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Welcome to Gazette Maldives, your go-to source for real-time updates from gazette.gov.mv! If you're looking for the latest news, announcements, and official information from the Maldives government, then look no further. Our Telegram channel, @gazettemv, is dedicated to providing you with all the important updates straight from the source. Who are we? We are a team of dedicated individuals who understand the importance of staying informed and up-to-date with government publications and announcements. What is Gazette Maldives? It is your one-stop destination for reliable and timely updates on all matters related to the Maldives government. Whether it's new laws being passed, official notices, or important announcements, you can trust Gazette Maldives to bring you the information you need. Join our Telegram channel today and never miss out on any crucial updates from gazette.gov.mv!
21 Nov, 17:39
21 Nov, 17:39
21 Nov, 17:37
21 Nov, 17:36
21 Nov, 17:34
21 Nov, 17:34
21 Nov, 17:29
21 Nov, 17:26
21 Nov, 17:26
21 Nov, 17:26
21 Nov, 17:19
21 Nov, 17:16
21 Nov, 17:12
21 Nov, 17:09
21 Nov, 16:58
21 Nov, 16:46
21 Nov, 16:39
21 Nov, 13:22
21 Nov, 13:13
21 Nov, 11:33