Folk Wisdom & Ways @folkwisdom Channel on Telegram

Folk Wisdom & Ways


A channel sharing wisdom, lore and more.🌲Focusing on Northern European animistic polytheism and folk ways.

Folk Wisdom & Ways (English)

Are you interested in connecting with the ancient wisdom and traditions of Northern European animistic polytheism? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Folk Wisdom & Ways'! This channel, with the username @folkwisdom, is dedicated to sharing insights, lore, and practices that have been passed down through generations.

From the symbolism of trees to the rituals of honoring the natural world, 'Folk Wisdom & Ways' explores the rich tapestry of folk traditions that have shaped the spiritual beliefs of the region.

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner looking to deepen your understanding or someone curious to learn more about these ancient ways, this channel offers a welcoming space for all. Join a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about preserving and celebrating the wisdom of our ancestors.

Experience the beauty and magic of Northern European folklore through engaging discussions, informative articles, and shared experiences. Connect with the land, the spirits, and the stories that have shaped our cultural heritage.

Discover the hidden gems of wisdom waiting to be uncovered in 'Folk Wisdom & Ways'. Embrace the spirit of the forest, the wisdom of the ancestors, and the power of community as we journey together into the heart of Northern European folklore and traditions.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

11 Jan, 15:54

We have begun producing 8oz coffee mugs with exclusive artwork depicting Thor in his goat-drawn chariot on a canary contrast mug.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

11 Jan, 15:53

On the Buttnmandllauf

In the area around the Bavarian town of Berchtesgaden there exists a rather unique Yule tradition, which is done in December: the Buttnmandllauf.

Men will dress up as so called Buttnmandl (straw spirits), Krampus (forest/winter demon) and Gankerl (forest demons) and move in a big procession through town and fields.

The men will meet before noon and dress up as the various figures. Afterwards the various groups will move from house to house.

The Christians added their own figures to this Pagan tradition, as the figure of Saint Nikolaus will lead the procession.

It is said that the tradition will bring a rich harvest and protect from evil spirits.



Folk Wisdom & Ways

11 Jan, 15:52

By @a.nordic.nomad on Instagram

Folk Wisdom & Ways

11 Jan, 15:51

Speaking of homeschooling, my younger children relished my storytelling today of the European folktale, "Stone Soup", in which a weary traveler convinces a less than generous host to make a "magic" soup from nothing but a stone. We are making our own stone soup today.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

09 Jan, 23:04

“A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor — such is my idea of happiness.”
— Leo Tolstoy

Folk Wisdom & Ways

08 Jan, 23:55

My own opinion is that the Irminsul more likely resembled the above image. The ‘T’ shape Irminsul we see carved into the Externsteine is widely credited to Wilhelm Teudt (1860-1942). As a ‘Mighty Pillar’ the Irminsul was likely the same as our god-poles, called a stapol in OE, only far larger.

Irmin is cognate with the Eormen in OE and Jǫrmun in ON. Odin himself used the name Jörmunr, suggesting Irmin is Woden and not Tiw.

Image source

Folk Wisdom & Ways

08 Jan, 15:17

"There are men for whom winter is not an enemy but a mirror; it reflects back to them their own essence, cold and invincible."
— Jünger

Folk Wisdom & Ways

08 Jan, 15:16

👆👆👆Very similar to the "Fire Cider" I make .

Folk Wisdom & Ways

08 Jan, 15:15

My recipe for "Amish Amoxicillan"
All organic if possible
1 lemon - squeezed
1 small yellow onion
Peeled ginger about the size of a lemon in diameter or bigger, I love ginger
3 or 4 cloves of garlic
1 heaping tablespoon of turmeric spice or raw
1 teaspoon of black pepper spice
1 tablespoon of Cayenne pepper spice
3 tablespoons of manuka honey (the highest raw MGO grade you can afford)
Pineapple cut up, the whole thing ( or use canned in 100%juice)
1/4 cup of apple cidar vinegar
I make my own acv, so mine is sweeter so if you use store bought, maybe use less? I dk.
I blend it all together and eat it raw by the tablespoons 3 times a day or more.
Some like to strain it so do you --if you prefer that.
Enjoy healing naturally ✨️ ❤️


Folk Wisdom & Ways

07 Jan, 15:44

Merovingian brooch, 6th century

Merovingi or Merohingii ("sons of Merovech") were one of the establishing Frankish dynasties.
Merovech was the King of the Salian Franks.
They were a Germanic tribe who originally worshipped Woden.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

07 Jan, 02:09

The coat of arms of Irmenseul, Lower Saxony, features an interpretation of the Irminsul with a sun cross, and a replica was built on a hill nearby. ⴲ

Folk Wisdom & Ways

07 Jan, 02:08

Not Everyone Can Be English: Here’s Why

Folk Wisdom & Ways

06 Jan, 22:33

On traditions

The oldest traditional clothing in the Alpine region is the so called 'Bregenzerwälder Juppe'. It is worn by women of the region of Vorarlberg, a county of Austria. It goes back to the 15th century and has not changed ever since.

Unmarried girls wear a 'Schappale', an artful head garment, handmade by only a couple of artisans.

The headwear and dress often are worn lifelong on special occasions and then given to the next generation.

#tradition #custom


Folk Wisdom & Ways

01 Dec, 22:49

Annie Stegg

Folk Wisdom & Ways

01 Dec, 15:21

“Be a friend
to your friend,
and repay each gift with a gift.
Repay laughter
with laughter,
repay treachery with treachery.”
— Hávamál 42

Folk Wisdom & Ways

30 Nov, 21:04

“It is not what happens to me that makes me great but what I do, and there is surely no one who thinks that a man became great because he won the grand prize in the lottery.”
— Kierkegaard

Folk Wisdom & Ways

30 Nov, 18:35

The Yule Goat, 1910, J. Bauer

Folk Wisdom & Ways

28 Nov, 19:51

Offerings were made at the roots of an oak tree on this Thursday with the caws of crows showing the Gods were near. Happy thanksgiving to all.
Hail to our brave and honorable ancestors!

Folk Wisdom & Ways

28 Nov, 01:32

How To Use an Aebleskiver Pan the correct way

Folk Wisdom & Ways

27 Nov, 23:35

"𝓘𝓵𝓵 𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓾𝓵𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼."
- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓪𝓰𝓪 𝓸𝓯 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓵𝓭 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓮

Folk Wisdom & Ways

27 Nov, 15:04

Rise up, men. Keep at it. Don't lose your focus. Discipline the mind. Harden the body. Clench your teeth and bear your struggle with honor. Go, and punch the god of mediocrity in the face. Today. Every day.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

27 Nov, 15:03

Iron Age grave finds from Himlingøje, Denmark; a glass drinking horn, gold ring, beads, and a bronze fylfot brooch. ⴲ

Folk Wisdom & Ways

26 Nov, 01:59

Grimm proposed that the belief that salt could keep evil spirits away originated in pagan times, as the Celtic and Germanic tribes often harvested salt from tidal rivers, which were seen as liminal spaces. This valuable salt may have been seen as a gift from the Gods themselves. The 15th Century Thesaurus Pauperum mentioned salt among the things that were offered to Frau Holle.
Pic: a Germanic antler salt container from Grüneck Castle, Switzerland.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

25 Nov, 23:23

Do Hard Things.
(1 min)
Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Folk Wisdom & Ways

25 Nov, 23:20

All ethics groups have an ancient indigenous spirituality and culture 🔱 Artist: Johan Bauer 1882 - 1918, Sweden.

Follow @Salgofnir for motivational quotes and ancestral wisdom.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

25 Nov, 23:20

Brita as Idun poster 1901
Carl Larsson (Swedish, 1853-1919)

Folk Wisdom & Ways

25 Nov, 15:44

Timely message and much appreciated!👆👆👆⚡️

Folk Wisdom & Ways

25 Nov, 15:43

A MESSAGE from TYR meant FOR YOU right now

Folk Wisdom & Ways

25 Nov, 06:32

TRØLLABUNDIN // Eivør & Danish National Symphony Orchestra (Live)

Folk Wisdom & Ways

11 Nov, 05:21

“I shall not abandon the faith that I have previously held, as have my kinsmen before me. I shall also make no objection to your believing in whatever god you like.”

Folk Wisdom & Ways

11 Nov, 04:32

Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Folk Wisdom & Ways

11 Nov, 04:32

Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Folk Wisdom & Ways

10 Nov, 17:01

Why German Christmas Food Is the Best

Folk Wisdom & Ways

09 Nov, 15:45

“Fire for men is the fairest gift,
And power to see the sun;
Health as well, if a man may have it,
And a life not stained with sin.”
~Hávamál 68, Bellows
This deceptively simple stanza appears to be a testament to the use of sacred fire as a means to contact the Gods.

“Eldr er beztr með ýta sonum ok sólar sýn, heilyndi sitt,
ef maðr hafa náir,
án við löst at lifa.”

Folk Wisdom & Ways

09 Nov, 15:45

It’s still the Bonfire season here in England. Bonfire comes from the ME bonnefyre (lit. fire for bones). Bones were burnt and the ashes spread on the field as a form of fertiliser. Potash was (and still is) used in the same way. The Need-fire (OE nýd-fýr) was ritual fire started with a bow drill or by friction. Both the OE Nyd and the OG Not come from PGmc *naudiz which has two meanings, ‘need or necessity’ and ‘force or compulsion’. Fire is a living entity and the nýd-fýr was a sacred fire which the christian church tried to ban. In 734 CE Wynfrið of Wessex (who became known as St. Boniface) included the need-fire in his list of 'Heathenish Observations' calling 'fractum lignum' (friction fire) a sacrilegious fire.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

09 Nov, 15:45

The minds of contemporary humans are so incredibly consumed by trivial, thoughtless distractions that few take time to think.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

09 Nov, 15:42

The global war on farming continues.

🇬🇧 Keir Starmer’s communist regime is introducing an inheritance tax to kill off UK family farming so ultimately only centralized state controlled farms will survive.

The motive is always the same: control the food, control the people.


Folk Wisdom & Ways

08 Nov, 15:40

This graph here tells us a couple things. First, white women are overwhelmingly wanting some sense of normalcy, tradition, morals, etc. As much as some may think they are lost forever, the results here tell a different story. This should make us all very proud of them.

Second, it also shows that white women will follow white men. They have spoken and it's time for us more than ever to lead. They are yearning for us to do so. Their instincts are still alive and so must be ours.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

06 Nov, 05:02

“Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.”
Albert Pike

Folk Wisdom & Ways

05 Nov, 15:43

“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”
― Rudyard Kipling

Folk Wisdom & Ways

05 Nov, 05:18

Why do Pagans constantly reference the Grail?

Heiliger Gral, Saint Graal, Greal Sanctaidd, The Holy Grail. So many languages so many stories. From Arthurian Legends, to Chivalrous Tales, Third Reich Esotericism, to the modern day there are few who haven’t heard at least the term.

To many, the Grail is not something tangible but an allegory or representation of attaining a Divine Truth, a completion of a hard, perilous journey of sorts.

Paganism theoretically had for the most part been extinguished by the time these stories were first written. (Notice written, oral tradition could have been much, much earlier). Yet through many lenses we see Pagan values and Pagan thought in fact lived on within Christianity in a sort of mutant bastard way. Purists will shit on this observation, but almost all agree that especially in the heavy Crusader countries (British isles, France, Germany) a sort of White Christianity was practiced.

This was also agreed upon by many of the Thule Society and furthermore members of the Third Reich. That continued and still continues into more modern day Esoterica.

Now many will claim the Grail Mythology is in fact some sort of Estoteric Hitlerism, which might be true to an extent, but that is obviously incorrect because any Google search or basic book knowledge will tell you this was being written about all the way back in 1200 or so AD, not very long after Christianity became dominant over the pesky Pagans.

So again, even a thoroughly dissected and bugman Sperg argument would just be empty words trying to disprove the obvious;

The Holy Grail mythos is entirely European, and although dressed in the tunic of a Christian Knight, the whole dynamic is as ancient as we are.

Now go do your homework.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

02 Nov, 14:50

I believe the above quote is from Rudyard Kippling.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

02 Nov, 14:49

Now this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky,

And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.

As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back,

For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

02 Nov, 14:21

The Sacred Landscape in Scandinavia

Folk Wisdom & Ways

02 Nov, 00:33

Welcome to Blood month!!

November is Blot-monaþ ‘Blood (sacrifice) month’ when surplus livestock was killed off before winter. You had fattened your pigs through mad month now is the time to slaughter, salt, smoke and store to see you through the winter.

In the Anglo-Saxon calendar, Blōtmōnaþ (modern MEnglish: blót month) was the month roughly corresponding to November.

The month was recorded by the Anglo-Saxon scholar Bede saying "Blod-monath is month of immolations, for it was in this month that the cattle which were to be slaughtered were dedicated to the gods.” ( Sherrif of Nottingham FB group)

Folk Wisdom & Ways

25 Oct, 02:00

A group portrait taken at a wedding in Norway, 1900.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

23 Oct, 02:53

Classical Music - Cello Collection

Folk Wisdom & Ways

23 Oct, 00:34

“Brodir had been a Christian and an ordained deacon, but he had cast aside the faith and become a renegade and sacrificed to heathen spirits and was very skilled in sorcery. He had armour which no steel could bite. He was both big and strong and had such long hair that he tucked it under his belt; it was black.”

Njal’s saga describes a strong Icelander named Brodir who, having been fully educated and ordained as a deacon, then reverted to the true faith.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

22 Oct, 16:26

Ancestor Veneration & Blood Memories

Folk Wisdom & Ways

22 Oct, 00:54

Some thoughts about recent happenings In Appalachia.

It’s insanely obvious that the Federal Government is just useless at this point. Like everything else it’s ran by complete retards or commies. Natural Law is being upset, that’s why things suck.

What is also apparent is that all these hide in the woods in their cabin bad ass Rambo type dudes ain’t shit to basic organized groups of people. There are churches with radio towers coordinating efforts like they’re some FOB in Afghanistan.

Everyone needs to get off social media and fantasy world and realize what happened in Appalachia during Helene can happen anywhere at anytime. What’s worse is if you live in a demographic are where you’re the minority, you’re probably a target and you’re getting attention dead last.

The only answer is Networking NOW. And we need to network wider because do any of us have helicopters etc? No.

Time to throw out the checkers and start playing chess or we are all fucked.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

22 Oct, 00:51

Worldwide, baby's are seen as a symbol of hope, purity, innocence and other positive things.

In European folklore, baby's often play a keyrole as a symbol of godsend.

For example, in Ancient Greece there was baby Hercules who was known for his extraordinary strenght.

In Dutch Folklore, baby's have a gift aswell. It is believed that if a baby is laughing during his/her dreams, that they are communicating with fairies/fae volk. In Dutch we call these mythical beings "Feeën".

🖼 by Warwick Goble 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Follow Tribal Europe:

Folk Wisdom & Ways

21 Oct, 03:06

How to Celebrate a Quiet Life - Daily Life in Finland

Folk Wisdom & Ways

20 Oct, 14:40

“One must be a sea, to receive a polluted stream without becoming impure.”
— Nietzsche

Folk Wisdom & Ways

20 Oct, 14:39

A storm has set in in this part of England. And whilst I’ve sometimes connected the gale-winds with Woden's song, these wet and windy storms are connected with the thunder god Thunor. There are lots of images and depictions of the gods holding their beards (see STJ post here), but one of the more famous is the bronze Eyrarland Statue showing Thor parting his beard. One name used to describe Thor and no doubt connected is Skegghöss or Beard-voice or Beard-speech. Another name is Skeggraust, Beard-voice or Beard-flow. Both carry the idea his voice is the source of the storm.

Folk Wisdom & Ways

19 Oct, 21:59

Worldwide, baby's are seen as a symbol of hope, purity, innocence and other positive things.

In European folklore, baby's often play a keyrole as a symbol of godsend.

For example, in Ancient Greece there was baby Hercules who was known for his extraordinary strenght.

In Dutch Folklore, baby's have a gift aswell. It is believed that if a baby is laughing during his/her dreams, that they are communicating with fairies/fae volk. In Dutch we call these mythical beings "Feeën".

🖼 by Warwick Goble 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Follow Tribal Europe:

Folk Wisdom & Ways

19 Oct, 21:52

Because every heart can feel affection

Join @awakenedspecies

Folk Wisdom & Ways

19 Oct, 21:52

Title: Father Rhine

Medium: Oil-on-Digital

Time: 30+ Hours

Theme: German Folklore

By whose jars the river spawns high in the Alps, at times flowing tranquil and wonder-beautiful and other times raging and deadly, many a romantic tune was sung of the Rhine and many a lament for those whose final resting place was deep within it's watery depths. But though the bones at his bottom may be countless, so too is the life Father Rhine provides, his waters form the life giving blood of Europe alongside his sons and daughters; Main, Neckar, Töss, Moselle, Lahn and a manifold of others across the Aeons.

Hyperborean Radio

Phew! It's been a while, but I'm glad to say I have finally finished this really awesome painting of Father Rhine. A river god! The personification of the river Rhine. I was meant to finish him about two weeks ago because I was hoping to speed paint this painting; I painted the background in two days, which was a mistake. All I did was accelerate burnout. Nevertheless, I managed to get it done.

What did I learn from this painting? Quite a lot. I think it's one of the few instances where I took my time to shape and refine human anatomy through careful study. In the beginning, there were a few proportional problems, e.g. his fingers were too long; I somewhat gave him ET fingers, but thankfully I noticed that before I went too far. The other thing I learnt is how to paint feet submerged in water. The kingfishers were the fun part and, quite frankly, my favourite aspects of the painting.

Next up is Cailleach, the matriarch of Scotland. Then all commissions will come to a close. I'm not going to accept anymore for November as I would love to resume my own projects. I have paintings which I started a year again that have been neglected. So, I'd like to finish them before the end of the year. Therefore, expect more folklore, gods and landscape paintings within the forthcoming months. Stay tuned! 😁

You can purchase Father Rhine here.

You can read more on Father Rhine here.


Website (store)

Folk Wisdom & Ways

19 Oct, 15:58

”Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”

- Gustav Mahler

Folk Wisdom & Ways

18 Oct, 22:10

Happy Hunter's Moon and Elvesblót! On this day, October's Full Moon, we honor the Gods, Goddesses and our ancestors. I hope you all have a great night!🧡🌾💀💫

Folk Wisdom & Ways

18 Oct, 22:10

“When a culture decays it is reflected most vividly in its architecture.”

Folk Wisdom & Ways

18 Oct, 22:10

“We demand a decisive, unconditional, and complete return to the Nordic-pagan tradition. We reject all compromises, weaknesses, and indulgence towards anything stemming from the Semitic-Christian root that has contaminated our blood and intellect"
— Evola, Pagan Imperialism