Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•― @nvdevrilcvlt Channel on Telegram

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―


By bathing in light and darkness, we embrace our natural form

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•― (English)

Welcome to Nvde Vril Cvlt, a unique Telegram channel where we explore the balance between light and darkness. Our community believes in embracing our natural form by connecting with both aspects of our existence. Through discussions, artwork, poetry, and shared experiences, we seek to understand the duality within ourselves and the world around us. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and enlightenment as we delve into the mysteries of the universe. Whether you are a seasoned philosopher or just starting your spiritual quest, Nvde Vril Cvlt welcomes you with open arms. Let's illuminate the path together and embrace the beauty of both light and darkness in our lives. Join us today and unlock the hidden truths that lie within.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

02 Jan, 23:35

"One must need to be strongβ€”otherwise one will never become strong."
β€” Nietzsche

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

02 Jan, 18:07

I wear the hammer of the red god.

The blood, the swastika, the weapon I wield to destroy my obstacles; the tool I use to build my life.

Body as hammer.
Mind as hammer.
Heart as hammer.

I am the red thunder and the red blood of my people. I will not fail my ancestors – I will not fail my father, my mother, my sisters and my brothers.

I will not fail my sons or daughters.

I will not give in to base weakness. My life is under will. That will is a hammer.

I live my life under Red Thor’s hammer.

I hold that standard high.

I am that hammer.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

02 Jan, 09:51

"Spartan law demanded that the young men stand naked in public for inspection every ten days.
They were commended if their bodies were solid, strong, and well honed by exercise. But if any were soft or had gained fat through sluggishness, they were beaten."
β€” Aelian, History

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

02 Jan, 00:24

Remember always, the Immortals come to assistance to those who offer sweat and blood at the altar of eternal struggle.

In this age of turmoil and decay,  may you find the strength to answer destiny's call with a resounding yes made manifest not in words but in decisive action.

Step forward from the fog, leave behind the sub-human herds and forge yourself into something of worth.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

01 Jan, 18:08

"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."

- Marcus Aurelius

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

01 Jan, 15:29


Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

01 Jan, 15:11

β€œThrough discipline comes freedom.”
β€” Aristotle

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

01 Jan, 14:40

Say Yes to Life.
No matter how Tragic or Beautiful it may be.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

01 Jan, 14:37

"Nietzsche was right. The world belongs to the strong. To the strong who are noble as well and who do not wallow in the swine-trough of trade and exchange. The world belongs to the true nobleman, to the great blond beasts, to the non-compromisers, to the yes-sayers."
β€” Jack London

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

01 Jan, 04:39

Chase after money and security
And your heart will never unclench.
Care about people's approval
And you will be their prisoner.
Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity.

Lao Tzu

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

31 Dec, 21:53

Herald absolutely on fire lately.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

31 Dec, 21:52

β€œThat new party of life which would take up the greatest of all tasks, the higher breeding of mankind, including the pitiless extermination of everything degenerate and parasitic..."
β€” Friedrich

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

31 Dec, 21:52

"As each day arises, welcome it as the very best day of all, and make it your own possession. We must seize what flees."
β€” Seneca

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

31 Dec, 21:51

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved."
β€” George McDonald

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

29 Dec, 10:09

As long as we have a youth that stands for all that is strong and manly our future is assured.

~ Ernst JΓΌnger

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

28 Dec, 23:26

...fought Indians, befriended Squanto, organized and attended the first Thanksgiving in America, fought and died on both sides of the American Civil War, fought the Mexicans, fought the French, fought in every American war up to Korea, came west in covered wagons, and were the first white settlers in Iowa. They passed all those wild and amazing legacies on to us here today and for that, we know we are very blessed.πŸ€πŸ’«

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

28 Dec, 23:26

Last night as we invited the ancestors into our house to feast with us, my son, who is 10 started to name the various deeds of all his ancestors. We all joined in naming more and here's some of what was said...
Our ancestors sailed on the Mayflower, killed Atila the Hun, conquered England, went raiding, navigated every ocean, cleared the path for Americans to go westward into Kentucky, were horse theives and counterfeiters, came west for the gold rush, were mariners, forest wardens, teachers, doctors, farmers, hunters, trackers, shop owners, judges, and revrends. Were Deacons, doctors, and lawmen at Plymouth Colony, fought in the American Revolution, died in the American Revolution protecting George Washington, answered the call from William Wallace to fight against England, fought at Culloden, brought the flax industry to Scotland, were friends of Charles Darwin's, were branded rebels by Christian kings and queens, were branded religious extremists for their kind of Christianity, (continued)

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

27 Dec, 15:51

"Never esteem anything as of advantage to you that will make you break your word or lose your self-respect."
β€” Marcus Aurelius

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

27 Dec, 15:51

Stop worrying.

What’s done is done.
What’s ahead will come.

Focus on what you can control,
and let the rest fall into place.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

27 Dec, 12:30

Herakles retrieves the golden apples from the Garden of the Hesperides, located at the edge of the world. A place between the mortal and heavenly realms.

The garden was inhabited by nymphs, daughters of Nyx (Night) and Zeus (or Atlas depending on the source): the Hesperides [ΞˆΟƒΟ€Ξ΅ΟΞΏΟ‚ β€” time of sunset / golden light].

The apples are guarded by a mighty serpent. The cunning and formidable Herakles gets to the apples and tastes the fruits of his spiritual catharsis attaining higher awareness.

Needless to say, the Greek myth long predates the biblical allegory of the tree of knowledge.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

26 Dec, 13:34

"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being."
β€” Carl Jung

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

25 Dec, 14:51


Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

25 Dec, 14:46

Even as a lifelong bibliophile -

Most young right wing guys would be better served by throwing all those heavy books into a pillow case and curling them.

It’s better to be capable and to do than it is to use $10 words -

The truest and strongest beliefs come from within the blood, and a strong body is a better indicator of right action than a full bookshelf.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

24 Dec, 11:20

"A samurai is a total human being, whereas a man who is completely absorbed in his technical skill has degenerated into a β€˜function’, one cog in a machine."
β€” Mishima

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

24 Dec, 00:42

Nymphs dancing to Pan's Flute by Joseph Tomanek

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

24 Dec, 00:40

Fortune favours the bold.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

23 Dec, 10:45

Those who dare to fail miserably will achieve the highest peaks of greatness.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

04 Dec, 02:07

Nyx was goddess of the night of the primordial gods (protogenoi) who emerged as the dawn of creation.

She was a child of Khaos (Chaos, Air), and marrying with Erebos (Darkness) she produced Aither (Aether, Light) and Hemera (Day). She spawned a brood of dark spirits including the three Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife and Pain.

Nyx was an ancient deity usually envisaged as the very substance of the night; a veil of dark mists drawn across the sky to obscure the light of Aether, the shining blue of the heavens.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

03 Dec, 19:38

Nordic Bronze Age Sun Dancer Girl based on the clothes and artefacts from the burial of the Egtved Girl, 1370 BC by Joan Francesc Oliveras.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

02 Dec, 19:56

β€œStop wandering about! You aren’t likely to read your own notebooks, or ancient histories, or the anthologies you’ve collected to enjoy in your old age. Get busy with life’s purpose, toss aside empty hopes, get active in your own rescueβ€”if you care for yourself at allβ€”and do it while you can.”


Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

02 Dec, 19:30


Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

02 Dec, 17:18

Divinity resides not in the heavens but within the pulsating vitality of the human form.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

02 Dec, 11:42

β€œNo one should be discouraged, who can make constant progress, even though it be slow.”
β€” Plato

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

01 Dec, 15:56

The man who wants to be great believes that he is worthy of greatness. And it is so because he makes it so.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

24 Nov, 02:27

Until death, ALL defeat is psychological.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

22 Nov, 22:13

"I have chosen the struggle,
have bound myself to it,
will stay faithful to it,
until earth covers me.

That they may kill my friends is possible;
that they should kill me is also possible.

That we should capitulate:
Never, never, never!"

β€” A.H.

Āʀʏᴀ & Γ†κœ±α΄α΄›α΄‡Κ€Ιͺα΄„α΄€

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

22 Nov, 19:33

Gm 🌞

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

21 Nov, 17:05

"For the whole glory of virtue is in action.”
β€” Cicero

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

21 Nov, 17:03

RIP Ursula Haverbeck ❀️

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

21 Nov, 00:08

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

20 Nov, 23:04

"Prepare yourself for the day of Truth for it is Near and Unstoppable."

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

20 Nov, 22:43

"The fate of nations is intimately bound up with their powers of reproduction. All nations and all empires first felt decadence gnawing at them when their birth rate fell off."
β€” Mussolini

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

31 Oct, 23:09

The classical masculine ideal declares that beauty exists only where strength, courage, and raw energy converge.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

31 Oct, 17:57

It is now All Hallows' Eve come sundown. FFR wishes you all an evening safe from ghouls and ghosts. Hug your children, enjoy your hauls of candy, showcase your spooky carvings, snuggle close with a pretty girl in front of a spooky movie or campfire story. Most of all, remember that this tradition is older than we can say. We feel it in the blood and carry it on the same way. Oidhche Shamhna shona dhuibh.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

31 Oct, 12:44

"I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it."
β€” Epictetus

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

30 Oct, 16:41

The Golden Hall inside the ZeppelinhaupttribΓΌne in Nuremberg πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

30 Oct, 16:40

Key pattern from St. Andrews, Fifeshire, Scotland

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

27 Oct, 21:38

Grandfather Mountain, NC

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

27 Oct, 19:31

Use the energy of the sun 🌞

Let it flow through every fiber of your being. Feel it ignite strength, clarity, and purpose within you.

Reconnect with the source, let the sun fuel your vitality.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

27 Oct, 15:47

β€œYou can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”
β€” Jack London

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

27 Oct, 01:43

Dedicate yourself to the discipline of the warrior.

Make your body a weapon of war, Legionary.

Become beautiful, so as to leave a piece of art on the field of battle.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

25 Oct, 18:34

Via @pallascats114 (inst)


Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

20 Oct, 19:30

Everyone will take the Nvde Pill

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

18 Oct, 19:58

Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that make him sick.


Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

18 Oct, 16:44

To be vital is to be in a state of becomingβ€”always reaching, always strivingβ€”refusing to settle for anything less than greatness.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

18 Oct, 14:17

Pain and suffering doesn't change anyone. It just makes you more completely yourself. The good news is that you have a choice. You get to decide- who are you? Will you let it push you into your own darkness, or will you make your beloved dead proud? Choose.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

17 Oct, 23:57

ΓΎΓ¦s oferΔ“ode, ΓΎisses swā mΓ¦g

'that overcame, so too may this'

Important, timeless Anglo-Saxon wisdom from the poem DΔ“or for the worst of times to come. Know how those of the past have overcome great challenges and struggles, and if they could, so can we.

Nvde Vril Cvlt πŸ•―

17 Oct, 23:56

It’s the Winter-finding full-moon tonight and the first full-moon of the winter season, which in English lore started after the equinox last month. As usual my family-hearth will hold a ritual to honour the ancestors and the changing of the season.

As Bede stated β€˜The old English people split the year into two seasons, summer and winter, placing six months - during which the days are longer than the nights - in summer, and the other six in winter. They called the month when the winter season began Η·intirfylliΓΎ [Winterfylleth], a word composed of "winter" and "full moon", because winter began on the first full moon of that month.’