President Tech Award


Competition for the best startups with a total prize fund of $1 000 000 President Tech Award

President Tech Award

04 Oct, 12:48


🐦 President Tech Award asosiy yo‘nalishi finalchilari e’lon qilindi

5 ta yo‘nalishning har birida 10 tadan, jami 50 ta jamoa g‘oliblik unvoni va 900 000 AQSh dollari miqdoridagi umumiy mukofot jamg‘armasi uchun kurashni davom ettiradi! Jami 400 dan ortiq loyiha baholandi. Baholash natijalariga ko‘ra finalga chiqqan 50 ta jamoani e’lon qilamiz.

Noyabr oyida finalchilar uchun “DemoDay” o‘tkaziladi, uning doirasida ishtirokchilar o‘z loyihalarini xalqaro hakamlar hay’atiga taqdim etadilar. G‘oliblar “DemoDay” natijalariga ko‘ra e’lon qilinadi.

🔗 Batafsil veb-saytimizda

🐦 Finalists Announced for the Main Category of the President Tech Award

A total of 50 teams, representing 10 finalists in each of the 5 categories, will continue competing for the title of winner and a combined prize pool of $900,000! More than 400 projects were reviewed, and we are pleased to present the 50 teams that have advanced to the finals.

In November, these finalists will participate in a Demo Day, where they will present their projects to an international jury. The winners will be announced based on the outcomes of the Demo Day.

🔗 Read more on the website

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President Tech Award

24 Sep, 11:49


🐦 Turin Politexnika universitetida ishlab chiquvchilar, tadbirkorlar va IT-mutaxassislarini raqamli texnologiyalar sohasida innovatsion yechimlarni yaratish uchun birlashtirgan maxsus Hakaton yoʻnalishi boʻyicha “President Tech Award” yakunlandi.

Tanlovga 70 ta jamoaga boʻlingan 260 nafardan ziyod ishtirokchi jalb etildi va ular 100 000 AQSh dollari miqdoridagi bosh sovrin uchun kurash olib borishdi. “Lorem Ipsum” jamoasining “Focuscore Al” loyihasi hakaton gʻolibiga aylandi.

🔗 Batafsil veb-saytimizda

🐦 The President Tech Award, in the special category of Hackathon, concluded at the Turin Polytechnic University. This event brought together developers, entrepreneurs, and IT specialists to create innovative solutions in the field of digital technologies.

The competition attracted over 260 participants, forming 70 teams, all competing for the grand prize of $100,000. The winning project of the hackathon was Focuscore AI, developed by the Lorem Ipsum team.

🔗 Read more on the website

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President Tech Award

22 Sep, 09:20


🐦 Sizni mukofot jamgʻarmasi $100 000 boʻlgan “President Tech Award” doirasidagi Hakaton finaliga taklif qilamiz!

🟢Sana: 22-sentyabr
🟢Vaqt: 17:30-21:30
🟢Manzil: Konferensiya zali, 2-qavat, Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universiteti

Jamoalarni qoʻllab-quvvatlash, ularning ijodiy gʻoyalarini baholash va innovatsion muhitdan bahramand boʻlish uchun bizga qoʻshiling!

Finalda koʻrishguncha!

🐦 We invite you to the Final of the Hackathon as part of the President Tech Award, with a prize pool of $100,000!

🟢Date: September 22 
🟢Time: 17:30-21:30
🟢Venue: Conference Hall, 2nd Floor, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

Join us to support the teams, assess their creative ideas, and immerse yourself in an atmosphere of innovation!

See you at the final!