The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة


A channel that calls to the Quran and Sunnah based on the understanding of the righteous predecessors and spreads the speech of the noble and virtuous Salafi scholars.

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

23 Oct, 18:07

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

23 Oct, 16:50

The Manners Of Dua And What Every Muslim Should Know

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

22 Oct, 17:16

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

20 Oct, 16:24

These Two Groups Have Deficiencies In Their Creed | Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Muhaymid

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

19 Oct, 17:46

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

18 Oct, 17:51

Jealousy In Islam: Between the Blameworthy and the Praiseworthy

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

17 Oct, 14:49

The Beauty and Sweetness of the Morning and Evening Supplications: Don’t Neglect This Great Blessing!

Shaykh Aziz Farhan Al-Anizi حفظه الله

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

16 Oct, 20:27

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan حفظه الله

There are many matters that get lost in the midst of events. The students of knowledge from Ahlus-Sunnah struggle, strive, fight, and exert themselves in seeking knowledge and resisting the people of innovation and opposing them. However, many matters related to the heart are lost from them. This was not the way of our righteous predecessors; the hardness of the heart distances one from Allah.

هناك أمور كثيرة تضيع في زحمة الأحداث. الطلاب, من طلاب العلم من أهل السنة, يجالدون, يكافحون, يجاهدون, يجتهدون في تحصيل العلم ومقاومة أهل البدع, ومنابذتهم, وتضيع منهم أمور كثيرة مما يتعلق بالقلوب, ولا كذلك كان سلفنا الصالحون, قسوة القلب مبعدة عن الرب.

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

15 Oct, 16:42

The Islamic Perspective On The Calamities That Strike Us | Sheikh Abdurrazaq Al-Badr

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

12 Oct, 20:13

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

12 Oct, 20:06

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

12 Oct, 16:41


For foreign brothers in Western countries and Europe

"IQRAA" project to memorize the Holy Quran by the reading Imam Nafi' al-Madani with his narrators (Warsh from Nafi' - Qaloon from Nafi')* Many of our brothers residing in Western countries and Europe dream of memorizing the Holy Quran or teaching it to their children, and they find many difficulties and obstacles in memorizing the Holy Quran, such as the lack of memorizers of the Quran according to the Sunni and Salafi method, or interruption and lack of continuity, or the absence of guidance and motivation.... Our goal is to remove these obstacles to achieve the dream of memorizing the Holy Quran, God willing

And benefit from the following advantages:

• Three classes per week (and sometimes four) that include:
1/ Classes to correct new memorization and review
2/ Classes and lessons in explaining some systems of the science of Tajweed, such as:- "Al-Jamzuriyyah System" by Sulayman al-Jamzuri.

"Al-Jazriyyah System" by Ibn al-Jazari.

"Al-Durar Al-Lawami' System in the Reading of Imam Nafi'" by Ibn Bari al-Tazi al-Maghribi.

3/ Lessons in learning the rules and provisions of Tajweed.

4/ Motivation to encourage continuity and avoid interruption.

This is under the supervision of Professor / Abu Al-Hassan Al-Maghribi, may God grant him success

- And all this remotely while you are at home, it is enough for you to have:

• A good share of the Arabic language so that you know how to write and read

• And have good internet via Google Meet, Zoom, Telegram or WhatsApp applications

Alert 🚨:- • Seats are limited "22 seats"

• There is a specific monthly financial amount

By Professor / Abu Al-Hassan Khaled Al-Maghribi, may God grant him success. Whoever has it and is interested in it, please contact us via WhatsApp: +212677141210

وفق الله الجميع


The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

12 Oct, 15:25

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

11 Oct, 12:54


We are pleased to announce of a new academic syllabus in the Arabic language with the brother Abu Hassan Khalid Al-Huwari Al-Maghrebi May Allah grant him success

The first level:
1) An explanation of Al-Ajrumiyyaj by Abeed Rabih Al-Qlawi Ash-Shinqeeti

The second level:
2) Explanation of Mutamimah Al-Ajrumiyyah by Al-Hattab Ar-Raini Al-Maliki

The third level:
3) Explanation of Khulasa Fi Nahw Ash-Shaheerah Alfiyat Ibn Malik by Ibn Malik Al-Andaloosi

Those who wish to take part are required to revise and to attend the lessons or go over the lessons which were done previously.

Lessons will be Friday, weekly at 6pm GMT

Anyone who wishes to have further private lessons with him in Quran or language then this is his number: +212 677-141210

والله الموفق

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

10 Oct, 18:29

The key to blessings in your life lies in two things!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

10 Oct, 18:29

The Salaf’s Devotion: Worship as if Tomorrow is Your Last

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

10 Oct, 16:53

Are Madkhali’s The Cancer From Within?

The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

09 Oct, 17:21

The First Lesson: The Authentic Creed Regarding the Oneness of Lordship

Question 3: Have the polytheists disputed the Oneness of Lordship?

Question 4: If the polytheists believed in the Oneness of Lordship, why did they take gods in worship besides Allah?

Sheikh Muhammad Sa’eed Raslan


The Ship of Salvation-سفينة النجاة

09 Oct, 16:07

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy

Many brothers have contacted us regarding a brother by the name of AbdulAziz Al-Haqqan.

The stance of a Salafi is always to refer back to the scholars and mashayikh for guidance on matters of uncertainty, as Allah, the Almighty, says: {So ask the people of remembrance (i.e., of knowledge) if you do not know} [16:43].

After several discussions with our beloved Sheikh Usama Al-Utaybi, the position of Abu Mundhir, Abu Zakariyya, and Abu Haytham is that we do not warn against AbdulAziz Al-Haqqan as a person, but rather, we warn against the mistakes he has fallen into. The Sheikh explained that there is a difference between حذر (cautioning) and التحذير (warning). Regarding those who fall into these mistakes, we exercise caution (حذر) concerning their errors, and we ask Allah to grant us and him insight into the religion.

After presenting AbdulAziz’s case to Sheikh Usama, he informed us that some mashayikh and students of knowledge hold similar incorrect positions on certain points mentioned in the lecture below. He emphasised that it is hypocritical and contrary to the Salafi methodology to warn against small students of knowledge while ignoring the mistakes of the mashayikh. The Sheikh said that as long as AbdulAziz does not fall into clear-cut fisq (open sin) or innovation and is merely following these mashayikh in their stances, then he should be treated the same as the mashayikh who made these errors.

We also asked the Sheikh: “O Sheikh, some people may attack us and call us ‘mumayi’ah’ for following your advice. What should we do in such cases?” The Sheikh responded, “Do not pay attention to these people. They are ignorant Sa’afiqah, and we have been greatly afflicted by them.”

Furthermore, we free ourselves from those who seek out the mashayikh with the aim of declaring Salafi brothers as innovators over some mistakes.

Indeed, Allah has said:
“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted” [4:135].

May Allah guide us all to the straight path, grant us clarity in matters of the religion, and protect us from falling into error. O Allah, bless us with sincerity in our words and actions, and help us to stand firm upon the truth. We ask You, O Most Merciful, to increase us in knowledge and righteousness, and to unite us upon the correct understanding of Your religion. آمين.

And may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions.