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Selected Benefits


Beneficial Quotes from Scholars translated

Selected Benefits (English)

Are you looking for a dose of wisdom and inspiration in your daily life? Look no further than Selected Benefits! This Telegram channel is dedicated to sharing beneficial quotes from scholars, translated into English for easy understanding. Whether you're seeking motivation, guidance, or simply a moment of reflection, Selected Benefits has something for everyone. With a diverse range of quotes from renowned scholars, you are sure to find words that resonate with you and offer valuable insights. Join Selected Benefits today and start your journey towards personal growth and enlightenment through the power of wisdom and knowledge!

Selected Benefits

26 Jan, 07:22

الله "السلام"
‏ومنه "السلام"
‏والدين الذي ارتضاه للبشر "الإسلام"
‏وسمى أهله "المسلمين"
‏وتحيتهم في الدنيا والآخرة "السلام"
‏وقلب المسلم "سليم"
‏ودينه "التسليم"
‏والأصل في المسلمين "
‏ويبتغون للناس "السلام"
‏وإذا خاطبهم الجاهلون قالوا: "سلاما".
‏وموعدهم جميعا: "دار السلام".

✍️ بدر بن علي بن طامي العتيبي

Allāh is as-Salām.
From him comes as-salām.
The religion He is pleased with for mankind is al-Islām.
Its people are called Muslims.
Their greeting in this life and the Hereafter is as-Salām.
The heart of the Muslim is saleem.
His religion is tasleem.
The foundation among the Muslims is as-salāmah.
They want as-salām for the people.
If the ignorant address them they say: salāma.
Their destination is Dār-us-Salām.

Written by Sh Badr ibn ‘Alī ibn Tāmī al-‘Utaybī.

Selected Benefits

31 Dec, 21:31

‎السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

O you who wants to do good, here is an opportunity!

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said, “When a person dies all of his actions stop except three: a continuous charity, an action that is benefitted by or a child that supplicates for him.” (Muslim)

Ibn Baz رحمه الله said, “an action that is benefitted by” be that books that one authors and the people benefit from them, or buys them or gives them as endowments and the people benefit from them.”

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan حفظه الله said, “Beneficial knowledge is the best of these three since it continues and doesn’t stop.”

Participate in this good. Share with us in printing these 5 beneficial books that will help remove ignorance from the people and advance the state of the Ummah.

Brief Glances at the Themes of Each Surah
by Muhammad ar-Rabee’ah
Pp 100

10 Deeds that Continue to be Rewarded after Death
by Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaq al-Badr
Pp 44

The Dilemma of Evil
by Shaykh Salih as-Sindhi
Pp 62

The Prophet’s Biography
By ‘Umar ‘Abdul-Jabbar
Pp 140

by Ahmad as-Sa’dun
Pp 74

Our plan is to print 2,000 copies of each book and have them ready for distribution inside the US before Ramadan. Printing will cost $7,660 and shipping is around $4,000.

So far we have gathered $2,640 and still need $9,020. We have until Jan 10 if we want them to reach the people before Ramadan.

100 copies of one book is $115 plus shipping to you from St Louis, MO (to be paid at time of shipping). $575 for 100 copies of all five books. Or you can just donate to the spread of beneficial knowledge.

Ways to donate:

[email protected]


[email protected]

Selected Benefits

15 Oct, 05:23

What are the Prayers a Woman Makes Up when She becomes Pure from Her Menses?

1-If she becomes pure before the sun rises, she prays Fajr.
2-If she becomes pure after the sun rises, there is nothing upon her.
3-If she becomes pure before sunset, she prays Dhuhr and ‘Asr.
4-If she becomes pure after Isha, she prays Maghrib and Isha.
5-If she becomes pure before Fajr enters, she prays Maghrib and Isha.

Fatawa Ibn Baz, 29/125

Selected Benefits

14 Jun, 09:23

Shaykh ‘Uthaymīn - may Allāh have mercy on him - said,

“A person, when Allāh grants him success to remember Him abundantly, He blesses his time for him.”

[Explanation of Sahīh Muslim 2/291]

Selected Benefits

07 Apr, 20:53

Etiquettes & Rulings of the Eclipse Prayer

Selected Benefits

03 Apr, 14:02

Al-‘Allāmah Ibn Sa’dī - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“Whoever his goal when making du’ā is to get closer to Allāh along with getting what he asked for, this is much more complete than the one who didn’t want anything except what he asked for, like most of the people do.”

[Al-Fatāwā as-Sa’diyyah, p 169]

Selected Benefits

17 Mar, 17:49

Knowledge, Its First Part is in This Life and Its End is in Paradise by Sh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli

Selected Benefits

16 Mar, 14:40

قال النبي ‏:‏ ‏ "‏بشروا المشائين في الظلم إلى المساجد بالنور التام يوم القيامة‏"‏ ‏(‌‏(‏رواه أبو داود والترمذي‏)‌‏)‌‏.‏

Selected Benefits

08 Mar, 20:24

The Enemies of Allāh's Religion Know the Value of Ramadan

The enemies of Allāh’s religion know the value of Ramadan.

This is why a number of them are working hard to create issues and matters on which they spend huge sums of money for no other reason except to deprive Muslims of the goodness and blessings of Ramadan.

They see them every year and see their attitude with Ramadan and their turning to Allah, their turning in obedience and to the Qur’an, by way of which Islam is powerful and strong, its status rises, its significance is strengthened, and its reverence is elevated in the hearts and souls.

They work extensively in creating things that distance a significant number of Muslims from the goodness and blessings of Ramadan.

In the early period there was weakness in the disbelievers reaching the minds and thoughts of the Muslims due to the lack of available means.

However, this time of ours is a time where it is easy to communicate and transmit information. Just as it is beneficial on one hand in conveying goodness to others, on the other hand it brings great harm in conveying evil to the Muslims.

This is why it is not surprising that you find some Muslims, even in Ramadan, taking out their mobile phones and living with sin, things that displease Allāh ﷻ, with evil and falsehood in Ramadan; during its days and nights.

This is what the enemies of the religion of Allāh ﷻ want, and it is what displeases and angers Allāh ﷻ and it is one of the reasons for deprivation of the goodness and blessings that Allāh ﷻ has placed in Ramadan.

Thus, it is the duty of every one of us, young or old, male or female to visualize this call every night: “O seeker of goodness, come and O seeker of evil, stop!”

Prof., Dr. Abdur-Razzaq al-Badr, may Allāh preserve him.

Selected Benefits

08 Mar, 19:36

Ruling on Decorating Homes in Preparation for Ramadan

Placing decorations, lights and colors on homes, Ramadan lanterns, and other things are among the innovations that were introduced to the Muslims during the era of the Fatimids and those after them. There is no doubt that innovations are introduced by emotions.

The Prophet ﷺ entered Ramadan, and he was more eager to do good than we are. He did not decorate his house, he did not decorate his masjid, nor did he command this. The Companions did not do it, their followers did not do it, nor did the four Imams who were followed. Rather, I have not read this in the book of a recognized scholar among the scholars of this nation.

This is something attributed to Ramadan and to worship because it is linked to the month of worship. So it is included in the category of worship and not in the category of customs. Therefore, it is necessary for us to leave this matter and make ourselves aware of the approach of Ramadan by abundant fasting in Sha’ban, as the Prophet ﷺ did, and by pointing out these virtuous days and giving glad tidings about them when Ramadan comes and what they contain of good deeds, as the Prophet ﷺ did.

Prof., Dr. Sulayman ar-Ruhayli

Selected Benefits

07 Mar, 08:55

كتب الشيخ عاصم القريوتي:

لتستقيم الحياة على الزوجين أن يتخلصا من الأحلام الوردية، وأن يؤمنا أن الحياة الزوجية شأنها شأن الحياة الدنيا؛ راحة يعتريها كبد.. وسعادة لا تخلو من منغّصات.. وفرح وترح.. وعناء وهناء.. ولن يكون عمرك كله ربيعاً.. بل ستتناوب عليكما الفصول الأربعة كلها، وهذه هي طبيعة الحياة.

Shaykh ’Asim al-Qaryuti wrote:

For life to be proper for the married couple they must get rid of flowery dreams, and believe that married life is like worldly life; comfort filled with pain... happiness is not without its troubles... joy and grief... difficulty and bliss...and your entire life will not be Spring...but all four seasons will visit you, and this is the nature of life.

Selected Benefits

09 Feb, 18:47

Shaykh Ibn ‘Utahymīn - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“Have an abundance of children and you will have an abundance of wealth. This is what is correct.”

[Explanation of Riyād-us-Sālihīn 1/558]

Selected Benefits

19 Jan, 18:48

The People of the Qur’ān are More Intense in Their Love for Allāh.

Ibn al-Qayyim - may Allāh have mercy on him - said: “According to the amount one loves Allāh, he will love His Speech.”

[Rawdat-ul-Muhibbīn 1/102]

Selected Benefits

06 Jan, 03:15

Al-Māwardī - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“Do not cut off your brother until there is no possibility of bringing reconciliation.”

[Al-Amthāl wal-Hikam, p 87]

Selected Benefits

06 Jan, 03:03

Al-‘Allāmah Ibn ‘Uthaymīn - may Allāh have mercy on him - said:

“As much as you aid your brother, Allāh will aid you. So be abundant in doing good, be abundant in doing favors; and don’t belittle anything even if it is small.”

[Sharh Riyād-is-Sālihīn 4/295]

Selected Benefits

06 Jan, 02:56

ماذا تصنع إذا ضاع شيء أو أضعت شيئا؟

What should you do if something is missing or you lost something?

سُئِلَ ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما عنِ الضَّالَّة؟

Ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنه was asked about a missing object?

‏ فقال يتوضّأ ويصلِّي ركعتين ثمَّ يتشهَّدُ ثمَّ يقولُ:

So he said that a person should make wudū and pray two raka’at, say the tashahhud and say:

‏ اللَّهمَّ رادَّ الضَّالَّةِ هاديَ الضَّلالَةِ تَهدي من الضَّلالةِ ردَّ عليَّ ضالَّتي بعزَّتِك وسلطانِك فإنَّها من فضلك وعطائِك.

“O Allāh! The One Who returns lost objects, the One Who guides the mislead! You guide from error, return to me my lost item by Your Might and Your Sovereignty; indeed, that is from Your Grace and Generosity.”

إسناده حسن

Its chain is hasan.

مصنف ابن أبي شيبة ۳۱۷۰۲

Musannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah 31702

انظر: الآثار أخرى في موسوعة آثار الصحب الكرآم/ المجلد السابع

See the other traditions in Mawsū’atu Āthār-is-Sahab-il-Kirām, vol 7.

قلت محمد ناظر الأثري:-عسى أن يرد الله عز وجل له ما أضاع.

Muhammad Nādhir al-Atharī said: “Perhaps Allāh ﷻ will return his lost item to him.”

Selected Benefits

06 Jan, 02:55

It is not permissible to use the heart symbol. Shaykh Ibn Bāz - may Allāh have mercy on him - said: “It is a symbol for prohibited passion and a symbol for greek deities.”

[Al-Lajnat-ud-Dā’imah lil-Iftā 20950]

Selected Benefits

06 Jan, 02:50

Abud-Dardā رضي الله عنه said:

“Verily, the thing I fear most is when I stand for reckoning that it will be said to me: ‘Indeed you learned but what did you do with what you learned?’”

[Az-Zuhd war-Raqā’iq 42]