RVU Hawassa(Business Management Department) @rvuhbuma Channel on Telegram

RVU Hawassa(Business Management Department)


RVU Hawassa(Business Management Department) (English)

Welcome to RVU Hawassa Business Management Department's official Telegram channel, @rvuhbuma! If you are a student or a business enthusiast interested in learning about the world of business and management, then this is the perfect channel for you. RVU Hawassa, located in the vibrant city of Hawassa, Ethiopia, is known for its excellent business management program that provides students with a comprehensive education in various aspects of the business world. The channel aims to keep you updated on the latest news, events, and opportunities related to business management at RVU Hawassa. Whether you are looking for internship opportunities, career advice, or simply want to stay connected with your fellow students and professors, @rvuhbuma is the place to be. Join us today and be part of our community of aspiring business leaders!

RVU Hawassa(Business Management Department)

02 May, 16:54

*Top urgent****
To 2015 E.C graduate class
This is to inform you all that you have to bring photo( Soft copy), your phone number and your email address to registrar office tomorrow morning till 6:00 O'clock.

RVU Hawassa(Business Management Department)

13 Jul, 10:38

Last year graduates, who left with some course should have to contact the department by this week!

RVU Hawassa(Business Management Department)

10 Jul, 08:17

Dear all, this is to notify you that the summar semester is already started, so try to find the contacts of the assigned instructor

RVU Hawassa(Business Management Department)

18 Feb, 08:24

For Regular and Evening students
The registration date of Second semester of 2014 Academic Calendar is from 24/06/2014_ 27/06/2014 and
The second semester class will begin on 28/06/2014......Note that: Coming before and after this day is totally prohabited.

RVU Hawassa(Business Management Department)

02 Feb, 07:28

hereabove the attached file is the regular program final exam schedule

RVU Hawassa(Business Management Department)

31 Jan, 12:36

Dear all, The final examination date is arranged as the above, be informed!