ڕۆشنایی سوننەت Roshnai Sunat is a Telegram channel dedicated to spreading positivity and inspiration through quotes in the Kurdish language. With a focus on uplifting messages and motivational words, this channel aims to brighten the day of its subscribers and encourage them to live their best lives. Whether you're looking for a daily dose of motivation or simply want to start your day on a positive note, ڕۆشنایی سوننەت Roshnai Sunat has you covered. The channel's quotes cover a wide range of topics, including love, success, happiness, and personal growth. So, if you're in need of some words of wisdom or a little pick-me-up, be sure to join ڕۆشنایی سوننەت Roshnai Sunat on Telegram today!
13 Feb, 14:31
16 Jan, 16:44
27 Dec, 12:56
04 Nov, 14:51
09 Oct, 20:21
16 Sep, 16:26
16 Sep, 06:10
14 Sep, 20:41
01 Sep, 18:57
01 Sep, 16:51
24 Aug, 12:39
18 Aug, 10:24
16 Aug, 15:58
06 Aug, 14:59
29 Jul, 10:04
28 Jul, 20:20