रुद्राग्नि @kalagni Channel on Telegram



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रुद्राग्नि (Hindi)

रुद्राग्नि कानल एक ऐसा स्थान है जहाँ भारतीय संस्कृति और धरोहर के अनोखे पहलुओं का खोज पाया जा सकता है। इस कानल में आपको भारतीय कला, संगीत, गाथा, और विचारों को समर्पित किए गए साहित्यिक और कला के क्षेत्र से जुड़े सामग्री मिलेगी। कानल का उद्देश्य भारतीय पारंपरिक और समकालीन कला को प्रोत्साहित करना है और इसे लोगों तक पहुंचाना है।nnकानल का नामकरण 'रुद्राग्नि' का अर्थ है 'जो भगवान शिव की प्राकृतिक शक्ति है'। यह एक उत्कृष्ट नाम है जो भारतीय धरोहर के मूल्यों को दर्शाता है और समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक विरासत को उजागर करता है। इस कानल पर साझा की जाने वाली सामग्री हमारी संस्कृति और विरासत के महत्वपूर्ण पहलुओं को बढ़ावा देने के लिए है।nn'कलाग्नि' यूजरनेम से इस कानल पर कोई सवाल नहीं पूछा जाएगा, क्योंकि यहाँ केवल संस्कृति और कला की ऊँचाईयों पर चर्चा की जाएगी। प्रतिभागी इस कानल पर आकर अपनी सोच और भावनाएं अभिव्यक्त कर सकते हैं और भारतीय संस्कृति के सुंदरता को अनुभव कर सकते हैं। यदि आप भारतीय संस्कृति के प्रेमी हैं और उसके विविधता को जानने और समझने की इच्छा रखते हैं, तो यह कानल आपके लिए उपयुक्त है। आइए, हम साथ मिलकर हमारी संस्कृति को समृद्ध करने में भागीदार बनें।


01 Nov, 04:41

Good morning.


31 Oct, 06:06

In 2016, they had made sure to tick all the boxes that would make Trump look racist, such as "socialist Jew", "less Latinos", "tearing down mosques", "for the past 8 years this country's been run by (niggers)!".

In reality, Trump wouldn't dare say any such thing, but by putting these words into his mouth, they just made him appear more BASED in the eyes of people who would like to hear a politician say such things.


30 Oct, 16:23

Good night.


28 Oct, 04:15

Musk, Trump & AoT soundtrack.

[Also read: https://t.me/kalagni/1236]


24 Oct, 14:08

Axiom of the Day:

They laugh at your caricature, because they can't face your reality.


18 Oct, 06:01

Good morning.


15 Oct, 06:17

The Steppejeet:

The highest standard of beauty among Indian male phenotypes.

-Devaputra if the legends are to be believed.
-Highest SMV.
-Settles for no one.
-Reproduces only with the women of highest standards.
-Aspires for a tryst with destiny.

[Check the old series of posts tagged above.]


13 Oct, 05:10

Interestingly, "the most suitable religion for masculine men" seems to be lacking in testosterone.


12 Oct, 05:21

Good morning.


11 Oct, 06:45

Rajputic Ego & Class formation:

//When such an inversion occurs, that the slave moralists end up the masters & the master moralists end up the slaves ...//

The Hindu aristocracy was unable to make sense of its defeat before the tides of Islam.

"जो दृढ़ राखे धर्म को तिही राखे करतार"

How could the protectors of Dharma, lose to its vilest desecrators?

While the earlier Hindus had managed to avoid the question, Islamic invasions forced the native aristocracy to come up with an answer, because unlike the earlier invaders, the Muslims refused to assimilate and reigned much longer.

On one hand, it was necessary to acknowledge Islamic supremacy to survive, on the other, it was necessary to appear like the protectors of Dharma to maintain their status among the Hindus, who would ask,

"If you lost, how did you protect Dharma?"

So instead of fighting to extinction to protect Dharma, or accepting Islam to join the ranks of Turks, their self-conception (Ego) came up with a new answer,

"We may have lost the battle, but we managed to preserve our honour."

It is through this coping mechanism that the Rajputic class was formed, on one hand it excluded itself from the black-skinned slavish association with Hindu commoners as an aristocracy and on the other it distinguished themselves from Islamic aristocracy as a Hindu alternative.


04 Oct, 09:57

If at Kurukshetra, instead of Arjuna, it had been Duryodhana who had refused to kill his cousins, then wouldn't the same arguments used by Krishna for Arjuna, be instrumental in convincing him to fight the Pandavas?

Even today there are many people like Duryodhana. They too read the Gita. What do you think the Duryodhanas of the present day learn from it?

They learn to justify their own violence.

It's in this sense that the Gita is amoral, because its instruction favours neither the heroes nor the villains.

In battle, as far as the Gita is concerned, neither the meek nor the heroes will enjoy the Earth ... only the Victors will. -(2.37)


28 Sep, 06:25

//When aukaat is too little but the ego is too big, ridiculous claims have to be invented ...//


25 Sep, 07:02

Cope stories are wild in this country.

Though traditionally reserved for losers & cowards, in India even winners resort to them.


24 Sep, 15:25

India is not in the 19th century, it's our detractors' inability to meet our eyes in 2024, that makes them prefer to see us as such.


23 Sep, 09:09

The Effect is present within the Cause.


23 Sep, 05:52

//even when the Left tries to use memes to own the Right, the fact that the Left even tried to meme the Right becomes a meme for the Right.//


22 Sep, 17:56

The Pepe always swims Right:

The "Pongic mindset" reminds me of one of my earlier theories that some memes were inherently right wing such as the NPC & Honkler, because to use these memes for a left wing cause would just defeat their purpose.

The reason the Left can't use the NPC or Honkler against the Right, is because in their limited ability they were already trying to own the Right, till the same "own" was posted with an NPC face or got honked at.

The Right did not twist or manipulate the common leftist talking points, the very points that would have been considered Leftist propaganda in the absence of these memes, got turned upon their heads, in their presence.

So even when the Left tries to use memes to own the Right, the fact that the Left even tried to meme the Right becomes a meme for the Right.

What the Right finds funny is the inherent inequality that the Left has to struggle to be taken seriously, while they can't even ignore the Right's laughter, which they take as a serious offence.


22 Sep, 04:59

Good morning.


21 Sep, 16:38

The "Ponga" Mindset:

About a year ago, I had noticed some Twitter accounts were trying to popularise the word "Ponga" as a slur against Brahmins, the same way "Raju" was being used against Rajputs.

But within just a month or so, Brahmins had started using "Ponga" to refer to each other as a joke.

Why didn't Brahmins try to disassociate themselves from "Pongas"? Why weren't they ashamed of themselves?

The problem here was that their antagonisers projected their own mindset upon the Brahmins. In their culture an offense implied is an offense taken.

But the Brahmins were under no obligation to take an offense, so instead they took it as a joke.

As for why they find it funny?

How highly do you think Brahmins regard the social backgrounds of people who hate them?

By calling themselves "Pongas" they are merely mocking the detractors, who thought they were worth more than a laugh.


20 Sep, 08:46

The "Pajeet" Mindset:

Some Indians feel that in their lifestyle, appearance, behaviour, etc. they do not match the stereotypical portrayal of the Pajeet meme, so ashamed of being associated by it they try to identify as Non-Pajeets.

But if all the non-Pajeets leave the "Pajeet" tag, the burden of being a "Pajeet" becomes heavier upon others, as the stereotype begins to approximate their reality.

Now, what do you think the millions of "Pajeets", who are accurately represented by the meme, will do once they realise that all the Non-Pajeet Indians are willing to abandon them to preserve their own reputation?

One by one each Pajeet will try to join the Non-Pajeet camp to save his reputation, by calling his peers "Pajeet".

Eventually, the overwhelming majority of the people identifying as "Non-Pajeets", itself will become Pajeet.

Moral of the story: The original Non-Pajeets by identifying as such ended up lumping themselves into the same category as what they were ashamed of.

Doesn't it sound familiar?
[Ref: https://t.me/kalagni/2898?single]


20 Sep, 03:15

Good morning.