Galandān ގަލަންދާނު @qalandhar قناة على Telegram

Galandān ގަލަންދާނު

Galandān ގަލަންދާނު
ޢިލްމު އަދި އެއަށް ލޯބިކުރާ ދަރިވަރުންނަށް
Notes by, ibn Fahmī Dīdī عفا الله عنه
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آخر تحديث 13.02.2025 19:56

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Galandān: Significance and Cultural Impact in the Maldives

Galandān, or ގަލަންދާނު, holds a profound significance in the cultural tapestry of the Maldives. This term, which resonates deeply within the heart of Maldivian society, is not merely a word, but a representation of rich traditions, community values, and historical narratives that shape the identity of the Maldivian people. The Maldives, an archipelago known for its stunning natural beauty and vibrant marine life, also boasts a unique cultural heritage that is intricately woven with Islamic traditions. Galandān reflects this blend of influences and is often associated with various practices, festivals, and communal gatherings. It is through Galandān that many Maldivians express their love for their heritage, mark important life events, and strengthen the bonds within their communities. As we explore this concept further, it becomes apparent that Galandān is much more than a traditional acknowledgment; it encapsulates the essence of community spirit and the enduring legacies that the people of the Maldives cherish.

What is the origin of Galandān in Maldivian culture?

The term Galandān is believed to have deep historical roots, intertwined with the Islamic faith that plays a central role in the Maldivian way of life. It signifies communal gatherings that are often related to important religious or cultural events. For example, many families come together to celebrate significant occasions such as weddings, the birth of a child, or religious festivals, reinforcing social ties and fostering unity.

Additionally, the origins of Galandān can also be traced back to the influences of the various cultures that have interacted with the Maldives throughout history, including traders and explorers from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. This blending of cultures has enriched the Maldivian identity and has contributed to the unique practices that define Galandān today.

How does Galandān contribute to community bonding?

Galandān plays a crucial role in community bonding as it provides a platform for Maldivians to come together and celebrate their shared heritage. During Galandān events, families and friends gather to partake in traditional games, music, and dance, which not only enhances social interaction but also strengthens familial ties. It is during these gatherings that stories and memories are shared, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among participants.

Moreover, Galandān events often serve as opportunities for the younger generation to learn about their culture and traditions. Elders share their wisdom and experiences, ensuring that the values and customs are passed down through the generations. This intergenerational exchange not only preserves the cultural heritage but also deepens the connections within the community.

What role does Galandān play during religious festivals?

During religious festivals, Galandān serves as a crucial component in the celebration of faith and community spirit. Events such as Eid and Ramadan are marked by gatherings that emphasize generosity, sharing, and togetherness. Families invite neighbors and friends to partake in meals, reinforcing the Islamic principle of community welfare and support. These gatherings often feature communal prayers, discussions, and the sharing of traditional foods that have symbolic meanings.

The act of coming together during these holy occasions is a reflection of the Maldivian ethos of solidarity and collective worship. Galandān events during religious festivals also provide a space for spiritual reflection and community outreach, where participants engage in charitable acts to support those in need, thus embodying the core values of compassion and brotherhood that are central to Islamic teachings.

How does modernity affect the practice of Galandān?

As the Maldives continues to develop and modernize, the practice of Galandān faces both challenges and adaptations. On one hand, urbanization and the influence of global culture may lead to a diminished emphasis on traditional practices as younger generations become more engaged with modern lifestyles and technologies. This can result in fewer communal gatherings and a shift away from traditional values.

However, on the other hand, modernization has also provided new avenues for celebrating Galandān. Social media platforms and digital communication have made it easier for Maldivians to connect and organize events, even from afar. This has led to a hybridization of traditional practices with contemporary elements, allowing Galandān to evolve while still maintaining its core significance within Maldivian culture.

What are some traditional activities involved in Galandān?

Traditional activities associated with Galandān are diverse and colorful, reflecting the cultural richness of the Maldives. Common practices include traditional music and dance performances, which are integral to any gathering. These performances often feature local instruments and folk songs that tell stories of Maldivian life, history, and folklore, creating an immersive cultural experience for attendees.

In addition to music and dance, food plays a vital role in Galandān celebrations. Traditional dishes, often prepared using age-old recipes, are shared among participants, symbolizing hospitality and togetherness. Activities such as games and competitions are also prevalent, encouraging social interaction and fostering friendly rivalry, thereby enhancing the overall festive atmosphere.

قناة Galandān ގަލަންދާނު على Telegram

ގަލަންދާނު ޖަފެނު ކަލިތަރުން އިބްނުކޮންނަން. ބައަތު ނުވާނަންވާ އިބްނުކޮންނޭއަށްގެ އިބްނުކޮންނަން. ކިޔާނަލިތަރުކޮންނަން ޖަނަލަންދާއިފަށްނަކަ. އިބްނުކޮންނޭރައިބު މިދަރިވަރުނ޸ގެ ޖަފެނު އެފިަރު އަމަށް ޔޫފައިވެންމާލާނަ. ޖަފެނު ހުރެވަރުނުމުން އަގައުން މަސްފުފެޑުމުންލަ. ފެންކޮންޓިއިޑިފަސްމުނަލަންދާނުއި އިބްނުކޮންނޭތަԮޮރިވަރުންގަލަންދާއާ މިދަރިވަރުވާނެ. އަިބްނުކޮންނޭގަލަށން ގަނޑްވިނުނަށް ވަކައިކޮންސަފައިފަޅިދާނުއި ޖަނަލަންދާނުއާ އަަިނިޅްވިއިކޮންޓިޑިވިކަކެއާ. ގަލަންދާއަި ލޯބިކުރާ ދަރިވަރުންއަކައިންވާނަ. އަށް ޢިބްނުކޮންނޭއިތަޑަރިއާ ބަލާނާވެޑަކުން ޖަފެނުރައަލަބުއާ ކަނދުލަކުރާ ތިވާރާ. ދިއިތަންގަލަންދާނުކުރުމުލުމުންލަ. ޖަފެރޭޓަސަސްއިއޭޓިއިޑަށެންތުންލަ. އިބްނުކޮންނޭ އިބްނުކޮންނޭތަ މަސްފުއިފާވިކް ގަލަށުގަބުލާން ވިނަލު އަގާވިއިފަބުރުށެޒުންތަންލަ.

أحدث منشورات Galandān ގަލަންދާނު

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❞ ޝަޢުބާން މަހުގެ ދެބައިވާ ރޭގައި ރައްބު (ދުނިޔޭގެ އުޑަށް) ފައިބައިވަޑައިގެންނަވާނޭ ކަމާއި، އެރޭގައި ﷲ އަށް ޝަރީކުކޮށްގެން ނެތް ކޮންމެ އަޅެއްގެ ފާފަ ފުއްސަވާނޭ ކަމުގެ ވާހަކަ، ޙަދީޘުތަކަކުން ވާރިދުވެފައި ވެއެވެ. އަދި އެވަޤުތުގައި: ރިޒްޤާއި އަޖަލު ބައްސަވާނޭ ކަމުގައިވެސްމެއެވެ. އަދި މިކަންތަކުގައި ތަފާތުގިނަ ޚަބަރުތައް އައިސްފައިވެއެވެ... އަދި އެހުރިހާ އެއްޗެއްވެސް ޟަޢީފެވެ. އަދި ނަބިއްޔު ﷺ އަރިހުން އެއިން އެކައްޗެއްވެސް ޞައްޙަވެފައި ނުވެއެވެ.

— އައްޝެއިޚް އަލްމުޙައްދިޘް ސުލައިމާން އަލްޢަލްވާން (ބަސްކޮޅު)

~ ގަލަންދާނު 🖋

13 Feb, 11:33
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⚠️ ʿAbdul Malik said: “I asked my father about the authenticity of the ḥadīth (Oh Allah, bless us in Rajab and Shaʿbān, and let us reach Ramaḍān)?

He (Al-ʿAlwān) replied:

❝ This ḥadīth is recorded in Al-Bazzār, and Al-Ṭabarānī in Al-Awsaṭ, Al-Bayhaqī in Al-Shuʿab, Ibn ʿAsākir and others, from the ḥadīth of Anas. It is a Munkar (objectionable) report. Rajab is one of the sacred months, and there is nothing authentic on its virture other than this.

As for Shaʿbān, the Prophet ﷺ used to fast a lot and fast most of it. This is preserved from the Prophet ﷺ from aḥādīth in the (books of) Ṣaḥīḥ. As for the aḥādīth narrated regarding the night of the middle of Sha’ban, they are weak, and to strengthen them by joining the different paths: there is a disagreeable view on it. ❞

~ Galandān 🖋

13 Feb, 11:32
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ޝެއިޚް ސުލައިމާން އަލް-ޢަލްވާން އަރިހުން ހަތަރު ރަކުޢަތް ގޮތުގައި ވާރިދުވެފައިވާ ސުންނަތް ނަމާދުތަކާއި މެދު ސުވާލު ވެވުނެވެ. އަދި ޝެއިޚް ވިދާޅުވިއެެވެ:

1️⃣ ދެ އައްތަޙިއްޔާތާއި އަދި އެއް ސަލާމާއިއެކު އެ ކުރެވިދާނެއެވެ. އެއީ މެންދުރު ނަމާދު ފަދައިންނެވެ.

2️⃣ އެއް އައްތަޙިއްޔާތާއި އެއް ސަލާމާއިއެކު އެ ކުރެވިދާނެއެވެ. (އެބަހީ ، ހަތަރު ރަކުޢަތް މެދު އައްތަޙިއްޔާތެއް ނެތި އަދައުކޮށް ސަލާމް ދިނުމެވެ.)

3️⃣ ދެ ސަލާމާއިއެކު އެ ކުރެވިދާނެއެވެ. މާނައީ، ފަހަރަކު ދެ ރަކުޢަތެވެ. އަދި މިއީ އެންމެ މޮޅު އިތުރު ގޮތެވެ.

~ ގަލަންދާނު 🖋

12 Feb, 03:01
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⬆️Unification upon Aqīdah and staying firm upon Manhaj

❝ Unifications not based on a shared creed (aqīdah) will individually bear no fruit; even if temporarily successful, they will not endure. [Whereas] any call, movement, or unification built upon aqīdah will be solid, clear, beneficial, and an invincible force. Islam is not merely a matter of conscience and belief without action. It is a comprehensive religion applicable to all aspects of life. It is a declaration of the divinity of Allah alone, and a rejection of and disavowal of ṭāghūt...

...Those who succumbed to the pressure in the face of reality and the attacks of tyrants and deceivers are unfit to be leaders of the Ummah and to serve as Imams for the Muslims. Anyone who does not adhere to their words, and their manhaj (methodology) and to their principles, is not to be trusted. They may change their ways and claim that their new ideas are the truth and their old ideas were false. Such individuals make the youth of Ummah a testing ground for their own vacillation, fickleness and failure. ❞

— Shaykh Sulaymān Al-ʿAlwān (text)

~ Galandān 🖋

12 Feb, 02:52