Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar @sajidumarofficial Channel on Telegram

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar


The official telegram channel of Shaikh Sajid Ahmed Umar

sajidumarofficial (English)

Are you looking to enhance your knowledge of Islam and gain valuable insights from a respected scholar? Look no further than the official Telegram channel of Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar! Sheikh Sajid Ahmed Umar is a renowned Islamic scholar with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. His passion for spreading the message of Islam and guiding individuals on their spiritual journey is truly inspiring.

On this channel, you will find a treasure trove of valuable resources, including lectures, talks, and articles by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar. Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of the Quran, learn more about the life of Prophet Muhammad, or seek guidance on various aspects of Islam, this channel has something for everyone.

Sheikh Sajid Umar's engaging and thought-provoking content covers a wide range of topics, from Islamic jurisprudence to spirituality and personal development. His insights are not only informative but also practical, providing valuable guidance for navigating the challenges of modern life while staying true to Islamic principles.

By subscribing to the sajidumarofficial channel, you will have exclusive access to Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's latest updates, live sessions, and upcoming events. Stay connected with like-minded individuals who share your passion for learning and growing in faith.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your spiritual journey and gain valuable knowledge from a respected scholar. Join the sajidumarofficial Telegram channel today and embark on a transformative learning experience with Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar!

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

07 Feb, 05:15

Allah Al-Fattah
Whatever mercy Allah opens up for people, none can withhold it.[Fatir 35:2]

Al-Fattah, The Opener, is the One who unlocks the doors of mercy, guidance, and success. He removes barriers, clarifies what is unclear, and grants victory to whom He wills.

🔑 Whether it is a solution to a problem, an answer to a question, or the unlocking of blessings, it is only through Al-Fattah that clarity and openings come. He holds the keys to all that is good, both in this world and the next.

🚪If faced with uncertainty, such as making a difficult decision, praying Salah al-Istikhara and asking Al-Fattah to guide our hearts opens the doors to peace and clarity.

👁‍🗨Imam al-Ghazali mentioned: “Strives to open the locks of mysteries for others and be relentless in spreading beneficial knowledge.”

🌟 May Al-Fattah unlock the doors of mercy, wisdom, and success for us, guide us to clarity in all matters, and help us become vessels of light and relief for others. Ameen. 🌟

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

02 Feb, 05:39

Assalamualaikum everyone.

For Islamic Guidance; you can now WhatsApp message Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar via the following WhatsApp link:

📌Please note; only messaging is available for this service *and NOT* phone calls.

In addition, please take note that replies will not be instant, but as per availability and message load.

May Allah bless us all. Ameen.


Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

31 Jan, 07:02

Allah Ar-Razzaq
Indeed, it is Allah who is the Provider, the firm possessor of strength. [Adh-Dhariyat 51:58]

Ar-Razzaq, The Ultimate Provider, sustains all creation with His infinite wisdom, mercy, and generosity. His provision encompasses everything, from the nourishment of the body to the needs of the soul and mind.

🛍Ar-Razzaq provides freely and abundantly to every creature on earth. He opens doors of sustenance in ways that we cannot comprehend.

😌Reliance on Ar-Razzaq brings tranquility and liberation. We no longer need to compromise our morals or fear loss when we place trust in Him.

💗 Embodying Ar-Razzaq’s lessons means practicing gratitude and contentment with Allah’s decree. Being content with what we have, leads to peace of mind and spiritual strength.

🌟 May Ar-Razzaq provide for us from sources we cannot imagine, guide us to use His blessings wisely, and make us content with His provisions. Ameen. 🌟

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

30 Jan, 15:00

Tonight will be the 1st night of Sha'baan, inShaAllah, in Saudi Arabia.

I have not come across any news of a sighting of the moon last night.

Regaridng the month, ‘A’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said:

“The Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to fast until we thought he would never break his fast, and not fast until we thought he would never fast. I never saw the Messenger of Allah fasting for an entire month except in Ramadan, and I never saw him fast more than he did in Sha'ban.”

(Reported by Al-Bukhari, no. 1833; Muslim, no. 1956).

May Allah preserve us in His obedience, and bless us to witness the entire Ramadan. Ameen.

Your brother,
Sajid Umar.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

30 Jan, 02:31


I am looking for experienced serious volunteers to help manage a

1. Facebook page
2. Twitter page
3. Tiktok page.

The person should solely intend Allah's pleasure, be self motivated and appreciate the Jannah building opportunity from the project, and be a proactive learner on the best practices of each platform, and adapt posts and schedules accordingly.

Please message me privately Should you wish to help me with this.

Appreciate your help with this.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

29 Jan, 03:02

Allah Al-Wahhab
You are indeed the Giver ˹of all bounties˺[Sad 38:35]

Al-Wahhab, the Great Giver whose blessings are infinite, unconditional, and perpetual. Every moment of life is an opportunity to embody gratitude and generosity.

🎁Al-Wahhab bestows gifts upon all His creation without expecting anything in return. He provides freely, demonstrating His mercy and generosity.

🕋The countless gifts surrounding us; our health, intellect, family, and even the beating of our heart are divine endowments from Al-Wahhab. We often take these blessings for granted, but gratitude can transform our perspective and connection with Allah.

💗Embody this divine quality by giving freely and lovingly. Even the smallest gift, such as a simple gesture or act of kindness, can spread love and strengthen bonds.

Let Al-Wahhab’s infinite generosity inspire you to appreciate His gifts, use them wisely, and share them with others.

🌟 May Al-Wahhab bestow upon us His mercy, guide us to use His gifts in ways that please Him, and grant us endless gratitude. Ameen. 🌟

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

26 Jan, 23:54

Assalamu 'alykum dear students 
📢 Just a reminder!

🔸 Classes are
PAUSED due to Shaykh's tight travel schedule. There will be NO sessions until further notice.

🔷🔷However if there happens to be a pop-up lesson or two in February, we will for sure let you know in time inshaAllah!
🔺🔺🔺The main thing on the radar now before we head into Ramadan is the Season 3 exam😱

🟢 Exam will be open between Feb 15th and Feb 23rd
Includes all of Season 3. From Hadith 10 until Hadith 29 (our last lesson). Multiple-choice questions only🔘

🎗Remember!! There's a special prize🎁 in store for the student who scores the highest on the exam! May Allah grant all of us the opportunity to strive for the highest rewards of akhirah with our best efforts in dunya, Ameen

All the best!😊

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

26 Jan, 23:22

*"Raising Visionary Leaders" with Dr. Sajid Umar - _the Barakah Effect podcast, ep92_*

For this episode, we have a conversation with one of our favorite teachers, Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar, on what it takes to Raise Visionary Leaders. We discuss:

COVID - making the best out of our circumstances to be proactive
What does it mean like to have a vision? What does being a "visionary" look like, from an islamic perspective?
How can parents raise visionary future leaders, when they are struggling with handling the day to day challenges of parenting their children?
The difference between contemporary self-help concepts of "visionary" versus the Islamic perspective of high aspirations
Basis of decision making: the difference between "good" and "right"
The critical role of tawhid and how it plays a central role of every aspect of our development: Intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence.

We initially titled this as "Raising Visionary Youth", but seeing how Dr. Sajid addresses this topic on a deeper, broader, level that impacts the concept of vision and high aspirations on a more personal, and simultaneously larger perspective. Being a Visionary begins with OURSELVES first - and ultimately, it's not about youth, but about leaders: the change that the umah needs!

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

25 Jan, 04:53

Allah Al-Qahhar
“…and all will appear before Allah—the One, the Supreme” [Ibrahim 14:48]

Al-Qahhar, the One whose strength and dominance are unmatched. He is the Absolute Sovereign over all creation, subjugating everything to His will.

Let Al-Qahhar remind you that no obstacle is greater than Allah’s power and no enemy stronger than His will.

🏆Victory belongs to Allah. Those who oppose Allah are bound to fail.

💪When Allah is on your side, no challenge or enemy can overpower you. Just as He supported the prophets in their darkest hours, Allah Al-Qahhar is with you, protecting and empowering you.

👑True power lies in submission. Rather than seeking dominance over others, reflect on your own submission to Al-Qahhar.

Walk through life with faith in the One who dominates all,
لا إِلـهَ إِلاّ اللهُ الـواحِدُ القَهّـار رَبُّ السَّـمواتِ وَالأرْضِ وَما بَيْـنَهـما العَزيـزُ الغَـفّار
There is none worthy of worship but Allah, the One, the Victorious, Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, the All-Mighty, the All-Forgiving.

🌟 May Al-Qahhar grant us the strength to overcome our struggles and submit fully to His will 🌟

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

23 Jan, 11:32

For those in Malaysia, Singapore and the surrounding areas. This maybe of interest. May Allah make it a success.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

21 Jan, 09:52

Listen to 6 year old Abdullah helps solve Islamic Inheritance Cases by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar on #SoundCloud

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

20 Jan, 16:22

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu @everyone

Sincere apologies from Shaykh & the admin team, unfortunately we’ll have to postpone today’s class as there has been an unforeseen schedule clash with Shaykh’s travels.

Please forgive us for any inconvenience & look out for further updates regarding next class.

In the meantime please use this opportunity to catch up and revise.

BarakAllaahu feekum

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

20 Jan, 07:59

Assalamu 'alykum @everyone,  
We pray you all are doing well!👍

A friendly reminder for class today:
Monday January 20th @8PM UK time, inshaAllah!🎗

Join us as we continue the study of Hadith 30 of Imam Al Nawwawi 📑

See you all in class! 🌟

BarakAllahu feekum

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

20 Jan, 01:40

Allah, Al-Ghaffar
Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, the Exalted in Might, the Perpetual Forgiver.[Sad 38:66]

Al-Ghaffar loves to forgive and wants to forgive those who seek forgiveness from Him. So, remember:

🌼No sin is too great for Allah’s forgiveness. Do not let shame or guilt hold you back. Seek His forgiveness and trust in His mercy.

🌻Forgiveness is strength, not weakness. Just as Allah forgives repeatedly, He calls us to forgive others.

🌹Be a mirror of Al-Ghaffar’s mercy. Lead with compassion, not suspicion. Look for the good in people and encourage them to improve. Forgiving others is not just about others, it’s about freeing ourselves from bitterness and aligning our hearts with Allah’s mercy.

🌟 May Allah, Al-Ghaffar, forgive our sins, purify our hearts, and make us a source of love and mercy for others. 🌟

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

16 Jan, 20:17

Starting shortly inShaAllah

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

15 Jan, 20:48

Assalamualaikum everyone. Jazakallah khayr for your support here.

I'm going to close this soon and the funds will go into a Waqf with the proceeds used to sponsor an Imam/s.

Be a part of it and make the work of the best of our community a sadaqatul jaariyah for you and whoever you intend.


Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

15 Jan, 04:36

Allah Al-Musawwir
"And Allah has extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and He made for you hearing and vision and intellect that perhaps you would be grateful." [An-Nahl 16:78]

Al-Musawwir is The Flawless Shaper of every creation and each creation is unique, according to His wisdom.

🫶He organizes on an unimaginable scale. We are limited in what we can make, whereas Allah's creation is unbounded.

🌹The extraordinary abilities gifted to His selected creations weren’t self-cultivated, all were bestowed by Al-Musawwir.

🌿 May we thank Al-Musawwir for the blessings He has fashioned in us and use them in ways that please Him. 🌟

رَبِّ أَوۡزِعۡنِيٓ أَنۡ أَشۡكُرَ نِعۡمَتَكَ ٱلَّتِيٓ أَنۡعَمۡتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَىٰ وَٰلِدَيَّ وَأَنۡ أَعۡمَلَ صَٰلِحٗا تَرۡضَىٰهُ وَأَدۡخِلۡنِي بِرَحۡمَتِكَ فِي عِبَادِكَ ٱلصَّـٰلِحِينَ
“My Lord! Inspire me to be thankful for Your favours which You have blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please you. Admit me, by Your mercy, into Your righteous servants.” (An-Naml 27:19)

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

13 Jan, 19:56

CLASS HAPPENING starting NOW @ (⌚️8:00PM UK)💫 In shaa Allah

Zoom Meeting Link:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

12 Jan, 11:35

Allah Al-Bari’
"[It is] the work of Allah, who perfected all things. Indeed, He is Acquainted with that which you do." [An-Naml 27:88]

Allah Al-Bari’ fashioned everything with perfection and wisdom.

💯He created us perfect in His design, even with our perceived flaws.

🌹True beauty lies in devotion, piety, and compassion.

🌱Our imperfections remind us of our humanity, not shortcomings in Allah’s creation.

Let’s embrace the vessel He has granted us. The journey to self-love starts with gratitude.

اللَّهُمَّ أَحْسَنْتَ خَلْقِي فَأَحْسِنْ خُلُقِي
"O Allah, You have perfected my creation, so perfect my character."

🌿 Perfect yourself through action, not appearance. Return to Al-Bari and find peace in His perfection. 🌟

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:    
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:  
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi: 

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

09 Jan, 21:28

For those who requested to share it as a story....

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

09 Jan, 15:23

Please Sign!

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

09 Jan, 14:26

*We still need 364,211 signatures to reach 1 million signatures by 16th Jan*

For those of you who dont know Aafiya or haven't signed the petition yet here it is

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

04 Jan, 10:58

If you're in London, hope to see you at this tomorrow inShaAllah

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

04 Jan, 08:01

Do this good deed today. It won't take a breath away from your time, and will help you leave a footprint in Jannah inShaAllah...

Find it here:

Please do share this message along thereafter.

Allah honour you.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

02 Jan, 07:42

Allah Al-Khaliq
Rasulullah ﷺ said: ‘ “A creature is not to be obeyed when it involves disobedience to the Creator.”

🚼Al-Khaliq created us from a mere drop, shaped us into beings capable of thought, emotion & worship.

🪐 From the vast galaxies to the tiniest particle, He created everything in perfect balance.

🤲He decrees everything with divine wisdom.

🌸 If He created the complexities of the universe and the intricacies of our lives, how can we not trust His plan?🌸

رَبَّنَا مَا خَلَقۡتَ هَٰذَا بَٰطِلٗا سُبۡحَٰنَكَ فَقِنَا عَذَابَ ٱلنَّارِ
“Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire.” [Ali 'Imran 3:191]

📍Watch beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle of 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

31 Dec, 06:01

Allah Al-Mutakabbir
“I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant person who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning.” [Ghafir 40:27]

Reflecting on Al-Mutakabbir, The Dominant One, inspires us to stay grounded and strive for excellence with sincerity:

🌟 Avoid arrogance, stay humble and guard against self-inflation. Every achievement is by Allah’s grace. Let humility guide your gratitude.

📚 Avoid thinking you know it all. Pursue lifelong learning

💪 Don’t chase recognition—focus on giving your best.

🌟 Let Al-Mutakabbir remind us of Allah’s supreme and greatness, so that we can see the beauty of walking humbly on this earth! 🌟

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

28 Dec, 13:00

Assalamualaikum. Please share this with your London contacts. Allah. Bless you all.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

27 Dec, 08:38

Friday 27th & Saturday 28th (December) Programs

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

25 Dec, 18:49

Assalamualaikum. Is there anyone who has software that can be used to enhance images into higher quality images.

Please do get in touch as I need a couple images upgraded if possible.


Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

24 Dec, 02:01

Allah Al-Jabbar
Rasulullah ﷺ say on the pulpit: ‘Al-Jabbar will seize His heavens and His earths in His Hand’ – and he clenched his hand and started to open and close it – ‘Then He will say: “I am the Compeller, I am the King. Where are the tyrants? Where are the arrogant?” [Ibn Majah]

Al-Jabbar emphasizes Allah’s supreme power over creation.

🌿 Avoid arrogance by knowing that any success we gained is by Allah’s grace, not our own.
💔 Call for Restoration, Turn to Al-Jabbar when facing hardship
🤲 Acknowledge Al-Jabbar’s ability and ask for His healing power to restore what is broken.

🌸 Reflecting on Al-Jabbar is to trust in Allah’s power to heal and restore all things in our lives. 🌸

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

20 Dec, 17:30

Here is the promised interview - may Allah make it a means of shifting paradigms. Ameen.

If you can't watch it; at least share it and help be a means of change, baarakallahufeekum.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

20 Dec, 07:57

Please review this Telegram story

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

18 Dec, 09:35

One path discussion on contemporary finance and an Ummah-centric vision to wealth and what that would look like coming soon, inShaAllah. Your dua for its success, as I sincerely feel the message therein is one that needs to be heard. Baarakallahufeekum.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

18 Dec, 04:24

Allah Al-Aziz
Say, ‘O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent.’” [Ali Imran 3:26]

🌟 Seek the true source of all power, for guidance and success in your pursuit of wealth, honor, and prestige.

⚖️ Pursue success while keeping sight of your duties. Reflect on your intentions and avoid being blinded by worldly desires.

💪 Ask for Divine Support and turn to Al-Aziz, for guidance.

🕊 Let Al-Aziz remind us that true success and power are in Allah’s hands🕊

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

16 Dec, 20:12

CLASS HAPPENING @ (8:00PM UK)💫 In shaa Allah

Zoom Meeting Link:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

16 Dec, 20:12

Don't miss out! Super relevant hadith to the differences in the Ummah we are facing today.

The Prophet (salAllahu wa 'alayhi wa sallam) is giving us guidelines on how to function during these times.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

16 Dec, 10:13

They martyred him - may Allah envelop him in His mercy. Ameen.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

13 Dec, 17:34

📌 Umar (ra) instruction to Abu Ubaydah (ra) regarding Damascus, and the latest page added to Tarikh Damishq (The history of Damascus)

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

13 Dec, 07:47

Allah Al-Muhaymin
He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him. [Al-Hashr 59:23]

Know that nothing is hidden from Allah Al-Muhaymin:

🌊 Guard our thoughts, let only constructive thoughts remain.
🧠 Observe our thoughts and use the awareness to grow and improve.
🤝 Spread kindness and be a source of comfort.

🌸 Reflect on Al-Muhaymin’s wisdom to become a caring guardian of your heart and those around you. 🌸

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

12 Dec, 13:01

يا سلام... كأني استمع إلى هذه الآيات لأول مرة! سبحان الله.

Subhanallah, one of the revolutionary personnel leading the Salah in Damascus after the fall of Bashar.

It is as if I'm listening to these verses for the first time!

Please open a translation of verses 71-80 from Surah anNisaa as you follow.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

11 Dec, 12:47

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

10 Dec, 14:57

Discount ends today - use code *TSJUK*

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

09 Dec, 20:06

CLASS HAPPENING! (8:00PM UK)💫 In shaa Allah

Zoom Meeting Link:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

09 Dec, 15:16

Please share in your capacity if possible.

It's been a month since the Ummah has lost an incredible leader, mentor, and advocate—Azhar Safwan. He was loved by so many, and we want to honor his legacy by starting a Waqf that supports the work of our Imams and Scholars.

Send your investment, share your legacy, and be a part of continuing the work and values he cared so deeply about. Let’s come together for the ones he loved and the causes he cherished.

Show your love and support:

May Allah forgive him, have mercy on him, and grant him the highest place in Jannah. Ameen.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

09 Dec, 13:44

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

09 Dec, 07:14

Allah Al-Mu’min
And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak. [An-Nisa 4:28]

Allah is the only one who can protect us from all forms of harm and adversity. It is Allah, Al-Mu’min, the inspirer of faith and giver of security:

🌟 Feel honoured that He placed belief in our heart by deepening our faith and act on His guidance.
💖 Radiate warmth and safety to those around you. Protect others from harm and spread kindness, as the Prophet ﷺ taught.
🤲 Be brave and stand against injustice.

🌷 Call upon Al-Mu’min for strength and security in times of fear or doubt. Let your faith light the way. 🌷

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

06 Dec, 07:29

Allah Al-Salam
The Prophet ﷺ said: “Allah is As-Salam, and from Him comes peace. Peace be upon you, O people of the house, and peace be upon you, O people of the believers.” [Muslim]

Allah As-Salam is the source of peace and security and breaking away from As-Salam brings disturbance to oneself.

🌟 Free your heart from jealousy, envy, and revenge. Focus on inner harmony by forgiving yourself and others.

🤲 Protect others from harm through kind words and actions, as the Prophet ﷺ taught: “The Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands people are safe.”

💖 Spread salam and greet others ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ

🌷 Be an ambassador of As-Salam and make the world a haven of peace. 🌷

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

01 Dec, 14:06

*Last Call - Marital Mastery Starts Monday!*

*Are you ready to transform your marriage?*

Monday marks the beginning of *a life-changing journey* with Marital Mastery 2024! Join our instructors for *advice and guidance* on the beautiful journey of marriage. 

This comprehensive workshop, grounded in *Islamic principles and real-life experiences*, is set to *enhance your understanding* of marriage and *empower you* with the tools to build a strong, fulfilling partnership.

Explore *brand new, carefully tailored and guided case studies* - helping you navigate *real life scenarios*.

*Workshop Begins:*
Mon 2nd Dec

*Register Now:*

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

01 Dec, 12:21

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

30 Nov, 12:47

Allah Al-Malik
“Say, ‘To whom belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth?’ Say, ‘To Allah.’” [Al-An’am 6:12]

Allah Al-Malik is the one who reigns dominion over the heavens and the earth and everything that resides within them. Let’s recognise Allah as Al-Malik and transforms our mindset & actions:

🤲 Seek everything and ask only from Him, The King.

🌟 Wealth and power in this world are illusions. Break free from worldly dependence. Depend only on Al-Malik

🌷 True richness lies in fulfilling your duties to Allah. Submit to Al-Malik now, and live like royalty in the Hereafter.

🌟 Live humbly yet powerfully under the majesty of Al-Malik, our eternal King! 🌟

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

29 Nov, 21:32

Assalamualaikum, if anyone is using a WordPress website and requires hosting, please get in touch. I have 2 years worth of hosting with Siteground that I no longer need.

Please note that Wordpress hosting can be used by other websites who also operate on WordPress.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

29 Nov, 10:25

A chance to get the rewards of the work of Imams and Scholars!

On the best day of the week, please contribute to this Waqf project that will be used to generate funds for imams and Du'aat to better serve their communities.

This is a phenomenal continuous charity opportunity especially since life is short.

Your brother,
Sajid Umar

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

28 Nov, 02:37

Allah Ar-Raheem
“Verily, My mercy predominates My wrath.” [Sahih Muslim]

While Ar-Rahman is a universal mercy that applies to all, Ar-Raheem is a specific kind of mercy reserved only for the believers.

Let’s live by the Mercy of Ar-Raheem and transform our life:

🌟 Let’s find hope in His Mercy and strive for righteousness for every good deeds will be rewarded, and even leaving an evil deed also earns you a reward.

💖 Show kindness to others and you’ll attract His mercy.

🤲 Know that Allah’s mercy always outweighs His wrath. Let this be your source of hope and courage.

🌷 Let’s embrace His Mercy, act with kindness, and seek His boundless grace in all we do! 🌷

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

26 Nov, 15:04

Assalamualaikum, I'll be starting a regular email circular titled: *Curated Soul Food* inShaAllah.

It will consist of a selection of short thoughts, lessons, and guidance that matter to the Muslim community of the 21st Century.

We will cover topics related to worship, marriage, parenting, community membership, trade and investments, tafseer, seerah, purification of the soul and much more.

It will not be a heavy read, but a practical read inShaAllah, so don't be afraid 😨 😅.

In the upcoming couple of weeks inShaAllah I will be sharing a link for you to sign up to it.

May Allah grant us life and make us a means towards building ignited communities that benefits humanity. Ameen.

Your brother,
Dr. Sajid Umar

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

25 Nov, 07:16

Allah Ar-Rahman

“Indeed, those who believed and done righteous deeds - The Merciful will appoint for them affection” [Maryam 19:96]

Allah’s Rahmah is all inclusive and embraces all. Let’s embody Allah’s mercy in our daily lives:

💫 Start every task with بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

💖 Be merciful to others, for the Prophet ﷺ said, “Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind.”

🌟 Do good with the intention of it being the means to draw us closer to Allah.

🌷 Let’s lead with compassion and make every day a step toward earning Allah’s mercy! 🌷

📍Watch more beneficial reminders on Youtube by Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar:
📍Join Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar's circle to receive more beneficial reminders:
📍Follow Steps To Jannah circle studies on 40 An-Nawawi:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

21 Nov, 15:27

The Story of Sawaad bin Ghuzayyah...
Follow @sajidahmedumar

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

21 Nov, 01:51

Perth Australia is blessed with a hospitable Muslim community and it was an honour to to deliver a lecture in their Masjid Furqan, one of many masaajid here, on the topic of visionary children of the Sahaabah. During the lecture I touched on the importance of having visionary parents to give rise to visionary children.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

20 Nov, 09:40

🛑 *Is Your Car Financing Halal?* 🛑

Many Muslims are *_unaware_* that common car financing methods often involve interest_ (riba), which is not permissible in Islam. But, *good news*: there are _halal_ alternatives!

In our latest publication, we guide you through the different Shari’ah-compliant options:

🚙 *Hire Purchase* (HP) – Pay in instalments while owning the car at the end.
🚙 *Islamic Leasing* (Ijārah) – Rent the car without ownership obligations.
🚙 *Personal Contract Purchase* (PCP) – Pay to use the car now, with an option to buy later!

These options help you avoid riba, *stay true to your values*, and still enjoy the comfort of having a car for your family’s needs.

👇Check out the full publication to ensure your financial choices reflect your faith.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

15 Nov, 20:36

For those in Perth, please take note of the upcoming programs...

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

15 Nov, 03:12

Sheikh Sajid Umar will be leading the Jumuah here today inShaAllah. Australia's second oldest Masjid established in 1905.

Perth Mosque
(08) 9328 8535

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

14 Nov, 08:46

Life is Shorter...

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

12 Nov, 13:10

Also, Dr. Ali Ahmed's 8 Gates of Jannah is also available at the book fair. It is a very beneficial read and addition to your home library as well.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

12 Nov, 07:58

For those in the UAE 🇦🇪, My Tafseer Surah Yusuf book can be purchased here:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

11 Nov, 20:07

Assalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullah all,

🖊️ CLASS BEGINNING now (8:00PM UK)💫 In shaa Allah

📝 Please join us and remind others to join.

Zoom Meeting Link:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

10 Nov, 21:29

For beautiful recitations by Sh. Abdurahman atTurki, one of the Imams of East London Masjid, please join this Telegram Channel:

His recitations are really beneficial for students of the Qur'an to mark areas they can recite from in their Salah, and also for the development of their recitation tonality and clarity.

May Allah bless him and you all.

Your brother,
Sajid Umar

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

08 Nov, 10:46

University of Leicester Islamic Society Circular

To the family of Brother Azhar Safwaan

We at the University of Leicester Islamic Society are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Brother Azhar Safwan, and wish to extend our deepest condolences to his family during this time.

Brother Azhar lived a life in service to the Da'wah, and was a beloved member of the community. Though we grieve for his loss, we take comfort in the fact that he has reunited with his Lord and leaves behind a legacy in the form of not only his children but also in the hearts of all those who knew and loved him.

In a beautiful speech given by Sheikh Dr Sajid Umar at the janazah, he spoke of Brother Azhar's immense strength in his battle with cancer, and his resilience to always say "Alhamdulillah" right up until his departure from this earth. We ask Allah SWT to give us all this level of tawakkul and strength, Insha'Allah.

We ask Allah SWT to forgive brother Azhar, have mercy upon him, and grant him an eternal abode in Jannahtul Firdaus, Insha'Allah. We ask also Allah SWT to shower mercy upon brother Azhar's family, to grant them peace in their hearts and give them the strength to endure this trial.

Jazakallahu Khair
University of Leicester Islamic Society

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

08 Nov, 07:30

In this video, Mufti Menk and Dr. Muhammed Salah share their thoughts about brother Azhar Safwan

He a part of great goodness this Friday, and contribute to a legacy.

Please also create awareness of this effort. Baarakallahufeekum.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

07 Nov, 15:27

Until we meet again- Azhar Safwan

Yesterday, on the 6th of September, we laid our beloved brother, Azhar Safwan, to rest. After his passing on the 5th, following a courageous two-year battle with cancer, we gathered to honour a man who, I sincerely feel, lived in service of Allah, striving sincerely, yet impactfully to support the vision of the final Messenger, our Messenger, Muhammed (saw).

I was blessed to know some of our brothers charity, but since his illness and passing, I learned even more of his goodness—of the lives he touched, the causes he supported, and the many he inspired, including myself.

His Funeral

Azhar’s funeral was a blessed one, from his final ghusl (bathing) and shrouding, to the janazah salah (funeral prayer) , to his burial. He was accompanied until We laid the final specs of dust by countless people, friends and strangers alike, who traveled from various parts of the UK and beyond. Some were moved by his kindness and companionship, while others attended only because they were inspired by his legacy and the heartfelt stories, sentiments and tributes, shared by scholars and leaders of da’wah who knew him well.

Azhar had personally requested me to take care of his final rites, a duty I was honored and blessed by Allah to fulfill to the best of my ability.

After his burial, I was asked to share a reminder with those present; I have attached it here for you to benefit from as well, courtesy of a recording done by our brother Ejaz Taj, may Allah reward him.

His son Abdullah

I am especially proud of Azhar’s teenage son, Abdullah, who stood by my side, manifesting amaizng maturity and strength as we completed his father’s final rites together. Masha’Allah, he is truly a testament to his parent's legacy, and I am so very proud of him.

A Final Note

From Azhar’s final life's moments to his burial, we witnessed signs of a beautiful departure, one that reflects the path of the people of Jannah, and may Allah make him from among its residents. Ameen!

Azhar’s life was a legacy of calm strength and unwavering trust in Allah.

A true legacy is not only in how we are remembered, but in how we are raised on the Day of Judgment, and I only feel greatness for our brother on that day.

Brother Azhar has passed the baton on to us, so let us now rise to continue his journey and honour his memory by serving the Ummah and standing firm in the causes beloved to Allah, as our Lord expects from us.

Let us also remember in our prayers his beloved wife and the four young children he leaves behind in our care.
May Allah grant them a beautiful patience, ease their hearts pain, and assist us in being present for them as they navigate this loss.

May we be a source of strength and support for them. Ameen.

📌 Finally, I am raising funds for a Waqf in the name of our brother. I sincerely request for us to stand with this effort, in the hope that it will be a means to enter the Paradise that we faithfully hope Allah will grant our brother. You can contribute to the effort here:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

06 Nov, 17:21

We're on the way to bury our brother. Be a part of a great legacy by donating here.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

06 Nov, 10:20

Janazah Details - Azhar Safwan (Leicester)

Jazakallah Khayr to those seeking the Janazah time due to their desire to travel to Leicester for it. Allah bless you all.

We just have confirmation that the Janazah Salah will be at 12pm (UK time) at Northfield neighbourhood centre.

The burial will be at 1pm at Saffron Hill Cemetery.

May Allah have mercy Upon brother Azhar - ameen.

Your brother,
Sajid Umar

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

06 Nov, 07:23

Assalamualaikum, still no update regarding the Janazah proceedings. In the mean time, please see this see Imam Omar Sulaiman's support for the effort. Baarakallahufeekum.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

05 Nov, 22:40

*Janazah Update - Brother Azhar Safwan*

Assalamualaikum. Procedures before finalising the burial time are still under process.

Janaza Salah will be at Northfield neighborhood center

Janaza Burial will be at
Saffron Hill Cemetery,
Stonesby Avenue, LE2 6TY

*Currently, we're hoping for the Janazah prayer to happen around midday (After Thuhr), but please await the final confirmed time that will be sent tomorrow morning inShaAllah (5th November 2024)*

We pray that Allah (SWT) showers him with mercy, grants him the highest rank in Jannat-ul-Firdous, and provides his family with patience during this difficult time.

Contacts (for further details):

Hazim Hamza +44 7300176090
Zacky - 07737 060081

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

05 Nov, 19:01

Let's stand with our Brother Azhar, the Haroon to Causes beloved to Allah, the Da'wah & Du'aat of our Ummah! (Donation link to his Waqf below)

Brother Azhar has returned to Allah today, the 5th of November, 2024, after a life spent in quiet, powerful service to the Ummah. I called him the “Haroon of the causes of our Ummah,” for he stood tirelessly for Allah’s causes, uplifting scholars and supporting communities worldwide—from Sri Lanka to Qatar, the UK, and beyond. He gave without hesitation, often anonymously, manifesting the true spirit of selflessness and trust in Allah.

Now, as he once stood for Allah's work, let us stand for him together. Please consider supporting the causes he held dear, for the sake of Allah.

I've attached with this message a video I recorded of him not long before his departure, which holds pertinent advice to us all.

May Allah enter him among His Awliyaa and grant him the status of Shahaadah! Ameen.

Your brother,
Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

05 Nov, 12:50

The time for our brother, the Haroon of our times, to return to His Lord arrived. He passed away just now, in a manner I consider beautiful and merciful.

Indeed Allah is gentle with His beloved.

May Allah have mercy Upon him.

Your brother,
Sajid Umar

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

04 Nov, 20:07

CLASS HAPPENING soon! (8:00PM UK)💫 In shaa Allah

Zoom Meeting Link:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

30 Oct, 15:14

🚗 _*Looking for a Halal Way to Finance Your Next Car?*_ 🚗

If you’re considering car ownership, it's essential to ensure your financing choices align with your deen.

Many common car financing options involve interest (riba)!

But rest assured – there are halal alternatives!

*Our latest article breaks down everything you need to know about Shari’ah-compliant options like cash payments, hire purchase agreements (HP), and Islamic leasing (ijarah).*

*It gives you the guidance you need to stay on the right path - without compromising on your values.*

📚Read now to explore halal financing options that suit your needs while protecting your iman. Make smart choices that bring both convenience and peace of mind for you and your family.


Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

28 Oct, 10:43

Assalamualaikum, if you have a paid version of Canva, please do get in touch. Baarakallahufeekum

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

27 Oct, 19:26

Update: Brother Azhar. Important read.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

27 Oct, 08:44

Dawah support opportunity.

Assalamualaikum, if you're really skilled at making PowerPoint slides in a modern way, please contact me. I need a set of nice slides made for a workshop I'm teaching on Tuesday morning inShaAllah. The slides need to be ready and final for Monday evening.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

26 Oct, 18:41

My presentation at the GPU Festival last weekend

It was short, but from the heart. I pray it resonates.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

25 Oct, 16:35


Join us for an enlightening session with Shaykh Dr. Sajid Umar, Chair of the Panel of Scholars at the Islamic Finance Advisory.

Dive into the principles of interest (riba), risk-sharing, and the ethical foundations that set Islamic finance apart.

📅 Starting October 26th | Every Saturday | 10 AM - 12 PM
💻 Online
🎟️ *ISoc Discount Code:* ISOC10

*Register now:*

Don't miss out!

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

22 Oct, 08:47

The UK’s All-inclusive 4-Day Muslim Family Retreat is Back! 🎉

"The Ideal Muslim Family: Unlocking Emotional Intelligence Through Divine Guidance"

🗣 Inspiring Lectures & Workshops
🎯 Youth Programme
🏨 4-Star Accommodation & All-Inclusive Meals
…and more! 😍

🗓 20th-23rd December 2024
📍 Orchard Hotel, Nottingham Venues

Here’s your exclusive 15% early bird discount code: MEGA15OFFSU
Book Now 👉

Hurry, spaces are limited! 🕒
Let’s strengthen our Imaan through faith, family and fun!

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

20 Oct, 17:52

A piece fromy presentation this afternoon to the GPU audience.

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

20 Oct, 14:40

These verses will help you get through this past week inShaAllah...

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

20 Oct, 09:27

For those attending the GPU in the Excel Centre, here is the updated program guide. Please note, times and venues have been changing, so please use the GPU app to keep up with the schedule. Baarakallahufeekum

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

20 Oct, 07:31

These verses helped me get through the hardships of the past week...

May Allah AID us all. Ameen!

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

19 Oct, 11:05

*In Sickness and in Health*

Please share with

1. Those who are sickly
2. Thier families
3. Muslim doctors & nurses.


Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

19 Oct, 10:54

There are some who prefer to reply privately. No problem 👍

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

19 Oct, 09:20

Assalamualaikum everyone.

If you are in the UK and have a sincere desire to attend the GPU Festival happening at the Excel centre today and tomorrow, please do two things to qualify for a free weekend pass.

1. Share the link to this channel with others on your list with a request for them to join this channel.

2. Let me know as a reply to the post that you have done it.

I only have one ticket, so sadly can only pick one of the replies.

My only request is that if you do come, please do benefit from the lectures and advices and stalls, but please avoid attending the Nasheed concert happening in the evening.


Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

15 Oct, 12:55

*Funeral Notice* - *Abdul Haq*

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'un

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

With a heavy heart, I share the news that my dear uncle, Abdul Haqq, my father's older brother, returned to Allah on Monday evening, 14th October. I was blessed to be with him during his final moments, and by the mercy of Allah, his passing was peaceful, inShaAllah Alhamdulillah.

Abdul Haqq lived a life of selfless service, always caring for his family and those around him with love and compassion.

We ask Allah to grant him Jannatul Firdaus, to make his grave a garden from the gardens of Paradise, and to give our family the strength and patience to bear this loss.

The funeral prayer (janazah) will take place at 3:45 PM at at Saffron Hill Cemetery Stonesby Avenue Leicester LE2 6TY (Today Tuesday the 15th of October 2024).

*Please arrive in good time to manage traffic congestion and parking logistics)*.

We kindly request your du’as for the deceased and for our family.

If you are able to attend, your presence and support would mean so much to us during this difficult time.

Please cascade this message to your family and friends as well. Ameen.

Jazakumullahu Khairan.

Your brother,
Sajid Umar

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

13 Oct, 11:48

Ps. I apologise for the poor abilities of the website. It recently suffered technically and I'm hoping to get it into working order soon.

Despite this, please afford the article a chance and do share it if you find it beneficial.


Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

12 Oct, 21:51

Pleas review the following story:

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

11 Oct, 21:31

Can you get married whilst a student at University?