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Tafelrundereloaded Telegram Channel (German)

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21 Nov, 06:17

"Never, ever again."
Kevin Foote


20 Nov, 20:31

The Russian invasion of India

In 1801, Emperor Paul of Russia, anticipating a British attack on his allies, preemptively ordered an invasion of British India. The execution of this enterprise was entrusted to the Ataman of the Don Cossacks, Vassily Orlov.

The emperor wrote to Orlov on January 13, 1801, "Dear Vassily Ivanovitch, enclosed please find a new and exact map of India. Remember that your business is to fight the English only. Make peace with all those who do not support the British. Be friendly with outnumbered nations. Tell them about Russian friendship and proceed further from the Indus to the river Ganges. On the way, set up Bukhara and protect it from China. In Heeva, release some thousand Russian prisoners. If you need infantry, I can send it after your army, but it would be better if you can manage without it. Your blissful, Paul." On February 7, 1801, he added, "Dear Vassily Ivanovitch, please find enclosed the new route-march map (Landcarte) which I could find for you. It will contribute significantly to those you already have. The expedition is very important; the sooner you start, the better it will be. Your blissful, Paul. P.S. However, I do not insist upon this itinerary, and you are free to choose your own route." The invasion had the support of Emperor Napoleon I of France.

By March 1, 1801, General Orlov had assembled an invasion force of 40 regiments, including two companies of horse artillery (21,651 mounted Cossacks, 44,550 horses, and 24 artillery guns), and began to march, covering 30 to 40 km per day, which accelerated to 40 to 50 km per day. In three weeks, the Cossack advance guard covered a distance of 700 km without any losses.

The invasion was then terminated: in early March, Emperor Paul I, hated by liberals and Freemasons, was murdered in his bedroom.

1. Puntusova, G. (2024). The Failed Franco-Russian Expedition to India 1801. Part II: The Cossack’s Campaign Starts. [online] History-gatchina.ru. Available at: http://history-gatchina.ru/paul/india/india7.htm
2. www.holy-transfiguration.org. (2004). Tsar-Martyr Paul I (250th anniversary of his birthday). [online] Available at: http://www.holy-transfiguration.org/library_en/royal_paul.html.


20 Nov, 18:27



20 Nov, 18:22



20 Nov, 17:26

BREAKING: Texas offers Trump massive plot (more than 1,400 acres) of land to aid mass deportation operation - Fox News


20 Nov, 17:19

Zach Zdrale


20 Nov, 17:17

"Cats and Flowers," 1890

Austrian artist (Carl Reichert, 1836 - 1918)


20 Nov, 10:38

#bee 🐝


19 Nov, 16:21

The 'Interdimensional Hypothesis' theory promoted by Jacques Vallee, and a wide array of UFO Disclosure voices in our present day is based on a construct of words that are shaped by a model of the universe premised upon the standard model of quantum mechanics that has as its root foundation in the Copenhagen School of Niels Bohr and his disciples of probability theorists (none of whom ever discovered any principles of science but liked making descriptive models alot).

The entire school is based upon a radical rejection of any assumed reality and an acceptance of fundamental notions of matter, space and time codified and developed by the Rosicrucian invisible society which Sir Isaac Newton had been a member earlier and which founded the British Royal Society. The opposing tradition of science and culture which actually caused creative discoveries was sabotaged by this sect masquerading as 'scientists' the big coup in science which propelled the Bohr statisticians into the position of the new priesthood (which established the basis of the new era of secret science programs leading up to WW2) NEVER made discoveries, and again, totally rejected the possibility of ontological truth. These characters created a model based entirely on statistical probability theory (ie: the science of maybes), in order to try to describe atomic behaviour on the small and galactic behavior on the large in space and time... which also demanded that the Big Bang be assumed to exist as a consequence of a naive reading of red shift. Which itself then demanded a Gnostic-manichean universe be assumed to exist where all opposites (fast-slow, light-dark, positive-neg) be united under the causality of non-existence. In this construct which also then had to create an explanation for how everything could be created from nothingness in a point mass assumed to exist 13.7 billion years ago, other mathematical entities labelled 'dimensions' had to be created to justify the existence of the things that slammed into each other in our 'dimension' to blow up into big bang. There is no truth in these models, it is all superstitious ideology to bring in an acceptance of the same old Gnostic cosmology of Simon the Magician, Valentian, the Sethians etc that presumed the universe had a variety of other planes of existence where demons and light beings interfaced with humans via rituals and sick rites of initiation. That was always the point.

In order to avoid falling into the traps set to convince you that interdimensional entities have been screwing with humanity (sometimes as aliens and other times as demons etc) which is part of a broader creation of a new world occult religion promoted by the likes of Tucker Carlson, Robert Malone, Jacques Vallee, Laurence Rockefeller, Christopher Mellon etc etc, I suggest folks dig into some real science fast https://risingtidefoundation.net/2022/11/29/the-pythagorean-revival-needed-to-overthrow-todays-standard-model-priesthood/


19 Nov, 15:55

Japanese tea bowl It is decorated with thermochromic pigment ink. When exposed to boiling water, the sakura on the bottom blooms.


19 Nov, 15:52



19 Nov, 15:35



19 Nov, 11:42

What a week😔


19 Nov, 06:05

🤣😆🤣🤣😆 honey, nobody want to touch your Clit 🤷


19 Nov, 06:02

"Dreaming," 1800

Fyodor Chumakov


19 Nov, 05:59

The world's biggest torch.


19 Nov, 05:09

The Happy Warrior.
- George Frederick Watts (English Symbolist painter, 1817-1904)


19 Nov, 05:06

This is a German map from 1920 showing "Deutsche auf der Erde" (basically, Germans throughout the world), with 9,000,000 German-Americans or (then) 8.5% of the total population of the US.

According to the US Census Bureau, as of 2022 there are about 41 million German-Americans or roughly 12% of the American population. German-Americans make up about one third of the people of German ancestry world-wide.


19 Nov, 01:25

UPDATE - Another undersea cable between Lithuania and Sweden has been damaged — Telia




19 Nov, 01:25

NEW - German army is preparing companies for potential war.




18 Nov, 23:13



15 Nov, 05:19

- Babs Webb (American dark fantasy artist)


14 Nov, 18:01


Use this post like a chat

If you from phone and can't connect - just try reconnect. It's mobile app issue.


14 Nov, 17:54

Nobady recognize it.. 🥴🐸😄


14 Nov, 17:51

"Lady Godiva."
Jules Joseph Lefebvre, 1891.


14 Nov, 17:40

Le being put on a trial for being based has arrived.


14 Nov, 17:04

"Death as General" by Edgar Bundy (1911).


10 Nov, 05:28

Shaun Tan


10 Nov, 04:31

"Monks in the courtyard of a monastery by the sea", 1856

Franz Ludwig Katel


10 Nov, 04:15

Ivan Aivazovsky


10 Nov, 04:02

"Mirror in the Bedroom"

Adolphe Weisz (1838 - 1900).


10 Nov, 03:40

"Fallen Leaves," 1929.

Russian artist: Brodsky Isaac Israelievich (1883 - 1939)


05 Nov, 05:47

Hilarious illustrations of He-Man's daily life with his fighting cat by Ed Harrington


05 Nov, 05:39

Clearly demonstrated Newton's 3rd law 😂


05 Nov, 05:01

Link … CouchLoc
Link … CouchLoc Chat


05 Nov, 05:00

"Girl with Parrot," 1872.

Belgian artist: Frédéric-Pierre Chaggeny (1851 - 1921)


01 Nov, 17:20

The three rabbits therefore represent a comforting symbol. Some things are more than they seem, some things are still hidden.

And just as the three window rabbits can only be recognized in the light of the sun, and the moon only reveals its fullness when it is fully turned towards the sun, this also applies to the church as a community of believers. The world can only be illuminated when it is turned towards God. And if darkness prevails, our image gives hope: the sun is not gone just because we currently only recognize the dark side of the moon. The second ear is there, it just depends on the angle of view. It is also up to the viewer what they want to see: the dark side or the hope of more light.


01 Nov, 17:16

The hare as a symbol of the Trinity. The hare is only mentioned in the Bible in Moses' laws on unclean animals, which the Israelites were not allowed to eat, and yet it appears as a symbol of God in pictorial representations of medieval art. It is hardly ever missing from a picture of creation and in the grouping of three, as in the famous window in Paderborn and in many other places, it even becomes a sign of the Trinity, the divine Trinity, which watches at all times, sees everything and hears everything.

The three-rabbit window as a symbol of light. When looking at the “three-rabbit window”, the focus should not only be on the animal as such, but also on its ears or “spoons”. Each rabbit has two ears, and yet together there are only three. Or each hare's own ear also belongs to a colleague. Art researchers today agree that it was originally a symbol of light, a lunar symbol of the circular movement of the moon, which is sometimes fully visible, sometimes only half visible and sometimes not visible at all.


01 Nov, 17:10

Depictions of hares can be found in: Sinai Monastery (6th century, Emperor Justinian, dedicated to St. Catherine), e.g. on the door of the desert monastery. In the High Middle Ages, the hares also served Christian numerical mysticism by symbolizing the unity of the trinity. (Three hares leaping around in a circle). The hare leaping to the right is the more original in terms of symbolism.

Other three-rabbit motifs can be seen in Münster Cathedral in Westphalia under the vault of St. John's Choir (1250), in Hardehausen Monastery in the Eggegebirge mountains, not far from Paderborn, on the Riehen estate between Basel and Lörrach, as part of a wrought-iron grille.

The “Three Hares” can also be found in four other places, at the church in Lauenen near Gstaad, in the Bernese Oberland (painted in 1529), in the Muothal monastery near Schwyz, the “Three Hares” in a circle in Luceuil les Bains (France) in the Palais du Cardinal (late Gothic), in the Great Church of the Holy Trinity in Long Melford, England.


01 Nov, 17:07

It is not easy to find and is actually quite inconspicuous: the 16th century Three Rabbits Window in the late Gothic cloister of Paderborn Cathedral, the namesake of our local circle.

Over the centuries, it has indeed become a landmark of the city of Paderborn. But what does this window mean, what is the symbolism behind this depiction of three rabbits?

We can find a good explanation on the website of the city of Paderborn, which is mainly based on the work “Three Hares” by Dr. Günter Heinemann. The following are excerpts from the website of the city of Paderborn:

Even in Roman times, the depiction of hares was popular, as can be seen by taking a walk through the Landesmuseum in Trier. There are often depictions of hares in the museum. For example, the portrait of a hare could be seen there on a pedestal stone made of Jurassic limestone from the first century AD. Numerous Roman oil lamps are depicted in the shape of hares. The speed and alertness of hares must have meant something divine to the ancients, and this is continued in Christian symbolism.


01 Nov, 17:02

The Paderborn “three hares motif” originated at the beginning of the 16th century. It is unique in Germany because the focus of its depiction is not the hares themselves, but their miraculous ears. It is therefore no wonder that the three hopping hares from the cathedral city adorn a wide variety of objects of Paderborn provenance. Even a carnival club from Paderborn has named itself after the famous three hares.


01 Nov, 17:01

One of Paderborn's landmarks is the famous three-rabbit window in the late Gothic cloister of the cathedral. The saying “The hare and the spoon three and yet each hare has two” refers to the special feature of this depiction: each hare has two ears, and yet only three ears are depicted.

In keeping with Easter, our “Exhibit of the Quarter” series is currently showing a selection of objects from the museum's depot with the Paderborn “three-rabbit motif”.

The hare is an ancient symbol of fertility. In Christian art, it symbolizes the resurrection of Christ and is thus associated with Easter and its customs. In the group of three, the hares often stand for the eternal cosmic cycle, constantly recurring life and the Trinity of God.


01 Nov, 16:43

"Spring Star Scattering," 1927.

American artist: Edwin Howland Blashfield (1848 - 1936)


26 Oct, 04:30

Peter Alexandrovich Sukhodolsky (1835-1903).

"Kosari. Evening rest."


26 Oct, 03:21

Faggot Trump literally bragging about saving Hillary from jail


26 Oct, 03:07

Optimal packing of Switzerland in Brazil.



25 Oct, 21:57

There is no more perfect Halloween costume for a girl.


25 Oct, 20:53

Elizabeth F. Loftus - False Memories


25 Oct, 20:53



25 Oct, 16:24

'Midsummer's Eve' by Harald Slott-Møller (1904)


25 Oct, 11:17

JUST IN - Google urged to step up efforts to demonetize climate falsehoods

READ: https://t.co/TBTFHrNBhb


22 Oct, 17:53



22 Oct, 17:50

Doll with Kitchen Set, 1870


22 Oct, 17:50

Christian Seybold  (1695–1768)
Portrait of an Old Woman with a Green Scarf
1768 Oil on copper
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister institution Dresden , Germany


22 Oct, 17:48

Franz Liszt - Liebesträum No. 3


22 Oct, 17:47

Franz Liszt with students in Weimar on his 73rd birthday: 22 Oct 1884.

Franz Liszt (22 October 1811 – 31 July 1886) was a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor and teacher of the Romantic period. With a diverse body of work spanning more than six decades, he is considered to be one of the most prolific and influential composers of his era, and his piano works continue to be widely performed and recorded.


22 Oct, 16:43



22 Oct, 16:27

BREAKING - Ex-CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch and his British partner arrested in US on sex-trafficking charges - BBC


22 Oct, 16:27

BREAKING NEWS - Ex-Abercrombie CEO charged with sex trafficking, US prosecutor says

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/ex-abercrombie-ceo-charged-with-sex-trafficking-us-prosecutor/

Get the scoop first! Follow Insider Breaking News https://t.me/+6xC-vsqc6UZkYzQ0


22 Oct, 16:27

BREAKING - IMF warns China's property market woes 'could worsen'

READ: https://t.co/B27eXh4rsa

Get the scoop first! Follow Insider Breaking News https://t.me/+6xC-vsqc6UZkYzQ0


22 Oct, 16:24

Yes mi know.. 😌🐸😄


22 Oct, 16:19

Gotta stay clean