Solve IT @solveit2023 Channel on Telegram

Solve IT


Solve IT is a nationwide innovation competition, focusing on solving problems in the community using Information Technology.

Solve IT (English)

Are you passionate about using technology to make a positive impact in your community? Look no further than Solve IT - a nationwide innovation competition that is dedicated to solving real-world problems using Information Technology. With the rise of technology in our everyday lives, it is more important than ever to harness its power for good. And that is exactly what Solve IT aims to do

Solve IT provides a platform for individuals with a passion for IT and problem-solving to come together and collaborate on innovative solutions that can address pressing issues in our society. Whether you are a seasoned IT professional or a tech enthusiast looking to make a difference, Solve IT welcomes all participants who are eager to use their skills to create positive change

Participants in Solve IT have the opportunity to work on real challenges faced by communities across the country. From improving access to education to addressing environmental concerns, the possibilities are endless. By participating in Solve IT, you not only have the chance to showcase your technical skills but also to make a meaningful impact on the world around you

The Solve IT competition is not just about winning prizes - although there are some amazing rewards up for grabs. It is about coming together as a community to leverage technology for the greater good. By joining Solve IT, you become part of a network of like-minded individuals who are committed to using their talents to drive positive change

So, if you are ready to put your IT skills to the test and make a difference in your community, join Solve IT today. Together, we can harness the power of technology to create a better world for all.

Solve IT

20 Mar, 14:29

A lifesaver on the road

Wubshet Girma's Smart eye prevention glasses is an innovative project that integrates eyeglasses with sensors designed to alert long-distance drivers if their eyes close for more than 2 seconds. This vital safety measure aims to prevent accidents caused by driver drowsiness. The eyeglass sensors can detect closed eyes and send timely alerts in the form of vibration, sound, or light to wake the driver, ensuring they stay awake and alert while on the road.

Project detail

Solve IT

08 Feb, 14:50

Precision meets innovation

Hewan Abebe and Alazar Getnet have developed an online all-in-one (AIO) AI platform that is accessible via a website that has the capability to generate text-to-video, text-to-image, text-to-audio, text-to-code, and even text-to-conversation outputs. Their innovative solution is driven by a self-learning AI model, ensuring precise results based on the provided text.

Check their project on TikTok

Solve IT

26 Jan, 07:58

Soaring above the fields, defining the future of agriculture!

Eyob Birhanu's Agricultural Hexacopter Drone merges aerodynamic research, hypothesis-driven solutions, and practical technology development. The drone is equipped with sensors and a camera for field navigation and obstacle avoidance.

Go check out what they have to say about their project

Solve IT

18 Jan, 12:28

When it comes to injera, time is money, these two are baking both to perfection!

Maerege Teshome and Nardos Biyalfew's semi-automatic injera baking machine streamlines mass production. It saves time, energy, and costs while ensuring top-quality injera. This user-friendly machine is perfect for both skilled and unskilled operators, featuring adjustable designs. It's a cost-effective solution for businesses and institutions, capable of baking 100 injera per hour, a 400% improvement compared to traditional methods taking over 4 hours.

Check their project on TikTok

Solve IT

18 Dec, 14:22

Solve IT pinned «Solve IT 2023 showcased impactful projects in diverse sectors, from medical advancements to home appliances. 11 outstanding projects competed in Solve IT 2023, with winners focused on Home Appliances, Transport, Food Processing, and Medical Care.»

Solve IT

18 Dec, 12:34

Making the perfect choice should be as easy as a click.... Step into the future of shopping!

The enthusiastic team of Maruf Abrar and Emran Widad from Jimma competed with a virtual try-on shopping and order system, enabling customers to virtually try products before making a purchase. Introducing the 'EYETA Shop' app, powered by augmented reality technology, Eye View aims to solve challenges in sectors like furniture, fashion, eyewear, home décor, and cosmetics, where limited customer interaction and the inability to try products hinder sales.

Check their project on TikTok

Solve IT

18 Dec, 12:34

Solve IT 2023 showcased impactful projects in diverse sectors, from medical advancements to home appliances. 11 outstanding projects competed in Solve IT 2023, with winners focused on Home Appliances, Transport, Food Processing, and Medical Care.

Solve IT

25 Oct, 05:47

Solve IT 2023 Boot camp is now happening in Addis Ababa, where our 12 finalists have gathered for an exhilarating and adventure-filled experience.

Betelhem Dessie shares insights into the Solve IT experience.

#SolveIT2023 #Jimma #Dessie #Bahirdar #AddisAbaba #Wolayitasodo #Diredawa #innovationcompetition #dashenbank #usembassyethiopa

Solve IT

01 Sep, 09:23

Start small and simple, then grow through learning, testing, measuring, and rapidly innovating.
Lean Thinking is a mindset, a way of thinking, made up of a philosophy, practices, and principles that aim to create needed value with fewer resources and less waste. Ultimately, a shift in how a team works together.

Our Solve IT Startups will be trained to apply Lean Thinking as it is faster and less expensive than developing the final product for testing, and it reduces the risk that startups face by lowering their typical high failure rate.

Stay tuned

Telegram @solveit2023

Email: [email protected]
Phone no: +251 991 440049
#SolveIT2023 #SolveITEthiopia #SolveITet #SolveITWithTech #InnovationCompetition #Startups #icogacc #USEmbassy #DashenBank

Solve IT

09 Aug, 15:27

Our sincere appreciation goes out to everyone who registered and showed enthusiasm for being part of Solve IT's journey.
Solve IT 2023's registration is now closed, and training has begun!

Stay tuned
Telegram: @solveit2023
ስለተመዘገቡ እና የሶልቭ ኢት ጉዞ አካል በመሆን ላሳያቹት ጉጉት እና ተነሳሽነት ለሁላቹም ልባዊ ምስጋናችን ይድረስ።
የሶልቭ ኢት 2023 የፈጠራ ውድድር ምዝገባ ተዘግቷል።
ስልጠና በቅርቡ ይጀመራል።

ለአዳዲስ መረጃ መሐበራዊ ሚዲያዎቻችንን ይከታተሉ!

Solve IT

29 Jun, 18:44

Solve IT is bringing together the brightest minds in Ethiopia, igniting a wave of innovation and problem-solving. Register now and bring your innovative ideas to light.
ሶልቭ ኢት 2023 በኢትዮጵያ ባለተስጥዎ አዕምሮዎችን በአንድነት በማምጣት የኢኖቬሽን እና የችግር ፈቺነት ክህሎትን በመገንባት ላይ ነው። የፈጠራ ሃሳቦቻችሁን እውን ለማድረግ አሁኑኑ ተመዝገቡ።
#Ethiopia #SolveIT #SolveITWithTech #InnovationCompetition #Startups #USEmbassy #DashenBank

Solve IT

05 Jun, 13:52

Calling all innovative minds in Ethiopia! Solve IT 2023 registrations are now OPEN! Don't miss your opportunity to be part of the most exciting innovation competition in Ethiopia.

Register at
የሶልቭ ኢት 2023 ምዝገባ ተጀምርዋል! በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በጣም አጓጊ የሆነውን የፈጠራ ውድድር አካል ለመሆን እድሉ እንዳያመልጥዎት።#SolveIT2023 #InnovationChallenge #Ethiopia

Solve IT

26 May, 18:48

Dreaming of making a difference through innovation?Your chance is coming! Solve IT 2023 registration is just around the corner. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of Ethiopia's most prestigious innovation competition. Stay tuned for more information!
በፈጠራ ለውጥ የማምጣት ዕድልዎ ቅርብ ነው! ሶልቭ ኢት 2023 ምዝገባ በቅርብ ቀን ይጀምራል። ለበለጠ መረጃ ፔጃችንን ይከታተሉ! #Ethiopia #SolveIT #SolveITWithTech #InnovationCompetition #Startups #USEmbassy #DashenBank

Solve IT

21 May, 19:04

From groundbreaking technologies to impactful startups, check out the official launch event of Solve IT 2023.
ከመሠረታዊ ቴክኖሎጂዎች እስከ ተፅዕኖ ፈጣሪ ፈጠራዎች፣ የሶልቭ ኢት 2023 ይፋዊ የማስጀመሪያ ፕሮግራም ይመልከቱ። #Ethiopia #SolveIT #SolveITWithTech #InnovationCompetition #Startups #USEmbassy #DashenBank

Solve IT

20 May, 15:57

Calling all brilliant minds! Solve IT 2023 is back, and we've got big news. This year, we're offering a whopping 1,000,000 Birr seed funding to help transform your innovative ideas into groundbreaking solutions. Get ready to showcase your talent in Addis Ababa, Wolayita Sodo, Dessie, Jimma, Bahir Dar, and Dire Dawa!
ሶልቭ ኢት 2023 ተመልሷል በዚህ አመት፣ የወጣቶችን የፈጠራ ሃሳቦች ወደ መሰረታዊ መፍትሄዎች ለመቀየር እንዲረዳን የ1,000,000 ብር ድጋፍ አዘጋጅተናል። ወጣት ፈጣሪዎች በአዲስ አበባ፣ በወላይታ ሶዶ፣ በደሴ፣ በጅማ፣ በባህር ዳር እና በድሬዳዋ ተዘጋጁ። #Ethiopia #SolveIT #SolveITWithTech #InnovationCompetition #Startups #AddisAbaba #WolayitaSodo #Dessie #Jimma #BahirDar #DireDawa

Solve IT

16 May, 18:24

Solve IT 2023 has officially launched! Get ready for an incredible innovation competition that spans across six cities in Ethiopia. It's time to unleash your creativity and problem-solving skills. Join us on this exciting journey.
ሶልቭ ኢት 2023 በይፋ ተጀምሯል በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በስድስት ከተሞች ለሚካሄደው አስደናቂ የፈጠራ ውድድር ወጣቶች ተዘጋጁ። በዚህ አስደሳች ጉዞ ላይ ይቀላቀሉን። #Ethiopia #SolveIT #SolveITWithTech #InnovationCompetition #Startups

Solve IT

15 May, 09:51

More than 3700 talented youths have been inspired to create impactful solutions, from conception to implementation. Get ready for Solve IT 2023, an extraordinary chance to drive real change.
ከ3700 በላይ ተሰጥኦ ያላቸው ባለታሰጥዎ ወጣቶች ከፅንሰ-ሀሳብ ጀምሮ እስከ ትግበራ ድረስ ተፅዕኖ ፈጣሪ መፍትሄዎችን እንዲፈጥሩ አነሳስተናል። ሶልቨ ኢት 2023 ተመልስዎል።
#Ethiopia #SolveIT #SolveITWithTech #InnovationCompetition #Startups

Solve IT

09 May, 09:27

Channel name was changed to «Solve IT»

Solve IT

09 May, 09:26

Channel photo updated