English video songs for kids @englishvideosongsforkids Channel on Telegram

English video songs for kids


Suggestion and demands: @crackover8

English video songs for kids (English)

Are you looking for a fun and educational way to help your kids learn English? Look no further than the Telegram channel "English video songs for kids"! This channel is dedicated to providing a wide range of entertaining and engaging video songs in English that are perfect for children of all ages

Who is it for? This channel is for parents, teachers, and anyone else who wants to help children improve their English language skills in a fun and interactive way. With catchy tunes and colorful animations, these video songs will keep kids entertained while they learn

What is it? "English video songs for kids" is a treasure trove of educational content that covers a variety of topics, from the alphabet and numbers to colors, animals, and more. Each video is carefully selected to not only entertain kids but also help them grasp important language concepts

Whether you want to introduce your child to the English language or reinforce what they're learning in school, this channel has something for everyone. Join now to access a library of fun and engaging video songs that will make learning English a breeze for your little ones!
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to make learning English enjoyable for your kids. Subscribe to "English video songs for kids" today and start your child's language learning journey on the right note!
For suggestions and demands, feel free to reach out to us at @crackover8.

English video songs for kids

12 Dec, 05:09

Assalomu alaykum.

@englishvideosongsforkids obunachilari uchun ajoyib yangilik

5yillik tajribaga ega, oliy toifali ingliz tili o'qituvchisi Muydinova Navruzoydan "A1dan B1gacha" deb nomlangan darslarga start beriladi.
Ushbu darslarda:
0dan o'rganamiz
suhbatlashish o'rgatiladi

Ushbu darslar kimlar uchun?
Agarda siz ingliz tili bilimlaringiz 0 bo'lsa yoki siz ingliz tilini shunchaki muloqot uchun o'rganmoqchi bo'lsangiz marhamat.

Darslar qanday amalga oshiriladi?
Darslar telegram platformasi orqali haftada 3kun 20:00da video ovozli chatda Va yozib olingan holda amalga oshiriladi. Har bitta o'quvchi bilan alohida shug'ullanamiz Va vazifalar har Kuni soat 18:00gacha qabul qilinadi.

Kurs narxi:79ming so'm
Kursga yozilish uchun @crackover8 ga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin.

English video songs for kids

05 Dec, 06:01


English video songs for kids

23 Oct, 15:06

Hi guys!!! qaleslaaa, bita e'lonim bor: green card to'ldiryapmiz! Kimga kk bo'lsa lichkamga yozishingiz mumkin @crackover8

English video songs for kids

22 Apr, 14:25

Solar system song

English video songs for kids

22 Apr, 14:25

Solar system song

English video songs for kids

22 Apr, 14:24

The image of solar system

English video songs for kids

22 Apr, 14:24

How to draw the solar system☺️


English video songs for kids

17 Mar, 02:54

Sizni yaxshi ko'raman dada.


English video songs for kids

27 Feb, 14:48

Farzandingizga o'rgatish uchun uning birinchi so'zlar toplami🤩🥰


English video songs for kids

23 Feb, 13:52

My day🤗


English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:54



English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:54

Family members


English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:54



English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:54



English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:51



English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:51

Classroom objects

English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:41



English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:41



English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:35

Domestic animals

🐈 Cat - [ket] - mushuk
🐕‍🦺 Dog-[dog]- it
🐑 Sheep- [Shi:p] qo'y
🐐 Goat -[ gout] echki
🐄 Cow - [ kauv] sigir
🐎 Horse -[ hors] it
🐪 Camel-[ kamel] tuya
🐇 Rabbit-[ rebbit] quyon

English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:34

Domestic animals


English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:14


English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:14


English video songs for kids

21 Feb, 07:13
