavsiyalar
Meditativ mashq
📚Sizni foydali bilim va texnikalar
🧋Coffee break kutmoqda
💵Trening narxi: 100 000 soʻm
Shoshiling joylar soni chegaralangan
📞Murojaat uchun:
Instagram muattar_kasimova_psixolog
📍Manzil: EDU MASTER binosida
Chilonzor rayon, 3-pr. Navbahor 24
Moljal:”Novza”masjid roʻparasi

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

14 May, 07:38

Hurmatli Ustozlar😊

Bizning “TESOL MASTERS” tashkilotimiz tomonidan beriladigan "Asian College of Teachers" TEFL/TESOL sertifikatlari “Ōzbekiston Respublikasi Maktabgacha va Maktab Ta’limi Vazirligi” talablariga mos ekanligi rasman tasdiqlandi.


Xar bir xujjatni joy-joyida olib borganimiz va xalol ishlaganimiz uchun Alloh hayrlisini berdi!

Xar qanday xolatdayam biz bilan birga bo'lgan, qo'llab quvvatlagan, sabr bilan kutgan xamma ustozlarga KATTA raxmat!


United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

10 May, 11:30


🏬Online maktab: Bright Kids Online Platforma (Yaponiya)
📗 Fan: Ingliz tili
📱 Telegram: @rakhmatov_abbos
☎️ Aloqa: +998887217771
🕰 Ish vaqti: 12:00-17:00, dushanbadan jumagacha
Murojaat vaqti: 08:00 dan 22:00 gacha
💰 Maosh: 500$ (Ustozning qobilyati, harakati va natijasiga ko`ra oylik oshiriladi)
📜 Qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar: O`qituvchilar shartnoma asosida qonuniy tarzda ishga qabul qilanadi. Shu boisdan, qisqa muddat davomida ishlamoqchi bo`lgan xodimlar ishga qabul qilinmaydi. Siz uydan turib qulay sharoitda maxsus yaratilgan website orqali sifatli dars berish imkoniga ega bo`lasiz.
Tajribali, o'z ishini sevadigan, mas'uliyatli va jonkuyar ustozlar murojaat qilsin. O`qituvchilar ushbu online tizimda yaxshi ishlab, o`quvchilar ko`nglidan joy topsa, ustozning sifatli ta`lim berishi uchun barcha imkoniyatlar loyiha asoschilari tomonidan yaratib beriladi, bundan tashqari Yaponiya maktab va bog`chalariga ishga chaqirilish imkoniyatiga ega bo`lishadi. Ustozlar demo dars o`tib berish orqali saralanadi. ‼️Iltimos, agar shartlar sizga mos kelmasa, bezovta qilmang.

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

23 Apr, 17:35


United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

29 Mar, 17:25


Mustaqillik kunini nishonlash maydoni,
Top of Rock & Macy's,
Sohoda Shopping,
Kichik Italiya va Chinatown,
Bruklin ko'prigi,
Ground Zero va One World rasadxonasi,
Metropolitan san'at muzeyi va Markaziy bog'i,
Gudzon Yards,
Ozodlik haykali va Ellis oroli,
Manxettenning diqqatga sazovor joylariga sayohat va Tabiat tarixi muzeyi

Sayohat to’lovi: 4,200$
🏨 Accomodation
3x ovqat
Hujjat tarjimalari

Joylar soni:
20 ta

Yosh chegarasi:
12-16 yosh

Joy band qilish uchun:
50% Depozit

Uchish vaqti:
24-Iyul Toshkent - New York
06-Avgust New York - Toshkent

Joy band qilish uchun @lisontravel_info:
📞+99894 6415270 | +99899 3076174

Instagram | Telegram | YouTube

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

23 Mar, 13:22


United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

03 Feb, 04:00

Hurmatli ustozlar! Biz, Toshkentdagi xalqaro Vestminstr universiteti tadqiqotchilari, inklyuziv ta’lim borasida sizning tushunchalaringiz va takliflaringizni tadqiq qilmoqchimiz. Ushbu anketa savollariga 10-15 daqiqa vaqt sarflab, javob bersangiz minnatdor bo’lar edik. Savollaringiz bo’lsa [email protected] yoki 90513050 ga yo’llashingiz mumkin. Oldindan tashakkur bildiramiz.


United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

18 Jan, 04:31

Dear teachers!

Asian College of Teachers' TEFL/TESOL certificate is included in the list of 50% bonus salary according to a new decree of the Ministry!

is happy to launch new TEFL/TESOL courses for all teachers!

-proficiency level B2
-bachelor's or master's degree
-passion to learn & teach

If you don't have B2 certificate, we will teach you to get it!!!

Don't miss a chance to be the first to get registered for a new course

Starting date: January 25
Duration: 2 months

Tel: +998991950088

Telegram: @tesolmastersinfo
Channel:   @tesolmasters

Hurry up!

Reserve your spot!

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

17 Jan, 14:56

If you are interested in getting this certificate & 50% bonus to your salary, you are welcome!



United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

17 Jan, 14:53

Certificate of Partnership👆

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

17 Jan, 14:52

Hurmatli ustozlar!

TESOL MASTERS da ajoyib yangilik!

Biz endi dunyoning TOP Teacher Training Centre laridan biri "Asian College of Teachers" bilan qonuniy hamkorlikni yo'lga qo'yib, ACT ning O'zbekistondagi rasmiy markaziga aylandik!🥳🥳🥳

Asian College of Teachers Maktabgacha va maktab ta'limi vazirligining qaroriga ro'yxatga kiritilgan!

Xamkorlarimiz safi yana 1 taga ko'paydi!

Biz siz aziz ustozlarga ACT sertifikatlarini berishni intizorlik bilan kutamiz


United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

17 Jan, 14:51

Dear teachers!

Amazing news in "TESOL MASTERS"!

"TESOL MASTERS" is happy to announce that we became an official PARTNER of "Asian College of Teachers" TOP 1 Teacher Training Centre in Asia🥳🥳🥳

Asian College of Teachers is in the list of the Ministry of Pre-school & school Education.

The list of our partners is enriched to one more!

We are looking forward to providing ACT certificates to you, dear teachers!

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

02 Jan, 12:51

Dear lyceum & school teachers!

Ofqual regulated TEFL Level 5 certificate is accepted for 50% bonus salary according to a new decree of the Ministry!

is happy to launch new TEFL Level 5 courses for lyceum & school teachers!

-proficiency level B2
-bachelor's or master's degree
-passion to learn & teach

If you don't have B2 certificate, we will teach you to get it!!!

Don't miss a chance to be the first to get registered for a new course

Starting date: January 9
Duration: 2 months

Tel: +998991950088

Telegram: @tesolmastersinfo
Channel:   @tesolmasters

Hurry up!

Reserve your spot!

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

25 Dec, 09:34

You asked, we organized!

If you are a teacher who wants to spend a Winter break on learning & improving the teaching methods to continue teaching with fresh ideas, this course is JUST for you!

Take a chance & develop professionally!

It is a short OFF LINE course offered by "TESOL MASTERS" which is just 5 lessons long & enriched with lots of activities!

If interested,

Tel: +99899 195 00 88

Telegram: @tesolmastersinfo
Channel:   @tesolmasters

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

17 Dec, 17:18

🤩 Mighty Girls Club 🤩

We are thrilled to announce a registration form for our new season.

The third round of the Mighty Girls Club is ready to accept new mighties. Our new season will be conducted both online and offline. If you are willing to improve your knowledge in reading and creative writing together with expanding your network with like-minded girls, it is exactly for you!

Hurry up to register and get the experience!

‼️Deadline: January 15, 23:59
💬Follow the link to register!

Sharing is caring💜

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

15 Dec, 07:25

TESOL MASTERS endi Samarqandda🥳
Samarqandliklar, imkoniyatnu qo'ldan boy bermang👍

United ESL Teachers Of Uzbekistan

15 Dec, 07:24

Diqqat! Diqqat! Diqqat!
Hurmatli Samarqandliklar
Siz ingliz tili fani o'qituvchisimisiz?
Sizga muddatsiz, qonuniy va xalqaro C1 darajasidagi sertifikat kerakmi?

Unday bo'lsa bu imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermang!!!

Samarqandlik ustozlarga qulaylik yaratish maqsadida Toshkent shahridagi TESOL MASTERS o'qituvchilar malakasini oshirish markazi  TEFL/TESOL kurslarini endi Samarqandda tashkil etmoqda!!!

Sizni 23-dekabr kuni soat 13:00 da Samarqanddagi "LANGUAGE PLANET" o'quv markazi binosida TESOL MASTERS direktori va asoschisi  Saodat Tadjibaeva tomonidan o'tkaziladigan jonli, maroqli va turli xil mashg'ulotlarga boy SEMINARga taklif etamiz!

Ushbu seminarda siz nafaqat zamonaviy metodlarni o'rganishingiz, balki TEFL/TESOL kurslari haqida to'liq ma'lumotga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin.

Hoziroq ushbu seminarda ishtirok etish uchun o'z joyingizni band qiling

Hamkasblaringizni ham taklif qilishni unutmang!!!

Roʻyxatdan oʻtish uchun:

Tel: +998979104334
Tg: @tesolmasterssaminfo
Gr: @tesolmasterssamarkand
