Exit Exam 2023 computer science, information technology and soft were technology student @exitexinformationandcomputer2023 Channel on Telegram

Exit Exam 2023 computer science, information technology and soft were technology student


2023 Only IT, CS &softwere Student Involv this Channal and sharing exit examination material but unnecessary act are restricted any one do this is automatically will be removed from the Channal
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Exit Exam 2023 computer science, information technology and soft were technology student (English)

Are you a student preparing for the Exit Exam in 2023 in the fields of computer science, information technology, and software engineering? Look no further! Join our Telegram channel @exitexinformationandcomputer2023 for all the study materials and resources you need to ace your exams. This channel is exclusively for students specializing in IT, CS, and software, ensuring that the content shared is tailored to your academic needs. You can find past exam papers, revision notes, practice quizzes, and more to help you succeed.

We value a supportive and focused learning environment, so we kindly remind all members to refrain from engaging in unnecessary activities that do not contribute to the channel's academic goals. Any individual found violating this rule will be promptly removed from the channel to maintain the quality of information shared.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to our team at @tiediyo24. Join us today and embark on your journey to acing the 2023 Exit Exam with confidence!

Exit Exam 2023 computer science, information technology and soft were technology student

20 Aug, 02:55


በዚህ ቪድዬ ችግርዎን ይፍቱ

የስልክዎ ስቶሬጅ(internal storage) እየሞላ ወይንም ቢዚ እየሆነ ተረብሸዋል? እንግዳውስ መፈትሄው በጃችሁ ነው።

Exit Exam 2023 computer science, information technology and soft were technology student

08 May, 23:23

Hii endiet nachu ykrta tetefafan exam zgjit endet new

Exit Exam 2023 computer science, information technology and soft were technology student

03 Mar, 02:57


ዛሬ ከመሸ እንደተለመደው አንድ የአፋልጉኝ መልዕክት ተላከልኝ:-

"ይህ ወንድማችን ሚኪያስ ተስፋዬ ይባላል!ትላንት የካቲት22 ራይድ በሚሰራበት ኮሮላ መኪናው ሰዎችን ቦሌ አየርማረፊያ አደርሳለሁ ብሎ ከቢሾፍቱ ከተማ ወጥቶ እስካሁን የት እንዳለ አልታወቀም!ወደ ቤትም አልተመለሰም!እባካችሁ አፋልጉን"አሉን!

ከደቂቃዎች በፊት የተፈጠረውን ነገር መረጃ ጠይቀን ወደ እናንተ ለማድረስ እየተዘጋጀን ሳለ "በቃ ተወው ሚኪያስ ሞቶ ተገኝቷል"አሉን"

"ምን ሆኖ ነው ምን ገጠመው?"ብዬ ጓደኛውን ስጠይቅ "ያው መኪና ለመስረቅ ብለው ነው"አለኝ!ይህ ታታሪ ወጣት ገድለውት አስክሬኑ ገላን መንገድ ላይ አገኙት"

©ሄኖክ ፍቃዱ

ለጥቆማ 👉 @atc_newsbot
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Exit Exam 2023 computer science, information technology and soft were technology student

29 Feb, 08:53

IT 2016 model new👆👆👆add and share enadrg linku lalderesew enadrs