a. A party of the Beni-Hajir and Al Murra Bedouins seized a boat (shoni) belonging to the Al Amayir tribe of El Katif, hired by some of the Al Dawaurdah tribe for pearl-fishing. - None reported ... ... - Probably none ... ... - News-Agent reports—six Beni-Hajir and 12 Al Murrah. Jassim bin Thani writes, the pirates were as follow :— Three Al Murrah and nine Beni-Hajir of which latter seven reside at Lahsa, and are of the Shawan clan, chief of which is Nasir bin Khalil, who is himself at Zobarab, and the other two reside at Zobarah. One is brother of Nair bin Ajaiyib, and the other belongs to Al Zakhaneen (a clan of Beni-Hajir). Jassim states that bin Ajaiyib carried the booty to Zobarah. Of the Al Murrah there is one residing at Zobarah, viz.,, Mukta Al Murri. - Bahrein Agent's report, No. 102, dated 3rd August.
Jassim bin Thani's letter, dated 10th August, received with the Agent's No. 106.
Agha Muhammad Rahim’s reports dated 11th, 12th and 16th September.
Ditto ditto ditto.
b. They put to.sea, seized a boat (buggara) belonging to the people of Kait and took her to Khali, a Fasht near Dman. - Ditto ... ... - Not reported ... ...
c. At Khali they seized and plundered a boat (mashwa) belonging to Hossain bin Ali Al Saleel and brothers, natives of Sitra of Bahrein, and settled at Senabis of Katif. - Unknown ... ... - Krans 200, a sail and some petty articles, as per list in News-Agent’s letter No, 113 of 22nd August 1878. - Ditto ditto ditto, and Agha Muhammad Rahim’s reports, dated 11th, 14th and 16th September; also News-Agent's No. 96 of 26th July 1878, and No. 113 of 22nd August, enclosing petition from owner of mashwa.
They then put to sea in the Khatif boat (buggara) prise b. Of Ras Laffan they met a buggara belonging to Abul Wahab Al Tehaimi, resident of El Bida (Guttur). They attacked and plundered the "buggara,” taking the booty to Dowhat Salwa near Ojair, where they disembarked and released the Katif (prise b). - Ditto ... ... - Dollars 280, Rs. 400, goats' hair and other cargo - Agha Muhammad Rahim reports, on information of Sheikh of El-Bidaa and Sheikh of Zobarah, that the pirates were 12 Beni-Hajir and three Al Murrah; the leader of these was Al Bo’Ayer (Al Murri), and others were—
Shawan Beni-Hajir
1. Abdul Hadi bin Ajaiyib (of Zobarah),
2. Cousin of ditto ditto
3. Hamad bin Shoyik
4. Talaub bin Ali bin Salim
5. Muhammad bin Ali bin Salim 6. Mubarak 7. Ali} Zekhainnin, clan of Beni-Hajir.
8. Names not given, but, stated to be of the Al Muhammad clan of the Beni-Hajir.
10. Muhammad bin Akdam, whose uncle, Mubarak, is at Bida-Guttur.
11. Another bin Akdam
12. Rashid bin Muhammad
13. El Fandi bin Zayid -
News-Agent’s reports Nos. 105 and 106, and enclosure from Jassim bin Thani.
Agha Muhammad Rahim's reports from Bahrein and Guttur, dated 16th September, with enclosures."
المصدر ورقم الاستدعاء:
مكتبة قطر الرقمية
IOR/R/15/1/724, 100