IELTS Centre @ielts_centre Channel on Telegram

IELTS Centre


IELTS imtihoniga oid kerakli materiallar, foydali maslahatlar va yangiliklar berib boriladi.
Aloqa uchun: @ieltsuz_bot


Reklama xizmati:️

IELTS Centre (Uzbek)

🏢 "IELTS CENTRE"nIELTS imtihoniga oid kerakli materiallar, foydali maslahatlar va yangiliklar berib boriladi. Bu kanal IELTS imtihonasini o'rganayotganlar uchun yaratilgan va ularning muvaffaqiyatini oshirish maqsadida faoliyat yuritadi. Kanalda #Speaking_Lesson, #Listening_Lesson, #Reading_Lesson, #Writing_Lesson mavzulariga oid darslar, materiallar va maslahatlar mavjud.

Kanalga aloqa uchun @ieltsuz_bot ga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin. Bu bot yordamida siz IELTS imtihoniga qulay va samarali tayyorgarlik qilishingizga yordam beradi.

Reklama xizmati uchun havola orqali bog'lanishingiz mumkin. Kanalimizni do'stlaringiz bilan ulashib, ularni ham IELTS imtihoniga yaratilgan foydali materiallar bilan ta'minlashingga yordam bering. IELTS imtihoniga tayyorlikda yordam hisoblanadigan "IELTS CENTRE" kanali - sizning muvaffaqiyatingizga yo'l ochadigan do'stlaringizdan biri bo'lishni unutmang!

IELTS Centre

31 Oct, 05:21

Can you name the countries these companies are from?🔔 They are here.

Nike = US

Sony = Japan

Coca Cola = US

Levi's = US

Versace = Italy

Gucci = Italy

Adidas = UK

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELTS Centre

30 Oct, 10:22

🎵 Ingliz tilini qo'shiqlar orqali o'rganing
🎤Endi bir vaqtda qo'shiq matnini (lyrics) o'qishingiz va audio/video shaklda tinglashingiz mumkin!

IELTS Centre

30 Oct, 06:06

🔻Basic 🔻 Advance

♦️Tired exhausted

♦️Nervous apprehensive

♦️Friendly amiable

♦️Shy timid

♦️Crowded bustling

♦️Noisy deafening

♦️Lovely gracious

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELTS Centre

29 Oct, 10:31

📣 Tinglamasangiz bo‘lmaydi

🎚️ Shakar — ommaviy narkotik

🎚️ Erkaklik inqirozi — Zamonaviy erkaklar kuchsizligi

🎚️ Shaxsiy hikoyam: Hayotimni o'zgartirgan kasb

🎚️ Maqsad izlaganlar: Shaxsiy masʼuliyat kuchi

🎚️ Raqamli Qullar. Nosog'lom jamiyat.

🎚️ Miya qanday ishlaydi?

IELTS Centre

29 Oct, 06:44

🔻Useful 🔻

▶️make use of something —

to use something that is available:

example: We might as well make use of the hotel's facilities.

▶️ the use of something —

permission to use something, or the ability to use something:

example: 1.They said we could have the use of their beach house whenever they weren't there.
2.She hurt her arm in the fall and lost the use of her fingers temporarily.

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELTS Centre

29 Oct, 05:43

〽️Common mistakes〽️

📌 "I did my homework ", NOT "I made my homework" .

📌 We say have a job, NOT have a work .

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELTS Centre

29 Oct, 05:43

〽️ Common mistakes 〽️

🔹Remember, the collocation is do business, NOT make business :

example: We're diong a lot of business in Asia these day.
Biz bugun Osiyoda juda ko'p biznes bilan shug'ullanmoqdamiz.

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELTS Centre

28 Oct, 10:07

📚 Siz izlagan (audio) kitoblar:

📚 Qaytganimda uyda bo‘l

❗️ MEN: Bas qil, ey nafs!

❗️ SIR: Oshiqlar o‘lmas

❗️ LOL: Har shaharning o‘z egasi bor...

💯 Muvaffaqiyatga erishishning 200 ta siri

💕 Sevgi san'ati

💕 Magnit ayol yoxud erkaklarni esdan og'dirish san'ati

⭐️ "Zulmat ostonasidagi muhabbat"

➡️ "Yolg‘izlikning yuz yili"

IELTS Centre

28 Oct, 08:23


♦️1.Greatnoteworthy, worthy, remarkable, considerable, powerful.

♦️2. Happypleased, contented, satisfied, delighted, joyful.

♦️3. Hate — despise, loathe, disfavor, dislike, disapprove

♦️4. Have hold, possess, own, contain, gain.

♦️5. Help aid, assist, support, encourage, serve.

♦️6. Hurt — damage, harm, injure, wound, distress.

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELTS Centre

28 Oct, 06:59

📣📣📣Ingliz tilini ONLINE o'rganish istagida bo'lganlar uchun ERTALABGI( SOAT 09:00) VA KECHKI(SOAT 21:00)  kurslarimizga yaqinda start beriladi....
Darslar ASOSAN
ingliz tilini 0 Dan boshlamoqchilar yoki
ELEMENTARY darajada bo'lganlar uchun
Online darslar haftada 4 kun telegram yopiq guruhda 1,5 -2 soat vaqt davomida  JONLI tarzda olib boriladi.Bundan tashqari o'tilgan har Bir dars bo'yicha tayyor VIDEODARSLAR , mavzu o'zlashtirish uchun materiallar va albatta  vazifalar berib boriladi.
✳️Kurs davomida :
Bir vaqtning o'zida olib boriladi(har Bir o'quvchi bilan alohida alohida ishlanadi)

💳 Kurs to'lovi oyiga 150 ming so'm

🗓 Darslar 1- noyabrda boshlanadi(bemalol Bir nechta darsda qatnashib keyin to'lov qilsangiz bo'ladi)
📌 O'quv dasturi IELTS bali 7.5 va DARS o'tish bo'yicha ko'p yillik tajribaga EGA ustoz Zuhro Ravshanova👩‍💻 tomonidan tayyorlangan.

‼️ Vaqtni boy bermang biz bilan ingliz tilida o'z natijangizga erishing.
Murojaat uchun: @Teacher_Ravshanova

IELTS Centre

28 Oct, 05:30

Words instead of VERY

Very calm = Serene

Very ugly = Hideous

Very small = Petite

Very funny = Hilarious

Very quiet = Hushed

Very rich = Wealthy

Very exprensive = Costly

Very dirty = Filthy

Very tall = Towering

Very easy = Effortless

Very wet = Soaked

Very slow = Sluggish

Very good = Excellent

Very stupid = Idiotic

Very careful = Cautious

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELTS Centre

26 Oct, 16:33

📚 Milliardlarni lol qilgan kitoblar

📚 Bir nafasda oʻqiladigan TOP-7 ta kitob

📚 Dunyo bo'yicha eng sevib o'qiladigan asarlar TOP-15

📚 «XX asrning eng yaxshi 100 ta kitobi»

📚 Ekranga olib chiqilgan eng yaxshi badiiy asarlar o‘ntaligi 

📚 Mustaqil o‘qish uchun tavsiya etilgan badiiy asarlar (40 ta)

IELTS Centre

26 Oct, 05:30

💖 IELTS insho yozishga FIKR TOPISH usullari

💖 @ielts_centre

IELTS Centre

25 Oct, 05:12

🎯🎯🎯Remember to use perfect tenses with the expression " by the time..."

🔖Future Perfect

By the time I finish university, I will have had enough of studying.

🔖 Past Perfect

By the time I finished university, I had had enough of studying.

🔖 Future Perfect

By the end of
2022 , I will have passed my IELTS test

🏢 @ielts_centre!

IELTS Centre

24 Oct, 16:38

💢 Synonyms 💢

Place — space, area, spot, region, location.

Put — place, set, attach, establish, assign.

Right — correct, accurate, true, proper, suitable.

Say/Tell — inform, notify, narrate, converse, suppose.

Scared — afraid, alarmed, terrified, frightened, horrified.

Take — hold, catch, seize, grasp, acquire.

Think — judge, deem, assume, believe, consider.

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELTS Centre

24 Oct, 10:16

➡️ Ingliz tilini o‘rganishda film izlayotganlar uchun ideal taklif

IELTS Centre

24 Oct, 05:15

Replace these overused words in your English!

♻️LIKE - admire, adore, cherish, fancy

♻️ IMPORTANT - significant, vital, critical, imperative, essential

♻️ NEW - updated, modern

♻️ AND - moreover, in addition to

♻️ EXPLAIN - clarify, elaborate

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELTS Centre

23 Oct, 10:16

📌 You are ON a

bus 🚌

plane ✈️

train 🚞

ship 🛳

. .

📌 You are IN a

car 🚘

taxi 🚕

truck 🚛

🏢 @ielts_centre