Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders @slcer Channel on Telegram

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders


This channel posts Lectures/Classes & notifications for all Salafi Conferences/Seminars and Events etc...

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders (English)

Are you interested in learning more about Salafi teachings and attending important events in the Salafi community? Look no further than the Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders Telegram channel, also known as @slcer! This channel is dedicated to providing its members with access to a wealth of knowledge through lectures, classes, and notifications for all Salafi conferences, seminars, and events. Who is it? The Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders channel is a valuable resource for individuals who follow the Salafi school of thought and want to deepen their understanding of its principles. Whether you are a seasoned Salafi scholar or someone who is just beginning to explore this path, this channel welcomes all who are eager to learn. What is it? This channel serves as a hub for all things related to Salafi teachings, providing a platform for members to access lectures and classes that cover a wide range of topics. In addition, the channel keeps its followers informed about upcoming Salafi conferences, seminars, and events, ensuring that they never miss out on any important gatherings in the Salafi community. If you are looking to expand your knowledge of Salafi teachings and stay updated on the latest events in the Salafi community, then the Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders channel is the perfect place for you. Join us today and become a part of a thriving community dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and spiritual growth.

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

23 Dec, 18:21

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Upon discharge from hospital I was put on some really strong medication which was for a course of 14 days. Al hamdulilah I have completed my course and at present am working on getting my health back and if Allah wills my breathing back to the levels before Covid19.


Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

07 Dec, 12:41

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Our dear brother Abu Maryam Ahmed was discharged from Hospital on Friday Night. Al hamdulilah once his oxygen levels had returned and the treatment for covid had run it's course they saw no need to keep him in the hospital any longer but to send him home to recover amongst his family. He returned home very weak due to not getting enough sleep and lack of good foods at hospital in UK. At present he is at home working hard on getting his strength back and slowly accustomed to as it was before he got hit by covid.

He is very grateful and appreciative of all the duas and good thoughts for him. He apologized that he could not reply to each and every one while in hospital or was in the position to reply back during treatment.

For now we pray and hope the best for his quick and swift recovery.


Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

29 Nov, 10:58

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Our brother Abu Maryam Ahmed UK, had fallen ill over 10 days ago and when got tested it was Covid19 positive. He was told to self isolate at home for ten days hoping he would recover during that time. But while self isolating his oxygen levels dropped and he was having problems in breathing. He also became very weak due to not eating anything properly in those ten days. So he called for an ambulance service and they took him to hospital. He is at present at the hospital getting his oxygen levels back and hydrate his water levels in the body. All of this was due to a lot of mucus built up in his body.

We pray for his good health and swift recovery.


Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 21:39

Please Donate now 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

JazakAllahu Khayran!
Was-salāmu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 21:35


May Allāh reward you all for your wonderful support thus far with the fund raising project!

Alḥamdulillāh It is gaining rapid momentum, with more than £800 raised just today! Allahu Akbar!

With just over 24 hours left of this month we are still short of approximately £1500 to reach our monthly goal.

Donate JUST £3 today to help us hit this target 🎯

“Protect yourself from Hell-fire even by giving a piece of date as charity.”
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 21:23


Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 21:22 (@troidorg):
الحمد لله, we thank Allah for his blessings and we seek His aid in returning other communities around the world to these beneficial settings of togetherness. It is Allah and Allah alone we turn too, it is He who can change the affairs of man.

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 21:22 (@troidorg):
Delightful to hear about the success of the summer conference @SalafiPubs. Thousands attending from around the country, learning, benefitting, side-by-side, free of restrictions, smiling and embracing.

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 20:18

Allahu Akbar! May Allah bless her and keep her steadfast on the true religion. Aameen.

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 20:17

Alhumdullilah! A sister just called the masjid and embraced Islām!

May Allah bless her and make her firm upon Islām and Sunnah!

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 20:07

Consoling The Broken Heart. How to offer condolence:

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 20:05

📰 [5] Surah Al-Asr – By Imaam Ibnul Qayyim: [Some of The Fruits of Certainty and Patience] ‌.

Excerpt: In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. Allaah [The Exalted] said: وَٱلۡعَصۡرِ إِنَّ ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ لَفِى خُسۡرٍ إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّـٰلِحَـٰتِ وَتَوَاصَوۡاْ بِٱلۡحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوۡاْ بِٱلصَّبۡرِ By Al-‘Asr (the time). Verily! The human is in loss; except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, enjoin one another…

🔗 Full Post -

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Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 19:59

Allahu Akbar! May Allah bless him and keep him steadfast on the true religion. Aameen.

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 19:59

Our new brother Tyrell, accepted Islām on day one of the UK’s National Conference in Birmingham @SalafiMasjidCom

May Allāh accept it from him, bless him & grant him Paradise

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 19:05

Аъмаш ҳадис ривоят қилаётганида бир киши ёнидан ўтиб кетаётиб шундай деди: Анави ёш болаларга ҳадис ривоят қиласизми?
Шунда Аъмаш раҳимаҳуллоҳ деди:

هؤلاء الصبيان يحفظون عليك دينك.

Анави ёш болалар сен учун динингни сақлаб беряпти❞.

📚 Хатиб Боғдодий ❝Шараф Асҳабул Ҳадис❞ (89).

© Тавҳид

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 18:59

🕌 Markaz us-Sunnah's tweets:

🗓️- [Conference 2021]

Abu Idrees (@AbuIdrees):

“Many times you find that if someone is going through fitnah (trials), they tend to stay away from the masjid and the jama’ah. This is when they become weaker!”

Abu Idrees (@AbuIdrees):

“Whatever trial you have, do not abandon the jama’ah or the masjid. Even if it happens that you take off the jilbab or shave the beard—I'm not saying to do that—but whatever situation you are in, come to the masjid.”

May Allah reward our teachers @AbuHakeemBilal, @AbuKhadeejahSP, @Abdulilah_UK, @AbuIyaadSP, @AbuIdrees, @uwaysT and @AbuMuadhTaqweem, as well as the organisers at @SalafiPubs, with Jannah for an incredibly beneficial weekend filled with pertinent topics for our current time.

Aameen. Aameen. Aameen.

A reminder benefits the believer.

Salafi Lectures/Classes/Events & Reminders

30 Aug, 18:56 (@imamdarimi):
Spubs Salana Conference Birmingham, Aug 2021 may Shaykh Ubaid al-Jabiree حفظه الله ka Mukhtasar Bayan (Urdu translation)


#Salafi #Urdu #Dawah