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Welcome to Gems of Jannah! This Telegram channel is a treasure trove of Islamic knowledge and inspiration. With a focus on reminders, Tafseer, Sunnah, Prophet stories, etiquette of life, Asma ul Husna, Hadith of the day, The Day of Judgement, Friday reminders, Rabbanas, and night reminders, there is something for everyone looking to deepen their understanding of the faith and gain spiritual guidance. The channel is managed by @Gemsofjannah_98, who curates valuable content to help subscribers on their journey towards spiritual growth and enlightenment. Whether you are seeking daily reminders, insightful Tafseer explanations, or heartwarming Prophet stories, Gems of Jannah is the perfect destination for enriching your knowledge and strengthening your connection to Islam. Join us today and embark on a journey towards a more profound understanding of the teachings of Islam. Contact the admin @Gemsofjannah_98 for any inquiries or feedback. Let Gems of Jannah be your guide to spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Gems of Jannah

29 Jan, 07:28


Gems of Jannah

28 Jan, 05:29


Gems of Jannah

27 Jan, 04:59


Gems of Jannah

25 Jan, 15:45

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ 🌸

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بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 🌸


In Which Category Do You Belong?
Ibn al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh) described ṣalāh as the scale by which you can measure yourself. Ṣalāh is a measure of your progress in your journey to Allah(subḥānahū wa taʿālā), measuring whether you lag behind or are far into your journey on this path to Him. It is a gauge of your īmān and your honesty with Him.

🎗️1.Will Be Punished

• He is negligent in his wuḍū and the prescribed times

• He is negligent in the limits and essential pillars of the prayer

🎗️2.Will Be Held Accountable

• He safeguards the times, limits, outward pillars and wuḍū

• However, he is distracted by the devils’ whispers

🎗️3.Will Be Forgiven

• He upholds the limits and essential pillars

• In ṣalāh, he is in a constant battle with the devils, trying to ward off their whispers.

🎗️4.Will Be Rewarded

• He stands in prayer, perfecting its rights, limits and pillars

• His heart is engrossed in safeguarding its limits and rules. His focus remains fully on performing the prayer as it ought to be, completely and perfectly.

🎗️5.Will Be Close To His Lord

• He stands in prayer and establishes it as the fourth does, but along with this, he places his heart before his Lord. In this state, he beholds his Lord – ever vigilant before Him, filled with His love and glory – as if, seeing Him, he is physically present before Him.

• Therefore, the distractions and the whispers vanish, as the veil is lifted between him and his Lord.

The difference between this person in his prayer and everyone else is as vast as the distance between the heaven and the earth, for he is occupied solely with his Lord, in which he finds his source of sheer delight

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Gems of Jannah

25 Jan, 09:48


How to Find Yourself Again If You’re Lost: A Muslim Woman’s Guide to Getting Unstuck

In the last week’s post, we read that- Feeling lost often stems from major life transitions, monotonous routines, or a disconnect from your past and future self. These experiences can leave you feeling stuck, uninspired, and unsure of your purpose. It's possible to experience all these challenges simultaneously, making it harder to feel like your true self.

Post #2 🌸

If any of the above sounds like you, trust me, we’ve been there. Somehow, sometimes it’s weirdly possible to experience all 3 of the above at once.

Here are some ways to get unstuck and find meaning in your life again.

- Make peace with the season of life you’re in.
- Practice consistent self-care.
- Embrace discomfort as a sign that you’re changing.
- Sit with yourself in a quiet place and reflect.
- Don’t get caught in the trap of catastrophising.

1. Make peace with the season of life you’re in.
Some phases of life may require more service to others than self-focus. Instead of resisting, embrace these moments with gratitude, knowing Allah has entrusted you with the care of those around you. Reflect on the wisdom of serving others, as it is a form of worship that brings you closer to Allah.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
"The best of people are those that bring the most benefit to others." [Sunan al-Kubra]

Even when your hands feel empty, your heart can still give—kindness, warmth, and comfort. These are forms of charity (sadaqah) that can uplift both you and those you help.

If you’re processing lingering trauma or grief, be patient and gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to feel and process emotions, but anchor your reflections in the understanding that every trial carries a divine lesson. Allah reminds us:
"Indeed, with hardship comes ease." (Qur’an 94:6)

Turn to Allah in dua and seek His guidance and healing, trusting that every phase of life is a stepping stone toward His mercy and wisdom.

To be continued, In’shaa’Allah… ✍🏻

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Gems of Jannah

25 Jan, 08:17

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ🌸

أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ🌸


An Incredible Account

The following ḥadīth is one of the most amazing accounts of the perfection and quality of the Prophet’s ﷺ ṣalāh:

Ḥudhayfah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) said, “I prayed with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ one night and he started reciting Sūrah al-Baqarah. I said to myself that he will do rukūʿ at the end of one hundred āyāt, but he carried on reciting . I then said to myself that he will perhaps recite the whole sūrah in a rakʿah, and he carried on reciting. (At the end of Sūrah al-Baqarah ), I said to myself that he will (now) go into rukūʿ. However, he then started Sūrah al-Nisā', and recited it. He then started Sūrah Āl ʿImrān and recited it slowly.

When he recited the āyāt which entailed the glorification of Allah (tasbīḥ), he glorified Him. When he recited the āyāt which entailed asking (duʿā’), he would ask Allah. And when he recited the āyāt which entailed the protection of Allah, he sought His protection.

He ﷺ then went into rukūʿ and said, ‘How Perfect is my Lord, the Magnificent.’ His bowing lasted about the same length of time as his standing. He then said, ‘May Allah respond to the one who has praised Him’, and he then stood for a long time, about the same length of time as he had spent in bowing. He then performed sajdah and said, ‘How Perfect is my Lord, the Most Exalted’, and his prostration lasted nearly the same length of time as his standing” (Muslim).

Allāhu Akbar! Go back and read this ḥadīth again to fully appreciate its significance. Can you imagine what the ṣalāh of Rasūlullāh ﷺ was like?

The above ḥadīth gives us a glimpse of the noble and pure love he ﷺ had for his Creator and Master (ʿazza wa jall). The Prophet ﷺ at the time was over the age of fifty. Despite this, along with the responsibilities he shouldered throughout the day, he still spent hours at night in standing, bowing and prostrating to his Lord.

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Gems of Jannah

21 Jan, 05:38

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ🌸

أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ🌸

SALAH WITH KHUSHUʿ: Pure Joy & Comfort

“Women and perfume have been made dear to me, and my utmost joy has been put in ṣalāh.” (Nasā’ī)

The Prophet ﷺ would gain extreme pleasure and joy in his ṣalāh. This was a result of his perfection in conversing privately with his Lord, being conscious of His Greatness and basking in His Presence. Because of this he ﷺ said to Bilāl (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu), “Stand O Bilāl (and announce the call to prayer), and bring us comfort through ṣalāh” (Abū Dāwūd).

Ibn al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh) explains that when you perform ṣalāh with khushūʿ, fulfilling all of its rights and conditions and you turn your mind and heart to Allah, you will feel light, as though all of your burdens have been washed away. You will be full of energy but also calm and peaceful. Such feelings will make you wish you could remain in that prayer for ever. Ṣalāh is the coolness of the eye, the delight of the soul and the paradise of the heart. Until you do not enter into ṣalāh, seeking comfort in it, (and not away from it) you will feel as though you are constricted and chained up in a prison.

The peace, joy and intensity experienced in ṣalāh performed with khushūʿ is the result of a noble soul leaving the earthly realms and circling the Throne of Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā).

_🎗️Why We May Struggle to Experience The Sweetness_

If your heart and joy is in ṣalāh, you will find comfort in it and will rush to it eagerly. If your heart is distanced from Allah (ʿazza wa jall), however, and filled with the love of this world, your ṣalāh will be a struggle. No matter how ‘healthy’ and ‘free’ you are, performing ṣalāh will feel like a burden and a chore.

Our approach to ṣalāh is sometimes evident through our language. We may say, “Let me get my ṣalāh over and done with so that I can see to this and that.” If we think of ṣalāh as a chore, then it will feel like a chore. Conversely, thinking of ṣalāh as the great gift and source of comfort that it is, will – by His Permission - help us in attaining genuine peace and happiness.

Ibn Taymiyyah (raḥimahullāh) once said, “If you don't find sweetness and joy in the deed you perform, then doubt its sincerity, for Allah(ʿazza wa jall) is Shakūr (Most Appreciative and Rewarding).” This means that Allah will reward His servant for his deeds in this world by granting him sweetness and tranquillity in his heart. But if he finds that his heart lacks delight and joy, then his deed is imperfect and defective.

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Gems of Jannah

20 Jan, 17:55

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ 🌸

أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 🌸


🎗️7. Khushūʿ in ṣalāh solves your problems and removes anxiety
Allah says, “And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for those who have khushūʿ; those who are certain that they will meet their Lord and that they will return to Him” (2:45-6).

Similarly, Ḥudhayfah (raḍiy Allāhu ‘anhu) narrated, “ Whenever anything distressed the Prophet ﷺ, he would pray” (Abū Dāwūd). Turning to prayer at times of difficulty was also the practice of the previous Prophets (Aḥmad).

“Shayṭan will not go near the person whose heart has khushūʿ.” - Sahl al-Tustarī (raḥimahullāh)

As cases of depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses rise, let us return to the prophetic remedy of resorting to ṣalāh. In addition to other forms of precautions and remedies, we should not underestimate the strength and healing power of ṣalāh.

🎗️8. Khushūʿ is the source of strength in your daily activities
Praying ṣalāh with khushūʿ will give you strength, enthusiasm and barakah (blessings) in your other daily activities. (See Q2:45 above). It will be your inspiration and the fuel in your journey to serve Allah and His religion.

“Let not your concern be the quantity of your actions. Rather, worry about perfecting them and doing them well; for a slave may be praying, but he is disobeying Allah in his ṣalāh.” - Wuhayb b. al-Ward (raḥimahullāh)

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Gems of Jannah

20 Jan, 09:59

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

🌙 Ramadan 2025 is Almost Here! 🌙

The holy month of Ramadan is a time of mercy, forgiveness, and immense blessings. To make the most of this sacred month, we must prepare both spiritually and practically.

Why Preparation Matters:

Ramadan isn’t just about fasting; it’s a time to purify our hearts and realign our priorities. Preparing now allows us to:
• Seek Forgiveness: Cleanse your heart by letting go of grudges and sins.
• Strengthen Faith: Incorporate extra prayers, Quran recitation, and dhikr into your daily routine.
• Set Intentions: Reflect on your goals for Ramadan, like overcoming bad habits or increasing charity.
• Minimize Distractions: Plan ahead to focus on acts of worship and gratitude.

🌟 Spiritual Preparation Tips:

• Start Tahajjud (night prayers) and make heartfelt Duas.

• Reconnect with the Quran by reading and reflecting on its meaning.

• Try voluntary fasting to prepare your body and soul.

• Pray for Allah’s guidance and strength to maximize Ramadan.

📿 Stay Tuned!
We’ll share practical tips to prepare for Ramadan spiritually, mentally, and physically. Let’s make this Ramadan a time of transformation.

♻️ Share with your family and friends

May Allah grant us a blessed Ramadan. Ameen!

Gems of Jannah

20 Jan, 05:10


Gems of Jannah

18 Jan, 10:14


How to Find Yourself Again If You’re Lost: A Muslim Woman’s Guide to Getting Unstuck

Can you remember the last time you felt like YOURSELF? When you felt completely present in the moment, felt content with who you are, felt exhilarated by knowing your purpose in life?

No? If you feel lost, these might be the reasons why:

You’ve gone through a major role transition (left school, got divorced, got married, had a baby, or something else altogether) and haven’t yet had time to catch your breath.
Life seems monotonous and you feel like you’re living on autopilot. Nothing new or exciting ever seems to happen so you’re bored and stuck, living the same day over and over again.

You feel disconnected from who you used to be, not sure who you want to be, and in this weird space in the middle where you’re not satisfied with who you are in the present.

If any of the above sounds like you, trust me, I’ve been there. Somehow, sometimes it’s weirdly possible to experience all 3 of the above at once, isn’t it?

To be continued, In’shaa’Allah… ✍🏻

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Gems of Jannah

17 Jan, 14:14

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ🌸

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بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 🌸


🎗️3. Khushūʿ leads to crying out of the fear of Allah
Having complete khushūʿ will undoubtedly lead you to cry out of the fear of Allah. Crying in this manner is a great deed which can save you from the Hell-fire and admit you into Paradise.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “A man who wept out of the fear of Allah shall not enter the Fire until the milk returns to the udder [an impossibility]” (Tirmidhī )

Like other acts of worship, crying privately is superior to crying publicly. Of the seven individuals who will be provided shade on the Day of Judgement - the day where there will be no shade except His shade - will be the person who remembered Allah in private, and then shed tears (Bukhārī).

🎗️4. Khushūʿ enhances your understanding of the essence of ṣalāh
Praying with khushūʿ leads you to realising and appreciating the true meaning of ṣalāh, namely the turning of the heart and the body towards Allah, and attaining closeness to Him by it.

5. Khushūʿ is the key to attaining closeness to Allah
Khushūʿ in ṣalāh gives you the pleasure of conversing with Allah. It increases your faith, softens your heart, distances you from the world, and makes you long for Allah and His closeness in the hereafter.

🎗️6. Khushūʿ in ṣalāh will ease the standing in front of Allah on the Day of Judgement
Ibn al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh) wrote, “ The slave of Allah stands in front of his Lord on two occasions: the first is when he stands in his ṣalāh and the second is when he will meet Him on the Day of Judgment. Whoever fulfils the rights of the first standing, the second standing will be made easy for him. And whoever belittles, neglects and does not fulfil the rights of the first standing (i.e. ṣalāh), the second standing will be made very difficult for him.”

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Gems of Jannah

17 Jan, 12:35

🔷Narrated `Auf bin Mali

I went to the Prophet (ﷺ) during the Ghazwa of Tabuk while he was sitting in a leather tent.

He said, "Count 6 signs that indicate the approach of the Hour:

My death, the conquest of Jerusalem, a plague that will afflict you (and kill you in great numbers) as the plague that afflicts sheep, the increase of wealth to such an extent that even if one is given one hundred Dinars, he will not be satisfied; then an affliction which no Arab house will escape, and then a truce between you and Bani Al-Asfar (i.e. the Byzantines) who will betray you and attack you under eighty flags. Under each flag will be twelve thousand soldiers.

Sahih al-Bukhari, 3176


Gems of Jannah

08 Jan, 10:47

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ🌸

أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ🌸

The Virtues of Khushu

🎗️1. Achieving success in this world and the hereafter
In Sūrah al-M’uminūn, Allah mentions that the first trait of the successful is khushūʿ in ṣalāh. Allah says, “Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their ṣalāh” (23:1-2).

Thus, if you want true success, firstly, you must have īmān and secondly, you should perform ṣalāh with khushūʿ.

🎗️2. Becoming sin-free like a newborn
Amr b. ʿAbasah (raḍiy Allāhu ‘anhu) narrated a long ḥadīth in which he described the virtues of wuḍū’. He reported the Prophet ﷺ saying, “ And if he stands to pray and praises Allah, extols Him and glorifies Him with what He is most deserving of; and shows wholehearted devotion to Allah, he will revert to being sinfree (as pure) as he was on the day his mother gave birth to him.”

ʿAmr b. ʿAbasah (raḍiy Allāhu ‘anhu) states that he heard this from the Prophet ﷺ more than seven times (Muslim).

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Gems of Jannah

08 Jan, 07:33


Gems of Jannah

07 Jan, 12:33



The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha‘ban is my month and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah.’ (as-Suyuti, Al-Jami).

Gems of Jannah

06 Jan, 06:41


Gems of Jannah

04 Jan, 11:00


7 Unnecessary Things to Stop Concerning Yourself With Today to Beautify Your Faith

In the last week’s post, we read that-
Mindless habits like excessive phone use or TV scrolling waste valuable time and subtly influence your beliefs. By becoming aware of their impact, you can start replacing these activities with meaningful ones that nourish and benefit you, such as reading. Filtering out unnecessary distractions helps focus on what truly matters.

Post #6 💕

6. Celeb news and gossip
If you think about it, there are few things more useless than concerning yourself with what actors, singers, and models are doing with their lives.

These days, keeping up with influencers also falls in this category. If someone inspires you on a spiritual level, if you genuinely benefit from someone’s content, then following them is great.

But if you feel worse after scrolling through their posts, if you start feeling ungrateful and jealous, then there’s no need to keep putting yourself through the trial of exposing yourself to their curated media persona time and again.

For one, the more you consume information about people living a life solely to feed their Nafs (egos), leading lives far from Allah ﷻ, leading lives with complete disregard for the Akhirah, the more heedless you will become in your own pursuits.

For another, if no other harm exists, just the fact that reading about the latest actor who got married or viewing pictures from the top runway event is a waste of time, and again – time is the most valuable blessing we have.

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Gems of Jannah

03 Jan, 13:08

💓 "The month of Rajab is the key to the months of goodness and blessings" 💗

If you knew a guest was coming to visit, you would take the time to get your house in order before they arrived. ?

At two months away from the beginning of Ramadan, the month of Rajab is an excellent opportunity to begin preparing. 🌻


Gems of Jannah

02 Jan, 16:36

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

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#reminders #friday

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Gems of Jannah

02 Jan, 14:35


Gems of Jannah

01 Jan, 20:49

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ💕

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
🌴 The month of Rajab is the month of planting the seeds 🌴

🌀The greatest of its special seasons is the month of Ramadan, hence Islam urges us to do more righteous deeds during that month📚.

🌀One of the most important things is to prepare for doing righteous deeds before the month of Ramadan📢.

🌀The scholars designated the month of Rajab as the start of the preparations for the month of Ramadan. It is as if the year is a tree🌳; its leaves begin to appear in the month of Rajab, its fruit begins to appear in the month of Sha‘baan, and the people pick its fruit during the month of Ramadan🌙.

🌀So the individual should prepare himself by doing righteous deeds in Rajab, and pay extra👀 attention to making them perfect in Sha‘baan, so that he will be able to do them in a perfect manner in Ramadan🌙.

🌼The scholars refer to this idea in several ways, including the following:

🌀it was said that Rajab is for a person to stop drifting away, Sha‘baan is for striving and sincerity, and Ramadan is for truthfulness and purity🕊.

🌀Rajab is the month of repentance, Sha‘baan is the month of love, and Ramadan is the month of closeness to Allah.

🌀Rajab is the month of sanctity, Sha‘baan is the month of service, and Ramadan is the month of blessing🕊.

🌀Rajab is the month of worship, Sha‘baan is the month of turning away from this world, and Ramadan is the month of increase📈.

🌀Rajab is the month in which Allah multiplies the reward of good deeds, Sha‘baan is the month of expiating bad deeds, and Ramadan is the month of waiting for gifts and honours👑.

🌀Rajab is the month of those who are excelling, Sha‘baan is the month of those whose progress is moderate, and Ramadan is the month of the sinners [in which they can mend their ways] 🍁.

🌀Dhu’n-Noon al-Masri (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Rajab is the month for giving up sins, Sha‘baan is the month for doing acts of obedience🛐, and Ramadan is the month for waiting for gifts🎁 and honours. So whoever does not give up sins, and does not do acts of obedience, and does not wait for gifts and honours, is one of the people whose main focus is trivial matters.

🌀He (may Allah have mercy on him) also said: Rajab is the month of planting🌱, Sha‘baan is the month of irrigating🌾, and Ramadan is the month of harvesting. Everyone will reap what he sowed, and will be requited for what he did, so the one who neglects his crops will feel regret on the day of harvest, and he will not get what he was expecting🍂.



💗💗💗Jazak Allahu Khair💗💗💗

Gems of Jannah

28 Dec, 12:13


7 Unnecessary Things to Stop Concerning Yourself With Today to Beautify Your Faith

In last week’s post, we read that-
Stop worrying about others' opinions of you—they reflect their own perceptions and insecurities, not your worth. Letting go of this need for approval lightens your heart and frees you from fear of criticism. Those at peace with their own imperfections are the most accepting and compassionate, as what people feel about themselves often shapes how they treat others. Focus on self-acceptance instead.

Post #5 💕

5. Mindless habits
We waste so much time on mindless habits, like endlessly scrolling through our phones or flipping through channels on the TV.

If you monitor yourself for just one day, you’ll be amazed at how much time is lost by engaging in these mindless and fruitless activities.

You might fool yourself into thinking that scrolling isn’t harming you, but the truth is that everything the eyes are exposed to is fed directly to the mind and alters your beliefs in subtle ways.

Ultimately, filtering out unnecessary information and avoiding useless activities allows you to focus your mind and efforts on what is actually important.

So the first step to curbing these time-wasting and mindless habits is to become aware of their toxicity.

Then, slowly but consistently, try to replace these pockets of time with activities that will serve and nourish you. For example, keep a book near your bed or the couch and reach for it when you want to grab your phone instead.

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Gems of Jannah

26 Dec, 17:39

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

❍┈─┅═••࿇✠ ࿇••┅─┄❍
#reminders #friday

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Gems of Jannah

21 Dec, 09:16


7 Unnecessary Things to Stop Concerning Yourself With Today to Beautify Your Faith

In the last week’s post we read that-
Avoid concerning yourself with others’ private lives and sins. Don’t eavesdrop or seek out faults; instead, assume positive intentions. This not only fosters peace of mind but also strengthens trust in relationships. The Prophet ﷺ warned against backbiting and fault-finding, as those who do so risk having their own flaws exposed by Allah.

Post #4 💕

4. Other people’s opinions about you
Similarly, what other people think about you is none of your business.

Your heart will feel so much lighter once you truly internalize this simple fact. You will be freed from the need for approval or praise.

You will no longer live in fear of their criticism because you know that their opinions have nothing to do with you and everything to do with their own perceptions, judgments, and insecurities.

The truth is that people who are unhappy with themselves judge others constantly.

You’ll find that the most accepting people in life are those who’ve made peace with their own imperfections, and hence have plenty of grace and compassion to extend to others.

What you feel about yourself, you project onto others.

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Gems of Jannah

19 Dec, 17:06

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

❍┈─┅═••࿇✠ ࿇••┅─┄❍
#reminders #friday

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Gems of Jannah

19 Dec, 16:07


Gems of Jannah

14 Dec, 13:05


7 Unnecessary Things to Stop Concerning Yourself With Today to Beautify Your Faith

In the last week's post we read-

Don’t let your past mistakes paralyze you. Making errors is part of being human and an opportunity to experience Allah’s forgiveness. Instead of self-sabotaging, focus on healing, letting go of limiting beliefs, and shaping your future with Allah's help. Strive to improve daily, as progress is what truly matters.

Post #3💕

3.⁠ ⁠Someone else’s private life and sins
What other people say and do behind your back, behind closed doors, is none of your business.


Don’t eavesdrop and don’t try to ferret out information. When there’s a question of intention or motive, try to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume something positive.

Not only does this work wonders for your peace of mind, but it also preserves the trust in your relationships. People are much more relaxed around you when they know you’re not out to get them, and that you’re not judging them.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Do not backbite about the Muslims and do not seek out their faults. For whoever seeks out their faults, Allah will seek out his faults, and if Allah seeks out a person’s faults, He will expose him even in his own house.” [Sunan Abi Dawud]

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Gems of Jannah

12 Dec, 17:02

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

❍┈─┅═••࿇✠ ࿇••┅─┄❍
#reminders #friday

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Gems of Jannah

11 Dec, 11:09

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ 🌸

أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 🌸

Allah Wants You To Give Your Heart To Him

🎗️Submitting fully to Allah

An important caveat that we should always keep in mind is that the importance assigned to the actions of the heart does not in any way negate the significance of the external physical actions. Rather, when we internalise the actions of the heart, we will come to realise that they always go hand in hand with the external acts of worship. One without the other will always be defective.

One of Shayṭān’s tricks, particularly in this modern age, is to undermine the outer acts of obedience in Islam by convincing us that ‘what really matters is my heart and inner state'. For instance, we may convince ourselves that so long as we have a clean heart and pure intentions, ḥijāb is not necessary. In reality, however, if our hearts are truly pure, we would fully submit and humble to the outer commandments of Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā), and not to our own desires.

❍┈─┅═••࿇✠ ࿇••┅─┄❍

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Gems of Jannah

10 Dec, 05:17


Gems of Jannah

07 Dec, 10:55


7 Unnecessary Things to Stop Concerning Yourself With Today to Beautify Your Faith

In the last week's post we read to
Stop focusing on other people’s highlight reels to protect yourself from envy and others from the evil eye. Limit exposure to content that stirs negative emotions and protect your heart and gaze. Recognize that everyone is blessed in unique ways, and avoid voluntary exposure to others' blessings, especially on difficult days, to maintain inner peace and prevent jealousy.

Post #3 💕

2. Your own past paralyzing you
We’ve all stumbled, made mistakes, and failed. It’s a natural part of being human.

If you never made a mistake, how would you experience Allah’s quality of forgiveness?

So rather than let your past dictate the way you limit and self-sabotage yourself in the present, learn how you can heal and move on. Let go of the beliefs that are holding you back and know that only YOU can shape your life the way you want it, with Allah’s Help and Permission.

Simply strive to be better every single day – that’s all you need to do.

If you’re having trouble moving on and healing from your past, click here to find out how I as a Muslim Mental Health Coach can help you!

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Gems of Jannah

07 Dec, 09:24


Gems of Jannah

05 Dec, 16:52

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

❍┈─┅═••࿇✠ ࿇••┅─┄❍
#reminders #friday

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Gems of Jannah

05 Dec, 12:34

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ:

“Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allāh by the displeasure of people, Allāh will suffice him against the people. Whoever seeks the pleasure of people by the displeasure of Allāh, Allāh will leave him to the patronage of the people.”

[Tirmidhi‌: 2414]
Grade: Sahih


Gems of Jannah

05 Dec, 07:53


Gems of Jannah

04 Dec, 05:52


Gems of Jannah

03 Dec, 05:07

Be grateful

Gems of Jannah

02 Dec, 13:45

The Prophet ﷺ said: “A man who is known for his good manners has the same status as someone who prays all night.”

‎● [الأدب المفرد للبخاري]


Gems of Jannah

02 Dec, 05:10


Gems of Jannah

01 Dec, 14:51

🔹Narrated Ibn Umar:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "An animal should not be milked without the permission of its owner. Does any of you like that somebody comes to his store and breaks his container and takes away his food? The udders of the animals are the stores of their owners where their provision is kept, so nobody should milk the animals of somebody else, without the permission of its owner."

‏ "‏ لاَ يَحْلُبَنَّ أَحَدٌ مَاشِيَةَ امْرِئٍ بِغَيْرِ إِذْنِهِ، أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمْ أَنْ تُؤْتَى مَشْرُبَتُهُ فَتُكْسَرَ خِزَانَتُهُ، فَيُنْتَقَلَ طَعَامُهُ فَإِنَّمَا تَخْزُنُ لَهُمْ ضُرُوعُ مَوَاشِيهِمْ أَطْعِمَاتِهِمْ، فَلاَ يَحْلُبَنَّ أَحَدٌ مَاشِيَةَ أَحَدٍ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ ‏"‌‏.‏

-Sahih al-Bukhari 2435


Gems of Jannah

30 Nov, 10:45

7 Unnecessary Things to Stop Concerning Yourself With Today to Beautify Your Faith


In last week's post, we read that The Prophet ﷺ taught the excellence in Islam involves leaving matters that do not concern us. This Hadith emphasizes avoiding vain and pointless activities that don’t benefit one’s spirituality or worldly life. Time, being precious yet often taken for granted, should be used wisely. By consciously avoiding irrelevant distractions—like others' highlight reels, past regrets, gossip, or uncontrollable factors—we can enhance mental peace and strengthen our faith.

Post #2

1. Other people’s highlight reels.

The first unnecessary thing to stop concerning yourself with is other people’s highlight reels.

While it’s important to take measure to protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil eye, it’s equally important to protect others from your jealousy and envy too.

Limit exposing yourself to the kind of information about others that you know will arise ill feelings in you. Protect your gaze and heart against anything that can corrupt them.

We’re all immensely blessed, just in different ways. When you’re having a bad day, feeling down and lonely, you’re more vulnerable to being sad and envious when you see someone else’s blessings. So protect them, as well as yourself.

We’re all human, after all. It’s much easier to prevent your voluntary exposure in the first place, than to have daily reminders of the happiness and blessing you crave so much and to consequently try to control the jealousy which arises when you see that someone else has it already.


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Gems of Jannah

28 Nov, 16:38

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

❍┈─┅═••࿇✠ ࿇••┅─┄❍
#reminders #friday

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Gems of Jannah

27 Nov, 05:48


Gems of Jannah

25 Nov, 07:04


Gems of Jannah

23 Nov, 10:11


7 Unnecessary Things to Stop Concerning Yourself With Today to Beautify Your Faith

The Prophet ﷺ said in a profound Hadith:

إِنَّ مِنْ حُسْنِ إِسْلاَمِ الْمَرْءِ تَرْكَهُ مَا لاَ يَعْنِيهِ
“Surely, of the excellence of a person’s Islam is that he leaves what does not concern him.” [Tirmidhi]

The Arabic words used in the Hadith imply leaving the vain and pointless activities that don’t benefit a person’s Deen or Dunya.

Think about it – how much time do you spend on things that aren’t useful at all to your spirituality or your worldly matters?

Time is the most precious commodity we have, and yet the one we take for granted the most as well.

We've compiled a list of some irrelevant yet time-consuming, unnecessary and unimportant things that you can make a conscious effort to stop concerning yourself with from now on.

Not only will this enhance your mental peace, it will also truly beautify your faith in the context of the aforementioned Hadith.

1. Other people’s highlight reels.
2. Your own past paralyzing you.
3. Someone else’s private life and sins.
4. Other people’s opinions about you.
5. Mindless habits.
6. Celeb news and gossip.
7. What you can’t control.

To be continued...
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Gems of Jannah

22 Nov, 13:23

Hadith of the day

Best Deed🌼🥀🌷🪷🌸

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : خير العمل أن تفارق الدنيا و لسانك رطب من ذكر الله.

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: “The best deed is that you depart from world while your tongue is moistened with Remembrance (Dhikr) of Allāh.”

● [سلسلة الأحاديث الصحيحة ٤\٤٥١]


Gems of Jannah

22 Nov, 06:29

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

❍┈─┅═••࿇✠ ࿇••┅─┄❍
#reminders #friday

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Gems of Jannah

22 Nov, 03:54

◍⁠السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

🎊Alhamdulillah, The Best day of the week has arrived

✿ It's Yaum-ul-Jummah!!

✿ Perform Ghusl

✿ Cut your nails

✿ Read Surah Al-Kahf and ponder upon it's meaning

✿ Send lots of Salawat on our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

✿ Indulge in doing Good Deeds

✿ Give Charity to the poor

✿ Do lots of Dhikr

✿ Make lots & lots of Duaa

🤲🏻“On Friday there is an hour when, if a Muslims happens to pray at that time and ask Allah for something good, He will give it to him.”🤲🏻

📖 Al-Bukhaari (5295) and Muslim (852)

✧May Allah Subhanahu wa taala bless you, your families & the entire Ummah with good health, peace, goodness, prosperity and happiness with Aafiyat & Barakat, May all your duas be answered & May we all have a blessed day..Aameeen Ya Rabbul Aalameen.

#FridayReminder #SurahKahf #Durood #dua

Gems of Jannah

20 Nov, 14:00


Gems of Jannah

19 Nov, 10:54


Gems of Jannah

16 Nov, 09:30


Forgotten Sunnah of Husn Dhann

In the last week’s post we read about Ibn Qayyim highlighting- those who hope in Allah should remain optimistic, cautious, and expect the best from Him. Optimism and Husn Dhann (positive thinking about Allah) are deeply connected. Research shows that optimistic individuals tend to live longer, have healthier lives, and handle stress better. Likewise, optimism benefits relationships, as thinking well of others encourages positive behavior, leading to happier and longer-lasting bonds.

Post #4💕

Prophetic Cure for Negative Thoughts

The Prophetic cure for negative thoughts is simply to not dwell on them. A thought may pop into your head, but develop the habit of letting it come and go – don’t feed it, don’t let it stay, don’t fret over it.

If you dwell on a bad thought about someone else, you’ll be suspicious of them and inclined to find out more about their actions.

You might even go so far as to spy on them and unveil something that was only between them and Allah ﷻ. And then you will fall into the sin of Gheebah (backbiting) by exposing them.

Allah ﷻ links all these actions in the Quran through the following words,

“O you who believe, abstain from many of the suspicions. Some suspicions are sins. And do not be curious (to find out faults of others), and do not backbite one another.” [49:12]

This is also why the Prophet ﷺ warned against negative assumptions in the following words:

“Beware of suspicion, for indeed suspicion is the falsest of speech.” [Tirmidhi]

It’s a vicious circle but the cure is simple – don’t feed the initial bad thought that pops into your mind. Brush it aside and move on.

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Gems of Jannah

16 Nov, 05:09


Only for Allah❤️

Gems of Jannah

15 Nov, 04:10

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

❍┈─┅═••࿇✠ ࿇••┅─┄❍
#reminders #friday

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Gems of Jannah

14 Nov, 10:10


Gems of Jannah

13 Nov, 16:03

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ 🌸

أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ🌸

Allah Wants You To Give Your Heart To Him

The Best of The Best

ʿAbdullāh b. Masʿūd (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) described the Companions (radiy Allāhu ʿanhum) as the best of this ummah with the ‘most virtuous hearts.’ Bakr al-Muzanī (raḥimahullāh) said, “Abū Bakr (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) did not surpass others because of an abundance of fasting and ṣalāh. Rather, he surpassed them because of something that settled in his heart.”

Ibn Taymiyyah (raḥimahullāh) said, “Actions surpass each other in proportion to the īmān and ikhlāṣ (sincerity) of the hearts. There may be two men in the same row of prayer, yet the difference between their prayers is like the distance between the heavens and the earth.”

Similarly, two individuals may give in charity; one giving £1,000, while the other only gives £10. However, the reward of the second individual may be far greater due to his sincerity.

It is for this reason that ʿAbdullāh b. al-Mubārak (raḥimahullāh) said, “How many a small act is elevated by an intention, and how many a great act is diminished by an intention.”

❍┈─┅═••࿇✠ ࿇••┅─┄❍

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Gems of Jannah

13 Nov, 05:47


Share everything with Allah 🫶🏼

Gems of Jannah

10 Nov, 13:01

Control your moods. Stop projecting your mood onto others. The world is not responsible for your misery or hurt. At a certain age, you should know how to control your emotions, especially as a fully grown adult. People shouldn't have to tolerate your negativity, criticism, rude comments, and poor behaviour. Take charge of your emotions and focus on improving them through self-reflection and seeking guidance from Allah. As Muslims we must strive to be kind, mature and respectful in all our interactions.🥀

Gems of Jannah

09 Nov, 08:34


Forgotten Sunnah of Husn Dhann

In the last week's post we read about the benefit of Husn Dhann (having positive expectations) is a peaceful heart, free from anxiety and negativity. It allows you to accept Allah's plans with confidence and move forward in life. Practicing Husn Dhann with others also protects your mental peace, as assuming the best prevents misunderstandings, embarrassment, and regret. Cultivating positive thoughts not only enhances inner peace but also improves relationships, as our actions reflect our thoughts.

Post #3💕

*Link between Optimism and Husn Dhann*

Ibn Qayyim (rah) said: “The one who hopes in Allah should always be optimistic, cautious, and hopeful in Allah’s bounty, expecting the best from Him.”

The concept of optimism and Husn Dhann are closely interlinked. The research-backed benefits of having an optimistic attitude are also attained when we think positively about Allah ﷻ.

Optimistic people live longer and have healthier lives.
Such people are better planners and more successful in different areas of life.
Optimists are better at dealing with stress, illness, and other challenges.
Similarly, optimism and thinking good of others are interlinked concepts.

Research proves that optimists are happier in their relationships and have longer lasting ones.
Idealizing your partner acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy. People tend to behave according to the expectations placed on them, so think well of others and they will start to behave accordingly.

To be continued In'shaa'Allah...✍🏻


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Gems of Jannah

07 Nov, 17:00

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

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Gems of Jannah

05 Nov, 16:03

🔹Narrated `Umar:

I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, "Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Mary, for I am only a Slave. So, call me the Slave of Allah and His Apostle."

، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ، سَمِعَ عُمَرَ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ يَقُولُ عَلَى الْمِنْبَرِ سَمِعْتُ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ ‏ "‏ لاَ تُطْرُونِي كَمَا أَطْرَتِ النَّصَارَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ، فَإِنَّمَا أَنَا عَبْدُهُ، فَقُولُوا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولُهُ ‏"‌‏.‏

Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3445


Gems of Jannah

02 Nov, 09:26


Forgotten sunnah of Husn Dhann

In the last post we read that- In relationships, Husn Dhann means giving others the benefit of the doubt, seeking positive reasons for their actions. The Salaf advised making seventy excuses for a friend’s mistakes, and if unable to do so, to recognize it as a personal shortcoming. By avoiding hasty judgments, trust is built, as everyone desires understanding over judgment. Thinking positively about others is a form of worship in Islam, and, along with performing daily acts of worship, developing a positive mindset is encouraged.

Post #2🌻

Benefit of Husn Dhann

When you have positive expectations from Allah ﷻ, your heart feels light because it’s not weighed down with anxiety about the future or depression over your present state.

You are at peace with what Allah ﷻ has chosen for you and are able to move forward in life with confidence.

If you don’t practice Husn Dhann with others, i.e. your automatic thinking pattern is to jump to negative conclusions about them, you harm no one as much as you harm yourself by losing your mental peace.

Acting on such thoughts often leads to embarrassment and regret when you come to know someone’s real intention for doing or saying something that you had misinterpreted.

Avoid thinking bad of others and you’ll feel a significant increase in your own inner peace and in the quality of your relationships.

What we think, we reveal through our words and actions. Think positive and your actions will reflect that.

To be continued, In'shaa'Allah ✍🏻

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Gems of Jannah

31 Oct, 16:24

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

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Gems of Jannah

31 Oct, 07:37


Tawakkul & sabr

Gems of Jannah

30 Oct, 10:56

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ 🌸

أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 🌸


🎗️Allah Wants You To Give Your Heart To Him

Why am I here? Where am I going? What is my purpose in life?

At certain stages in your life, these questions may have occupied your thoughts. Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā) says, “I did not create jinn and men except so that they worship Me” (51:56). Thus, if there is one word that would capture the purpose of our life, it is ʿibādah.

ʿIbādah, often translated as 'worship', is a comprehensive term for every action and utterance that Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā) loves and is pleased with.

ʿIbādah consists of:

Actions of the limbs, or physical acts of worship.
Actions of the heart, or inner acts of worship. These include: firm belief (īmān), knowledge of Allah (maʿrifah), sincerity (ikhlāṣ), piety and mindfulness (taqwā), trust in Allah (tawakkul), hope (rajā’), fear (khawf), gratitude (shukr), patience (ṣabr), love (ḥubb), yearning for Allah (shawq) and certainty (yaqīn).
The Inner Reality
Every act of worship in Islam consists of both an outer manifestation (‘action of the limb’) and an inner reality (‘action of the heart’), which is its essence and core.

The outer manifestation of ṣalāh consists of rukūʿ and sujūd, whilst its essence is khushūʿ.

The outer manifestation of fasting is to stay away from anything that invalidates the fast, whilst its essence is taqwā.

The outer manifestation of ḥajj consists of ṭawāf, standing in ʿArafah and the pelting, whilst its essence is to honour the symbols of Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā).

The outer manifestation of duʿā’ is to raise the hands and utter words, whilst its essence is humility and an utmost need for Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā).

The outer manifestation of dhikr is to utter Subḥānallāh, Alḥamdulillāh, Allāhu Akbar etc. whilst its essence is loving, fearing and having hope in Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā); and contemplation upon His creation and blessings.

The Centrality of The Heart
Whilst we often focus on the outer and physical acts of worship, we often neglect the inner dimensions and spiritual elements of these same acts. In other words, we do not pay enough attention to our hearts.

Imām al-Ghazālī (raḥimahullāh) explains the inner reality of worship and the centrality of the heart: “The honour and excellence of the human being, by which he surpasses all other creatures, is his ability for knowing Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā). Knowing Allah is the human’s beauty, perfection and glory in this world; and his provision for the hereafter.

He is prepared for such knowledge only through his heart, and not through any other organ. For it is the heart that knows Allah, works for Allah, strives towards Allah, and draws near to Him.

In contrast, all the other organs are mere subordinates and instruments that are employed by the heart … For it is the heart that is accepted by Allah when it is free from everything except Him. And it is veiled from Him when it becomes immersed in other than Him … Thus, knowledge of the heart and the reality of its qualities is the root of religion and the foundation of the path of the seekers.”

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Gems of Jannah

28 Oct, 04:36


Alhamdulillah for everything

Gems of Jannah

27 Oct, 02:48


Don't help shaytan🤎

Gems of Jannah

26 Oct, 08:53

𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗮𝗵 سبحانه و تعالى

We all face many decisions in life. Some are big, some are tough and life-changing, and some are so heartbreaking that it feels like walking on eggshells. But deep down, we know that we can't do things that upset Allaah. We might have to let go of things that aren't pleasing to Him, whether it's the company of a friend, a personal desire, or love for someone or something. You're not alone, my dear friend. Trust me when I say:

You will never regret a decision you made for the sake of Allaah.

Feeling lost or confused like a fly trapped under a glass?

This happens to everyone at some point. We all face moments when we're burdened with choosing what's best for us. If you’re feeling uncertain on the inside, even Istikhara might not seem to guide you clearly.

But if your decision is truly for the sake of Allaah, then there's no need to worry about the outcome. You will never regret it.

Think of the mother of Musa علیه السلام. When she placed her baby in the basket, she did it for the sake of Allaah. Even in her fear and uncertainty, she trusted in Him, and she was rewarded beyond her imagination.

So, when you choose for Allaah's sake, know that He will never let your efforts go in vain.

أم اُسامہ



Gems of Jannah

24 Oct, 16:39

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

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Gems of Jannah

24 Oct, 09:37


Simply human being with no power🥀

Gems of Jannah

24 Oct, 06:31

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ💗

🔖 How waswasa causes you to feel like your fears are reality 📍

Waswasa, or whispers of Shaytan, has a powerful way of distorting your perception of reality…

It causes doubt, making your worst fears seem like they will become reality if you do not given into the compulsion.

These thoughts are constantly repeated within your mind. And, the more you entertain these doubts and fears, the more insinuating they become.

Shaytaan plays with your emotions. Fear is a strong motivator and shaytaan uses it to make you believe that if you don't act on these doubts, something bad (e.g., punishment from Allah, falling into kufr or being sinful) may happen.

Shaytaan places thoughts in your mind that make you question your reality.

"Did I do wudhu correctly...?"

"Am I still on the straight path...?"

And overtime, as these thoughts develop, they start to feel like reality. The more these thoughts are dwelled on, the more real they feel.

But perhaps the biggest distortion of reality these thoughts cause to the one suffering from waswasa is to disconnect them from the trust of Allāh.

Shaytaan makes you forget about Allah being merciful, and how he is the forgiver of mistakes. So, by this, he convinces you to constantly feed into the compulsions which just makes the cycle of doubt harder to break.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Verily, Allah has overlooked for my nation their honest mistakes, forgetfulness, and what they are forced into doing.”

Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 2045

Hence, you must realize all of these fears you are facing are nothing but a delusion.

The solution is to try your best to ignore them, even if it is uncomfortable at first. This is how you break the cycle of doubt.

Ibn Hajr Al Haythami was asked whether there is any remedy for whispers, he replied: ‘Yes, it has a beneficial remedy – which is to renounce them all – even if our own self recalls what had happened – because by renouncing them they do not stay for a long time and disappear quickly.'

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Gems of Jannah

23 Oct, 10:06

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ🌸

أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 🌸


🎗️Importance of khushu

Is It Not Enough That I Pray Five Times A Day?
“At least I’m praying.” “I’m happy with where I am. I’m praying 5 times a day. I pray on time and I’m content with that.”

You should certainly feel happy and grateful that Allah (ʿazza wa jall) has granted you the gift of praying your farḍ prayers, particularly if you have previously been unable to do so.

However, this should not be enough. Even if the obligation of ṣalāh has legally been fulfilled, praying ṣalāh without khushūʿ will lead you to missing out on the essence of ṣalāh.

Imām al-Ghazālī (raḥimahullāh) wrote: “ The goal of reciting the Qur’ān and the adhkār (in salāh) is praise, exaltation, asking and humility: and the One being addressed is Allah. However, whoever’s heart is covered by heedlessness is veiled from Him; thus, he does not see or experience consciousness of Him. He is heedless of the One to whom he is speaking with, and his tongue simply moves out of habit. How far is this from the purpose of prayer, which was ordained to purify the heart, renew the remembrance of Allah, and firmly tie the rope of īmān.”

In Sūrah al-Wāqiʿah, Allah (ʿazza wa jall) describes three groups of people: the people of the left (destined for Hell-fire), the people of the right (destined for Paradise), and finally the elite of Paradise (destined for the super-luxurious premium Paradise). It is this latter group who will be the closest to Allah, blessed to see Him most often, and have the Prophets and the Companions as their neighbours. They are the ‘Sābiqūn’ (the forerunners).

Your goal and duʿā’ in life should be that Allah (ʿazza wa jall) resurrects you amongst the Sābiqūn. If you wish to enjoy this premium Paradise in the hereafter, then your ṣalāh (and other acts of worship) should be of premium quality. An average or mediocre ṣalāh is not enough.

A believer always aims for the best. Thus, the Prophet ﷺ explained that when making duʿā’, ask Allah for al-Firdaws, because it is the highest Jannah (Bukhārī). He ﷺ also stated, “Indeed Allah loves that when one of you does something, he perfects it” (Ṭabarānī).

Do not become satisfied with the quantity and quality of your worship. Do not placate your inner self (nafs) with weak excuses! Do not believe that the ʿibādah you are doing is sufficient. Rather, reflect on your shortcomings, battle your nafs and ask Allah to make your ṣalāh like the ṣalāh of the Messenger ﷺ.

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Gems of Jannah

23 Oct, 06:32



Gems of Jannah

21 Oct, 04:50


Delays, patience, waiting & everything 🍂

Gems of Jannah

20 Oct, 03:03


Misuse of blessing May Allah guide us Aamiin 🤲🏼🥺

Gems of Jannah

19 Oct, 09:46


All you need is Allah❤️

Gems of Jannah

19 Oct, 08:42


Forgotten sunnah of Husn Dhann

In the last week’s post we read that- Mental distress could be alleviated by reviving the forgotten Sunnah of Husn Dhann—having good, positive thoughts. In Islam, Husn Dhann has two key aspects: having good thoughts about Allah and expecting the best from Him. This mindset creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Allah is as His servant thinks of Him. Trusting in Allah during both ease and hardship reflects a heart that assumes the best of its Lord. Many people, however, fall into negative thinking, believing they deserve more or have been wronged. Overcoming this requires deep self-reflection and trust in Allah's wisdom.

Post #2 🌻

With People

The concept of Husn Dhann in the context of our relationships means to give people the benefit of the doubt.

It is a proactive mindset in which we strive to not just find excuses for other people’s behavior, but to actively search for and attribute positive reasons to their actions.

In this regard, the famous saying of the Salaf can serve as a guiding principle:

“If a friend among your friends errs, make seventy excuses for them. If your hearts are unable to do this, then know that the shortcoming is in your own selves.”

The less you jump to conclusions about other people’s intentions, the more they will be inclined to trust you. Just as we don’t like to be judged, neither does anyone else.

Having positive thoughts about others is a beautiful form of worship, as mentioned in a Hadith by the Prophet ﷺ. So while we make a conscious effort to perform and perfect our daily Ibadah (worship), we should make a conscious effort to develop a positive mindset as well.

To be continued, In'shaa'Allah ✍🏻

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Gems of Jannah

18 Oct, 02:49

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

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#reminders #friday

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Gems of Jannah

17 Oct, 06:11


Aamiin ya Allah🤲🏼

Gems of Jannah

16 Oct, 11:43

اَلسَّـــــلامُ عَلَــيــْكُمْ وَرَحْمَـــةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَــاتُهُ🌸

أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 🌸


🎗️ The Importance of Khushu

Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā) says:

قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ ، الَّذِينَ هُمْ فِى صَلَاتِهِمْ خَـٰشِعُونَ

“Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their ṣalāh...” (23:1-2).

The above āyāt mark the beginning of Sūrah al-Mu’minūn. In these āyāt, Allah describes the qualities of the successful believers. The passage starts off by mentioning those ‘who are humble in their ṣalah’, and ends with the ninth āyah mentioning those ‘who consistently maintain their prayers’. Thus, ṣalāḥ features in both the beginning and the end of the list, demonstrating its great significance.

Ibn Kathīr (raḥimahullāh) explained this āyah :“Khushūʿ in ṣalāh is only attained by the one who has completely emptied his heart for it, who fully occupies himself for it and does not pay attention to anything else besides it, and who prioritises it over everything else. At that point it becomes a source of comfort and intense joy.”

Establishing Salah
Similarly, Allah says,

وَيُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَوٰةَ

“…and they establish ṣalāh” (2:3).

The use of the word iqāmah (to ‘establish’ the prayer) is significant. The words ‘do’ or ‘perform’ ṣalāh have not been used here since it is not sufficient to complete just the outward motions. However, when you ‘establish’ ṣalāh, you complete both the inner and outer aspects of this noble worship. The outer aspects involve carrying out its pillars, obligatory acts and prerequisites; whilst the inner aspects refer to attaining the essence of ṣalāh, namely, khushūʿ. These acts should be conducted in tandem with pondering on the meaning of the utterances and actions during ṣalāh. (Adapted from Tafsīr al-Saʿdī)

📍 Khushu: The First Loss of the Ummah

The Prophet ﷺ stated, “The first thing to be lifted from this ummah will be khushūʿ, until you will not find anyone with khushūʿ” (Ṭabarānī).

Ḥudhayfah (raḍiy Allāhu ‘anhu) said, “ *The first thing you will lose of your religion will be khushūʿ and the last thing you will lose of your religion will be ṣalāh. There may be a person praying yet there is no goodness in him. Soon a time will come when you will enter a large Masjid and not see a single person with khushūʿ in it.”*

The Prophet ﷺ said, “ *Indeed a person may pray for sixty years, yet not a single ṣalāh of his will be accepted. Perhaps he perfected the rukūʿ but not the sujūd, or he perfected the sujūd but not the rukūʿ” (Ibn Abī Shaybah).*

“Two rakʿahs with contemplation are better than standing up for the entire night with an inattentive heart.” - ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAbbās (radiy Allāhu ʿanhumā)

Ibn al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh) compared khushūʿ in ṣalāh to the soul in the body. When the soul leaves the body, the body dies. Similarly, without khushūʿ the ṣalāh lacks its soul, spirit and essence. Likewise, praying ṣalāh without khushūʿ is like gifting a dead servant to a king. He then writes, “Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā) will neither accept it nor reward him for it, even if the obligation (of ṣalāh) has been legally fulfilled.”

Once Imām al-Bukhārī (raḥimahullāh) was praying and a wasp stung him 17 times. On completing his ṣalāh, he said, “Look at what troubled me during my ṣalāh.” They looked and found that the wasp had stung him in 17 parts of his body. Despite this, he carried on praying. It has been said that this was a voluntary prayer after Ẓuhr. After he finished praying, it was said to him, “Why did you not stop your ṣalāh when it started stinging you?” He replied, “I was reciting a sūrah and I wanted to complete it.”

❍┈─┅═••࿇✠ ࿇••┅─┄❍

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Gems of Jannah

16 Oct, 06:49

One minute of worship

Gems of Jannah

15 Oct, 04:57


You're not alone ❤️

Gems of Jannah

14 Oct, 06:14

A hardened heart is a dangerous outcome of continuous sinning. It leads to insensitivity towards others, a lack of empathy, and an inability to feel remorse.
A heart that once felt guilt over a small sin now doesn’t flinch at committing major wrongs.

The Prophet ﷺ warned of the danger of a hard heart, as it blocks guidance and compassion. To soften the heart, engage in sincere worship, surround yourself with righteous company, and cut off the habits that lead to sin.


Gems of Jannah

13 Oct, 09:01

🖋 During these times, when corruption and tests have increased, you must dedicate time to seclude yourself with your Lord. Therein you recite the Qur’ān, glorify Allah, increase in Istighfār (seeking forgiveness), thank Allah for all your blessings - both hidden and apparent, pray two units of prayer and make Dua whilst doing so... for verily this seclusion with your Lord will keep the heart steadfast and prevent relapse.

Ibn al-Qayyim said: “Hidden acts of worship are the greatest means of steadfastness."



Gems of Jannah

12 Oct, 08:30


Forgotten sunnah of Husn Dhann

Much of our mental distress would be cured if we just brought one Sunnah back into our lives – the lost Sunnah of Husn Dhann.

Husn Dhann can be translated as having good, positive thoughts but its meaning goes much deeper. In Islam, there are two aspects of Husn Dhann.

With Allah ﷻ 🫶🏻

Husn Dhann Billah means:

To have good thoughts about Allah ﷻ and
To expect only the best from Him.
Having positive expectations from Allah ﷻ acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy – what you expect, you receive. He ﷻ says in a Hadith Qudsi:

أَنَا عِنْدَ ظَنِّ عَبْدِي بِي
I am as My slave thinks of Me. [Bukhari]

You must have good expectations from Allah ﷻ to be able to fully rely on Him.

Sayyid Qutub (rah) said: “The believing heart assumes the best of its Lord, and always expects the best from Him. It expects good from Him in times of ease and times of hardship, and it believes that Allah wants good for him in either situation.”

Similarly, Ibn Qayyim (rah) said:

“Most people – in fact, all of them except those protected by Allah – assume other than the truth, and assume the worst. Most people believe that they are deprived of their rights, have bad luck, deserve more than what Allah gave them, and it is as if they are saying: ‘My Lord has wronged me and deprived me of what I deserve,’ and his soul bears witness to this while his tongue denies it and refuses to openly state this. […]

So, dig into your own self: are you protected from this? If you are safe from this, you have been protected from something great. Otherwise, I do not see that you have been saved.”

To be continued, In'shaa'Allah ✍🏻


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Gems of Jannah

12 Oct, 06:55

Humble behavior is so important for your life. When someone insulted you publicly but you kept your mouth shut and didn't talk back to him even though you had thousand reasons to insult him back. Trust me, you are not weak, you're the strongest of them all.

One day that person will come to you and apologize for his behavior and tell you that you're the most humble person he had ever known. Everyone will secretly envy you for this quality. So, whatever people say about you in your back or in front of you don't talk back to them. Just keep your mouth shut and smile. Allah will increase your honor and give your own reward for this. In sha Allah.

Gems of Jannah

10 Oct, 16:34

⚜️🤎 Send lots of Salawat upon the Prophet 🤎⚜️

Sending ṣalāwat upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday is better than on the rest of the days, and its night (Thursday night) is the best of nights.

He ﷺ said, “Among the best of your days is Friday, so frequently send ṣalāh upon me therein.”

الصلاة على النبي ﷺ يوم الجمعة أفضل من بقيّة الأيام، وليلتها أفضل الليالي، قال ﷺ: (إن من أفضل أيامكم يوم الجمعة فأكثروا عليّ من الصلاة فيه)

Shaykh Abdel Aziz AlTarefe

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#reminders #friday

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