منابع مورد استفاده در دوره:
جلسه اول: Analysis of Knowledge
- Andrew Cullison, "The Continuum Companion to Epistemology: A Brief Historical Overview and Some Puzzles about Methodology" 1-18
-Ichikawa and Steup, “The Analysis of Knowledge
جلسه دوم: The Gettier Problem
- Ichikawa and Steup, “The Analysis of Knowledge,”
-Gettier, "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?".
-Goldman, "A Causal Theory of Knowing".
-Clark, “Knowledge and grounds,”
جلسه سوم: Foundationalism & Coherentism
- Bonjour, "Can Empirical Knowledge Have a Foundation?"'
- Bonjour, "The Coherence Theory of Empirical Knowledge"
-Fumerton, “Foundationalist Theories of Epistemic Justification,
- Olsson, “Coherentist Theories of Epistemic Justification,”
جلسه چهارم: Skepticism
- Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy, Meditation 1, Sections 1-8.
- Moore, ‘Proof of an External World’.
- Stroud, "The Problem of the External World
جلسه پنجم: The Sources of Knowledge
- Russell, The Problems of Philosophy, Chapters 1 and 2;
- Tim Crane and Craig French, "The Problem of Perception"
- Nick Leonard, "Epistemological Problems of
جلسه ششم:
- Richard Feldman "Epistemology and ethics"
- Goldman, “Experts: which ones should you trust?,”
کتاب های مقدماتی:
-محسن زمانی "آشنایی با معرفت شناسی"
-نوح لموس "درآمدی بر نظریه های معرفت"
- Jack S. Crumley II, "An Introduction to Epistemology" (2009)
- Duncan Pritchard, "What is this thing called Knowledge?" (2023)
-Richard Feldman "Epistemology" (2002)