Abu Musa (radiAllahu anhu) said:
“The Prophet (ﷺ) was asked about a man who fights to prove his courage, or out of pride and honour for his close relatives, or to show off.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
"Whoever fights so that the Word of Allah may be supreme is the one who (is fighting) in the cause of Allah."
[REFERENCE: Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 4, Book 24, Hadith 2783]
🔴 Nationalism is the call of jahiliyyah!!, what about those who claim allegiance to nationalism and seek help through that and become angry for that? Will this not be more fitting to be considered one of the calls from the days of jahiliyyah? This is a matter in which there is no doubt, and it is one of the dearest of all matters.
And this is what has been established in the authentic hadith (narration), The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said"I order you with five things which Allah ordered me with: The Jama'ah, hearing, obeying, hijrah (migration) and jihad in the way of Allah - the Mighty and Majestic. So whosoever separates from the Jama'ah by a hand span, throws the yoke of Islam from his neck, unless he repents. And whosoever calls with the call of jahiliyyah (the days of ignorance), then he is from the hoarded-heap of Hellfire." It was said: Even if he fasts and prays? He said: "Even if he fasts and prays. So call with the call of Allah which Allah gave: The Muslims, the Believers, Worshippers of Allah." Related by At-Tirmidhi (no. 2863) and At-Tiyalasi (no. 1161) and others.
The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
"Whosoever leaves off obedience and separates from the Jama'ah and dies, he dies a death of jahiliyyah. Whoever fights under the banner of the blind, becoming angry for 'asabiyyah (partisanship and party-spirit), or calling to 'asabiyyah, or assisting 'asabiyyah, then dies, he dies a death of jahiliyyah."
Related by. (Sahih Muslim 1848 c), from Abu Hurayrah radhiallahu 'anhu
there is no doubt that the call to nationalism is a call to 'asabiyyah (partisanship and party-spirit) and it is a call to becoming angry for the sake of 'asabiyyah and fighting for 'asabiyyah. And there is no doubt also, that the call to nationalism is a call to transgression, pride and arrogance, since nationalism is not a divinely-revealed way of life which prevents its people from oppression and proud-boasting. Rather it is an ideology from the time of jahiliyyah which leads it people to boasting about it and having 'asabiyyah for it - even if they are the oppressors and the others are the oppressed! So - noble reader - consider this and the truth will be clear to you.
Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H) - rahimahullah - said: (Majmu' al-Fatawa)
"Everything which is outside the call of Islam and the Qur'an, with regards to lineage, land, nationality, schools of thoughts and ways, it is from the calls of jahiliyyah." Indeed, even when the Muhajirun (those Companions who migrated from Makkah to Madinah) and the Ansar (those Companions who aided and supported those who migrated) argued, such that one of the Muhajirun said: 'O Muhajirun! (implying; rally to my aid).' And one of the Ansar said: 'O Ansar!' The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, upon hearing this, said: 'Is it with the calls of jahiliyyah that you call, and I am still amongst you!' And he became very angry at that.Related by Al-Bukhari
🔴 These hadiths are absolutely clear with regards to rendering futile the calls to nationalism. Its callers and those who fight for it deserve that they should be from the heap of Hellfire, even if they fast and they pray and claim that they are Muslims. So what a severe threat and severe warning is given here; warning every Muslim from the calls of jahiliyyah and warning them from entering into this - even is such calls are adorned with false talks and enchanting speeches. Rather is a deception and a blind-following which leads its people to the worst and most despicable of ends. And we ask Allah for safety and freedom from that.