Mirjalol Olimboyev


Personal band score: IELTS 8.5
L: 9.0 | R: 9.0 | W:7.5 | S: 7.5
IELTS Instructor at IELTS ZONE
CELTA-certified EFL teacher

To contact me: @Olimboyev_Mirjalol

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:27

I told you that I
Wasn't worth all the time
It would take to afraid
To face the demons I carry inside
Told you run while you can
But you grabbed on my hand
Shook your hand and told me it's alright
I am not going any...where, stop waiting...

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:22


A video walkthrough will be uploaded soon.


Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:21

Navbatdagi IELTS 7.0 ball 🤩

IELTS ZONE da tahsil o’quvchimiz Behro’zbek yana bir ajoyib natijani qayd etdilar.🔥

👉🏻 Instructor: Mr.Mirjalol

Tel: 📞 55-511-09-09


Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:21

Do you want me to share the full passage as well as a video walkthrough for it?

YES - 🔥

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:21

As most of you have already found them right, the answers are 12. First pneumatic Tyre
13. Mass production


was developed=produced

Began=over the horizon

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:18

*you can leave a comment now

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:18

This is an excerpt from a passage that appeared in the real exam.


Then in 1888 the (Q12)
……….. was developed, and a few years later the (Q13) ............. of the motor car began.

What do you guys think are the answers for Qs 12 and 13?

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:18

Assalomu aleykum. Glad to have y'all here, dear learners😊.

O'zimni yana tanishtirishga hojat yo'q deb o'ylayman. Kechagi IELTS ZONE kanalidagi webinar dan keyin qo'shilganlar, accept my warm welcome!

To fulfill your hunger for knowledge, let's do a reading quiz, shall we?

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:16

VIDEO WALKTHROUGH for the passage above!

Watch, learn and enjoy!


Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:16


Violin and very cold weather - a hypothesis.


Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:16

Mirjalol Olimboyev pinned «©Hamma darslar IELTS 8.5 (R9.0) egasi Olimboyev Mirjalol tomonidan o'tilgan. IELTS-18: TEST-1 •PASSAGE-1: VIDEO LESSON •PASSAGE-2: VIDEO LESSON •PASSAGE-3: VIDEO LESSON IELTS-18: TEST-2 •PASSAGE-1: VIDEO LESSON •PASSAGE-2: VIDEO LESSON •PASSAGE-3:…»

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:09



[ I feel like I'm at standstill waiting for you to tell me I'm OK
If time heals, tell me why do I kill myself
Tryna show you I'm not a mistake
I've got qualities that I'm not proud of
I've made promises that I walked out on
I've had days I feel I don't deserve love
So think what you think, just don't call me a

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:06



[ Yeah, been this way so long, it feels like something's off
When I'm not depressed
I got some issues that I won't address
I got some baggage I ain't opened yet
I got some demons I should put to rest
I got some traumas that I can't forget
I got some phone calls I been avoidin'
Some family members I don't really connect with

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:06


Let's explore more about my favorite rapper - NF - and his music. I am sharing lines from his various songs that I feel related the most.

I migh also cast some light on some of those lines if need be. Hope you guys enjoy.

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:05


Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:05

I am officially a poet from now on 😎

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:04

Well, Even though I don't read classic novels, I tried to explain this in richly poetic language, to no avail. Then, I realized that I couldn't do so in plain English either.

Mirjalol Olimboyev

21 Jan, 00:02

Lekin, bir vaqtni o'zida you must steer clear of haram and make sure you won't become a person who licks others' boots.