FUA CODE ⚡️ @fua_code Channel on Telegram



👨‍💻 ሰላም በዚህ ቻናል ላይ

➩ PROGRAMING በአማረኛ ትምህርቶች 👨‍💻
➩ አዳዲስ የ TECH መረጃዎች 📮
➩ የኮምፒውተር ትምህርቶች 🖥
➻ ሌሎችም ትምህርቶችን ያገኛሉ።

🧭 ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ እና የ የማስታውቂያ ስራ INBOX ME @FARAJJ0 ላይ ያናግሩን ።


FUA CODE ⚡️ (Amharic)

እንኳን ወደ FUA CODE ⚡️ ቻናል በደምበር ያመጣን! እንዴት እንደሚገኝ ነው? እንዴት እንደሚያሳተፉ ነው? እናትህን እናያለን፣ ይህ ቻናል በአማርኛ ለጥአት የሚቀጥል ስራዎችን ለገና ለማህበረሰብና ለመረጃዎችን ለመዝጋት ይሆናል። አዳዲስ ትምህርቶችንና ትክክለኛ መረጃዎችን በማስተዋወቅ ለሚሊኒ እና ኮምፒውተር ትምህርቶችን እንዴት እንደሚጠቁ እናውቃለን። እባኮት የትምህር ጥያቄ እና መረጃዎችን የምረቃ ሲሆን እና እንዲህ ያለ ስለዚህ አመሰግናለን ፣ ረዥም መረጃዎችን ያጋለጠችን ። ለስለለውም መናገሪዎችን እና የማስታውቂያ ስራ በኮምፒውተር ወንጀል እንዲለዋቅ በመነሻና በመልዕክት ይጠቀሙ። የሚካሄዱትም ደግሞ እና ስለተመለከተ ጥያቄ እና መረጃዎች ፣ ከኛ ጋር የመከታተል አሳዛኝ ማስታወቂያዎችን እናውቃለን። ለማህበረሰቡ ለተመረጡት እና በመረጡ ለአዲስ ተሳፋሪዎች እጅ እንዲለዋቅ ከእኛ ጋር ይነሳን።


09 Nov, 17:31

21 Days to Frontend Mastery: Your HTML & CSS Bootcamp

Day 1: Build Your Own Personal Website! 🎉

1. Brainstorm your content: What do you want to share? Your bio, contact info, links to your social media, maybe even your skills and interests?

2. Create your HTML file: Open your favorite text editor (like VS Code, Sublime Text, or Notepad++) and create a new file called "index.html". This is the foundation of your website.

3. Set up the basic structure: Start with <html>, <head>, and <body> tags. These are like the rooms in your website house!

4. Add your bio: Inside the <body>, use <h1> for your name, <p> for your description, and other tags to format it nicely.

5. Include your contact details: Add your email, phone number, and links to your social media.
6. Save and check it out: Save your "index.html" file and open it in your browser! See how it looks and make adjustments.

7. Optional: Add some style (CSS): If you're feeling fancy, create a "styles.css" file and link it to your HTML using <link> in the <head>. This lets you control the look and feel of your website.

8. Publish your website: Once you're happy with it, you can share your website with the world! Use a free hosting service to upload your "index.html" and "styles.css" files.

Resources to help you:

• Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) HTML Guide: [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/HTML](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/HTML)
• W3Schools HTML Tutorial: [https://www.w3schools.com/html/](https://www.w3schools.com/html/)
• Codecademy HTML Course: [https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-html](https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-html)

Share with credit : https://t.me/FUA_CODE


07 Nov, 20:05

Thanks for the amazing response, let's start with Roadmap today

21 Days to Frontend Mastery: Your HTML & CSS Bootcamp

Ready to level up your web development skills? This 21-day plan will guide you from beginner to builder, all with the power of HTML and CSS.

Here's the roadmap:

Week 1: Building the Foundations

• Day 1: Your Personal Showcase: Create a simple webpage featuring your bio and contact info - your first online introduction!
• Day 2: Delicious Delights: Design a webpage showcasing your favorite recipes with mouthwatering images.
• Day 3: Gallery of Greatness: Build an image gallery to showcase your favorite photos or artwork.
• Day 4: Blog It Out: Design a blog-style webpage to share your thoughts and ideas with the world.
• Day 5: Connect the Dots: Add a contact form to your personal website so people can reach out.
• Day 6: Style with Flair: Use CSS to add visual pizzazz to your projects, making them pop!
• Day 7: Responsive Ready: Make your projects look fantastic on any device, from phones to desktops!

Week 2: Stepping Up Your Game

• Day 8: Pricing Power: Design a professional-looking pricing table for a product or service.
• Day 9: Newsletter Magic: Create a newsletter signup form with validation using HTML and CSS.
• Day 10: Testimonials of Success: Build a page showcasing customer testimonials using eye-catching CSS card designs.
• Day 11: Animated Awesomeness: Add some flair with animated buttons using CSS transitions or keyframes.
• Day 12: Flexbox Fun: Master Flexbox for easy and flexible layout control.
• Day 13: Grid Mastery: Explore CSS Grid for more advanced and powerful layout options.
• Day 14: Framework Power: Get to know popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation to speed up your development.

Week 3: Becoming a Pro

• Day 15: Landing Page Wow: Design a stunning landing page for a fictional product, focusing on beautiful aesthetics.
• Day 16: Parallax Panache: Add parallax scrolling effects to your landing page for a smooth and engaging experience.
• Day 17: Interactive Forms: Create a complex form with validation, dropdowns, and radio buttons.
• Day 18: Image Slider Success: Build an image slider using only HTML and CSS for an interactive experience.
• Day 19: CSS Animations Unleashed: Bring your projects to life with custom CSS animations to enhance user experience.
• Day 20: Responsive Navigation: Design a navigation menu that adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience on all devices.
• Day 21: Your Masterpiece: Put everything you've learned into practice by building a unique project of your choice. Showcase your skills with a portfolio website, a web app, or anything that sparks your creativity.

This is a journey of learning and practice. Don't hesitate to consult documentation, online resources, and fellow developers for help along the way.

Ready to get started? Let's build something amazing! 🚀

• Share with Credits: https://t.me/FUA_CODE



05 Nov, 17:26

🚀 Ready to code? Your phone is your power! 💪

📱 No laptop? No problem! You can start your web development journey right now with your phone.

Here's how:

1. Mobile coding tools are your best friends.
• HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Check out Dcoder or Spck Editor - they're like mini coding studios in your pocket!
• Replit: Code directly in your browser, no downloads needed.

2. Learn on the go!
• YouTube and freeCodeCamp: Tons of free tutorials to watch, anytime, anywhere.

3. Practice makes perfect!
• Build a website: Use online tools to create a website showcasing your skills.

4. Join the challenge!
• 21 Days of Code: A fun way to stay motivated and build a habit.

Pro Tip: Start small, be consistent, and remember, the best tool is the one you have. Your phone is all you need to get started. 🚀

With passion and practice, you can build amazing things! 🌟 Keep coding!



04 Nov, 17:54

🚀Welcome to FUA CODE! 🎉

Hey everyone, I'm FUAD, and I'm thrilled to be starting this web development journey with you!

This channel is all about learning, growing, and building amazing things together. I'll be sharing:

• Daily coding tips: To help you level up your skills and become a coding pro.
• Project updates: You'll see what I'm working on, including my portfolio website, so we can learn from each other.
• Learning moments: I'll share my daily discoveries and challenges, so you can learn alongside me.
• Fun challenges: Get ready for some exciting coding tasks we'll tackle together!

Ready to build your skills? I'm excited to guide you through a 21-day project plan, focusing on HTML and CSS. We'll start with basics and work our way up to more complex projects. It's all about gaining practical experience!

Remember, practice is key. Don't be afraid to explore online resources, consult documentation, and ask questions. We're all in this together!

Let's get coding! 🚀

#WebDevelopment #CodeVlogs



03 Nov, 10:00


የሁዋዌ አይሲቲ ውድድር 2024/25 ፕሮግራም ይፋ ሆኗል፡፡

በ9ኛው ዓለም አቀፍ የ2024/25 አይሲቲ ውድድር ለመሳተፍ የምትፈልጉ እስከ ታህሳስ 2017 ዓ.ም መጨረሻ ድረስ መመዝገብ ይኖርባችኋል፡፡

ኔትዎርኪንግ፣ ክላውድ ኮምፒውተር እና አርቴፊሻል ኢንተለጀንስ ውድድሩ ከሚደረግባቸው የአይሲቲ ዘርፎች መካከል ይጠቀሳሉ።  

በሁዋዌ የICT ውድድር (Huawei ICT Competition 2024-2025) ለመሳተፍ በቅድሚያ የሁዋዌ ICT አካዳሚ አባል ይሁኑ።

የአካዳሚው አባል ለመሆን 👇

ለውድድሩ ምዝገባ ለማድረግ 👇


30 Oct, 14:34

Google lm (notebook lm)

Google በቅርቡ ያስተዋወቀው ai ሲሆን ለተማሪዎች ፣ ለresearch ሰሪዎች እና በተለያየ የስራ መስክ ላሉ ሰዎች ታስቦ የተሰራ ነው።

ይህ ai እኛ ያስገባንለትን document  ላይ በመመስረት
Summarize ማድረግ
ጥያቄ ማውጣት

በሁለት ai models አማካኝነት እንደ አስጠኚ በሁለት ሰዎች ድምፅ በደንብ አብራርቶ ማስረዳት የመሳሰሉ አገልግሎቶችን ይሰጣል።

እንዲሁም ከDocument በተጨማሪ የyoutube video add ማድረግ እንዲሁም ማሳጠር እና ጥያቄ መጠየቅ ትችላላችሁ።

ይህንን ai ወደ
https://notebooklm.google.com በመሄድ መጠቀም ትችላላችሁ።



27 Oct, 12:30

ከትምህርት ጎንለጎን የሆነ ነገር እያሰባችሁ በተልይ ተማሪዎች


26 Oct, 19:56

«አዲስ አበባ ሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በሰው ሠራሽ አስተውሎት(Artificial Intelligence) የድኅረ-ምረቃ መርሐግብር ሊከፍት ነው።

ዩኒቨርሲቲው በአርቴፊሻል ኢንተለጀንስ፣ በቢግ ዳታ እና በሳይበር ሴኪዩሪቲ መስኮች የድኅረ-ምረቃ ተማሪዎችን ተቀብሎ ለማስተማር እየሠራ መሆኑን በተቋሙ የምርምርና ልህቀት ማዕከላት ዳይሬክተር ጌታቸው አዳም (ዶ/ር) ለኢዜአ ተናግረዋል።

ዩኒቨርሲቲው ባሉት ስምንት የልህቀት ማዕከላት የተለያዩ የድኅረ-ምረቃ መርሐግብሮችን በመክፈት ላይ እንደሚገኝ ዳይሬክተሩ ገልፀዋል።

ባለፈው ዓመት በዩኒቨርሲቲው የተከፈተው የኒውክለር ሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ የድኅረ-ምረቃ መርሐግብር ተማሪዎችን ተቀብሎ እያስተማረ ይገኛል ብለዋል።

ዩኒቨርሲቲው የልህቀት ማዕከላቱን ታሳቢ ያደረገ የህንፃ ግንባታ እያካሕደ ሲሆን፤ እስካሁን የአራት ልህቀት ማዕከላት ግንባታ መጠናቀቃቸው ታውቋል።»

©: Tikvah University


26 Oct, 10:41

ቴሌግራም ላይ እንደዚህ አይነት message ከደረሳችሁ click አድርጋችሁ login እንዳታደርጉ።
" Photos of you as a child"

ይህ ቆየት ያለ የphishing attack አይነት ነው። አንዴ login ካደረጋችሁ telegram አካውንታችሁ Hack ይደረጋል።


25 Oct, 19:45

📱 No Laptop? No Problem! Start Web Development on Your Phone

1. Use Mobile IDEs:
- HTML/CSS/JS: Try Dcoder or Spck Editor.
- Replit: Code directly in your browser.

2. Learn Anywhere:
- Watch tutorials on YouTube or freeCodeCamp.
- Read docs from MDN Web Docs on the go.

3. Practice Projects:
- Build a personal website using online tools.
- Share your code on CodePen or GitHub Mobile.

4. Join Challenges:
- Try Frontend Mentor projects or 100 Days of Code.

Tip: Start small, stay consistent, and remember—the best tool is the one you have! Your phone is enough to begin. 🚀

With passion and practice, you’ll build awesome things! 🌟 Keep coding!


11 Sep, 11:58

How Ethiopia’s 5 Million Coders Initiative Can Drive Economic Growth and Job Creation

Last July, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed officially launched the 5 Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative, aligning with the national Digital Ethiopia 2025 strategy to bridge the digital skills gap. The initiative aims to provide digital technology training to five million citizens. While the initiative seeks to equip five million Ethiopians with digital skills, a crucial question remains: Where will these coders end up, and can the country absorb them into meaningful employment?

The scale of the initiative raises significant concerns about job placement and economic integration. With over 110,000 students already enrolled and a potential reach of seven million, Ethiopia faces the challenge of creating sufficient employment opportunities for graduates. Currently, over 40% of graduates are unemployed. Although digital skills are expanding, job markets for these skills are not yet fully developed.

To address this issue, the growth of the outsourcing sector becomes crucial. Outsourcing could provide numerous job opportunities for newly trained coders by leveraging Ethiopia’s competitive advantages, such as lower labor costs, skilled manpower, and a growing digital infrastructure. Expanding this sector could attract international companies seeking skilled and cost-effective labor, creating robust employment avenues for Ethiopian graduates of the coding initiative.

The global job market is undergoing a significant shift driven by the internet. Statista reports that the global business process outsourcing (BPO) industry is valued at $390 billion in 2024 and is expected to grow to over $449 billion by 2029. India, with one of the largest BPO markets in the world, generated $245.5 billion in revenue and employed around 4.1 million people in 2023. Meanwhile, South Africa leads the African continent with a market size of $461 million, according to a report by McKinsey & Company. The remote work revolution is driven by a talent gap in meeting the increasing demands for skilled professionals in the Western world, with employers taking advantage of wage differences to hire talented individuals who can deliver comparable outcomes at lower costs.

For Ethiopia to successfully integrate these coders into the workforce, public-private partnerships are essential. Collaboration between the government, the private sector, and organizations like the Ethiopia Outsourcing Association is key. The Ethiopian government should focus on improving the country’s image as a viable outsourcing destination, investing in infrastructure, ensuring a stable business environment, and providing incentives for companies to set up operations in Ethiopia. Meanwhile, the private sector and the Ethiopia Outsourcing Association must address market issues such as skill mismatches and infrastructure gaps, advocating for policies that support the growth of the outsourcing sector and create a hospitable environment for both local and international firms. Attracting foreign investment is also crucial for sector growth; efforts should be made to market Ethiopia as an attractive outsourcing destination, highlighting the benefits of investing in a country with a growing, educated workforce.

To ensure the success of the coding initiative and the broader digital economy, Ethiopia must create a sustainable ecosystem where local outsourcing firms can thrive and international investors feel confident. This includes addressing regulatory hurdles, enhancing digital infrastructure, and fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

By fostering collaboration and focusing on these areas, Ethiopia can better position itself to integrate new digital skills into its economy and turn the ambitious goals of the coding initiative into tangible economic benefits.

Credit: Ethiopia Outsourcing Association



11 Sep, 01:39

“F-E-A-R has two meanings:

• 'Forget Everything And Run'
• 'Face Everything And Rise.'

The choice is yours.”

May 2017 be the year you face your fears and rise.

Much Love ❤️


10 Sep, 20:39

በኦንላይን ኮርስ ለመማር ተመዝግበው ሳይጨርሱት ያቋረጡ ሰዎች ስም ዝርዝር!

Names of those who have enrolled for online courses without completing them😁



21 Aug, 09:23

Coding ለመማር የሚጠቅሙ የmobile መተግበሪያዎች

Mimo ጀማሪ ከሆናችሁ እና እንደ JavaScript, typescript, python ያሉ courses የምትማሩበት መተግበሪያ ነው። በተጨማሪም puzzle በመስራት practice ማድረግ ትችላላችሁ።

የአፑ ልንክ ፡ MIMO



17 Aug, 09:29

Web development Roadmap

1. JavaScript + React = Front-end web development
2. JavaScript + Angular = Front-end web development
3. JavaScript + Vue.js = Front-end web development
4. HTML + CSS = Basic web structure and styling
5. JavaScript + Node.js = Back-end development
6. Python + Django = Web development (back-end)
7. Python + Flask = Web development (back-end)
8. Java + Spring Boot = Enterprise-level back-end development
9. PHP + Laravel = Web development (back-end)
10. Ruby + Rails = Web development (full-stack)



16 Aug, 05:20

How to become a Pro Web Developer?

Step 1: Learn HTML & CSS
Step 2: Build projects
Step 3: Learn Git
Step 4: Learn CSS Frameworks
Step 5: Build projects
Step 6: Learn JavaScript
Step 7: Build projects
Step 8: Learn frontend framework
Step 9: Build projects
Step 10: Build some more projects
Step 10: Learn NodeJS, APIs and Databases
Step 11: Build projects



06 Aug, 18:40

ኢሚግሬሽንና ዜግነት አገልግሎት ለሚሰጣቸው የፓስፖርት አገልግሎት ከፍተኛ የዋጋ ጭማሪ አደረገ

ኢሚግሬሽንና ዜግነት አገልግሎት ለሚሰጣቸው የፓስፖርት አገልግሎቶች ክፍያ ከፍተኛ የዋጋ ጭማሪ አድርጓል።

አገልግሎቱ በሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት ደምብ ቁጥር 550/2024 መሠረት የዋጋ ማሻሻያ ስለማድጉ ይፋ አድርጓል።

በዚህም መሠረት አዲስ ፓስፖርት ለማውጣት በመደበኛ 5 ሺህ፣ በአምስት ቀን ለማውጣት 20 ሺህ ብር ሲሆን በሁለት ቀን አስቸኳይ ለማውጣት ደግሞ እስከ 25 ሺህ ብር ድረስ የአገልግሎት ክፍያ ያስከፍላል።

ለጠፋ ፓስፖርት በሁለት ቀን እረማት ለማድረግ የአገልግሎት ክፍያ ብቻ እስከ 40 ሺህ 5 መቶ ብር ድረስ እንደሚያስከፍል የኢትዮጵያ ዜግነት እና አገልግሎት አስታውቋል።

አገልግሎቱ ያደረገውን የዋጋ ማሻሻያ ሙሉ መረጃ ከምስሉ መመልከት ይችላሉ።


05 Aug, 07:13

⚡️በሁለት ክልክ የplagiarism ድቴክሽን ማለፍ።

ይህ ኤኣይ አገልግሎት ማንኛውንም ጽሑፍ በቀላሉ ርፍሬዝ ለማረግ የሚረዳ ነው። የቻትጅፕት ጽሑፍን በሰው ዘይቤ እንደገና ይጽፋል እና የፕልጅርዝም ምርመራን እንኳን በቀላሉ ማለፍ ይችላል።

የዌቡን ልንክ Undetectablegpt

ለተማሪ ጓደኞችዎ ሼር ያርጉ።

Telegram FUA LIVE


02 Aug, 17:29

🐹 የHamster አችቭመንት ክፍል ማብራሪያ በሥዕሉ ላይ ባለው ቁጥር መሰረት

1. እስካሁን አፕግሬድ ያደረጉት ካርዶች ብዛት።

2. እስካሁን ወደ 15 ደረጃ አፕግሬድ ያደረጉት ካርዶች ብዛት።

3. እስካሁን ወደ 25 ደረጃ አፕግሬድ ያደረጉት ካርዶች ብዛት።

4. ባናንተ የተጠራቀመ ጠቅላላ የሳንቲም ብዛት።

5. የጋበዟቸው ጓደኞች ብዛት.

6. የገዙት ቆዳዎች ብዛት.

7. ያገኙት ፕሮፍት ፔር ሀውር.

8. በሃምስተር የዩቲዩብ ቻናል ላይ ያዩዋቸው ቪዲዮዎች ብዛት።

9. ለሃምስተር ቻናል በቴሌግራም ከተመዘገቡ በኋላ ያሳለፉት ጊዜ

ለአዳድስ ትች መረጃ Share ያርጉ!

Telegram FUA LIVE


31 Jul, 09:21

ሳምሰንግ ለኤሌክትሪክ መኪናዎች አዳዲስ ባትሪዎች መስራቱን አስታውቋል

በዚህ መስክ ላይ ለውጥ ያመጣል ተብሎ ይጠበቃል

የሳምሰንግ ባትሪዎች 965 ኪሎ ሜትር ርቀት በ 100% ኃይል ይሰጣሉ
በ 9 ደቂቃዎች ውስጥ ሙሉ በሙሉ ይሞላል!
የባትሪው ዕድሜ 20 ዓመት ነው

እ.ኤ.አ. በ 2027 ለሽያጭ መኪኖች ውስጥ እናየዋለን, ان شاء الله

#Samsung #ElectricCars #BatteryDevelopment #Revolution #965kmRange #FastCharge #20YearBatteryLife #2027Cars #Innovation #SustainableEnergy

Telegram: FUA LIVE


26 Jul, 15:56

አስደሳች ዜና ለዊንዶውስ 11 ተጠቃሚዎች!

ማይክሮሶፍት በቅርቡ በተሻሻለው Update ወደ ስልክዎ ፋይሎችን ማግኘት ቀላል አድርጎታል። በሙከራ ባለ Version ውስጥ፣ የስልክዎ Memory በዊንዶውስ ፋይል ኤክስፕሎረር ውስጥ እንደ ፍላሽ Drive ይታያል ፣ ይህም የስልክ መተግበሪያ ሳያስፈልግ ፋይሎችን ያለገመድ Access እና እንዲያቀናብሩ ያስችልዎታል።

ይህ ምቹ Feature ከአንድሮይድ 11 እና ከዚያ በላይ ጋር ተስማም ነው፣ እና በቅርብ ጊዜ ውስጥ ለሁሉም የዊንዶውስ 11 ተጠቃሚዎች ይለቀቃል።

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