🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧 @ieltswithemil Channel on Telegram

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧


🙋🏻‍♂️Эмиль, твой коуч в изучении английского и в подготовке к IELTS🇬🇧

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🇷🇺nn🙋🏻‍♂️Эмиль, твой коуч в изучении английского и в подготовке к IELTS🇬🇧nnПриветствуем тебя на канале "IELTS With Emil"! Этот канал создан специально для тех, кто хочет улучшить свой английский и подготовиться к сдаче экзамена IELTS.

Emil - опытный преподаватель, который поможет тебе достичь желаемого уровня владения языком и успешно сдать тест IELTS. На канале ты найдешь полезные советы, уроки, задания и мотивацию для достижения своих целей. Будь готов к интенсивному обучению и продвижению вперед!
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🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

06 Sep, 12:16

⚡️Как заговорить на английском уже с первого занятия?

Чтобы выучить его не нужно зубрить тысячи ненужных слов и пытаться выучить тупые правила.

Достаточно подписаться на канал «Linguala» и уже на первом занятии вы начнёте разговаривать на английском.

Подготовка к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ, уроки с носителями языка, секреты подготовки к международным экзаменам – только свои проверенные и уникальные методики

Подписывайся и начинай учить английский уже сегодня: http://t.me/+QIHCzVQnnMNmYzgy

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

17 Aug, 19:28

Alternative energy sources that use the natural power of the wind, waves and sun are too expensive and complicated to replace the coal, oil and gas that we use to power our cities and transport. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?

Alternative energy is thought by some to be the answer to our reliance on fossil fuels, as sources of alternative energy are low emitters of CO2 and are a sustainable means of providing electrical power. Critics of 'green energy' contend that current technologies are either too costly or impractical to realistically replace our current energy needs.

The advantages of 'green energy' are obvious. There is no need to worry about dwindling supplies of progressively more expensive resources. Solar power will never run out and, once initial costs are paid off, the electricity is basically free. These sources of energy have another major benefit in the shape of their low emissions. Although there are emissions costs in the building of wind turbines or hydroelectric power stations, there is no further air pollution or the risk of environmental contamination.

This notion of a perfect world of free and non-polluting energy does draw criticism, however. It is obvious that solar power won't work at night or that not every country has a coastline, rivers or windy hills. It is also a problem that replacing our current energy supply will entail expensive research and development, which, in turn, involves government cooperation. One last obstacle to the adoption of ‘green energy' is nuclear power. Many countries see the huge energy production from this power source as a more practical solution than messing around with the wind and waves.

In conclusion, there is little doubt that we will soon need to wean ourselves off fossil fuels and on to an alternative fuel source. The only real question is whether we risk the costs and delays of green energy or choose the productive, but potentially dangerous, nuclear option.
- Pauline Cullen

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

23 Feb, 17:03

📊 Enhance Your Writing Task 1 Vocabulary!

📈 By the year 1978,
📈 Spanning a twelve-year duration
📈 In the closing year
📈 Over the upcoming three years,
📈 In the subsequent year,
📈 Throughout the specified timeframe
📈 At the start/finish of the period
📈 Persistently over the stated period
📈 In the initial half of the decade …
📈 A Surge of 30%.
📈 Decreased by 15%.
📈 Showed a significant rise over ten years.

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

25 Dec, 13:40


Exhilarated Bewildered
Despondent Euphoric
Aghast Nonchalant
Apprehensive Stupefied
Resigned Blissful
Agitated Astonished
Melancholic Ambivalent
Enraptured Jubilant
Disgruntled Eloquent
Enigmatic Serene
Ecstatic Vexed
Appalled Rapturous
Intrigued Mournful
Contented Ravished
Repulsed Awestruck
Zealous Apathetic
Despondent Astounded

After winning the marathon, I felt exhilarated, like I was on top of the world.

When she saw the final exam questions, she was aghast, unable to believe how challenging they were.

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

13 Oct, 08:56

☘️ Bar chart

Q: The bar charts compare students of different ages in terms of why they are studying and whether they are supported by an employer.

💡 Answer:

It is clear that the proportion of students who study for career purposes is far higher among the younger age groups, while the oldest students are more likely to study for interest. Employer support is more commonly given to younger students.

Around 80% of students aged under 26 study to further their careers, whereas only 10% study purely out of interest. The gap between these two proportions narrows as students get older, and the figures for those in their forties are the same, at about 40%. Students aged over 49 overwhelmingly study for interest (70%) rather than for professional reasons (less than 20%).

Just over 60% of students aged under 26 are supported by their employers. By contrast, the 30-39 age group is the most self-sufficient, with only 30% being given time off and help with fees. The figures rise slightly for students in their forties and for those aged 50 or more.

✍️ Total words: 178

📍Band: ♻️

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

30 Aug, 13:59

Vocabulary Booster 🚀 | Collocations

TACKLE issue

ADDRESS poverty


ENHANCE confidence

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

20 Jul, 15:55

Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspaper will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?

The Internet is beginning to rival newspapers as the best place to find information about what is happening in the world. I believe that this trend will continue, and the Internet will soon be just as important as the traditional ones.

On the one hand, I believe that newspapers will continue to be a vital source of information, even in the Internet age. Firstly, newspapers are the most traditional means of communicating the news, and not everyone wants to or is able to use the Internet instead. For example, old people or those in rural areas might not have the ability of opportunity to get online, while many of us simply prefer newspapers even if we do have Internet access. Secondly, newspapers can be trusted as reliable sources of news because they employ professional journalists and editors. Finally, many people like the experience of holding and reading a paper rather than looking at a computer screen.

However, the Internet is likely to become just as popular as newspapers for a variety of reasons. The main reason is that it allows us much faster access to news in real time and wherever we are, on different gadgets and mobile devices. Another key benefit of online news compared to newspapers is the ability to share articles, discuss them with other people, give our views, and even contribute with our own updates on social media. For example, there has been an explosion in the use of platforms like Twitter and YouTube where anyone can share their news and views. A final point is that this source of news is less damaging to the environment.

In conclusion, I disagree with the view that newspapers will continue to be the main source of news, because I believe that the Internet will soon be equally important.

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

13 Jul, 15:26

📝 IELTS Essay Vocabulary

👀Выражение своего мнения:

▪️In my opinion, ...
▪️Personally, I think that ....
▪️It seems to me that ...
▪️I must admit that ...
▪️I believe/suppose that ....
▪️I cannot deny that ...
▪️As I see it, ...
▪️As far as I am concerned, ...
▪️I would argue that ...
▪️I would like to point out that ...
▪️In my experience, ...

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

22 Jun, 07:34

📌Полезный словарь синонимов

Huge = colossal, mammoth, tremendous
Magnificent = grand, impressive, majestic
Pleasant = agreeable, enjoyable, satisfying
Thrilling = exhilarating, exciting
Skilled = competent, proficient, talented
Earn = gain, acquire, procure
Amazing = astonishing, astounding
Polite = courteous, respectful, gracious
Small = diminutive, minuscule, petite
Announce = declare, proclaim, broadcast
Talked = conversed, discussed
Acquire = obtain, gain, attain
Friendly = amiable, cordial, genial
Stated = affirmed, declared, asserted
Tiny = minuscule, microscopic, small
Terribly = dreadfully, extremely, horribly
Worry = anxiety, concern, apprehension
Chubby = plump, rotund, overweight
Assist = aid, support, help
Restrict = confine, limit, restrain
Disagreement = conflict, discord

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

17 Jun, 12:00

💡Синонимы для слова «Happy»

😊 Content
🌞 Joyful
😃 Delighted
😁 Ecstatic
🥰 Blissful
😍 Overjoyed
😄 Elated
😆 Thrilled
🤩 Exhilarated
🎉 Celebratory
👏 Gratified
🤗 Pleased
😎 Satisfied
🙌 Enchanted
💃 Jubilant

Сохраняй себе и отправляй друзьям

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

16 Jun, 15:37

Collocations Band 7+ 🎰

🧩Take + action

🧩Give + advice

🧩Make + a choice
a decision
a difference
an effort
an attempt

Ставь 👍 если нужно больше таких подборок

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

08 Apr, 09:29

🟥10 самых распространенных трудностей в произношении для русскоговорящих

Недавно наткнулся на очень интересное видео про типичные ошибки россиян в произношение. Выписал основные тезисы 👇

Сложность 1
Неправильное произношение /æ/ - cat, hat, bad, happy. Мы склонны заменять его русским /э/. Bad -> bed  Рекомендация: чуть шире открывать рот при его произнесении.

Сложность 2
Неправильное ударение, особенно в многосложных словах. Например, вместо en-gi-NEER произносится EN-gi-neer, вместо ca-TAS-trophe – ca-tas-TROphe. Рекомендация: проверять ударение по словарям и учитывать, что слова могут иметь два ударения. Основное ударение помечается значком вверху перед ударным слогом /kəˈtæs.trə.fi/.

Сложность 3
Дифтонг /oʊ/ как в go, show заменяется русским /о/. Only превращается в «онли» вместо /ˈoʊn.li/, don’t в «донт» вместо /doʊnt/, won’t в «вонт» вместо  /woʊnt/.

Сложность 4
Путаница с /w/ и /v/ (very well). При произношении /w/ верхняя и нижняя губы не должны соприкасаться, а губы округляются как будто для поцелуя. Для звука /v/ – нижняя губа как бы попадает под верхние зубы (west – vest, vet – wet).

Сложность 5
Замена звука /h/ русским /х/ (хлеб). Английский h скорее как выдох, более расслабленный и легкий - hope, hi, head.

Сложность 6
Неправильное произношение звука /l/. В русском есть два «л» - твердый /л/ как в ласка, лыжник и мягкий /л/ - лень, люди. В английском также два типа /l/. В конце слова, аналог нашего твердого /л/ - feel, milk, в середине и начале слова он слегка смягчается, не превращаясь в мягкий «л». Для его произношения нужно коснуться кончиком языка нёба– listen, light, brilliant.

Сложность 7
Замена долгого /i:/ коротким /i/ из чего меняется смысл слова. Sheep-ship, seat-sit, least-list, leave-live.

Сложность 8
Путаница с произношением /u/как в pool, food и /ʊ/ как в pull, foot. Первый звук более напряженный и долгий, второй это скорее расслабленное «у» близкое к /o/ (Luke-look). При этом look, book, cook – это не «лук», «бук» и «кук»!

Сложность 9
Подмена английского /r/ (ur) русским «р» (ребус, арбуз). Язык должен быть выгнут и только краями касаться зубов с легкой вибрацией – right, hear, car, where.

Сложность 10
Отсутствие /th/ в русском языке. Отсюда получается sink вместо think, tanks вместо thanks. Чтобы его произнести, нужно слегка высунуть кончик языка из-за зубов и выпустить немного воздуха – three, this, thick) .
NB! Все сказанное в первую очередь относится к американскому английскому.


🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

02 Apr, 07:01


The maps illustrate how an island developed as a tourist destination.

Taken as a whole, the island underwent a number of major changes, with the most significant one being the construction of accommodation in the western and central parts, while the east was left in its natural state.

Prior to development, the island was entirely unpopulated. In terms of its natural features, there was a beach on the west coast, to the left-hand side of which a few trees stood. On the eastern side of the island, similarly, some vegetation could be found, and it has been largely retained as part of the development program, though some building work has taken place.

Following construction, however, the island has changed conspicuously. Even though it is now developed, the style of buildings is generally sympathetic to the natural environment, with relatively simple, one-storey accommodation, and only two larger, two-storey buildings. When it comes to the main structures, a reception building and a restaurant just north of it have been erected in the central and northern parts, respectively. Visitors can stay in hut-style accommodation, which can be seen on either side of the reception. In terms of access, tracks have been established for vehicles, while footpaths serve as a means of linking the accommodation to the swimming beach and other facilities. the island has also been easily accessible with the addition of a pier on the south coast.


🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

01 Apr, 09:02

💡Полезный vocabulary для вашего эссе

💭 the rule of law - laws, rules, and regulations
💭 descend into anarchy - no law
💭 I am in agreement - I agree
💭 idealistic - hopeful
💭 revisionist views - opinions based on what happened already
💭 human nature - the way people are
💭 take into account - consider
💭 full pre-history of humanity - past of humans before it was recorded
💭 hopeful view - optimistic ideas
💭 mankind - humanity
💭 progression - advancements
💭 compassion and tolerance - caring
necessarily violent must be cruel
💭 prone - likely to
💭 tremendous advances - lots of progress
💭 ranging from - including
💭 civil rights - political rights within a society
💭 voting - choosing your government officials
💭 more inclusive social policies - laws including more types of people
💭 removed or reduced - gotten rid of or cut down on
💭 governing - controlling
💭 behave responsibly - act well
💭 renewed understanding - new conception of
💭 claims - arguments
💭 bolstered - supported
💭 existence - appearance
💭 certain small communities in isolation - small, untouched societies
💭 relatively little - comparably small
💭 modern values - contemporary views
💭 product - result
💭 refinement - getting better
💭 reinforcement - make stronger
💭 enforced - made to work
💭 brutal penalties - cruel repercussions
💭 reformed - changes
💭 imprisonment - put in prison
💭 fines - have to pay money
💭 harsher penalties - more severe punishments
💭 distant past - a long time ago
💭 outdated - no longer relevant
💭 deter potential criminals - stop people from committing crimes
💭 despite - regardless of
💭 forensic science - crime scene science
💭 nearly ubiquitous surveillance cameras - cameras all around
💭 it takes little imagination - to easy to imagine
💭 lean towards breaking the rules - inclined to not follow rules
💭 absence - lack of
💭 altogether - totally
💭 crucial barriers - important restrictions
💭 excesses - going too far
💭 wished away - made to disappear
💭 good conscience - not feeling bad about
💭 imply - means
💭 unnecessarily - strict too mean


🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

22 Mar, 07:55

🌍Goal – варианты использования

Goal - то, что ты хочешь достигнуть в будущем. Синоним – aim

somebody’s main/primary goal 
My main goal was to get the team to the finals.

somebody’s ultimate goal (=what they eventually and most importantly hope to achieve) 
The ultimate goal is a freer, more democratic society.

an immediate goal (=that you need to achieve very soon) 
Our immediate goal is to cut costs.

a long-term goal
(=that you hope to achieve after a long time)

a short-term goal (=that you hope to achieve after a short time)

somebody’s personal goal

A common goal (=an aim shared by more than one person or organization)

a realistic/achievable goal

an ambitious goal 
(=an aim that will be difficult to achieve)

have a goal 
She had one goal in life: to accumulate a huge fortune.

work towards a goal
We are all working towards similar goals.

achieve/attain/reach your goal 
They’re hoping to reach their goal of raising £10,000 for charity.

set (yourself/somebody) a goal
 (=decide what you or someone else should try to achieve)

Ставь 🔥 если нужно больше таких разборов


🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

09 Mar, 16:16


Be chuffed to bits 😍
- to be pleased and happy.

Example: Hey, thanks for the present! I'm chuffed to bits.

Feeling under the weather
- to be ill or unable to do regular activities.

Example: I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I think I'm getting a cold.

Sit on the fence 🚧
- to stay neutral and not take sides.

Example: either you agree or you disagree - Don't sit on the fence.

Be tickled pink🤩
- to be excited and happy.

Example: She was pink by all the compliments she'd received.

No-brainer 👌🏾
- an easy decision.

Example: Taking that job over the one I had was a no-brainer.

A stone's throw 🤏🏽
- very near

Example: The apartment is just a stone's throw from the sea.


🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

08 Mar, 15:00

“Ты должен быть гением с миллионами на счету, чтобы поступить за границу”

Этот миф останавливает многих от учебы за рубежом

На деле, поступить за границу может каждый, независимо от финансов и оценок

Узнай как, на БЕСПЛАТНОМ МАРАФОНЕ «New Beginning», который пройдет 9-11 марта

Ты получишь:
📋План поступления в престижные иностранные ВУЗы на 2023/24 год
📋Руководство по созданию сильного пакета документов
📋Стратегию, которая поможет прокачать свою кандидатуру, чтобы тебя желали принять топовые ВУЗы США, Канады, Европы и Азии


👩‍🏫Марафон проведут:

Ольга Пистина - выпускница National University of Singapore (топ-10 мира), с помощью которой 250+ ребят поступили за границу, получив $2,7 млн стипендий

Татьяна Я Еду - бывший член приемных комиссий топ-ВУЗов Европы. Она помогла в создании тысяч успешных мотивационных писем. Её клиенты учатся в топ-100 ВУЗах мира

Регистрируйся и получай словарь поступающего за границу, где собрана вся актуальная лексика🎁


🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

08 Mar, 12:10


🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

01 Mar, 16:10


1️⃣Indoor activities: medidating, solving puzzles, reading books, listening to music, cooking, watching TV, playing electronic games.

2️⃣Outdoor activities: hanging out with friends, socialising, doing sports, swimming, scuba diving, skiing, jogging, playing football, gardening, travelling, going shopping, hiking, camping.

3️⃣Creative hobbies: playing a musical instrument, painting, knitting, taking photos, learning languages.

4️⃣Collecting pastimes: coins, stamps, NFTs.

💥I am passionate about swimming, as well as scuba diving.
💥I am really into reading books, especially phylosophical ones.
💥I am fond of travelling, particularly in exotic destinations.

📌Every once in a while, I watch action and science fiction movies.
📌Every now and then, I write poems.
📌I play football as often as I can.
📌I don’t catch up with my friends as much as I would like.
📌I go swimming whenever I get a chance.

🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

27 Feb, 09:56


1️⃣Life is beautiful, despite some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles.

2️⃣In spite of some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles, life is beautiful.

3️⃣Life is beautiful, regardless of some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles.

4️⃣Irrespective of some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles, life is beautiful.

5️⃣Notwithstanding some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles, life is beautiful.

6️⃣Some frequent challenges and formidable obstacles notwithstanding, life is beautiful.


🇬🇧IELTS With Emil – Advanced English🇬🇧

25 Feb, 09:06

Хватит использовать "Nowadays" в своей речи

Вот топ-7 вариантов, как его можно заменить

1. Currently ( B2)
2. Presently ( C1)
3. Today ( B2)
4. At present ( B1)
5. In this day and edge ( idiom)
6. In the current climate ( formal phrase)
7. In the moder era






