Exams Hub @exams_hub Channel on Telegram

Exams Hub


This is a channel for those wanting to enhance their English in order to prepare for IELTS.
To address the admin contact @Inspiredtoteach

English for exams (English)

Are you looking to improve your English skills for exams such as IELTS? Look no further than the 'English for exams' Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @exams_hub, is dedicated to providing valuable resources and tips to help you excel in your English exams.

Whether you are looking to improve your reading, writing, listening, or speaking skills, this channel has got you covered. You will find a variety of useful materials, including practice tests, vocabulary lists, grammar tips, and more. The admin of the channel can be contacted at @Inspiredtoteach for any questions or additional support.

Join the 'English for exams' Telegram channel today and take your English proficiency to the next level. Start preparing for success in your exams with the help of this valuable resource!

Exams Hub

05 Feb, 15:28

🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠 of the 🔠🅰️🔠

Like 🐟 out if 💧 = to feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar situation


Exams Hub

03 Feb, 14:55

Paraphrase the following sentence 👇

I went to eat pizza with my friends.


Exams Hub

03 Feb, 04:05

Good morning, everyone

Exams Hub

01 Feb, 18:05

Speaking cards


Exams Hub

31 Jan, 17:07

Listening va Speakingni udar qilish uchun, ayniqsa Multilevel imtihoni uchun zo'r kitob

Exams Hub

31 Jan, 17:07


Exams Hub

31 Jan, 17:06


Exams Hub

31 Jan, 05:15

Quiz time


Exams Hub

29 Jan, 11:19


Exams Hub

29 Jan, 04:29


Exams Hub

27 Jan, 16:51

Reading practice.

Which answer do you think is correct?

Exams Hub

26 Jan, 09:03

Mana nima uchun INGLIZ tilini o‘rganishimiz kerak, janoblar!

🎤: «O‘yinning 5-daqiqasida Xusanovni almashtirishni xohlaganmisiz?»
Gvardiola kulib: «Xo‘sh, u bilan muloqot qilishim uchun men rus yoki o‘zbek tilini o‘rganishimga to‘g‘ri keladi».
«Bu uning uchun oson emas. U atigi bir marta mashg‘ulot o‘tkazdi, bundan tashqari Jekson, Koul, Madueke va Sancho kabi futbolchilarga qarshi o‘ynadi. Bunday yosh futbolchini sotib olganingizda, bu qiyin jarayon».
«U ingliz tilida gapirmaydi, shuning uchun men u bilan hali gaplashganim yo‘q. U bilan hammasi joyida bo‘ladi. U atigi bir yoki ikki marta mashg‘ulot o‘tkazgan. Men jarohatdan keyin tiklanayotgan Stounsga bosim o‘tkazishni xohlamadim. U bizga chorshanba kuni (“Bryugge”ga qarshi) kerak bo‘ladi. U (Xusanov) nima bo‘lganini tushunib turibdi. U barchasini o‘rganadi».


Exams Hub

25 Jan, 17:55


Exams Hub

25 Jan, 06:35

Ingliz tilidagi gaplarda did bor. Shunga ham u krutoy til.

Exams Hub

24 Jan, 16:53

Many students ask what parts of speech (word classes) are.

Here's an easy and detailed information chart 👌


Exams Hub

23 Jan, 15:47

Fact of the day

Did you know there is a river called Blood Fall in Antarctica?


Exams Hub

23 Jan, 11:35

Sample answer


Exams Hub

22 Jan, 16:23

🎙 speaking Part 2 model answer


Exams Hub

21 Jan, 15:37


Exams Hub

21 Jan, 15:37


Exams Hub

21 Jan, 15:36



Exams Hub

21 Jan, 06:09

If you follow this advice, you can get a higher band score in your IELTS.


Exams Hub

20 Jan, 17:17

Watching Donald J. Trump inauguration

Exams Hub

20 Jan, 17:17


Exams Hub

20 Jan, 15:18

🔠🔠🔠🔠 🔠🔠🔠🔠

Match the words to their definitions


Exams Hub

20 Jan, 08:03

How has your hometown changed in recent years?

Model answer


Exams Hub

19 Jan, 16:17


Exams Hub

19 Jan, 16:17


Exams Hub

19 Jan, 16:16

Podcast time

Exams Hub

19 Jan, 15:07

Xorijiy til o'rganaman degan odamlarga amaliy tavsiya.
Kuniga 5 dona so'z yodlang, kifoya!
Shunda 1 oyda 150, 1 yilda 1 800 dona so'z yodlab olgan bo'lasiz.
Faqat so'z yodlaganda kunlik iste'mol uchun eng faol so'zlarni yodlang va mavzulashtirilgan holatda o'rganing.


Exams Hub

19 Jan, 11:32

Useful magazines for English learners and IELTS candidates 👇

1. New Scientist
2. The Economist
3. Reader's Digest
4. The New Yor Times
5. The Washington Post
6. World Street Journal (WSJ)
7. The Guardian UK

You can find some of these 👆👆 magazines in the file section of the channel


Exams Hub

19 Jan, 09:44

Dunyoqarash va ingliz tilini yaxshilash uchun qanday jurnallar o'qib, podcastlar eshitasiz?

Kommentda fikrlarizni qoldiring.

Exams Hub

18 Jan, 16:13

Top tips for your IELTS speaking 🔊


Exams Hub

18 Jan, 11:31

Test your English


Exams Hub

18 Jan, 04:28

Bu gaplarga sabab bo'lgan video)

Exams Hub

18 Jan, 04:28


⚡️Ушбу ўқитувчи опамиз 7 кунда инглиз тилини мукаммал ўргатадиган УСЛУБНИ ўйлаб топибди😳

Унга кўра атиги 90 минутда инглиз тили грамматикасини тўлиқ ўрганиб оларкансиз, 7 кунда эса тўлиқ тилни

Йиллаб инглиз тилини ўрганиб юрган танишларга юбориб қўямиз


Exams Hub

13 Jan, 15:42

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 reading practice


Exams Hub

13 Jan, 08:18


Exams Hub

13 Jan, 06:35

Started the week and 2025 with IELTS online lessons.

The mission is great 👍 👌 😎


Exams Hub

12 Jan, 17:30

Ichiga kirib borganing sari, ingliz tilining juda keng ummon ekanini, unda juda ko'p ajoyibotlar borligini bilib borasan!


Exams Hub

12 Jan, 08:01


It's a piece of 🍰 = very easy

E.g. Making an espresso coffee ☕️ is a piece of cake for me.


Exams Hub

11 Jan, 18:09

​Bilim olish hech qachon hozirgi kabi oson va tekin bo'lmagan.
Yaqin davrgacha, mana bizning 90-yillar avlodlari uchun ham o'qish, bilim olish ancha qimmatga tushgan. Bunda nafaqat moliyaviy qiyinchiliklar, balki kerakli materiallar va metodlar taqchilligi tufayli ketgan juda ko'p vaqt va asablarni ham aytish mumkin.
O'ziga to'q oilalar esa farzandlari uchun sifatli repititorlar yo'llay olishgan va zarur barcha materiallar bilan ta'minlay olishgan.
Internet ommalashib borar ekan, ilm shohga ham, gadoga ham birdek ochildi.
YouTube, Coursera, Khan Academy va yana yuzlab platformalarda eng kuchli mutaxassislardan bilim olish imkoniyati paydo bo'ldi.
Zo'r mutaxassislar o'z darslarini kerak bo'lsa tekinga ham joylab boshladilar, ilm olishning eng samarali metodlari keng talqin qilina boshlandi.
Hozir eng chekka hududdan turib ham, istalgan vaqtda online darslar olish imkoni mavjud, bilim olishda tanlov juda kengaydi va kengayib bormoqda.
Sun'iy ongning rivojlanib borishi ham bu o'yinni keskin o'zgartirishi aniq.
Bir vaqtlar faqat elita uchungina mavjud bo'lgan ilm endi hammaga barobar.
Endi odamlardan qunt qilib va to'g'ri yo'lda oqilona shunday imkoniyatlardan foydalanish qoldi xolos.
Bu uchun esa kishidan yuqori darajada qunt, sabr va qat'iyat talab qilinadi.

Bu alohida mavzu ...


Exams Hub

11 Jan, 14:28

Past Simple practice


Exams Hub

10 Jan, 18:18

‘Teacher, speaking va listeningni yaxshilash uchun qanday kitoblarni tavsiya qilasiz’ deyishadi.
Aslida, bu ko’nikmalarni rivojlantirish uchun kitoblar emas, amaliy ishlar foyda qiladi. Masalan, speaking uchun har kuni majburan bo’lsa ham gapirish kerak [deliberate practice], listening hozirgi davrda umuman muammo emas. YouTube, Spotify va yana shu kabi millionlab platformalarda behad video va audiolar mavjud, tinimsiz tinglayverish kerak.

Exams Hub

10 Jan, 17:07

I've found a great book for IELTS speaking 😎🤓

Exams Hub

10 Jan, 17:05

This is how your Speaking for the IELTS exam is assessed.
Find out what the examiners want and give it to them!
Always aim for 7+


Exams Hub

10 Jan, 05:10

​Ba'zilar ingliz tilini hech qanday ustoz yordamisiz ChatGPT orqali o'rganish mumkin deb o'ylashadi.
Shaxsan men bu fikrga unchalik qo'shila olmayman.
"ChatGPTga shogird bo'lgan, har maqomga yo'rg'alar."

To'g'ri, undan ko'p narsa o'rganish mumkin, lekin til o'rganish borasida qaysidir bosqichgacha (at least intermediate) ustoz yordamida chiqib olish kerak.

SIdan qanday savollar so'rash, nimani va qaysi yo'nalishda o'rganib keta olish uchun ham muayyan bosqichga yetgan bo'lishlik kerak.


Exams Hub

08 Jan, 04:50

3️⃣ IELTS reading 🤓tips 💡


Exams Hub

07 Jan, 16:08

Know the difference between a businessman and an entrepreneur.

Which one do you think is better?


Exams Hub

06 Jan, 16:49

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤

Oscar is the worst at juggling than everyone else. 🔠

Oscar is the worst at juggling of all

Oscar is worse at juggling than everyone else 🔠


Exams Hub

05 Jan, 12:36



Exams Hub

05 Jan, 10:24

I and Tom are friends

Tom and I are friends

Exams Hub

04 Jan, 19:31

Most students 😂


Exams Hub

04 Jan, 11:36

Speaking tip 💡


Exams Hub

03 Jan, 15:40

Reading tip 💡

An important thing all IELTS candidates should know is the ability to understand the difference between an opinion and a fact.

Opinion: Tom is a good teacher.

Fact : Tom is a teacher.

Opinions are linked with YES/NO/NOT GIVEN questions while TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN questions deal with facts.


Exams Hub

03 Jan, 05:24

Reading tip 💡

Here's my strategy for using time effectively in the IELTS reading.

1. Section 1 - I usually spend 15 minutes here
2. Section 2 - I try to manage to complete the task within 17-18 minutes
3. Section 3 - As it is the most difficult part, I use the remaining time here. 27 minutes can be more than enough to answer the questions and transfer them into the answer sheet.


Exams Hub

02 Jan, 15:50

When you go back to work after a nice vacation 😂😢


Exams Hub

02 Jan, 09:07

Vocabulary list for A1- 2 level students

Exams Hub

02 Jan, 06:31

Useful directions (vocabulary for IELTS listening)

Exams Hub

02 Jan, 04:03

✍️ tip

The overview is the most important part of Task 1.


Exams Hub

01 Jan, 16:54

When you can't remember what day it's today, you can simply call it Blursday.

Exams Hub

01 Jan, 11:03

In 2025, I'm saying goodbye 👋 to procrastination and hello to consistency 🙃

What about you?


Exams Hub

01 Jan, 09:05

Useful vocabulary 👍


Exams Hub

31 Dec, 16:53

Ingliz tilida mandarinni mandarin orange deydi.
Mandarin ingliz tilida ikki ma'no beradi:
1. Fruit
2. Chinese language


Exams Hub

31 Dec, 16:06

Wish everyone a happy 2025! 🎆 🎇

May your dreams come true!


Exams Hub

31 Dec, 04:46

2024-yilning oxirgi 2 oyini to'liq kasbiy rivojlanishga qaratdim va soham bo'yicha ko'p yutuqlarga erishdim.

Exams Hub

29 Dec, 09:08

Which answer do you think is correct 🤔


English for exams

27 Dec, 04:02

Review of verb tenses

English for exams

26 Dec, 17:36


English for exams

25 Dec, 04:34

My reaction when an A1 level student says, "I need to take IELTS band 7 in two months" 😂😂😂


English for exams

24 Dec, 18:11

Around the world, WFH is affecting families, society, and the way we communicate.

What does WFH mean in the statement?
Can you work out its meaning?


English for exams

23 Dec, 16:08

Listening technique!

You have 20 to 60 seconds to read the questions before each part of the IELTS Listening test.

Look at how A, B and C have used that time.

Who has the best strategy? Why?


English for exams

22 Dec, 16:27

Listen and choose the correct answer 👌


English for exams

21 Dec, 04:22




English for exams

21 Dec, 04:22




English for exams

21 Dec, 04:22




English for exams

20 Dec, 16:41

An excellent result from a friend and colleague of mine who attended my multilevel course 😍


English for exams

19 Dec, 15:46

Ingliz tili so'zlari bo'yicha she'riy ilhom kelib qoldi 😊

Yangisidan 👇

Head deganda ushla bosh,
Eyebrowchi, bo'lar qosh.
Age deganda aytgin yosh,
Stone ko'rsang otma tosh!
Tear ko'zdan oqqan yosh 😢
Food - bu ovqat, emas osh.


English for exams

19 Dec, 05:30


English for exams

19 Dec, 05:30


English for exams

19 Dec, 05:30


English for exams

19 Dec, 05:30


English for exams

19 Dec, 05:30

Pie chart 🥧

English for exams

19 Dec, 05:30

Bar chart

English for exams

19 Dec, 05:30

Line graph 📉

English for exams

06 Dec, 15:22

Must-watch video

Junk food, sugar and additives - The dark side of the food industry


English for exams

04 Dec, 16:59




English for exams

04 Dec, 16:58




English for exams

04 Dec, 09:00

Deep meaning 😊


English for exams

03 Dec, 17:48

Which overview is better and why?


English for exams

03 Dec, 06:03

Rearrange the words to form a correct sentence.


English for exams

02 Dec, 17:48

How to improve your English for the IELTS TEST


English for exams

01 Dec, 20:08

I asked ChatGPT teacher how old it is 😉😄

English for exams

01 Dec, 04:23


English for exams

30 Nov, 19:09

🌨❄️🧤🏒🎿⛄️ = winter

English for exams

30 Nov, 04:03

🔠🔠🔠🔠 🔠🫡 🔠🔠🔠 🔠🅰️🔠



English for exams

29 Nov, 15:55

🔤 - enthusiasm
🔤 - motivation
🔤 - progress
🔤 - optimism
🔤 - willingness
🔤 - eagerness
🔤 - reasoning


English for exams

29 Nov, 05:39

/steɪ saɪlənt əbaʊt jɔː gəʊlz let jɔː rɪzʌlts spi:k ə fɪʃ wɪð ə kləʊzd maʊθ nevə gets kɔːt/

English for exams

28 Nov, 16:10



English for exams

27 Nov, 04:46


listen to this Part 4 listening and fill in the gaps with ONE WORD ONLY.
Write your answers in the comments.


English for exams

26 Nov, 18:43

Grammatikasiz til o'rganish g'ildiraksiz moshina haydashni o'rganishga urinishga teng. ))

English for exams

26 Nov, 16:36


English for exams

26 Nov, 16:34


English for exams

25 Nov, 05:51

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 speaking tips 💬


English for exams

23 Nov, 16:51

Ingliz tilida "SHAMOL BO'LMASA, DARAXTNING UCHI QIMIRLAMAYDI" nima deyilishini bilasizmi?

Endi mana bilib olasiz, bu "THERE IS NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE" deyiladi.
So'zma-so'z tarjima qilinsa, bu "olov bo'lmasa tutun bo'lmaydi" degani.


English for exams

23 Nov, 14:37

You should 🔠🔠🔠🔠
Before you ©️🔠🔠 🔠


English for exams

23 Nov, 03:36

🔠🔠🅰️🔠🔠🅰️🔠 lesson

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 is a noun

I need your advice.

🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 is a verb

He advised me to call a taxi 🚕


English for exams

21 Nov, 12:55

💭 speaking questions 🗣


English for exams

20 Nov, 16:28

English is not easy 😂😂


English for exams

19 Nov, 13:50

People born between 1990s and 2010 are usually called Gen Z (generation Z) while those born after 2010 are generally referred as Alpha Generation.


English for exams

18 Nov, 06:56


English for exams

17 Nov, 04:06

Your tear 😢 becomes tea ☕️ if you remove r.


English for exams

16 Nov, 08:16

Can you untranscribe the following? 👇

/eksˈtensɪv ˈriːdɪŋ ɪz ə ˈpaʊəfʊl ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ. jɔː əˈbɪlɪti tǝ muːv ðə wɜːld wɪθ ðə ˈpaʊər əv jɔː ˈpen ɪz dɪˈpendənt ʌpɒn haʊ juː ɪnˈdʒɔɪ ˈriːdɪŋ


English for exams

16 Nov, 04:37

Readingni qancha harakat qilsa ham yaxshilay olmayotgan o’quvchilar ko’p, lekin ularga juda ham foyda beradigan kitob topib oldik.
Bu kitobni yaxshilab o’qib chiqqan o’quvchida READING juda tez o’sadi!
Uni tezda yuklab, bugundan u bilan ishlashni boshlang!

English for exams

15 Nov, 16:40


English for exams

15 Nov, 16:38


English for exams

15 Nov, 05:53

My neighbors 😂😂


English for exams

14 Nov, 17:07


English for exams

14 Nov, 05:55

This is how ChatGPT imagines me



English for exams

14 Nov, 05:44

IELTS Listening Practice - Spelling Test - Female Names


English for exams

13 Nov, 17:54

Ingliz tilida girl chaser degan so'z bor, tarjimasi qizquvar ))

Girl chaser = qizquvar

Nozimning otasi o'g'lim izquvar bo'lsin deb umid qilar edi, lekin u qizquvar bo'lib katta bo'ldi. 😆😆


English for exams

13 Nov, 04:53

IELTS reading practice.


Write your answers in the comments 👇


English for exams

12 Nov, 05:49

Spelling test


English for exams

11 Nov, 06:01

Ingliz tilini samarali o'rganish bo'yicha 3 tavsiya: 👇

1. Har bir qurilmangizni (telefon, laptop 💻 va boshqa) ingliz tiliga o'tkazib oling.
Ishoning, bu ingliz tilini tez o'rganib olishingizda katta yordam beradi.

2. Kuniga eng kamida 15 daqiqa faqat ingliz tilida nimadir o'qing!
Bu gazeta, jurnal, kitob, inglizcha kommentlar, va shunchaki yangiliklar bo'lishi mumkin.

3. Har kuni kim bilandir ingliz tilida oddiy mavzularda suhbat quring.
Xatolardan umuman qo'rqmang va uyalmang.
Har bir ekspert bir vaqtlar siz kabi endi boshlagan o'rganuvchi bo'lganini esingizdan chiqarmang!


English for exams

11 Nov, 03:19

🍂 autumn is wonderful 😍


English for exams

10 Nov, 16:19


English for exams

10 Nov, 04:59


Репетиторлик тизимида ишлайман. Фаолиятим давомида кузатяпманки, абитуриентларнинг савияси йилдан йилга тушиб бормоқда.

Бугунги кунда айрим абитуриентларга нималар етишмайди?


Бугунги куннинг аксар абитуриентларида шижоат умуман ўлган. Ҳали 16-17 га кириб улгурмаган, лекин томири узиб қўйилган гулдек шалпайиб ётади. Ўша куни биттаси дарсга: устидаги спортивкаси осилиб, сумкасини судраб кириб келяпти.
Кейин дарсда партага ёпишиб ётиб оладими-ей. Уларни кўриб дарс ўтгинг ҳам келмайди киши.


Ихлос ҳақида гапириш бизга эмас, аммо гап илм ҳақида кетаркан, оғиз жуфтлашга ҳаққимиз бор деб билдик. Баъзи абитуриентларда ихлос деган тушунчанинг ўзи йўқ. Фақат устоздан гап эшитмаслик учун ўқиб келса бўлди. Тестлари ҳам шунчаки ишланган, на таҳлил бор, на мулоҳаза. Қалам бир тегиб бир тегмаган. Яна нега бунча хато десангиз, оғзини тўлдириб "Тушунмадим" дейди номард. Аммо ёнидаги дугонаси тушунган бўлади.


Агар дарс бироз чўзилса, боғлаб қўйилган қўзидек, ипини узишга ҳаракат қилади. Дарсда мажбур ўтиради. Қачон дарс тугаса-ю, кўчада дайдиса. Қўшимча дарсга "такрорлашга кир" десангиз, бошқа фаним бор дейди-да, катагини йўқотиб қўйган жўжадек, уй ёқдан, бу ёққа юради.
Бир нарсага тушунмаса, бирдан синади.

УЛАР "касал"

Уларнинг касали ҳам антиқа: бугун мазаси бўлмайди, аммо эртаси куни тузалиб қолади. Озроқ иситмаси чиқса ёки боши оғриса ҳам дарсдан қолади.


Уларга хос бўлган хусусиятлардан бири, уларнинг ёлғончилигидир. Ўша куни бир ўқувчим тестнинг жавобларини ўзига ишонч билан ўқиб кетди. Мен эса уни кетма-кет учта тўғри жавоб чиқаролмаслигига кафолат бераман. Кейин бориб таҳлил қилиб беришини сўрадим. Қилолмади. Кейин яна камига кўчирганини тан олмади. Охири бўйнига қўйиб дарсдан ҳайдаб юбордим.


Мана шу офат уларнинг бошига етади. Улар алданганлар... Инглиз тилини ўрганяпман деб баҳона қилиб қўлидан телефон тушмайди. Ўша ўқувчиларимга телефон ҳақида бир соатлар гапирдим, кейин иккинчи гуруҳга дарс ўтиб бўлгунимча орадан икки соат ўтди. Сўнг телефонини олиб текширсам, икки соат ичида 1 соат-у 36 дақиқа фойдаланган. Чунки уларга...


Ҳа, уларга қанча гапирманг, пашша чаққандек таъсир қилмайди. Чунки уларнинг "териси қотиб кетган."
Бисотингиздаги жамийки ёмон сўзларни айтсангиз ҳам, эти жимирламайди. Чунки виждонни овқатга қўшиб еб юборган.


Кўпчилиги дангаса. Озгина топшириқ ҳам кўзига кўп кўринади. Ўзини жуда яхши кўради. Жонини қийнагиси келмайди.


Ис чиққан жойдан қуруқ қолишмайди. Момотўйми, исчироқми фарқи йўқ бораверишди. Улар тўй учун ҳеч ким эмаслигини ҳис қилишмайди. Тўйдан бир ҳафта олдин борса, бир ҳафтадан кейин келишади дарсга....


Ҳар ҳафта уйга бориш-келиш улар учун энг ёқимли машғулот.
"Нега уйга борасан?" "Ахир кеча уйдагиларинг келиб кеттику!" десанг, "уйни соғиндим" дейди.

Хуллас, бу ҳамма абитуриентлар ҳақида эмас. Ихлос билан ўқиётганлар бор, албатта. Гап айланиб бориб эгасини топади.

English for exams

09 Nov, 17:45

Task 1 ✍️


English for exams

09 Nov, 14:39

IELTS SPEAKINGda ham shunday hozirjavob bo'lish kerak 😁😎


English for exams

09 Nov, 05:51

Weekend watch / Podcast with Tom Holland

English for exams

09 Nov, 05:50


English for exams

08 Nov, 18:47



English for exams

08 Nov, 16:04

Drinking alcohol affects your health.
Drinking alcohol impacts your health.
Drinking alcohol has an effect on your health.
Drinking alcohol has an impact on your health.
My cousin influenced me to become a teacher.
Elon Musk is an influential person.
Elon Musk is a person of influence.

English for exams

08 Nov, 08:35

These are the important skills you need to sharpen to get a higher band score in the IELTS test.


English for exams

07 Nov, 16:09

Don't forget this!


English for exams

06 Nov, 07:36

Birov mendan ingliz tilini bilasizmi deb so'rasa ...... 😂😂😂


English for exams

05 Nov, 05:55

Using a variety of linking words in IELTS Writing Task 2 essays can improve the flow and coherence of your arguments. Here’s a list of effective linking words grouped by purpose:

1. Introducing Ideas

Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly

To begin with

In the first place


2. Adding Information



In addition



3. Giving Examples

For instance

For example

Such as


To illustrate

4. Contrasting Ideas


On the other hand


Even though


In contrast

5. Expressing Cause and Effect

As a result



Due to

Owing to

6. Summarizing or Concluding

In conclusion

To sum up


In summary

To conclude

7. Expressing Your Opinion

In my opinion

I believe

From my perspective

I am convinced that

These words can help structure your ideas clearly and improve the coherence of your essay. Practice using them naturally in sentences to become comfortable with their use in different contexts.


English for exams

04 Nov, 17:55

Here’s a list of common terminology used in English phonetics, along with examples:

1. Phoneme

Definition: The smallest unit of sound that distinguishes meaning in a language.

Example: The words bat and pat differ in their initial phonemes: /b/ and /p/.

2. Allophone

Definition: Variants of a phoneme that do not change the meaning of a word.

Example: The /p/ sound in spin and pin are slightly different. In pin, /p/ is aspirated (a puff of air), while in spin, it is unaspirated.

3. Vowel

Definition: Sounds produced without significant constriction of airflow in the vocal tract.

Example: The sounds in cat /æ/, seat /iː/, and hot /ɒ/.

4. Consonant

Definition: Sounds produced with some level of constriction in the vocal tract.

Example: /b/ in bat, /k/ in cat, and /t/ in tap.

5. Voicing

Definition: Whether the vocal cords vibrate during the production of a sound.

Example: /s/ in sip (voiceless) versus /z/ in zip (voiced).

6. Place of Articulation

Definition: The point in the vocal tract where constriction occurs.


Bilabial: Both lips, like /p/ and /b/.

Alveolar: Tongue against the alveolar ridge, like /t/ and /d/.

7. Manner of Articulation

Definition: How airflow is constricted to produce different sounds.


Stop: Complete closure, as in /t/ and /b/.

Fricative: Narrowing to create friction, as in /s/ and /f/.

8. Diphthong

Definition: A vowel sound that begins with one vowel sound and glides to another.

Example: /aɪ/ in my, /eɪ/ in say, and /ɔɪ/ in boy.

9. Schwa /ə/

Definition: The most common vowel sound in English, often found in unstressed syllables.

Example: The first syllable in about /əˈbaʊt/ and the last syllable in sofa /ˈsoʊfə/.

10. Syllable

Definition: A unit of sound typically containing a vowel sound, forming part or all of a word.

Example: The word computer has three syllables: com-pu-ter.

11. Stress

Definition: Emphasis placed on a syllable within a word or a word within a sentence.

Example: In the word record, noun form has stress on the first syllable /ˈrekɔːd/, while the verb form has stress on the second syllable /rɪˈkɔːd/.

12. Intonation

Definition: The rise and fall of pitch in speech.

Example: In questions, intonation typically rises at the end: Are you coming?

13. Minimal Pair

Definition: Two words that differ by only one phoneme.

Example: Bit /bɪt/ and bet /bɛt/ are minimal pairs that differ by the vowel sound.

14. Phonetic Transcription

Definition: A written representation of sounds in a language using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

Example: cat is transcribed as /kæt/.

15. Aspiration

Definition: A burst of air that follows some consonants, especially at the beginning of words.

Example: /p/ in pat is aspirated, while in spin, it is not.

These terms are essential to understanding how English sounds are formed, differentiated, and used in speech! Let me know if you'd like more details on any of these terms.

English for exams

03 Nov, 12:55

Can you untranscribe the following sentence? 👇

/ðə best rɪˈvendʒ ɪz nʌn. hiːl, muːv ɒn, ənd dəʊnt bɪˈkəm laɪk ðəʊz huː hɜːt juː/


English for exams

01 Nov, 15:02

How can an IELTS candidate get 7+ within a short period of time?

Achieving a Band 7+ in IELTS within a short time frame requires focused preparation, smart strategies, and consistent practice. Here’s a structured approach to help a candidate work efficiently toward this goal:

1. Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Take a diagnostic test to identify which sections need the most improvement.

Prioritize areas that are scoring below a Band 7 to focus your efforts effectively.

2. Focus on High-Yield Skills and Techniques

Speaking: Practice fluency and coherence. Avoid overthinking, and focus on speaking naturally without long pauses. Record responses to sample questions and review them for clarity, grammar, and vocabulary use.

Writing: Familiarize yourself with the common IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2 question types. Aim to structure essays clearly, with a strong introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Learn to use a range of complex sentences accurately and diversify your vocabulary.

Reading: Develop skimming and scanning techniques to locate answers quickly. Practice reading passages and answering questions within a strict time limit, as timing is often a challenge.

Listening: Practice with a variety of English accents (British, American, Australian). Focus on understanding main ideas and details and take notes during practice tests to improve comprehension.

3. Expand Vocabulary and Use It Actively

To boost vocabulary quickly, focus on words and phrases related to common IELTS topics (education, environment, health, technology, etc.).

Practice using new vocabulary in speaking and writing to reinforce memory and enhance naturalness in communication.

4. Work on Grammar Accuracy

Focus on mastering complex sentence structures (e.g., relative clauses, conditionals) and avoiding common grammar mistakes. For a quick improvement, identify personal error patterns and concentrate on correcting them.

5. Time Management Practice

Do timed practice for all sections to build stamina and speed. For example, aim to complete reading passages within 20 minutes each, and practice writing tasks within the allocated times.

Learn to pace yourself so you have time to review answers, particularly in the Listening and Reading sections.

6. Use Official and High-Quality Practice Materials

Use official IELTS preparation materials (Cambridge IELTS books, the British Council, and IDP resources) to ensure practice aligns with actual test standards.

Online platforms with interactive exercises or mock exams can also be helpful for additional practice.

7. Simulate Exam Conditions Regularly

Take full-length mock tests under exam-like conditions to become familiar with the test structure and timing. This practice helps to manage anxiety and improves time management.

8. Consider a Short, Intensive IELTS Prep Course or Tutor

A tutor or an intensive prep course can provide personalized feedback and guidance, especially for writing and speaking, which are often challenging for Band 7+ scores.

9. Daily English Immersion

Surround yourself with English daily: listen to English podcasts, read articles, and engage in conversations to build fluency and adaptability in a natural setting.

Use targeted apps or platforms (like Quizlet or Anki) for vocabulary practice, and consider online communities (like speaking clubs) for regular English speaking practice.

10. Stay Consistent and Track Progress

Set small, measurable goals for each study session, and track your progress weekly. Even small daily practice can build up quickly.

By focusing on these strategies, a candidate can make noticeable improvements in a short time and build the confidence needed to perform at a Band 7+ level.


English for exams

29 Oct, 14:33

Speaking questions about transportation 🚗 🚚 🚌 🚕 🏍 🚲

General Questions
* What is your favorite mode of transportation? Why?
* How do you usually get to school/work?
* What is the most convenient way to travel in your city?
* Do you prefer public or private transportation? Why?
* How has transportation changed in your country over the past few years?
Public Transportation
* Do you use public transportation regularly?
* What are the advantages and disadvantages of using public transportation?
* How can public transportation systems be improved?
* What are the most common public transportation options in your city?
* Have you ever had a bad experience on public transportation?
Private Transportation
* Do you own a car?
* What are the advantages and disadvantages of owning a car?
* What are the traffic conditions like in your city?
* Do you think self-driving cars will become popular in the future?
* What are the challenges of driving in your city?
* Have you ever traveled by plane, train, or boat?
* What is your favorite way to travel?
* What is the longest journey you have ever taken?
* What are some of the challenges of traveling to a foreign country?
* What are some of the benefits of traveling?
Environmental Impact
* How does transportation impact the environment?
* What can be done to reduce the environmental impact of transportation?
* Do you think electric cars are the future of transportation?
* What are some of the challenges of developing sustainable transportation systems?
* How can we encourage people to use more environmentally friendly modes of transportation?
Future of Transportation
* What do you think the future of transportation will look like?
* Will flying cars ever become a reality?
* How will technology change the way we travel?
* What are some of the challenges of developing new transportation technologies?
* Do you think we will ever colonize other planets? If so, how will we get there?


English for exams

29 Oct, 12:02

Here's a list of essential vocabulary for IELTS preparation:
General Vocabulary:
* Academic Words: crucial, significant, paramount, substantial, fundamental, complex, diverse, innovative, contemporary, conventional.
* Linking Words: moreover, furthermore, however, nevertheless, consequently, therefore, in addition, on the other hand, as a result, for instance, for example.
* Opinion Words: believe, think, feel, argue, claim, suggest, propose, maintain, contend, assert.
* Verb Phrases: bring about, come across, carry out, set up, take over, break down, look into, go through, put off, deal with.
* Adjective Phrases: wide-ranging, far-reaching, long-lasting, short-lived, far-fetched, far-off, well-known, little-known, brand new, state-of-the-art.
Topic-Specific Vocabulary:
* Education: curriculum, syllabus, tuition fees, scholarship, postgraduate, undergraduate, lecture, seminar, tutorial, dissertation, thesis.
* Environment: pollution, deforestation, global warming, climate change, renewable energy, sustainable development, carbon footprint, biodiversity.
* Technology: artificial intelligence, virtual reality, automation, digital age, cybercrime, data privacy, e-commerce.
* Health: obesity, malnutrition, mental health, physical health, lifestyle diseases, healthcare system, public health.
* Society: social issues, inequality, poverty, discrimination, immigration, globalization, urbanization.
* Contextual Understanding: Learn words in context, not in isolation.
* Collocations: Pay attention to how words are used together.
* Synonyms and Antonyms: Expand your vocabulary by learning related words.
* Practice Regularly: Use the words in your speaking, writing, and listening practice.
Additional Tips:
* Read Widely: Read newspapers, magazines, and books to encounter new vocabulary.
* Watch English-Language Media: Pay attention to the language used in movies, TV shows, and documentaries.
* Use a Dictionary: Keep a dictionary handy to look up unfamiliar words.
* Take Notes: Write down new words and phrases you come across.
* Review Regularly: Review your vocabulary regularly to reinforce your learning.
For a more comprehensive list and practice exercises, consider using these resources:
* IELTS Academic Word List: A list of academic words frequently used in IELTS exams.
* Online Vocabulary Quizzes and Games: Many websites offer interactive exercises to help you learn vocabulary.
* IELTS Preparation Books and Courses: These resources often include vocabulary lists and exercises.
By consistently practicing and expanding your vocabulary, you can significantly improve your IELTS score.


English for exams

28 Oct, 03:38


English for exams

26 Oct, 04:39

🔤🔤 question formation


English for exams

25 Oct, 17:42

A brilliant idea, innit?


English for exams

24 Oct, 15:34


English for exams

24 Oct, 03:44

🔤🔤🔤🔤 2️⃣ essay question

It is inevitable that as technology advances, traditional cultures will be lost. It seems that we cannot have these two things together.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


English for exams

22 Oct, 14:54

Part 2 cue card from speaking assistant


English for exams

20 Oct, 15:12

Yes 😂😂

Why? 🚩


English for exams

19 Oct, 16:45

I have a lot on my plate 🍽 every day 😩


English for exams

17 Oct, 16:18

😃 😀
Joke of the day 👇

A 🐻 without 👂 is just 🐝

Faqat ingliz tilida quloqsiz ayiq asalariga aylanadi.


English for exams

17 Oct, 05:09

Kidult is an adult who hasn't matured enough.
A kidult often behaves childishly.

English for exams

16 Oct, 17:09

I've come across another interesting blend word 👇


What do you think it means? ☝️

English for exams

16 Oct, 04:33

Daily reading

English for exams

15 Oct, 13:55

Grammatika o'qituvchilari yurak huruji bo'lib qoladigan xona ekan 😃🙄😥


English for exams

14 Oct, 14:47

Endi dars qilishga o'tirganimda 😂


English for exams

14 Oct, 06:14

ChatGPT kanalimizni e'tirof etdi 😎


English for exams

14 Oct, 05:23

Must-watch IELTS speaking sample 👍


English for exams

12 Oct, 18:07

Tomorrow's Sunday 😂😂

English for exams

12 Oct, 06:47

3️⃣ types of knowledge.

Don't link everything with science 😂😂


English for exams

11 Oct, 18:05

Night reading 📘

Who invented mathematics


English for exams

10 Oct, 03:53



What decides our taste?


English for exams

10 Oct, 03:53



What decides our taste?


English for exams

09 Oct, 16:18

Do you know which film it is?
