GranskogsFolket @granskogsfolket Channel on Telegram



🌲 Outdoors
🔺 Folklore
🐺 Survivalism

GranskogsFolket (Swedish)

Välkommen till GranskogsFolket! Denna kanal är dedikerad till alla naturelskare, äventyrare och folklore-entusiaster där ute. Här kan du hitta information om friluftsliv, berättelser om folkloristik och tips om överlevnadskunskap. Följ med oss på spännande resor genom skogar och vildmark, och lär dig mer om naturens mysterier. GranskogsFolket är en plattform för alla som älskar att utforska och uppskatta den vackra naturen som omger oss. Följ oss även på Instagram för mer inspirerande bilder och berättelser. Gör dig redo att dyka in i en värld av äventyr och kunskap med GranskogsFolket!


28 Dec, 22:41



08 Nov, 15:18

Acquirer land
Start a gang


16 Feb, 11:09

Back on the path!

Join your local tribe & return to nature🌲


20 Jan, 20:12

Granskogsfolket on a recent hike!

As usuall we had a good time while we also got the chance of trying some new gear in -30 conditions🥶




28 Oct, 12:32

Alla uppgifter om att motståndet skall ha upphört är falska🌲


24 May, 10:16

Pictures from our last hike “Vitterstigen”
Wandering trough dense forests and mountains the group was later rewarded with an magnificent view and beautiful sunrise the upcoming day☀️

Longer video and more content will be posted later🌲

Thanks once again to al our supporters, changes is seen at the horizon, true brotherhood is forming.

Build your tribe!🦅


03 May, 16:07

Upgraded Bug out Bag lists, in both Swedish and English, perfect for our upcoming hike “Vitterstigen”


30 Apr, 19:28

Today we celebrate Valborg, an old Scandinavian pagan tradition, which can be traced back to the Segerblot (Sígrblót). Which was the third blot Oden had whilst making laws on Svitjod, and that marks the spot for the beginning of summer.

Since the 15th century, the day has been celebrated in memory of the “German saint St. Walpurgis.” Valborg was canonized on May 1 (which was then celebrated as Walborg Fair, Walpurgistag), and through this circumstance her name was associated with the pre-Christian Germanic spring festivals held on this day, which were branded by Christianity as witches' assemblies.

Today Valborg is a celebration of spring and light from the warming and bright sun. Valborg is still celebrated with a large bonfire and it’s common for both children and adults to dance around it. In a more modern sense, Valborg is also celebrated with lots of alcohol, which we don’t recommend consuming. Happy Valborg!🔥🌲


04 Apr, 16:39

Video from our recent hike🌲
The atmosphere this day was magnificent!



03 Apr, 19:29

Som utlovat!🌲🇸🇪
Granskogsfolket bjuder in DIG på vildmarksvandringen ”Vitterstigen”
Vi kommer att vandra genom mörk granskog och bestiga blåa berg.
För anmälan eller mer info kontakta oss på [email protected]


03 Apr, 11:09

Granskogsfolket on a recent hike!

As usuall we had a good time while we also got the chance of trying some new gear.

Video coming soon!




20 Mar, 11:45

Check out our friends at Gym XIV🇸🇪
Posting aesthetic content and promoting a healthier lifestyle, but more importantly a space where violence, culture and youth meets. A gym and school for every activist!


16 Feb, 19:01

We would like to recommend to you a list of interesting channels dedicated to Tradition, northern mythology, history and aesthetics and beauty of European folks.

@ODAL24 - The project is dedicated to the heritage of ancestors, history of Indo-European peoples, Pagan traditions, anthropology, aesthetics of Northern phenotypes and European landscapes. [Russian language].

@ODAL_STORE - Store of the ODAL project, where you can buy goods of excellent quality.

@THETRUENORTHERNER - Northern Aesthetics and Heathen Tradition of Europeans. Project by Odal ( [English, Deutsch and Russian languages].

@WESTERN_GLORY - European Tribal Identities, History, Beauty, Music, Excellence.

@ARYANPAGANISM - A place of Aryan enlightment.

@WAINOLA - The abode of Wäinämöinen • Finnic & Finno-Ugric religion, mythology, folklore, culture, and history (with emphasis on Finland & Karelia) — and occasionally other things • No conspiracy nonsense.

@DASVOLKDESNORDENS - This channel is dedicated to the culture, religion, environment, history and politics of the Teutonic people and other peoples of the Northern European race. This channel promotes peace and a cultural rebirth of our indigenous tendencies.

@NATIVESCANDINAVIA - Indigenous Scandinavian posts of Scandinavian traditions, family, nature, history and old faith 🌲

@TRIBALEUROPA - European History, Folklore & Linguistics.

@ZONNEVLAM - Channel exploring Germanic religion in the Low Countries. [Dutch language]

@FOLKISHFRANCE - Folkish, historic & mythological info related to France.

@GRANSKOGSFOLKET - We are an outdoor based project aiming to inspire other for a “return to nature” We cover topics such as survivalism, folklore, and outdoor aesthetics. We also invite people to participate in our hiking events, we’re we focus on survival skills, but also socializing with likeminded people🙏🌞

@SPBchannel - Channel dedicated to spreading awareness of survival techniques, bushcraft, hunting, camping, fishing, gardening, cooking, simple living, etc.


06 Jan, 12:01

Video from the midwinterblot with “Gyllenborstessamfund”



31 Dec, 17:19

Granskogsfolket would like to thank everyone that supported us this year.

We founded this project just 6 months ago in the beginning of summer 2022.

Since then, we have managed to arrange outdoor activities, release survivalism guides and inspire many people.

Granskogsfolket and our community is expanding!

New in 2023 is that we will have open outdoor events that YOU can participate in!

If interested in joining Granskogsfolket on a hike or wanting us to visit YOUR local area send us a DM on Instagram or mail us at [email protected] 🌲