Fawā'id | فوائد


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Fawā'id | فوائد

05 Apr, 16:52

Imam Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (رحمه الله) said:

“A person should enjoin what is good even if they do not do it themselves, and they should forbid what is evil even if they do it themselves.”

📚Tafsir Surah Al-Mai’dah (2/242)

Fawā'id | فوائد

03 Apr, 20:44

The Legislated Acts of Worship on Laylatul Qadr

Fawā'id | فوائد

18 Mar, 22:11

A playlist with almost 150 Questions and Answers to issues relating to Ramaḍān

Answered by Shaykh ʿAzīz Farḥān al-ʿAnzī حفظه الله

I highly encourage everyone to go through this playlist so that we gain knowledge of the Sunnah of the Nabī ﷺ and it's fiqh, and likewise share with your friends and family to spread the khayr.
بارك الله فيكم


Fawā'id | فوائد

16 Mar, 06:32


With great sadness, Allamah Shaykh Abdullah Al Qusair ‌‎رحمه الله has passed away. Another great loss for the Ummah! We ask Allāh ‎ﷻ to forgive him and grant him the highest of stations in Jannah.

'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'As (May Allah be pleased with them) reported:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saying: "Verily, Allah does not take away knowledge by snatching it from the people, but He takes it away by taking away (the lives of) the religious scholars till none of the scholars stays alive. Then the people will take ignorant ones as their leaders, who, when asked to deliver religious verdicts, will issue them without knowledge, the result being that they will go astray and will lead others astray."

[Al- Bukhari and Muslim].

Fawā'id | فوائد

10 Mar, 17:31

🌙 Some Rulings related to the Month of Ramadan 🌙

🍃Entering the Month of Ramadan - Sheikh Salih Al-Luhaidan
🍃Welcoming Ramadhan - Sheikh Ibn Baz
🍃Virtues of Ramadan - Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
🍃Fasting Ramadan out of Faith and While Seeking its Rewards - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
🍃Admonition for the ones who reach Ramadhan - Sheikh AbdurRazzaq Al-Badr
🍃Those With the Greatest Rewards in Ramadan - Sheikh AbdurRazzaq Al-Badr
🍃These people did not benefit from Ramadan! - Sheikh Salih Al Fawzan
🍃Ramadan the Month of Repentance - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
🍃When Should You Intend to Fast? - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
🍃Decorating One’s Home For Welcoming Ramadan - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
🍃Ruling on Conveying Greetings upon Entering Ramadhan - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
🍃Should Muslims in France fast with Saudi Arabia, or Algeria, or Morocco? – Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
🍃Ruling on the One Who Fasts but Doesn’t Pray – Sheikh Salim Al-Tawil
🍃Reciting the Qur’ān in the Month of Ramadan – Sheikh Salih Al-Luhaidan
🍃Falling Short of One's Schedule in Ramadhan - Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Tahiri
🍃The Sunnah of day and Night in Ramadan - Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Tahiri
🍃Are Sins Multiplied In Ramaḍān? - Sheikh Ibn Baz
🍃What is Better to do in Ramaḍān, Memorising the Qurʾān or Reciting It - Sheikh Ibn Baz
🍃The Ruling of Eating and Drinking During the Adhān of Fajr in Ramaḍān - Sheikh Ibn Baz
🍃Eat & Drink Until The Fajr Adhān - Sheikh Al-Albānī
🍃Providing Food is not Limited to the Time of Ifṭār Alone - Sheikh Sulaymān Ar-Ruḥaylī
🍃Is Punishment Reduced for the One Who Passes Away in Ramaḍān? Sheikh Al-Albani
🍃What Should a Woman do if She has Many Years of Fasting to Make up for? - Sheikh Al-Albānī
🍃Ruling of the Woman Who Got Menses After Sunset in Ramaḍān - Sheikh Ibn Baz
🍃Ruling on Using Pills to Prevent Menstruation in Ramaḍān - Sheikh Ibn Baz
🍃Don't Abandon Night Prayer After Ramadān - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn

Last Ten of Ramadan and Laylatul Qadr

🍃Are Acts of Worship Multiplied During the Last Ten Nights of Ramadan? - Sheikh Muhammad Hisham
🍃What Does a Woman Do of She Gets Her Monthly Cycle During the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan? - Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Tahiri
🍃The Best Deeds in the Last 10 of Ramadan - Sheikh AbdusSalam Ash-Shuwayr
🍃The Strongest View Regarding the Occurrence of Laylatul Qadr – Sheikh Salih Al-Luhaidan
🍃The Legislated Acts of Worship on Laylatul Qadr – Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
🍃Mistakes People Make in Laylatul Qadr – Sheikh Salih Al-Usaymi

Making up Missed Fasts and Shawwal

🍃Is it permissible to combine the missed days of Ramadan & the six days of Shawwal with the same intention? - Sheikh Al-Albani
🍃Fasting 6 Days of Shawwal Before Making up Ramadan? – Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Tahiri
🍃Fasting 6 days of Shawwal - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
🍃Fasting Six Days of Shawwal – Sheikh Salih Al-Luhaidan
🍃Voluntary Acts Benefit the One Who had Left off Obligatory Acts Intentionally - Sheikh Al-Albānī
🍃Reward of Fasting a Year - Sheikh Ibn Baz
🍃Ruling of Fasting the Six Days of Shawwāl Before the Qaḍāʾ of Ramaḍān - Sheikh Ibn Baz

Rulings related to Eid

🍃Legislated Sunnah of Eid Al-Fitr - Sheikh Al-Albani
🍃Eid Prayer for Women – Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
🍃The Ruling of Fasting on Eid Believing it is a Day of Ramadān - Sheikh Al-Albānī
🍃When is the time for giving Zakat Al-Fitr? – Sheikh Haytham Sarhan
🍃Ruling on the Payment of Zakātul-Fitr in the Form of Cash - Sheikh Ibn Bāz
🍃Ruling on Offering Jumuʿah Prayer When Coinciding With The Day of ʿEid - Sheikh Ibn Baz
🍃Specifying the Day of Eid for Visiting Graves - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan

Fawā'id | فوائد

12 Jan, 15:54

‎⁦ twitter.com/solyman24/stat… ⁩

‎Shaykh Sulaymān Ar-Ruḥaylī حفظه الله:

‎To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

‎My brother, the humble and virtuous Salafī scholar, Shaykh Dr. Muḥammad bin Abd al-Wahhāb Al-ʿAqīl, has passed away.

‎I ask Allāh to forgive him, to have mercy on him, to expand his entrance, to grant him bliss in his grave, and to unite us with him in the highest paradise.

‎(I also ask Allāh) to magnify the reward of all of his family and the reward of students of knowledge in particular and the Ummah in general.

‎O Allāh, forgive us and all our scholars and brothers who came before us, and do not test us after them. And make us callers to monotheism and the Sunnah and make us propagators of beneficial knowledge as long as You keep us alive.

Fawā'id | فوائد

26 Dec, 23:14

Sh. Al-Fawzan Makes Dua Against Everyone Who Seeks Harm For The Muslims And Everyone Who Caused The Destruction Of Their Homes

Fawā'id | فوائد

23 Dec, 20:16

Congratulating For Christmas | Shaykh Umar al-Umar حفظه الله

Fawā'id | فوائد

29 Nov, 23:17

Why was ʿUthmān (رضي الله عنه) killed?
Shaykh Sulaymān al-Ruḥaylī حفظه الله

Video has English subtitles

Fawā'id | فوائد

14 Oct, 23:23

The Muslim Response to what is Happening in Palestine- live now


Fawā'id | فوائد

06 Sep, 20:26

“Don’t Listen to the Wahhabis!”

Fawā'id | فوائد

26 Jul, 23:10

🍃 Benefits from the Explanation of Fadlul islām (Virtue of Islām) - Imām Ibn Bāz 🍃

1/ What is the obligation upon the mukallafeen (those who are sane and have attained puberty) in Islam?
2/ The meaning of being steadfast
3/ What is Islam and what are its pillars?
4/ The reward of the one who dies upon Islam
5/ The Obligation Towards the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ
6/ How should the da’wā (call) of Islam be?
7/ Meaning of the Call of Jahiliyyah
8/ The obligation of entering into Islam completely and abandoning everything else
9/ The Reward of the One Who Follows the Sahabah and Remains Steadfast Upon the Religion
10/ Are Innovations Major Sins?
11/ Do Innovations Fall Under The Will of Allāh?
12/ The Reward of the One Who Sets a Good Example in Islam
13/ The Ruling of the One Who Praises the People of Bidʿah
14/ The Dangers of Innovations
15/ Allāh Withholds Every Innovator from Repenting
16/ The Prohibition of Burdening Oneself and Extremism (In The Religion)
17/ Will the Fāsiq and the Innovators Arrive at the Ḥawd (The Lake on the day of Judgement)?
18/ Are the Rāfiḍāh from the 72 Sects in the Fire?
19/ The Difference in Ruling Between the Ignorant and the Knowledgeable
20/ The 72 Sects
21/ The Recompense of the One Who Wishes to be Distant From the Prophet ﷺ?
22/ The Virtue of The Strangers
23/ Advice is with the statements of Allah ﷻ and the Prophet ﷺ

Fawā'id | فوائد

12 Jul, 16:37

🔴New schedule effective immediately

Fawā'id | فوائد

08 Jul, 17:53

How to Get the Reward of Hajj if You Cannot Go

Fawā'id | فوائد

26 Jun, 16:41

Dua on the Day of Arafah | Shaykh AbdulRazzaq Al-Badr

Fawā'id | فوائد

26 Jun, 15:55

A Day in Which the Servants Are Freed From the Fire in Abundance

On the authority of ‘Aisha رضي الله عنها who said that the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: "There is no day in which Allāh sets free more slaves from the Hell-Fire than [He does] on the Day of ‘Arafah."

● [صحيح مسلم ٣٢٧٥]

Shaykh Ibn Bāz رحمه الله said: "So the day of 'Arafah is a great day. There is not a day in this world where Allāh emancipates (persons) from the fire like the day of 'Arafah. So it is necessary to make a lot du'ā and exert one's self in making du'ā and frequently (saying) 'Lā Ilāha ill-Allāh since it is a du'ā."

● [فتاوى نور على الدرب ٣٩٩/١٧]

Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī Raḥimahullāh said: “…And the day of ‘Arafah is a day of being freed from the Fire, and so within it Allaah frees from the Fire the one who stands at ‘Arafah, as well as he who did not stand therein from the Muslims, from the people of the varying lands.

So due to that, the day which follows it became a day of ‘Eid for all of the Muslims in all of their regions – those who witnessed the season (of Ḥajj) from amongst them as well as those that did not witness it, due to their partaking in being freed and attaining forgiveness on the day of ‘Arafah.”

● [لطائف المعارف ص ٣٧٠]