Halwot Worship Ministry Channel @halwot Channel on Telegram

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel


Halwot Worship Ministry Channel (English)

Welcome to the Halwot Worship Ministry Channel! If you are looking for a place to connect with others who share your passion for worship and praise, then look no further. Halwot is a community of believers who come together to celebrate the power of worship and spread the message of faith through music and prayer. Our channel serves as a platform for sharing inspirational songs, uplifting messages, and information about upcoming events and gatherings. Whether you are a seasoned worship leader or someone who simply enjoys singing along to your favorite worship songs, you are sure to find a welcoming and supportive community here at Halwot. Join us today and be a part of a community that is dedicated to spreading the love of God through worship!

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

03 Jan, 21:26

Merry Ethiopian Christmas to you all!


Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

27 Dec, 21:04


I encourage you to listen to my testimony as to how I wrote this song!

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

24 Oct, 08:08

It will be available tonight at 9pm (ማታ 3 ሰአት)! Together, let’s go deeper in worship at the same time!

Click the Notify me button on YouTube and you will be reminded when it is premiered!

#Halwot Worship Ministry


Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

18 Oct, 06:57

Spontaneous Worship, Coming soon!

ይህንን መዝሙር የፃፍነው በሳምንታዊው የፀሎት ጊዜአችን ላይ ነበር:: እግዚአብሔር - "እንድንፀልይ ብቻ ሳይሆን በፀሎታችን ውስጥ እንድንፈልገው፣ እንድንዘምር ብቻ ሳይሆን በመዝሙራችን ውስጥ እንድንፈልገው፣ እንድንኖር ብቻ ሳይሆን በኑሮአችን ውስጥ እንድንፈልገው ይፈልጋል!" ይህ መልዕክት ሲመጣ ሁላችንም በየተራ በዚያው ሰአት በመንፈስ መነዳት በህብረት የፃፍነው ዝማሬ ነው!
ከልባችሁ ፊቱን ለምትፈልጉ ሁሉ ይህ ዝማሬ በመገኘቱ ውስጥ እንድትገቡና በፍፁም ልብ ለሚፈልጉት ሁሉ የሚገኘው ጌታ ያላችሁበትን ቦታ በሀልዎቱ እንዲያጥለቀልቀው ፀሎታችን ነው!

YouTube link : https://youtube.com/@endalkachewhawaz?si=E7TcIW-dTqq5HqXm

#halwot worship ministries

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

05 Sep, 17:21


Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

29 Aug, 10:44

Crickets worshiping God without any instrument or any added effect.

ሉቃ19: 39-40 መልሶም፡— እላችኋለሁ፥ እነዚህ ዝም ቢሉ ድንጋዮች ይጮኻሉ፡ አላቸው። ከሕዝብም መካከል ከፈሪሳውያን አንዳንዱ፡— መምህር ሆይ፥ ደቀ መዛሙርትህን ገሥጻቸው፡ አሉት።

Credit to Loza Mesfin who inboxed me 🙏


Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

10 Jul, 15:39

Join Halwot Worship Ministry YouTube Channel if you haven’t joined yet! You can listen to my previous albums FREELY.

Go to “Releases” and you will find the audio songs!

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

06 Jul, 14:03

ቃሉን እናጥና! ይህንን ብላቴና ምእራፎችን ሙሉ በቃሉ ሲያነብ ተመልከቱ!


Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

28 Jun, 05:13

Endalkachew Hawaz, [Jun 28, 2024 at 1:04 AM]
የ2016 የክረምት የሙዚቃ ትምህርት የፊታችን ሰኞ ሳምንት ሀምሌ 1 ይጀምራል! ልጆቻችሁን ማስተማር የምትፈልጉ ከዚህ በታች ባለው ሊንክ የቴሌግራም ግሩፑን ይቀላቀሉ! ልጆች ላሏቸው ቤተሰቦችም ይህን መልክት ያጋሩ!

መዝሙርን በመጠቀም 10 የመፅሀፍ ቅዱስ ዋና ዋና ጥቅሶችን በቃላቸው እናስጠናቸዋለን!


Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

28 Jun, 05:11

Efeligihalew እፈለግሀለው//Dr Bereket Bekele ft Meklit Kassahun New Song. @dr...

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

07 Jun, 23:44

ከ19 አመት በፊት በምስጋናና በአምልኮ መሀል ያለውን ልዩነት በአጭሩ ያካፈልኩት!


Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

04 Jun, 11:02

Vacancies for the 2024/2025 academic year at RICE SCHOOL!

Anyone interested, you can apply!

1. History Teach for Year 10 & 12 (Grade 9 & 11) (Cambridge curriculum)
2. Global Perspectives / Social Studies Teacher for Year 8 & 9 (Grade 7 & 8)
3. Librarian
4. IT Teacher for Year 10 & 12 (Grade 9 & 11) (Cambridge curriculum) & STEM Co-ordinator
5. Business / Economics Teacher Year 12 & 13 (Grade 11 & 12) (Cambridge & National curriculum)
6. School Nurse
If you know anyone who you think would be suitable to join the excellent team of teachers at RICE, then please ask them to send their current CV and a covering letter to [email protected]
Their CV should include:
• Their qualifications
• Their employment history including the grades and subjects taught at each employer
The covering letter should include:
• What Grade/Subjects they want to be considered for
• Why they want to work for RICE
More details can be found at our website www.riceethiopia.com

Thank you

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

31 May, 22:37

Click the link to join the group for more info which will be posted soon.


Share with parents with kids.

REMEMBER - MUSIC INCREASES IQ BY SEVEN FOLDS and the best time to learn is while your kids are between 8-20.

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

31 May, 12:12

It is now released!


Glory realm song

ሁሉን አግኝቼ
አንተን ከማጣ
ሁሉም ነገር ኖሮኝ
ክብርህ ከሚጎልብኝ
ሁሉን አጥቼ
አንተን ብቻ ባገኝ
ይሄ ትርፌ ነው
ለኔ ክብሬ ይህ ነው ኦ

የልቤ አምላክ ሆይ
ደስታዬ ነህ
እረፍቴ ነህ
ካንተ ውጪ ምን
ምን ህይወት አለ?
ካንተ ወዲያ ምን
ምንስ ክብር አለ?

ረቤ ያልኩትን
ወዲያ እየጣልኩኝ
በፍፁምም ልቤ
አንተን እየፈለኩኝ
የአለምን ነገር
ትቼ ሮጣለሁ
ላገኝ ያንተን ክብር

ህልውናህ መገኘትህ ሀልዎትህ
ለኔ ክብሬ ይህ ነው

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

31 May, 12:12

Share with friends if you are blessed

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

24 May, 21:10


Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

10 May, 10:07

Final Reminder of Halwot Deeper Worship: ዛሬ ማታ ከ12 ጅምሮ የትም ቦታ ከመሆን ወደሚበልጠው ወደ እግዚ/ር ህልውና ጋበዝኳችሁ! ኑ! ሁሉንም ነገር አሽንፋችሁ በመገኘቱ ውስጥ ራሳችሁን አግኙ!

PS : ቦታው አዲስ ስለሆነ ቀድማችሁ ለመገኘት ቀድማችሁ ካላችሁበት ተነሱ! አዲሱ አድራሻ በፊት በተላከው ቴክስት ውስጥ አለ!
Come with your friends

Halwot Worship Ministry Channel

05 May, 08:31

It’s now released!

ኢየሱስ የሞተበትና ሞትን ድል አድርጎ የተነሳበት ዋነኛው ምክንያት ወደ አብ በእምነትና በድፍረት እንድንገባ፣ ገብተንም በአምልኮ በአምላክ ህልውና ውስጥ መሆን እንዲሆንልን ነው!

"በእርሱ (በኢየሱስ) ስራ ሁላችን በአንድ መንፈስ ወደአብ መግባት አለንና" ኤፌ2:18

መልካም ፋሲካ!
