Madkhaliposting [NIN] @madkhaliposting Channel on Telegram

Madkhaliposting [NIN]


I hate MBS so much it's unreal

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Madkhaliposting [NIN] (English)

Are you looking for a channel where you can express your opinions freely and openly? Look no further! Welcome to Madkhaliposting, a space where you can share your thoughts and feelings without any fear of judgment. The title may suggest a strong dislike towards MBS, but it goes beyond that. Madkhaliposting is a platform for individuals who want to engage in meaningful discussions and debates about various topics. Whether it's politics, religion, or social issues, this channel welcomes all perspectives and encourages healthy dialogue. The username @madkhaliposting represents the idea of being a 'madkhal,' someone who is not afraid to speak their mind and challenge the status quo. Join us in this community where your voice matters and where you can connect with like-minded individuals from all walks of life. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of something bigger than yourself. More channels await you in the @NewIslamogramNetwork. See you there!

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

02 Jul, 22:43

new 'toss


Madkhaliposting [NIN]

02 Jul, 21:55

inspired by the recent developments in the caucasus and central asia
if you saw this earlier, no you didn't

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

02 Jul, 21:54

new 'toss

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

30 Jun, 22:30

Send this to every madkhalī you know

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

25 Jun, 21:48

>saar we will go destroy babri masjid saa-ACK!!!

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

22 Jun, 23:29

new 'toss

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

05 Jun, 05:26

Conversation with a Madkhali

Yesterday, I talked to a Madkhali on a voice call - He knew my views, he did not treat me as less for them, he did not rush to call me a khariji. He talked in a respectful way and said he wanted to ask me a few questions regarding certain things. I agreed.

And by Allāh - A lot of the things he said should be eye-opening for atleast some of us.

We talked about how people on the manhaj (or rather they claim to be) on the internet will talk about heavy things, such as fighting and striving on the path of Allāh - While sitting on discord, in reality doing absolutely nothing of use. He brought up to me: In Madkhali communities he was in, people seemed serious, committed to studying the deen - If you joked around too much they would advise you to be more serious and urge you to read Thalathatu al-Usul, or Kitab at-Tawheed…

Now, this was contrasted with communities where people claimed to be on manhaj. Rather than having this or similar serious attitude, and commitment, people behave like the 15 year-old trolls they are, spam cusswords, use the N-word and troll. Many of them have not read a single page from any book written by a scholar yet they pretend to support a certain organization, while in reality being entirely clueless about them and in fact only tarnishing their image they have online. Additionally many of those people tend to be Roblox kids…

Why this is of importance

First impressions stick with people. Imagine you are a fresh convert - And you have 2 choices.

a) A community of people who appear committed to Islam, read books and urge eachother to do good, and appear serious.

b) A community of internet trolls who cuss, insult, spend most their time in video-games and behave like children.

Which one will you go to to hear more about Islam? I am not validating the manhaj of the Madakhila - But keep this in mind. First impressions are generally going to stick.

And I am also not saying everyone who is on the manhaj or claims to be behaves like this - I am generalizing my experiences.

So, dear brothers and sisters, if you feel like any negative quality I mentioned applies to you - Then I urge you to change them as soon as possible. Not just for the sake of your good, rather for the good of the da‘wah as a whole.

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

29 Apr, 01:37

This is what we meant when we warned of Palestine being turned into a Taghut that is worshipped other than Allah.

Instead of Wala' & Bara' being for Allah and His religion, they are instead for Palestine.

They takfired the Zionist soldier who repented and became a Muslim and forgave the American air force soldier who burned himself "for Palestine", some of them even takfired people who called him a kaffir.

I thought this was obvious enough but let me restate it clearly:

If you don't have Tawhid your support for Palestine does not matter.
If you don't have Tawhid even if you fast and pray for a million years it will not matter.

If al-Aqsa & Palestine could talk to this type of people they would say to them exactly what Ibrahim عليه السلام said to his people: “O my people! I totally reject whatever you associate ˹with Allah in worship˺. (Qur'an 6:78)


Madkhaliposting [NIN]

17 Apr, 20:29

new 'toss

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

03 Apr, 03:07

Iran and it's proxies have done nothing besides killing Sunnis. You're a fool if you believe otherwise

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

11 Mar, 00:35

A wakeup call for those who've taken a liking to white nationalists:

These people are just as much our enemies as the liberal globalhomo westerners. They hate Islam and Muslims, and seek to wage war against us, hoping to wipe the religion of truth off the earth.

Don't make excuses because they play pretend to be traditionalists, this isn't an excuse to downplay al-Wala wal-Bara.

You have to make baraa from shirk and its people, and if you don't - you'll find them having immense amount of hatred for Allah and those who believe. So fear Allah, and don't be selective with your love and hate.

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

09 Mar, 15:14

We should understand history, the Jews we lived peacefully alongside for a century were mizrachi Jews, semites like the arabs. This is the influence of the ashkenazi khazar, an asiatic convert race of judaism that was chased out of Europe for a hundred years of drinking the blood of children, poisoning wells and usury. They are an incredibly violent people whom we as an Ummah should've never invited into Palestine during the 1800s aliyah. Now we are stuck with this plague, their vermin have ran over the neighbourhoods of the Muslims that hosted them, their rat dens have sprouted everywhere the Israeli khaganate has started mongolic massacre campaigns in and there is no pest control around to delouse the infested areas these vermin infest.

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

05 Feb, 13:35

D0x by @ryxnslounge

Madkhaliposting [NIN]

27 Jan, 03:13

As much as I disagree with DH, there's a reason why he sprang into popularity. Every movement will always be faced with a reactionary movement, and that's where DH found his following.